View Full Version : Runestaff vs Warmage

12-16-2004, 04:04 PM
So I recently returned to GS and had to rebuild my character.

I decided to build a Runestaff Wizard and see how well it worked. I must say I am sadly dissapointed. The primary advantages over a Warmage that I see are a few more trainings in Spell Research and the ability to use a free hand.
The downside is substantially lower DS and the inability to even swing a sword at a stunned prone creature.

My Runestaff Wizard (lvl 23)
LVL 0 Stats
STR 50
CON 45
DEX 45
AGL 75
DIS 70
AUR 85
LOG 90
INT 65
WIS 65
INF 70

Armor Use 2 Trains
Physical Fitness 1X (until max hp)
Climbing 12 Trains
Swiming 11 Trains
Perception 11 Trains
Arcane Symbols 2X
Magic Item Use 2X
Harness Power 1X
Spell Aiming 2X
Mana Control 1X
Spell Research 2.8X

In Offensive his DS with Full Spells, 4xArmor and Society bonuses is: 204
His Bolt AS is: 216

Now the WarMage:
LvL 0 Stats:
STR 65
CON 50
DEX 50
AGL 75
DIS 70
AUR 90
LOG 90
INT 65
WIS 55
INF 50

Armor Use 2 Trains
Shield Use 1X
Physical Fitness 1X (until max hp)
Climbing 12 Trains
Swiming 12 Trains
Perception 0 Trains
Arcane Symbols 2X
Magic Item Use 2X
Harness Power 1X
Spell Aiming 2X
Mana Control 1X
Spell Research 2.4X

In Offensive his DS with Full Spells, 4xArmor, 4xShield, and Society bonuses is: 231. With a weapon in hand it's 236.
Bolt AS is: 216

Does the RuneMage totally suck, or am I missing something?

12-16-2004, 04:10 PM
A warmage doesn't use a shield, will 1x CM, will use something bigger than OHE, and needs more armor.

Also you won't see big differences in most training plans in the age group under lvl 40.

Now down the road when the runestaffer is full 3x in spells and the warmage is 2x there is a big difference in DS and bolt.

[Edited on 12-16-2004 by AnticorRifling]

12-16-2004, 04:11 PM
You say that as if you want everyone to mold themselves and make anticor a cookie cutter.

12-16-2004, 04:13 PM
No I say that because I don't like wizards wearing the title of battle mage or war mage when they aren't. They are just wizards that hold weapons and still bolt.

12-16-2004, 04:14 PM
I guess I could be forgiving on the OHE thing as long as you actually swing it. I did in GSIII and I was almost 1x cm and it was going good. It helped that I had an 8x falchion though :cool:

12-16-2004, 04:21 PM
Ok, perhaps "Warmage" is the wrong word and even insulting to those who truly specialized in armed combat.....

But, you get the idea. Is there any real reason (at my level) to be a Runestaff mage?


12-16-2004, 04:22 PM
Well it gets easier, you can bolt harder, enchant better, and it's the way wizard's are supposed to be so you're going to run into fewer problems by following the mold.

12-16-2004, 04:25 PM
Ok. That helps thanks.

12-16-2004, 10:23 PM
Yeah thats not a war mage, thats just a non-runestaff mage.

A warmage swings his weapon as a primary attack, and if you aren't swinging a large weapon you are wasting your time.

Anyway, thats the trade off between runestaff and sword and board, less DS but much more TPs for magic skills. Also a wand in the left doesn't hurt defense.

12-17-2004, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Yeah thats not a war mage, thats just a non-runestaff mage.

A warmage swings his weapon as a primary attack, and if you aren't swinging a large weapon you are wasting your time.

Anyway, thats the trade off between runestaff and sword and board, less DS but much more TPs for magic skills. Also a wand in the left doesn't hurt defense.

I dono..a well trained rune-staff wizard might be able to pull at least an equal DS. If your 3x'ed in spells, and pushing those growers.

12-17-2004, 12:24 AM
It seems to me if a runestaff mage is concerned about his DS then it behooves him to not 3x in spells, which is insanely expensive, but instead 2x in as many of the smaller skills like MIU and AS as possible, seeing as how Runestaff DS isn't weighted like Redux. All skills count for the same.

12-17-2004, 12:28 AM
Lemmee tell ya about wizards: You really can't go wrong if you triple spells. Doesn't matter what else you pick up, but as long as you triple spells and double spell aim.

12-17-2004, 12:32 AM
Use ranged.

12-17-2004, 01:50 AM
I chose to 1x Shield and I'm doing fine with DS. I tried to go the runestaff route and I just wasn't viable at a young age, although I like to stay in offensive.

12-17-2004, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by Rutilcaper
It seems to me if a runestaff mage is concerned about his DS then it behooves him to not 3x in spells, which is insanely expensive, but instead 2x in as many of the smaller skills like MIU and AS as possible, seeing as how Runestaff DS isn't weighted like Redux. All skills count for the same.

I'm not saying 3x as ranks for spell staff (though it does help a bit).

What I'm saying is the DS growth for 430, 913, 905, 503, 507 and 513 (for AS).

If you 3x spells, and keep them all even with your level, thats some serious boosts. :)

12-17-2004, 02:28 AM
I've 3'xed spells since lvl 0 and never had DS problems