View Full Version : Longshot - Xyelin - Damet

12-16-2016, 12:10 AM
So, it is 2016 and I am now much older than when I began playing Gemstone back in the AOL days (no...I was not a GeNIE but they will always tell you AOLers where noobs). I have kids who are now in college but were not or just born when I started playing back then (1995). I was first Shilok then Xyelin/Damet.

Shilok was one of the original locking picking sorcerers (when you could) who ended up having a run in with Aephir, who was running an invasion when I voided his invasion but also killed a few players...he pulled me up and lectured me. I suicided because at the time I was trying to get away from the game (life, kids and all). Took a break and came back as Xyelin and Damet. Xyelin was also a Shilok copy sorcerer who was lock picking (and stealing) and lived out of Icemule. Damet was my Claid using two-handed Luukosian cleric who would not use the raise dead spell (mostly unheard of at the time but not the first). Had an awesome altered "old school +10" claid that hit like a mack truck. Never did get that sancted Claid.

I ran Xyelin up to I believe it was level 92 (pre-redo) and was just starting the Rift. Damet made it somewhere in the 40s before I moved on to Dark Age of Camelot and ended up selling both in 2004 or so.

I am the original Xyelin and Damet Drachenblut. I can provide any number of instances where the next owner wouldn't know things like why his name is in the White Haven house in Icemule. Xyelin was not, as the wiki page says, an original founder of that house. I came in a good almost 6 months or so later but had a great time up there and latched on with those folks.

Why is this idiot posting?

I would like to know if anyone knows if the current owner of Xyelin and/or Damet is around, if so could I get a PM with a possible Email address or just safe info on how to possible contact them on reacquiring one or both.

I have no idea if either or both were re-sold but I can tell you what the buyer paid me for Xyelin if needed. Back then, it was a silly amount.

Thanks for listening to my tale and if I am not able to find Xyelin and/or Damet I will be around as someone else.

Holy crap have things changed since 2004.

Thanks for reading.


12-16-2016, 01:18 AM
Figured I would add just a bit more because I don't think I really identified why I would post.

Why would someone come back to do this after all this time, even if only for a little while?

The game was/is awesome. It was awesome for its time and while text games certainly don't (in general- I know there are some) inspire this next generation this game holds a special place in who I am. I was able to move into my IT career based on my ability to type (big deal for IT pre Y-2K) and troubleshoot my Gemstone connectivity/PC issues.

I never went to any of the meet ups or Simucons though I absolutely should have, I never met anyone from in game in real life (it was just a different time back then) but the game clearly was part of my life for over 6 years.

Gemstone, for all of its simplicity forced you to have a character, even those who didn't role play for a second (I didn't a whole lot) and I miss that character.

No big deal if I can't work anything out....

For those still playing from all the way back then and those of you who are newer....Gemstone is special in a way that is nearly impossible to explain to those who don't take to it.

Thanks again for reading this (now) older mans diatribe.


12-16-2016, 06:18 AM
Heh, you didn't need to justify anything. Just say you want your old dudes back and are offering to pay.

12-16-2016, 01:26 PM
I thought this thread was about old PC posters. I'm disappointed that longshot isn't really posting again.

12-16-2016, 01:51 PM
billing will tell you if the characters are on active accounts I believe.

12-16-2016, 01:54 PM
Xyelin is around for sure. Sent him a message on Lnet to contact you. Good luck :)

12-17-2016, 09:36 PM
Heh, you didn't need to justify anything. Just say you want your old dudes back and are offering to pay.

It was more a self-indulgent trip down memory lane for me. Sappy for sure.

Point taken and likely the right one.

12-18-2016, 09:32 AM
Welcome back from another older player (see avatar).

Good luck and have fun!

