View Full Version : @wyrom -- issues attempting to move from one Voln to the other

01-08-2017, 09:31 PM
I submitted a bug report for this. I began in Voln in TV and wanted to transition to RR to hunt. When I was able to step, I was in WL at the time and it said I needed to go to TV to complete my task. I went ahead and did that. I hadn't attempted to start the next task but upon completion it gave me the go now and continue your work. I went to RR and got my step and chronoed to WL and it gave me the same message. I am hoping I am not permastuck doing TV voln as at my level the RR area is much more beneficial and I am not trying to unload on chronomages since RR to WL is free when my task is complete.

01-08-2017, 09:33 PM
I should note I submitted a bug report.

01-09-2017, 11:48 AM
I transitioned from Landing to the Elven Nations without any trouble at all. I was halfway through, I guess. The new monks didn't seem to care that I had been working on the steps somewhere else. I had already completed whatever the task assignment was, though.

This was ... spring of 2015

01-09-2017, 12:09 PM
If you start the "Task" in Ta'vaalor you have to finish the "Task" in TV.

Once you complete a task and start towards your next rank, you can move towns.

Post logs.

01-09-2017, 12:26 PM
If you start the "Task" in Ta'vaalor you have to finish the "Task" in TV.

Once you complete a task and start towards your next rank, you can move towns. No bug here.

You apparently didn't read what he put. He did complete the task in TV. He didn't have a task when he moved towns.

01-09-2017, 12:29 PM
You apparently didn't read what he put. He did complete the task in TV. He didn't have a task when he moved towns.

I did read it. Did you?

When I was able to step, I was in WL at the time and it said I needed to go to TV to complete my task.

He started a task, it told him he needed to go back to TV to complete it.

I'm guessing he started a task without realizing it.

01-09-2017, 12:49 PM
I did read it. Did you?

He started a task, it told him he needed to go back to TV to complete it.

I'm guessing he started a task without realizing it.

.... I went ahead and did that. I hadn't attempted to start the next task but upon completion it gave me the go now and continue your work. I went to RR and got my step and chronoed to WL and it gave me the same message.

Yes, I read the entire thing, not tiny bits. Don't be dense.

01-09-2017, 01:26 PM
.... I went ahead and did that. I hadn't attempted to start the next task but upon completion it gave me the go now and continue your work. I went to RR and got my step and chronoed to WL and it gave me the same message.

Yes, I read the entire thing, not tiny bits. Don't be dense.

But if I wasn't dense you wouldn't have the opportunity to prove what a jerk you can be.

Without logs, I'm going to go with what I said. He's starting the task without realizing it.

01-09-2017, 01:29 PM
But if I wasn't dense you wouldn't have the opportunity to prove what a jerk you can be.

Without logs, I'm going to go with what I said. He's starting the task without realizing it.

He wasn't asking you, or me, or anyone else. This was to Wyrom. Nothing you're doing here is being helpful to anyone, except showing how much of a drama queen you like to be. Last post on this matter.

01-09-2017, 01:38 PM
He wasn't asking you, or me, or anyone else. This was to Wyrom. Nothing you're doing here is being helpful to anyone, except showing how much of a drama queen you like to be. Last post on this matter.

People claim there are bugs all the time when there aren't.

I've started voln in TV and switched to the landing. I'm sure others have as well.

Geijon Khyree
01-09-2017, 03:14 PM
If the right answer was given then I dont think Wyrom has to expressly answer him. It sounds unresolved and bugged properly if that is the case.

01-09-2017, 03:47 PM
so lets see if this fixes it. I think voln bugged out on me. I got my third step, started the requirements to complete my third step to drop the rose by the marker. Went to do it, and it wasn't give me the message. Went back to voln and it blocked me and instantly gave me symbol of blessing again. I then went to the third step and it restarted it. Super weird since I had already gotten symbol of blessing but I am going to see if now it "fixed" itself. Also they may done something behind the scenes to fix it and I don't know about it

01-09-2017, 06:24 PM
This is something you'll want a GM to investigate in game. Difficult to say it's a bug without checking the logs.

01-09-2017, 08:19 PM
Appreciate it, when I am in game I'll toss up an assist.