View Full Version : leaving the lands auction

12-03-2016, 06:43 PM
A-a stocky gyrovague doll with unlimited 5 minute key

B-eahnor-spiked throwing axe/8x hcw perfect handaxe sanct and t-5 ensorcelling

C-rune-carved golvern tower shield/7x size changing golvern shield

D-Tiny Krodera sighted kut'ziko-15 mil
5x heavily sighted mechanical duskruin crossbow
You analyze your krodera-sighted kut'ziko and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
-------------------MECHANICAL CROSSBOWS-------------------------
| These crossbows are of gnomish craftsmanship, and very |
| intricate. Any alteration should be along with this theme. |
| |
| Bows should have a wooden stock, metallic gears and arms |
| with crystal lenses for sights. |
| |
| If altering these, you may ONLY change the base 15/15/15 |
| and the settings below. |
| |
| It is unlocked to Tier 2. It cannot be unlocked again. |
| It can now be loaded with up to 5 bolts at a time. |
| COCK roundtime is reduced based on crossbow type. |

Metal Gears = eahnor
Metal Cams = veil iron
Metal Arms/Stirrup = golvern
Crystal Sights = red

E-a sacred golvern link staff with veins of writhing eahnor/8x shield staff (medium)with banshee flares and t-5 ensorcelling
110 mil

F-tiny halfling head carved rattle (1708 self recharger)
You gesture at a tiny halfling head carved rattle.
You sense that the carved rattle is a magic item that contains the Mystic Impedance spell with a total of 20 charges when fully charged. It recharges a single use roughly every 72 minutes. The rattle hasn't been used recently.
20 mil

G- tiny veil iron spiked tetsubo/8x perfect maul with super bubble flares and t-5 ensorcelling
110 mil

H-shadowy golvern linked hood-SOLD
Your hood is currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your hood:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

I-perfect lead-weighted spikestar/8x perfect morning star with T-5 ensorcelling

J-pair of veil iron inset gloves-15 mil
Your gloves are currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your gloves:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

K- white shirt-15 mil
Your shirt is currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your shirt:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

L- TWC Blink set- 300 mil
-viciously barbed twin lead weighted hook claw(8x perfect fist scythe with blink flares,t-5 ensorcelling with 20 point crit weighted grim bane)
-lead weighted twin golvern hook claw(0x fist scythe masterfully crit weighted with blink flares, and t-5 ensorcelling)

N-a pair of nice pants-SOLD
You estimate that a pair of nice pants can store a significant amount with enough space for any number of items.
This pants was scripted with the Premium Autoscripter.
The item may be freely altered.
Trapped verbs are WEAR, PUSH, TAP, and RUB. There is nothing to unlock.

O-some black pants-15 mil
Your pants are currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your pants:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

P- 6x HCP Krolvin hide shirt T-5 ensorcelling T-2 charge tree ithzir armor (ROBES)
85 mil

You analyze your krolvin skin shirt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This shirt offers a chance to interrupt an attack when you are stunned, webbed, rooted, immobilized, unconscious, or prone.
This is Base armor, and will fire up to 8 times per day to move you in a random direction. It has special messaging for WEAR, REMOVE, and CLEAN.
It can be altered freely, within normal armor altering guidelines. Because some of the messaging refers to buckles and straps, nothing that completely conflicts with that concept should be done.

This shirt is at unlock level 2.

You can tell that the shirt is as light as it can get.

q- Wand satchel - belt worn weighs 2 pounds and holds 1k

r-Black branding iron

You analyze your branding iron and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Although it should already be obvious, this is a branding iron! Generally it is most useful as a method of healing people, albeit not the prettiest method. Otherwise, you might find it useful for threatening people as you wave it around... or maybe not.

No merchants are able to alter or modify this item, no matter how much you may try to bribe them.

POINT - use this to heal someone or yourself when it is hot enough.
OPEN - opens the bottom.
CLOSE - closes the bottom.
PUSH - load wands here.
WAVE - activates the wands, in turn heating the branding iron.

s-some golvern-linked full leathers/7x hcp full fusion leathers with 15 fire & cold resist 2 pounds t-5 ensorcelling
100 mil

T- veil iron-linked zorchar walking stick- 15 mil

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Tier 2 (3 of 3, fully unlocked)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix, Wave, Tap, Touch, Rub, Pull, Push, Lean, Shake.
Percent Damaged: 1%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 0


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
The stick has fully upgraded cooldowns!
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Current Critical Strength.
The stick is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Degredation chance
The stick currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Feedback Chance
The stick currently has a 3% chance to feedback.
This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 1%.
Current Unlock Status: MINOR

Total Charge Capacity
The stick currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Repair Difficulty
The stick is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Charge Efficiency
The stick is currently a 1 essence to 2 charges ratio.
This can be upgraded to 1:3.
Current Unlock Status: MINOR

Special Features.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to have ambient messaging.
They can be turned ON/OFF with prod.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to hit an additional target.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
The stick currently has a 5 second roundtime on POINT to fire.
This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.

Total Upgrades: 5
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 1
Major Upgrades: 1
This stick can be upgraded 4 more times

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the zorchar walking stick for you.

u-lead-weighted golvern-linked vambrace-less than 2 pounds 30 mil

show:The weighted vambrace is set to be worn on the right forearm. It doesn't appear to be overheating. The vambrace's small chamber is currently loaded with a slender steel needle. The narrow slit at the base of the weighted vambrace appears empty. There is a small lever on the side of the vambrace.


V-Looking closely at the hoarfrost white orb
It provides a bonus of 21 to Ranged Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 100 times.
This enhancive item has restrictions whose type are unclear to you.
The orb seems to be out of charges.
The bonuses provided by this item should last a very long time.


W-Looking closely at the cardinal red orb
It provides a bonus of 23 to Dexterity.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 100 times.
This enhancive item has restrictions whose type are unclear to you.
The orb seems to be out of charges.
The bonuses provided by this item should last a very long time.
You can PULL the cardinal red orb to remove it from the inventory.

18 mil

x-Looking closely at the sunset orange orb
It provides a bonus of 7 to Strength Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 79 times.
This enhancive item has restrictions whose type are unclear to you.
The orb seems to be out of charges.
The bonuses provided by this item should last a very long time.
You can PULL the sunset orange orb to remove it from the inventory.


Y- Black alloy ivas symbol- SOLD

show:a luminous black alloy ivas symbol

You analyze your Ivas symbol and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The symbol may not be altered by the majority of merchants (a select few might have special permission in certain circumstances.

This is a permanent disk transformer, and it will not run out of charges.

You can RAISE the symbol. If you have a disk, the symbol will transform how it looks.

You get no sense of whether or not the symbol may be further lightened

-As XXX trails his fingertips lightly along his Ivas symbol, he raises his hands up in despair, both palms facing inward. Tiny tendrils of shadow burst forth from his body, writhing and snapping furtively before streaking back toward him and fading into his skin.

-As XXX trails his fingers lightly along his Ivas symbol and raises his hands up in the air, tiny writhing tendrils of shadow to burst forth from his skin and shoot towards the Hoy disk, completely consuming and transforming it.

Writhing XXX disk

look at disk
Wrapped entirely by ebon tendrils that writhe and twist in slow, undulating movements, the disk has the appearance of being entirely made out of shadows. Misty words occasionally appear amidst the darkness, spelling out the words, "TIPS AND DONATIONS ONLY!" The writhing XXX disk is hovering in mid-air around you.

Z- Bloodscrip SOLD OUT

12-03-2016, 06:44 PM
Let's be real!

12-03-2016, 06:55 PM
I'll buy the character off yah Neim... if it's who I think you are?

12-03-2016, 07:04 PM
A-a stocky gyrovague doll with unlimited 5 minute key
35 mil

B-eahnor-spiked throwing axe/8x hcw perfect handaxe sanct and t-5 ensorcelling
110 mil

C-rune-carved golvern tower shield/7x size changing golvern shield
10 mil

D-Tiny Krodera sighted kut'ziko-20 mil
5x heavily sighted mechanical duskruin crossbow
You analyze your krodera-sighted kut'ziko and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
-------------------MECHANICAL CROSSBOWS-------------------------
| These crossbows are of gnomish craftsmanship, and very |
| intricate. Any alteration should be along with this theme. |
| |
| Bows should have a wooden stock, metallic gears and arms |
| with crystal lenses for sights. |
| |
| If altering these, you may ONLY change the base 15/15/15 |
| and the settings below. |
| |
| It is unlocked to Tier 2. It cannot be unlocked again. |
| It can now be loaded with up to 5 bolts at a time. |
| COCK roundtime is reduced based on crossbow type. |

Metal Gears = eahnor
Metal Cams = veil iron
Metal Arms/Stirrup = golvern
Crystal Sights = red

E-a sacred golvern link staff with veins of writhing eahnor/8x shield staff (medium)with banshee flares and t-5 ensorcelling
110 mil

F-tiny halfling head carved rattle (1708 self recharger)
You gesture at a tiny halfling head carved rattle.
You sense that the carved rattle is a magic item that contains the Mystic Impedance spell with a total of 20 charges when fully charged. It recharges a single use roughly every 72 minutes. The rattle hasn't been used recently.
25 mil

G- tiny veil iron spiked tetsubo/8x perfect maul with super bubble flares and t-5 ensorcelling
120 mil

H-shadowy golvern linked hood-20 mil
Your hood is currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your hood:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

I-perfect lead-weighted spikestar/8x perfect morning star with T-5 ensorcelling
50 mil

J-pair of veil iron inset gloves-20 mil
Your gloves are currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your gloves:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

K- white shirt-20 mil
Your shirt is currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your shirt:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

L- TWC Blink set- 300 mil
-viciously barbed twin lead weighted hook claw(8x perfect fist scythe with blink flares,t-5 ensorcelling with 20 point crit weighted grim bane)
-lead weighted twin golvern hook claw(0x fist scythe masterfully crit weighted with blink flares, and t-5 ensorcelling)

N-a pair of nice pants-15 mil
You estimate that a pair of nice pants can store a significant amount with enough space for any number of items.
This pants was scripted with the Premium Autoscripter.
The item may be freely altered.
Trapped verbs are WEAR, PUSH, TAP, and RUB. There is nothing to unlock.

O-some black pants-20 mil
Your pants are currently unlocked to tier: 3
You currently have access to the following verbs on your pants:
Remove, Wear, Clean, Prod (Turns on and off the wound updating)
Show/Examine(Customization unlocked), Pull, Push
Open + Close (If Available), Tend, Cover
Poke, Pose, Rub

P- 6x HCP Krolvin hide shirt T-4 ensorcelling T-2 charge tree ithzir armor
80 mil

You analyze your krolvin skin shirt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This shirt offers a chance to interrupt an attack when you are stunned, webbed, rooted, immobilized, unconscious, or prone.
This is Base armor, and will fire up to 8 times per day to move you in a random direction. It has special messaging for WEAR, REMOVE, and CLEAN.
It can be altered freely, within normal armor altering guidelines. Because some of the messaging refers to buckles and straps, nothing that completely conflicts with that concept should be done.

This shirt is at unlock level 2.

You can tell that the shirt is as light as it can get.

q- Wand satchel - belt worn weighs 2 pounds and holds 1k
85 mil

r-Black branding iron
50 mil

You analyze your branding iron and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
Although it should already be obvious, this is a branding iron! Generally it is most useful as a method of healing people, albeit not the prettiest method. Otherwise, you might find it useful for threatening people as you wave it around... or maybe not.

No merchants are able to alter or modify this item, no matter how much you may try to bribe them.

POINT - use this to heal someone or yourself when it is hot enough.
OPEN - opens the bottom.
CLOSE - closes the bottom.
PUSH - load wands here.
WAVE - activates the wands, in turn heating the branding iron.

s-some golvern-linked full leathers/7x hcp full fusion leathers with 15 fire & cold resist 2 pounds
100 mil

T- veil iron-linked zorchar walking stick- 20 mil

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Tier 2 (3 of 3, fully unlocked)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix, Wave, Tap, Touch, Rub, Pull, Push, Lean, Shake.
Percent Damaged: 1%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 0


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
The stick has fully upgraded cooldowns!
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Current Critical Strength.
The stick is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Degredation chance
The stick currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Feedback Chance
The stick currently has a 3% chance to feedback.
This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 1%.
Current Unlock Status: MINOR

Total Charge Capacity
The stick currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Repair Difficulty
The stick is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Charge Efficiency
The stick is currently a 1 essence to 2 charges ratio.
This can be upgraded to 1:3.
Current Unlock Status: MINOR

Special Features.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to have ambient messaging.
They can be turned ON/OFF with prod.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to hit an additional target.
The stick can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
The stick currently has a 5 second roundtime on POINT to fire.
This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.

Total Upgrades: 5
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 1
Major Upgrades: 1
This stick can be upgraded 4 more times

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the zorchar walking stick for you.

Where are the elemental bows in this "leaving the lands" sale?

12-03-2016, 07:04 PM
$20 for Hoy.

I need someone to follow me around for a fresh drink and damp towel..

12-03-2016, 11:01 PM
Where are the elemental bows in this "leaving the lands" sale?
He's just gonna loan them to me until when/if he wants them back so that I can pewpew and be the bow master

Geijon Khyree
12-04-2016, 12:56 AM
I'd retire for those prices too.

12-04-2016, 01:15 AM
I'd retire for those prices too.

that is pretty funny especially from guy asking 80 mil min for 7x grapple flaring tier 3 voln armor in past

12-08-2016, 01:02 AM
Bah who bought the Ivas disk changer?

12-08-2016, 12:01 PM
Bah who bought the Ivas disk changer?

the strength orb sold not the disk changer

12-08-2016, 12:23 PM
Why are you leaving?

12-08-2016, 03:12 PM
wait leaving the lands!!! no way!

12-10-2016, 05:18 PM

nice pants,hood,doll, and disk changer sold

12-10-2016, 06:32 PM
Damn they were nice pants...

12-11-2016, 05:58 PM

12-27-2016, 03:02 PM
I thought this was a leaving the lands sale? this guy is still here! oh man oh man

12-27-2016, 03:11 PM
I thought this was a leaving the lands sale? this guy is still here! oh man oh man

my account is good til the 1/6! buy something before its too late

12-27-2016, 03:13 PM
I will take the Ronan gauntlet and string please...10M

12-27-2016, 03:15 PM
I will take the Ronan gauntlet and string please...10M

thats not even going to cover helsfeld's broker fee

12-27-2016, 03:22 PM
thats not even going to cover helsfeld's broker fee

Could have used a different banker. =)

12-27-2016, 03:43 PM
1/6/2392 is what he means