View Full Version : Twilight Hall 20th Anniversary 7x fusion runestaff and matching enhancive harness

Silky Fyne
12-21-2016, 02:47 PM
Will call Once, Twice, Thrice and Sold. I really like the way that the harness looks and like that it gives a boost to mana recovery and would have kept it for myself, but it really needs to be kept with the matching staff. Staff was a raffle win on a raffle table set up 2 rooms north of raging thrak inn by Pinchot and the harness was a tier 3 win in the wheel of death game on twilight hall grounds by Holoni.
I already have a 4x fusion runestaff with logic orbs and stuff inside, so i really don't need a 7x one sitting around that i would just use while trying to absorb and rest on node. plus now with the rules, i'd hate to have the possibility for orbs to turn temp by moving them over. Plus in case you missed out on anything in the god auction on hearthstone steps, the staff makes for a nice little consolation prize :)

1. a glowing scarlet owl-set staff

It has a bonus of +35 from a normal staff, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.

You sense that the scarlet owl-set staff will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

The first thing that strikes you about the staff is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,700,000 silvers. You can also tell that the scarlet owl-set staff is predominantly crafted of rowan.

>look at staff
The twilight blue shaft of this tall, slender staff is scattered with tiny silver stars, while a larger waxing crescent moon is inlaid with ivory just below the silver cap. The staff is topped with an impressively detailed glowing scarlet owl, daintily perched with folded wings, its oversized eyes formed by two spherical depressions. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. Two spherical depressions adorn the scarlet owl-set staff, approximately the size and shape of a small gem. All of the gem chambers are currently empty.

There appears to be something written on it.
>read staff
A small scarlet owl-shaped tag secured around the haft of the scarlet owl-set staff reads, "~Twilight Hall 20th Anniversary~ seven times enchanted, fusion."

>anal my staff
You analyze your scarlet owl-set staff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the scarlet owl-set staff for you.

1a. a twilight blue suede staff harness clasped with a scarlet owl

You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the harness. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the harness is as a wearable container of some kind with a maximum interior capacity of forty pounds with room for any number of items. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.

The harness resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Mana Recovery.
The harness looks to have more than your average dwarf could count charges remaining.

You sense that the suede staff harness will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

The first thing that strikes you about the harness is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 550,000 silvers.

>anal my harness
You analyze your suede staff harness and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the suede staff harness for you or deepen its pockets.

>inspect harness
You carefully inspect your suede staff harness.

You estimate that a twilight blue suede staff harness clasped with a scarlet owl can store a slightly large amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the harness, slinging it across your shoulders and back. The harness appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.


MB: 12 Mil
CB: 15 Mil Rhovan SOLD!

2. a twisted pale orase runestaff

You sense a faint aura of magic shrouded with a haze of necrosis around the pale orase runestaff. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the runestaff is as some type of weapon.

It has a bonus of +20 from a normal runestaff, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.

A strange necrotic haze sours your melody slightly, indicating that Neolandra has infused the runestaff with the second tier of permanent Ensorcellment.

The first thing that strikes you about the runestaff is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,000,000 silvers. You can also tell that the pale orase runestaff is predominantly crafted of orase.

>look at runestaff
A strange necrotic haze radiates from the runestaff.The pale orase runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff.

>fix runestaff
The mechanisms of the runestaff's segmented tip appear to be in absolutelty perfect condition. They show no signs of wear and tear.

>anal my runestaff
You analyze your pale orase runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* 15/15/15 alterations are fine, no long descriptions.
* It CAN have a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.

This pale orase runestaff is fully unlocked!
The springs on the pale orase runestaff appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the pale orase runestaff for you.

>push runestaff
Holding the pale orase runestaff tightly in one clenched fist, you push it out before you, holding it parallel to the ground.

>pull runestaff
Holding one elbow loosely at an angle, you let the pale orase runestaff rest casually in the crook of your elbow.

>lean runestaff
You lean against your pale orase runestaff, casually wrapping a hand around the apparatus perched on its tip.

>touch runestaff
You run a hand along the length of the pale orase runestaff and stop as your fingers brush the intricate mechanisms at the top of the runestaff.

>shake runestaff
You give the pale orase runestaff a quick back and forth shake, but nothing impressive happens.

When you shake it and it actually has a wand inside, theres a shower of sparks that cascades down from the wand that's held on the tip.

MB: 1 Mil
CB: 1.1 Mil wetsand SOLD!

3. a baby blue rolaren-studded maul

It has a bonus of +20 from a normal maul, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the rolaren-studded maul in your hand...

The maul resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 7 to Physical Fitness Ranks.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 39 times.
It provides a bonus of 3 to Combat Maneuvers Ranks.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 12 times.
The maul looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

You sense that the rolaren-studded maul will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

The first thing that strikes you about the maul is the weight, which is about 8 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,550,000 silvers. You can also tell that the rolaren-studded maul is predominantly crafted of rolaren.

MB: 500k

12-21-2016, 02:51 PM
mb 1

12-21-2016, 03:01 PM
2. a twisted pale orase runestaff

You sense a faint aura of magic shrouded with a haze of necrosis around the pale orase runestaff. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the runestaff is as some type of weapon.

It has a bonus of +20 from a normal runestaff, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.

A strange necrotic haze sours your melody slightly, indicating that Neolandra has infused the runestaff with the second tier of permanent Ensorcellment.

The first thing that strikes you about the runestaff is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 1,000,000 silvers. You can also tell that the pale orase runestaff is predominantly crafted of orase.

>look at runestaff
A strange necrotic haze radiates from the runestaff.The pale orase runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff.

>fix runestaff
The mechanisms of the runestaff's segmented tip appear to be in absolutelty perfect condition. They show no signs of wear and tear.

>anal my runestaff
You analyze your pale orase runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* 15/15/15 alterations are fine, no long descriptions.
* It CAN have a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.

This pale orase runestaff is fully unlocked!
The springs on the pale orase runestaff appear to be in absolutely pristine and perfect condition.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the pale orase runestaff for you.

>push runestaff
Holding the pale orase runestaff tightly in one clenched fist, you push it out before you, holding it parallel to the ground.

>pull runestaff
Holding one elbow loosely at an angle, you let the pale orase runestaff rest casually in the crook of your elbow.

>lean runestaff
You lean against your pale orase runestaff, casually wrapping a hand around the apparatus perched on its tip.

>touch runestaff
You run a hand along the length of the pale orase runestaff and stop as your fingers brush the intricate mechanisms at the top of the runestaff.

>shake runestaff
You give the pale orase runestaff a quick back and forth shake, but nothing impressive happens.

When you shake it and it actually has a wand inside, theres a shower of sparks that cascades down from the wand that's held on the tip.

MB: 1 Mil

mb on this, please.

12-21-2016, 07:09 PM
13m on 1

12-21-2016, 07:35 PM
14m 1

12-22-2016, 12:40 PM
15m on 1

12-22-2016, 12:50 PM
It should be said that the harness is a CHE Prize Closet item we paired with the runestave, and as with all Prize Closet enhancives, is not rechargeable.

12-22-2016, 12:56 PM
1.1m 2

Silky Fyne
12-22-2016, 03:42 PM
thanks for the info Rolfard, I'm suprised the loresong doesn't give the verbiage for only being temporarily enhanced, pretty cool though that it doesn't have a level requirement though to get the benefit. That is pretty cool also that the staff has the spherical depressions for the fusion orbs placed where the owls eyes are supposed to be and incorporated into the show. I'm almost positive i've tried to get a show put on a fusion shield or fusion armor before with the slots appearing to be the eyes of a creature or a race found in game and the merchant told me no.