View Full Version : Re-Sale value on ensorcells

12-28-2016, 10:21 AM
Considering T5'ing a project weapon before I sell it, hoping it will make it more attractive and increase the value. However, I've heard this isn't the case and some say you lose nearly half the value of a ensorcell work when selling. Anyone know?

12-28-2016, 10:28 AM
Considering T5'ing a project weapon before I sell it, hoping it will make it more attractive and increase the value. However, I've heard this isn't the case and some say you lose nearly half the value of a ensorcell work when selling. Anyone know?

It'll depend on the weapon's stats and how much you paid for the ensorcelling work, but yeah, it's typically a losing proposition. There could be exceptions to this rule, such as adding services after ensorcelling the weapon which would have made ensorcelling difficult, if not impossible, but even then the open-market cost of going T1-T5 on a weapon would be difficult to recoup in full, let alone turn a worthwhile profit.

12-28-2016, 11:18 AM
It's never the T5 that makes a weapon desirable. It's almost always the weapon type, enchant, and special abilities. If it's a pretty Uber weapon by itself, T5'ing wouldn't be an issue because someone would probably want to buy it anyway and have the coin to do so. But then again you wouldn't need to T5 an Uber weapon because it would be attractive enough as is. But regular, to good, to great weapons attract a lot of people who don't have unlimited silvers and therefore the ensorcell would price them out of bidding on something they could normally afford.

TL;DR - don't T5 it. T2 max maybe if you get a good deal on the ensorcelling.

12-28-2016, 12:30 PM
T5 armor and runestaffs for best value. Only t1 weapons.

12-28-2016, 02:11 PM
Interesting and makes some sense, thank you.

12-28-2016, 05:37 PM
You never get the value back for resale on ensorcell versus what you charge (or opportunity cost to work for someone else), really. Because when you purchase / sell you are paying / paid for the value of the ensorcell + opportunity cost of not working on something else for yourself or whatever, really. I'd just sell the project piece then sell your necrojuice off as per normal.

You can always max out your juice and offer to take the piece from t0 -> t1 or t2 when you sell it for the normal rate to sweeten the deal.