View Full Version : 10x fire flaring/trollbane falcata

12-22-2016, 11:36 PM
a lustrous ember-red glaes falcata 10x fire flaring + trollbane flares - 30m

01-13-2017, 12:47 AM
Dropped to 30m.

01-13-2017, 12:36 PM
God why does no one ever want this thing. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I was rich =(

Tuxedo Gin
01-13-2017, 02:39 PM
What are the trollbane flares? Extra fire flares?

01-13-2017, 03:05 PM
Double fire flares against troll? Possibly a bit more potent than normal flares? Not 100% on that.

Either way, I've thought about snagging this for troll camps for my GoS warrior... hrm. I'd have to fixskill again though and get rid of a nice katana...and find a new shield. Choices choices!


I found an example from another thread. Looks like it is double flares, but it's nice because they flare independently too.

For anyone curious, this is what a fire flaring + trollbane fire flaring weapon looks like when flaring, although they do flare independently, this was when they happened to sync up.

You swing a suede-gripped golvern gladius at an ice troll!
AS: +259 vs DS: +175 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +5 = +122
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Thrust glances off the ice troll's knee without a lot of effect.

** Your golvern gladius flares with a burst of flame! **

... 10 points of damage!
Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable.
The ice troll howls in agony as the flames dance over his body!
... 20 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right arm burns skin bright red.

** Your golvern gladius flares with a burst of flame! **

... 25 points of damage!
Burst of flames char forehead a crispy black.
The ice troll is stunned!
The ice troll screeches loudly as the fire scorches his skin!
... 40 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes an ice troll's left leg to expand and snap. That must hurt!
It is knocked to the ground!

01-13-2017, 04:09 PM
The trollbane are just regular fire flares, but they hit double because that's how fire works on trolls. They just take up a script spot, so you can have them in addition to fire flares.

I can't believe no one has bought this thing yet. If only it were a lance :(

01-13-2017, 04:11 PM
What does this thing weigh, anyhow? Every time you bump this post I get more and more tempted to fixskill to TWC.

01-13-2017, 04:26 PM
What does this thing weigh, anyhow? Every time you bump this post I get more and more tempted to fixskill to TWC.

5 lbs!

01-13-2017, 04:32 PM
Blah, fine! I'll go 30m.

I keep trying to justify not getting it, but this is a good price for any 10x weapon. I'm going to try TWC with this and my immolation short sword. :D

Tuxedo Gin
01-13-2017, 04:48 PM
Thank you for buying this so I don't have to. I'm trying to save up for my dream armor but this thing has been seducing me for weeks.

01-13-2017, 07:30 PM
Thank you for buying this so I don't have to. I'm trying to save up for my dream armor but this thing has been seducing me for weeks.

Now I'm curious, what's your dream armor?

Tuxedo Gin
01-13-2017, 07:55 PM
Now I'm curious, what's your dream armor?

Nothing specific, but I'm in the market for very high end plate and robes for a couple characters. I've got my eye on a few things floating around but I need to scrape together a few more silvers before I start shopping. This falcata has been very tempting and would have set me back quite a ways, and I don't even have a character that could use it at the moment.

01-16-2017, 10:33 PM
As requested...

Not the best flares, but not too shabby. I think it'll be better later once I get Whirling Dervish. Not sure what other CMANS are best for TWC yet...

You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
With instinctive motions, you weave to and fro striking with deliberate and unrelenting fury!
You swing a lustrous ember-red glaes falcata at a Grimswarm troll ranger!
AS: +273 vs DS: +148 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +29 = +191
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Deep, bloody slash to the troll ranger's right thigh!
The troll ranger is knocked to the ground!
The troll ranger is stunned!

** Your ember-red glaes falcata flares with a burst of flame! **

... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful.
The troll ranger screams in agony as the flames barbecue his flesh!
... 25 points of damage!
Burst of flames to back fries shoulder blades. Youch!

** Your ember-red glaes falcata flares with a burst of flame! **

... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit.
The troll ranger bellows in agony as the fire toasts his body!
... 25 points of damage!
Burst of flames to back fries shoulder blades. Youch!

You swing a flaming mithril short sword at a Grimswarm troll ranger!
AS: +233 vs DS: +87 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +55 = +237
... and hit for 58 points of damage!
Feint left spins the troll ranger around!
Jagged slash to lower back.

** The blue flames surrounding the mithril short sword strike a Grimswarm troll ranger with an agonizing burst! **

... 25 points of damage!
The troll ranger dances as the blast of cold air contacts heretofore warm toes.
You swing a lustrous ember-red glaes falcata at a Grimswarm troll scourge!
AS: +273 vs DS: +159 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +16 = +168
... and hit for 20 points of damage!
Gash to the troll scourge's left eyebrow.
That's going to be quite a shiner!
The troll scourge is stunned!
You swing a flaming mithril short sword at a Grimswarm troll scourge!
AS: +233 vs DS: +138 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +95 = +220
... and hit for 34 points of damage!
Banged the troll scourge's right shin.
That'll raise a good welt.

** The blue flames surrounding the mithril short sword strike a Grimswarm troll scourge with a vicious burst! **

... 30 points of damage!
Darn! Frozen ribs take longer to cook, and broken ones to boot!
You swing a lustrous ember-red glaes falcata at a Grimswarm troll soldier!
The troll soldier barely manages to fend off the attack with his cudgel!
You swing a flaming mithril short sword at a Grimswarm troll soldier!
AS: +233 vs DS: +91 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +84 = +252
... and hit for 47 points of damage!
Left kneecap smashed into pulp.
The troll soldier is knocked to the ground!

** The blue flames surrounding the mithril short sword strike a Grimswarm troll soldier with a painful burst! **

... 15 points of damage!
My! It looks like the troll soldier will be stiff in the morning! Better ice down the bruises!
Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you off-balance and out of position.
Roundtime: 8 sec.

01-17-2017, 03:37 PM
i wanted to buy this when i got the bubble flares from simucon , but it was selling for 45m then . so i was forced to sell the bubble flare service cause i didnt have a 10x weapon to put them on

01-17-2017, 03:44 PM
i wanted to buy this when i got the bubble flares from simucon , but it was selling for 45m then . so i was forced to sell the bubble flare service cause i didnt have a 10x weapon to put them on

They definitely did not end up going on a 10x weapon.

01-18-2017, 04:43 PM
Considering you can wizard enchant weapons with bubble flares, you can always add bubble flares to a 4x weapon and bring it up to at least 7x if you're willing to risk the enchantment.