12-10-2016, 02:23 PM
Item can be delivered to any city on the main land without charge including FWI. Auction will go once, twice, last call and sold. Updated every 24 hours. Lowball bids will be ignored.
Up for Auction:
a moon-filled krodera pendant
You analyze your krodera pendant and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This krodera pendant cannot be altered in any way. It will hold miniature moons created from individual pieces found in Bloodriven Village, Duskruin. You currently have 4 moons attached to your pendant.
Since your pendant is unlocked, it can alter your LOOK description. When worn, you can RUB the pendant to activate this ability, and PROD to change what others will see when they look at you.
PULL will remove an attached rune from your pendant.
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a/an <race> Champion of <Duskruin/Deity> with <complexion> skin and <eye characteristic, if applicable> <eye color> eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Use PROD to toggle between "Duskruin" and <your attuned deity>. Note that this pendant will not be accepted as alter fodder.
You get no sense of whether or not the pendant may be further lightened.
Two different looks:
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a half-elven Champion of the godless with flawless bronzed skin and piercing, blood-shot shadowy black eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a half-elven Champion of Duskruin Arena with flawless bronzed skin and piercing, blood-shot shadowy black eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Minimum Bid - 100 million
Up for Auction:
a moon-filled krodera pendant
You analyze your krodera pendant and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This krodera pendant cannot be altered in any way. It will hold miniature moons created from individual pieces found in Bloodriven Village, Duskruin. You currently have 4 moons attached to your pendant.
Since your pendant is unlocked, it can alter your LOOK description. When worn, you can RUB the pendant to activate this ability, and PROD to change what others will see when they look at you.
PULL will remove an attached rune from your pendant.
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a/an <race> Champion of <Duskruin/Deity> with <complexion> skin and <eye characteristic, if applicable> <eye color> eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Use PROD to toggle between "Duskruin" and <your attuned deity>. Note that this pendant will not be accepted as alter fodder.
You get no sense of whether or not the pendant may be further lightened.
Two different looks:
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a half-elven Champion of the godless with flawless bronzed skin and piercing, blood-shot shadowy black eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Through a distorted silvery blue haze, you see a half-elven Champion of Duskruin Arena with flawless bronzed skin and piercing, blood-shot shadowy black eyes. Interspersed within the dim aura are miniature black rose petals that float around him.
Minimum Bid - 100 million