View Full Version : Account Reactivation with no SQ Set?

12-20-2016, 07:08 PM
I went to reactivate one of my accounts today and never set a SQ for it. The response that it asks for is "Why is my account not working?". Is there a standard response for this or do I need to contact support?

12-20-2016, 07:31 PM
I'd call them. That seems strange. Pretty sure you can't even make an account without setting up a SQ.

I think they have other ways to verify the account is yours.

12-20-2016, 07:34 PM
Ya I'm not sure if it something new? I know in prior years when I was setting up accounts it would always require one but now its optional.

12-20-2016, 07:40 PM
Contact support. Everything is done by hand. Passwords weren't even case sensitive until two months ago. Now all passwords are all lowercase, unless you changed it in the last two months.

The web security is a joke is what I'm getting at, and the site and its code are outdated by at least 15 years. Don't trust anything it tries to do via automation.

12-20-2016, 08:53 PM
Call billing. Chris will get it handled and you'll probably find that your car runs better and you feel more refreshed when you wake up in the morning. You'll probably win the lottery soon too.

Chris is just cool like that.

12-20-2016, 09:19 PM
I went to reactivate one of my accounts today and never set a SQ for it. The response that it asks for is "Why is my account not working?". Is there a standard response for this or do I need to contact support?

I think Simu has always let you set what your security question is, are you sure you didn't make that your security question and just made some random word(s) be the answer?

I remember when I first came back to GS after a 10 year or so break I tried to reopen one of my accounts but when I quit I gave the account to my friend. He kept the security answer the same (like I asked him to in case I ever wanted to come back) so I knew the security answer but there was some strange reason why billing wouldn't reopen the account, like I didn't know the address on the account or something.

Billing wouldn't help me so I went through feedback and to my surprise in less than a week I got a message back from them and they allowed me to reopen the account. I was especially shocked a couple of years later when I learned that apparently Solomon answered a lot of feedback so I was kind of surprised he was the one who apparently helped me.

But billing has changed since then and Chris seems a lot more laid back than the person I was dealing with, maybe you'll have some luck if you call billing. If not you can try feedback like I did, if it even still exists, but Solomon obviously doesn't answer those feedback messages anymore.

12-20-2016, 09:22 PM
I think Simu has always let you set what your security question is, are you sure you didn't make that your security question and just made some random word(s) be the answer?

I remember when I first came back to GS after a 10 year or so break I tried to reopen one of my accounts but when I quit I gave the account to my friend. He kept the security answer the same (like I asked him to in case I ever wanted to come back) so I knew the security answer but there was some strange reason why billing wouldn't reopen the account, like I didn't know the address on the account or something.

Billing wouldn't help me so I went through feedback and to my surprise in less than a week I got a message back from them and they allowed me to reopen the account. I was especially shocked a couple of years later when I learned that apparently Solomon answered a lot of feedback so I was kind of surprised he was the one who apparently helped me.

But billing has changed since then and Chris seems a lot more laid back than the person I was dealing with, maybe you'll have some luck if you call billing. If not you can try feedback like I did, if it even still exists, but Solomon obviously doesn't answer those feedback messages anymore.

100% sure I didn't have a SQA. I just created this account a month ago and cancelled it right away so it came due for payment and I was trying to log in to set up the payment again. I was surprised when it said it was optional. The few times I logged in via the website it asked me to set a SQ/SQA and I clicked the remind me later button. It must have been something new that they implemented. I have an email in to Simu so hopefully will hear tomorrow since they are closed for the night.

12-20-2016, 09:24 PM
100% sure I didn't have a SQA. I just created this account a month ago and cancelled it right away so it came due for payment and I was trying to log in to set up the payment again. I was surprised when it said it was optional. The few times I logged in via the website it asked me to set a SQ/SQA and I clicked the remind me later button. It must have been something new that they implemented. I have an email in to Simu so hopefully will hear tomorrow since they are closed for the night.

Oh I was under the impression this happened years ago. Yeah I supposed they might have made the security question/answer thing optional recently, as odd as that is.

12-20-2016, 09:33 PM
This has happened to me before, like others have said, call billing and they'll fix it.