View Full Version : Dwarf Wizard Help

12-16-2004, 11:10 AM
I know I know that dwarfs don't make the best wizards...

I have a 33 trained dwarf. My objectives:
- to be able to hunt fairly well
- enchant at least to 4x with ease and maybe 5x
- obvious runestaff user

His skill training so far is:

Physical Fitness 20 (0.6X)
Climbing 10 (0.3X)
Swimming 5 (0.1X)
Perception 17 (0.5X)
Arcane Symbols 34 (1.0X)
Magic Item Use 68 (2.0X)
Harness Power 51 (1.5X)
Spell Aiming 68 (2.0X)
Elemental Mana Control 24 (0.7X)
Spell Research 84 (2.5X)
Major Elemental 20 (0.6X)
Minor Elemental 30 (0.9X)
Wizard 34 (1.0X)
Elemental Lore 34 (1.0X)
Fire 34 (1.0X)

Stats are:
STR 60 68
CON 70 81
DEX 70 81
AGL 80 84
DIS 50 66
AUR 80 95
LOG 50 66
INT 40 61
WIS 80 91
INF 80 88

I just feel like he is floundering and not at his full potential. His max AS is 264.

My main question is regarding his stats. I strongly feel they can be much better.

Can anyone be so kind as to offer some tweeking help?

In addition where would you recommend hunting him? He's in Illistim right now.

12-16-2004, 11:21 AM
Wraithenmist for hunting in Ill, although should soon be able to hunt the black moor, might need a couple more climb ranks though.

12-16-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Wraithenmist for hunting in Ill, although should soon be able to hunt the black moor, might need a couple more climb ranks though.

Well I do have a fixskill that I may use so I guess i can raise the climbing ranks.

What are the best hunting tactics for Wraithenmist?

12-16-2004, 11:40 AM
Dont use your fixskill just for climbing ranks.
You may be ok with 10, try it first.
Best tactics for wraithenmist are kill all the monsters

I havent played a wizard so I wouldnt like to offer too much in the way of concrete direction :cough: but have seen minor fire do well there. The darken are knocked from hiding with ball spells so either major fire or crystal wands work wonders.

They are good for leeching too.

And stay away from the big mushrooms, they are weird

12-16-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

And stay away from the big mushrooms, they are weird

The mushrooms are the Shimmering Fungus and Maw spores right? What makes them weird? Severe athletes foot or itching?

12-16-2004, 11:49 AM
thats the one.
the maws are the weird bit and you get millions at once. I suppose if you coned, that may not necessarily be a bad thing. I could never kill them, just saw them vibrate and make lots of babies...bad mushroom

12-16-2004, 11:49 AM
At your level I was mostly hunting the glacier, having just graduated from hunting Hooded Figures.

I think after I got tired of the glacier I moved to Shan and spent my time dying there.

Then Teras for Kiramon.... Kiramon might be doable for you, just get unpoison imbeds. You ought to be able to kick ass there, and if you have problems tremors works great on knockdowns when ewave doesn't.

I used to use minor water against the workers and acid against the defenders.

12-16-2004, 12:11 PM
I hated hunting kiromon with my wizard.. they seemed to need too much mana to kill them effectively. I generally hunted in the village with a familiar.

Of course, that was in GS3.. so not sure if they changed.

12-16-2004, 01:38 PM
Ok well since he's in Vaalor, I'll try my luck with the fungus grounds.

Any comments on the stats please oh please?

12-17-2004, 03:55 PM
<< My main question is regarding his stats. I strongly feel they can be much better. >>

You have viable stats, what kind of tweaking do you want to do?

How many reallocations do you have left? I would get a training spreadsheet like Tsoran's, and massage some numbers to see what the options are.

Save one reallocation for the cap if you can.
