View Full Version : L30 - L34 Creatures - Directions?

01-02-2017, 09:51 AM
I have two characters at roughly L28 - Pure Warding Sorcerer and Pure Warding Cleric [Bane]. I'm pretty much hitting a blank entry in my internal knowledge base for creatures to hunt around L30 to L34 in the Landing for them. I've been trying out the 'see what the Adventurer's Guild assigns me' route, though a majority of the assigned creatures are ones I haven't any clue where they're located. Having a bit more trouble with these characters at this level gap, as I can't fall back on the 'do Bandit bounties' method like I can with my Warrior.

As a FYI, I am blind IRL and thus have no access to maps and can't use Lich, so ;goto is out of the question at the moment. I've played the game since the 90s with full sight til about 2007, though, so I have a rough internal compass and know where general landmarks are, usually.

- Anyone have any suggestions on creatures, preferably living for the Bane Cleric, roughly around L30 to L34 in the Landing area?
- If you do, do you have any straight directions to get to the hunting areas at all? (IE a straight direction list rather than a Lich room number)

The one I was most curious about was cold guardians - I'm guessing this is off the path to Icemule, though I'm not sure what landmark to look for or where they gen.

Thanks much!

01-02-2017, 11:03 AM
Even being bane you would probably do well on skeletal ice trolls if you end up in Icemule. They are swarmy enough that you don't need to move at all and ward easily. These are outside the Icemule west gate in the same general area as cold guardians. Trolls are level 31ish.

They have a deadly maneuver if you ever kneel or go prone with one in the room, but as long as you are standing it is fine.

01-02-2017, 11:42 AM
Yeah, skeletal ice trolls are a stop for all of my characters that have access to fire spells.

If you're dead set on staying (slightly) closer to the Landing there are regular ice trolls (29), cold guardians (32), arctic titans (36), and snow crones (36) on the Glatoph glacier/the road to Icemule. There are frost giants (38) as well, but you'd probably need to avoid them. I hunted there as an ambusher way back in the day before they got their new levels and they weren't too bad. Besides the giants, titans can weapon fire and stomp, and crones cloud, so just be aware of that. Trolls jump on you if you fall down during a stomp. Guardians are mostly harmless. You'll need to deal with wind damage if you're out there too long.

Here are the directions from the WL north gate, if you don't already know:

move sw
move s
move s
move s
move s
move s
move sw
move s
move se
move s
move se
move s
move s
move s
move sw
move s
move s
move se
move se
move se
move se
move se
move e
move e
move ne
move e
move e
move e
put go trail
move n
move ne
move e
move se
move e
move ne
move n
move ne
move n
move n
move n
put go trunk
move nw
move ne
move up
move n
move up
move up
move e
move ne
move ne
put go glac

Towards the east is a chasm that leads to Ice Mule, which is a sort of area boundary. Cold guardians have their own area immediately after you 'go glacier', just go up.

01-02-2017, 05:11 PM
That last bit was what I was looking for - the fact that the cold guardians are 'up' after going to the glacier.

I already knew about ice trolls/arctic titans/frost giants, for sure. However both characters are kind of in that spot where the Glacier is a bit too high level for them if you consider the frost giants. That and some of the mid to late 20s stuff was getting too easy for them and I needed a stepping stone creature that eluded me - cold guardians are perfect, I believe, I just hadn't a clue where they generated and no way to check a map. Thanks! Last character I had through this level range had grimswarm/bandits as fallback to get them through until they were old enough for the Glacier. And the one before that was a sniping Archer that I believe went through hooded figures before the Glacier - they were pretty easy to one shot in the eye from hiding.

Where are skeletal ice trolls located? I don't mind so much going around Icemule considering the gold ring areas have expanded so I can effectively ring back to Landing if I want. Sorcerer smashes through undead effectively, so it wouldn't matter so much for her. Bane Cleric tends to run out of mana a bit fast when going against Undead, though.

01-02-2017, 05:28 PM
Skeletal trolls are outside the west gate of Icemule. From outside the gate:

move w
move w
move w
move sw
move sw
put go trail
move n
move nw
move w
put go path

That puts you in the 'frozen battlefields' hunting area. There are cold guardians, ice trolls, skeletal ice trolls, and frost giants that spawn there. The skeletal ice trolls are only found in the trench, which is in the middle and bisects the area. From the battlefield entrance:

move e
move ne
put go tren

You're protected from the cold while in the trench, but have to be careful of the occasional giant and swarms. There are slippery ice patches in a few rooms, and to get out you have to put away your weapons to climb out. For your cleric, I'd use 111 if you've trained in spell aim, otherwise 302 will take a while.

01-02-2017, 07:01 PM
I don't think there are cold guardians on the glacier anymore, the "up" area with the maze lists cold guardians but they were moved out of there years ago. Now its just snow crones and ice trolls that spawn there. In fact, if you get a bounty for one of them that's the best place to look. Get them spawning there and then they also will start spawning in the area of Glatoph leading to the glacier proper, the area just before steel golems.

Cold guardians are only in Icemule and on the trail to Icemule in the Deep Freeze area about midway along the trail, I think.

01-02-2017, 08:37 PM
>> the fact that the cold guardians are 'up' after going to the glacier.

I've been telling people for almost 2 years that there are ice trolls and snow crones up there, and zero cold guardians. I have no idea who maintains that map to ask for a fix to it.

That said, if you can take the snow crones out really fast with magic, it's a little used hunting area. But the Snow Crones there are quite a few levels above the ice trolls, so it isn't a good solo hunt at all, unless you are immune to their magic.

I died so many times there. This was when Luxie moved to Ta'Illistim.

Use fire ... it has splendid results :)


01-02-2017, 09:24 PM
Oh - awesome information then! (I've been wondering where to get just ice trolls to generate for an embarassingly long time - they don't gen very often in that small area before you 'go glacier'.)

Anyone have directions to the spot where the cold guardians really are, then? Heh.

I'm assuming it's probably where the path splits off after the bridge but before the rockslide on the Icemule Trail? Are they inside a mountain or crevice or something like the fire guardians are? This is where I really miss having access to a universal travel script.

01-03-2017, 12:13 PM
and if you decide you want to try the cold guardians, as mentioned earlier, they're in the Deep Freeze.

Head up the Icemule trail until you cross the bridge, after the bridge its NE, E, E, SE, SE, SW, GO Crack - this gets you into the Cave of ice where the cold guardians (and Artic Titans) spawn.

every room in the main area is super slippery, so you need to pause between moving.

from the entrance you go S once into the center room, then there are 2 wings, E or W, and each of those has a N/S off of it.
from the center room you can GO GAP to a relatively safe room, not sure if I have ever seen any critters in it

if you die in there, you'll need a field rez, no fogging/dragging possible.

and watch out for the titans, Weaponfire will be your bane, and they can knock you over.

as a lance wielding bard, i found myself hunting cyclops in the SolHaven area easily at those trains, tho I did uphunt the glacier starting at about 26th train or so(weaponfire was horrid for a few levels)

01-14-2017, 11:39 AM
as a lance wielding bard, i found myself hunting cyclops in the SolHaven area easily at those trains, tho I did uphunt the glacier starting at about 26th train or so(weaponfire was horrid for a few levels)

How are the cyclops loot-wise? Thinking about giving them a try. Currently smashing zombies but they are so poor.

01-14-2017, 11:55 AM

They're really dumb creatures with no maneuvers or disarm mechanics that swing slow and are within 3 seconds from the landing. By definition, they will have bad loot because they are always hunted :D

01-14-2017, 12:31 PM

They're really dumb creatures with no maneuvers or disarm mechanics that swing slow and are within 3 seconds from the landing. By definition, they will have bad loot because they are always hunted :D

Ahhh yea I just spent time there. Small hunting area and there was a decent amount of people there. Loot sucked. Thanks for the info!

01-14-2017, 12:43 PM
The rotting corpses at varunar are legit too, gotta avoid the random roater but 12-14 second rt and no manueveurs. They are 32

01-14-2017, 12:45 PM
If you were legitimately interested I could make a script for you. It's an easy hunting ground to navigate too so even with no knowledge of the area it's just a big square.

I forgot to look but do you use bigshot or are you old school?

01-14-2017, 12:46 PM
The rotting corpses at varunar are legit too, gotta avoid the random roater but 12-14 second rt and no manueveurs. They are 32

I did rotting corpses to shan. Took me to low or mid 40s i think.

01-14-2017, 12:47 PM
Also I am in need of favor grinding and those give me a tiny bit of exp so I could always link up with you for some hints depending on your play time if you wanted to pm me and set something up. I'm an empath so in addition to a hunting buddy I can heal you too.

01-17-2017, 10:55 AM
As an update, the cold guardians/arctic titans have been working fairly well with my L29 Bane Cleric. It's pretty easy to fry fairly fast.

But oh man, the Weapon Fire does indeed suck.

First time I was hit by it, I managed to survive and unstunned soon enough to put away the runestaff, ring back to town and be healed.

Second time, I didn't unstun in time and died. (Think it was an 8 round stun from the first blow.)

At this point I added an audio warning to the text indicating that a titan got a successful cast on me, as I was missing it in the screen scroll and only noticed when I was stunned.

Third time, on the same day as the second time, I heard the audio warning but was a second or two too late to avoid the first round of damage and died.

Had a bit of a minor ragequit moment at that point, as I don't think my Cleric had died since L12 or something. He's usually pretty solid self-spelled and maybe with the occasional mass spellup.

I'm thinking of adding an automatic "sheathe" command to the trigger that plays the audio warning for Weapon Fire, as it's just too deadly for my Cleric. I only remember my Warrior getting hit with it once in this level range and he didn't die from it - but he's a Warrior, so can take a hit.

Any other suggestions on tactics to help avoid getting hit with this spell? I try to go after the arctic titans as soon as I see them, but they obviously unstun as soon as I stun them with a hit of Bane (302). I haven't yet started to branch out much into other spells in the Cleric's arsenal, though - perhaps there is another spell that would help with this? Cleric knows up to 125, 325 and 204 (trying to get 130 first before focusing on Major.) I also have him at +21 over level in Cleric Base, so his CS is pretty good and I go in with a heavy quartz orb active.

Geijon Khyree
01-17-2017, 11:21 AM
Cyclopes aren't bad at 27th.

Geijon Khyree
01-17-2017, 11:21 AM
The glacier is the way to go. I tend to graduate my guys to Kiramon in Darkstone afterwards.

01-17-2017, 11:24 AM
Re: the Glacier

I actually was able to kill a frost giant with my L29 Bane Cleric - it just took a while to kill one. I imagine in another level or two it'll be easier and the Glacier may be more viable.

I almost want to try just going guarded with no runestaff at all if there is an arctic titan around to avoid the Weapon Fire issue. Will have to see how the Cleric's DS is in guarded with open hands, though.

01-17-2017, 11:39 AM
With the weapon fire you need to drop it, put it in a disk, or give it to a spirit servant to not be hit. Sheathe/stow will still get you. Best way to avoid that spell is to not let them get casts off, either through stuns or bind or something.