View Full Version : Undead Bane Oils

01-24-2017, 01:28 PM
Have a few of these vials for sale:

4 leather-bound vials of ivory oil, 5 doses per vial, vacuum flares: 600k SOLD

6 leather-bound vial of amber oil,, 5 doses per vial, impact flares: 750k

9 silver-caged vial of sable oil, 5 doses per vial, heavy crit weighting: 1.25m

Information on how the oil works:

Each dose of the flaring oils will last for 30 strikes before being used up, and the flares will occur with the same frequency as normal flares. Doses of weighting and padding will last for 10 strikes. When the oil is applied to weapons, a strike refers to that weapon hitting a creature or person. In the case of armor, a strike refers to the wearer being struck by something else.

Weapons with the oil will be able to hit undead without a bless, but a bless will extend the number of strikes a weapon can have before the oil is exhausted. Naturally holy (sanctified) items will increase the strikes to 75 for flares and 25 for weighting/padding. Items with a holy water bless, such as those obtained from a cleric with over 40 ranks in cleric spells, will see 60 strikes for flares and 20 for weighting/padding. Normal blesses will have 45 for flares and 15 for weighting/padding. Purifying the weapon before the bless will extend the number of hits by another 50% before the oil application fades.

01-27-2017, 12:29 PM
was this purifying test done by a paladin with lores enough to grant the full +100% bonus? or from a scroll with no lores taken in to account?

01-27-2017, 02:04 PM
I'll take the ivory oils for 600k

01-27-2017, 04:14 PM
was this purifying test done by a paladin with lores enough to grant the full +100% bonus? or from a scroll with no lores taken in to account?

The "information on how the oil works" is a copy paste from the sign in the shop where they were sold. I presume that's what you were referring to, and I'm unaware of any testing to verify what the merchant's sign said.

01-27-2017, 04:43 PM
Fyi, these oils work with arrows placed in a dupe quiver.
Charges don't wear off either in the dupe quiver, so you essentially get a permablessed arrow.

02-01-2017, 06:40 PM

02-01-2017, 07:29 PM
Anyone who has used the flaring oils - does only about 6 total flares out of each application on average (without the bonuses from sanctification, etc.) sound right?

The expected average of 6 flares per application comes from applying the flare rate of about 20% to the 30 hits from the sign (20% of 30 = 6).