View Full Version : low level pure questions

12-03-2016, 01:10 PM
So I am rolling an empath as a support character for my warrior. I rolled a burghal for the logic bonus to maximize my exp intake as I will only be playing the character when I need heals or when I need to burn up lumnis (which happen to stack). My training is terribad mostly because I set it up just for support spells and locksmithing because of the tinkering aspect of burghals. My question is as a fresh level pure *5* how long am I expecting myself to survive hunting on purely 1700 and at what would I see myself jumping to the next level of like say 1106. I may opt to just heal through lumnis but bounties are nice. Was curious if anyone has gone the pure route sub lvl 20-30 and their input on surviving the grind. If I didn't have bigshot to watch the screen with 1700 I think I would kill myself having to retype 1700 a billion times.

12-06-2016, 07:22 AM
I took an empath from 0-20 within his first 30 days using CS spells and this was before the advent of 1700. With CoL and a maxed WIS stat it was easy for the most part. 1101 rats and other things I could for bounties and started using boneshatter at 7 or 8. I even used wither when assigned wraith bounties once I knew the spell. By the time he was 20 he could uphunt 5 levels comfortably then I set his stats for capped growth and went back to under hunting a couple of levels.

12-06-2016, 07:39 AM
Get a claid, stats for strength/agility/dexterity/logic, skill TWC and CM, bigshot to 20 in a couple of weeks while you watch and sip coffee, respec to pure, blow shit up with 1106.

12-06-2016, 11:24 AM
it also sounds like your skills are setup terribly for hunting. That's not a low level pure / empath problem. That's a you problem. I mean I get it, you made a support character so you went all in on support spells and lollockping because why not, but having suboptimal hunting training is what's the problem. I think empaths are the easiest pure to level as pure to be honest. Boneshatter hits like a truck, and you get the TD pushdown early for during the most painful leveling time for pures (when rats become untenable but you're still too low level to have decent mana, cs, etc.). Maximizing your empath CS already helps supplement your healing ability, and you can pick up tons of FA/survival for easy bounties to stay to stay on node for as long as possible with healing and saturated turnins (not that anyone can't instantly migrate to fully trained in FA/survival as needed in the first 30)

I love burghals and highly recommend playing them because gnomes are awesome, but their racial logic bonus only equates to 1 extra EXP per pulse on node compared to the other races with +5 logic (halflings, forest gnomes, dwarves, humans, erithiian, and aelotoi)

No one gives a shit about erithi and aelotoi, humans are kinda ok at everything, but halflings, forest gnomes, and dwarves are all super solid picks for empaths. halflings with the etd and spirit, forest gnomes get the spirit regen and a +5 wis bonus, and dwarves are dwarves.

Racial logic bonus also matters a lot less now with the change to lumnis. You'll just burn through your static bonus SLIGHTLY faster, instead of actually netting you extra experience.

That said, you should keep playing a burghal gnome because they are clearly the best.

12-06-2016, 11:49 AM
I actually just got my pure set-for-growth empath to 18, so I can relate to your situation. It was rough until I was able to hunt vereri. My hunting went something like rats/kobolds > hobgoblins > werebears/darkwoodes (1106 worked on darkwoodes until recently) > wraiths/dark orcs > vereri. You won't be able to rely on 1106 for a long while, so you'll be using a lot of 1700. At 18 I am still casting 2x 1700 1x 1106, but I fry pretty easily at least.