View Full Version : cheap low-mid weapons

01-20-2017, 03:01 PM
Hello all. Cleaning out the locker, the following weapons should be fairly priced but if you see an item sitting for a while.. throw me an offer. Drop me a PM if you have questions. Thanks!

W1) a golvern morning star: 5x -- SOLD

W2) pulled

W3) pulled

W4) some dark vaalorn-tipped boots: UAC, 4x, void flares, Available Actions: WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, and TAP. -- 300k SOLD pending pickup

W5) a twisted white ridgemace: 4x, unlocked "smart weapon" -- Available Actions: RUB, PULL, TILT, and KNOCK. -- 100k SOLD pending pickup

W6) a twisted white ridgemace: 4x, unlocked "smart weapon" -- Available Actions: RUB, PULL, TILT, and KNOCK. -- 100k SOLD pending pickup

W7) a darkened rolaren parrying dagger mottled with red: main gauche, 5x, -- SOLD

W8) a jagged vultite kris embedded with a shard of blistered black bone: short sword, 4x, fire flares, enhansive for those trained in TWC -- SOLD

W9) an angular drakar-headed maul with a dark ironwood haft: 4x, fire flares --SOLD

W10) pulled

W11) a superior maoral-hafted eonake maul: 4x, sanctified, +2 AvD, +4% DF -- 100k SOLD pending pickup

Silky Fyne
01-20-2017, 04:47 PM
i'll take W1 and W9! thanks

01-20-2017, 05:12 PM
I'll take 11.

01-20-2017, 05:32 PM
pardon my ignorance, but, what is a 'smart weapon?'

01-20-2017, 05:34 PM
pardon my ignorance, but, what is a 'smart weapon?'

If I recall, it does some ambient stuff and attunes to the person using it.

01-20-2017, 07:54 PM
I'll take 7 and 8

01-20-2017, 10:04 PM
I'll take 4,5, 6.