View Full Version : Duskruin Dig Finds

12-03-2016, 05:50 AM
Show 'em off!

12-03-2016, 06:01 AM
5x vultite warblade acide flares about 1500 digs and that's it so far. Of course last year I didn't get anything till the second to last day.

Really hate the ROI on this one, but I have to do it

12-03-2016, 09:52 AM
Someone in the same room as me found two t5's back to back in like 30 minutes

One was a pair of fancy slippers that had like silver heels or something and the other was a pair of glasses with turtle shell rims

12-03-2016, 09:52 AM
I found a MR recharger.

12-03-2016, 09:58 AM
So, I actually bought my invar pickaxe through silvers...

Nothing. I'm going to restrain myself and not whip out the CC. That was the deal I made with myself, if I find one jeweled box I was going to go all in (200 bucks+) but if I found nothing I just lose the 1.25 mil.. not crying about it.

Beld... I strongly recommend you put a cap on yourself. I was shocked when the final tally came out for Delirium. Make no mistake, and don't let anyone else fool you into thinking otherwise, this IS gambling. Just in text gaming form.

12-03-2016, 09:58 AM
I found a MR recharger.

Didn't you find that alter box you're auctioning?

12-03-2016, 10:00 AM
Is there T5 messaging? Anyone mind posting it?

12-03-2016, 11:20 AM
Is there T5 messaging? Anyone mind posting it?

There is no messaging per se - it is like digging at EG.

T5 boxes are pretty - IE bejeweled, gem-encrusted, etc. etc. They look nice and the lid clicks into place when you open it. Basically look for anything that actually looks like a fancy treasure chest.

Jackpots look the same as T5, but they glow when you open them to indicate they're higher tier - rather like Legend of Zelda when Link opens a treasure chest.

12-03-2016, 11:25 AM
Oh - and don't be fooled by the sarcophagus. I believe a GM said somewhere that none of the coffins/caskets that you have to PRY open can be T5/Jackpot. I think the sarcophagus descriptor is a bit rarer and sometimes it gens as "jade", which can be confusing - I know I got excited when I first saw one of them but it is just a normal box.

12-03-2016, 12:03 PM
some fingerless leather gloves with lightning bolts stitching, hlds one item up to a pound, and has +5 elemental air lore BONUS, no level restrictions

12-03-2016, 12:30 PM
Someone in the same room as me found two t5's back to back in like 30 minutes

One was a pair of fancy slippers that had like silver heels or something and the other was a pair of glasses with turtle shell rims

a pair of crimson silk slippers set on thin silver heels, unlocked dancing shoes, +5 dex, +4 mental lore manipulation bonus, crumbly

a pair of gold-tinted glasses with turtle shell rims, pin worn +4 logic bonus, persists

12-03-2016, 12:38 PM
The shoes probably shouldn't be crumbly. I would assist.

12-03-2016, 12:41 PM
The shoes probably shouldn't be crumbly. I would assist.

I had an enhancive pouch that analyzed as crumbly.

12-03-2016, 12:43 PM
That was definitely wrong. What if things were in it? What happens then?!

12-03-2016, 01:07 PM
Lol, never thought of that. But I never let it crumble.

12-03-2016, 01:21 PM
a blotched leather bladder: anti-thief bladder, 25 to Perception Bonus, has 99 of 99 charges remaining, non-crumbly
While rifling through Issalya's things you disturb a blotched leather bladder. You feel a brief spray of some warm, heavy moisture before you jerk your hand back and notice a small damp area on the skin. After a moment you catch a whiff of an offal odor.
Sarien has a horrible smell about his skin, as if he just got done rolling around in a pile of manure!


a gear-covered wood and brass coffer: a split-tailed russet velvet longcoat with leather elbow patches, a cog-fastened brass bracelet (mage rechargable 503), some distressed leather knee-boots with cog and gear fittings, a pair of coppery leather pants tapered at the knee, a pair of tarnished brass-framed goggles, a faded leather hat wrapped in copper wire

a heavy onyx orb etched with a diving griffin: rechargeable Dauntless?

a bent mesille runestaff decorated with yellow silk streamers: +25, acid flares

a villswood runestaff inlaid with a lightning bolt shape: +18, lightning flares

some fingerless leather gloves with lightning bolts stitching: holds one item up to a pound, and has +5 elemental air lore BONUS, no level restrictions according to jon1833

small locker expansion contract

a crimson-veined roa'ter hide pack – beltworn, particularly large amount

Edit for my usual disclaimer: these are in Plat, so no, I can't sell anything to you in Prime.

12-03-2016, 01:58 PM
A veniom-inlaid steel and witchwood musket: T6 looks like, uses gems as ammunition.

12-03-2016, 02:29 PM
a vicious white tiger pin

Semi-sentient, produces custom candy when rubbed. Can whisper to it 30 different colors.

a plumille rucksack with an azure feather trim, max L/D 5 pounds, inspects enormous

12-03-2016, 02:44 PM
A veniom-inlaid steel and witchwood musket: T6 looks like, uses gems as ammunition.

And I found an M16.

12-03-2016, 02:58 PM
Seriously though, is this everything? The other dig we had like 50 T5's in like the first couple hours, come on people post your shit.

12-03-2016, 03:45 PM
Found a heavy iron boar hide. No real information on it from anal, inspect, and the wiki is vague so no clue what it does if anything yet. Came out of a gemmed box though.

12-03-2016, 03:48 PM
some tarnished vultite chainmail - 4x, no other properties

(OOC) Haliste's player whispers, "Some things are better than others...that appears to be just a 4x set of armor. I'll be happy to add some flares to it (It probably should have had some on there!).

a dual-bladed rolaren slasher - 4x katar, disruption flares

12-03-2016, 04:01 PM
That was nice of Haliste.

12-03-2016, 04:03 PM
A fucking randomly-generated buckle with 4 ranks of first aid and 2 ranks of pickpocket. How in the hell does that qualify as part of the "unique feeder"?

I don't normally get annoyed at lackluster finds, but give me a break.

12-03-2016, 04:32 PM
Overall, looks like I'm glad to be sitting this one out.

12-03-2016, 04:34 PM
Person in the room with me got a pin that when worn conceals features behind "A vortex of scarlet flames". Thought that was a neat jackpot item.

12-03-2016, 04:35 PM
Person in the room with me got a pin that when worn conceals features behind "A vortex of scarlet flames". Thought that was a neat jackpot item.

That's amazing.

Literally everything found so far is 10x what I found.

12-03-2016, 04:35 PM
Overall, looks like I'm glad to be sitting this one out.

Yeah, I read through the teaser and said "Nooooope." The odds just don't quite work out when the slot machine is advertising a gold ring holder that can handle two rings. I gave one away to a total stranger last week which held at least 10...

That said, full disclosure, people have posted a couple of cool things I'd like to get my hands on.

12-03-2016, 04:50 PM
Even the archaeologist is paying less bloodscrip for moons. I'm getting like 20 scrip for completed moons and 5 a piece for the individual parts. Just progressively more suckage.

I think some GM snert popped in and said "Wyrom you think you went overboard last time?" Wyrom responded...


12-03-2016, 04:51 PM
Person in the room with me got a pin that when worn conceals features behind "A vortex of scarlet flames". Thought that was a neat jackpot item.

Sounds like a neat win. I know you said it doesn't hide inventory but even with just features that is a pretty desired item.

12-03-2016, 04:54 PM
T6- a lor rhimar-veined runestaff capped with a carved snowflake

You analyze your rhimar-veined runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Off the Shelf (1 of 3 on unlocking)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix
Percent Damaged: 1%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 0


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
The runestaff has fully upgraded cooldowns!
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Current Critical Strength.
The runestaff is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Degredation chance
The runestaff currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Feedback Chance
The runestaff is fully upgraded to not cause feedback.
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Total Charge Capacity
The runestaff currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Repair Difficulty
The runestaff is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Charge Efficiency
The runestaff only loses charges on feedback.
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Special Features.
The runestaff is currently unlocked to have ambient messaging. They can be turned ON/OFF with PROD.
The runestaff is currently unlocked to hit an additional target on firing.
The runestaff can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
The runestaff is fully upgraded to 3 seconds of roundtime on POINT to fire.

Total Upgrades: 9
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 3
Major Upgrades: 3
This runestaff should not be upgraded anymore!

12-03-2016, 04:58 PM
Even the archaeologist is paying less bloodscrip for moons. I'm getting like 20 scrip for completed moons and 5 a piece for the individual parts.

Sounds like what the parts went for last time. During the DR Sewers those parts are worth variable amounts, but I recall the DR Dig ones being worth set amounts that were on the low end of the spectrum.

12-03-2016, 05:00 PM
T6- a lor rhimar-veined runestaff capped with a carved snowflake

You analyze your rhimar-veined runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Off the Shelf (1 of 3 on unlocking)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix
Percent Damaged: 1%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 0


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 2 Minutes
The runestaff has fully upgraded cooldowns!
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Current Critical Strength.
The runestaff is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Degredation chance
The runestaff currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Feedback Chance
The runestaff is fully upgraded to not cause feedback.
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Total Charge Capacity
The runestaff currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Repair Difficulty
The runestaff is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.
Current Unlock Status: LOCKED

Charge Efficiency
The runestaff only loses charges on feedback.
Current Unlock Status: MAJOR

Special Features.
The runestaff is currently unlocked to have ambient messaging. They can be turned ON/OFF with PROD.
The runestaff is currently unlocked to hit an additional target on firing.
The runestaff can be unlocked as an AUCTION upgrade to cast Major Elemental Wave when RAISEd 1x per hour.
The runestaff is fully upgraded to 3 seconds of roundtime on POINT to fire.

Total Upgrades: 9
Minor Upgrades: 3
Lesser Upgrades: 3
Major Upgrades: 3
This runestaff should not be upgraded anymore!

The first REAL find worth the effort. Congrats man.

12-03-2016, 05:03 PM
The first REAL find worth the effort. Congrats man.

I dunno, I'd rather have the MR Recharger any day of the week over a shock-lance/staff.

12-03-2016, 05:09 PM
Sounds like a neat win. I know you said it doesn't hide inventory but even with just features that is a pretty desired item.

Some people will want it because, oooo, flames.

It brings a strange image into my mind when I try to picture it though.

I imagine a fully dressed person with some strange torrent of flames around their head.

12-03-2016, 06:13 PM
Found a heavy iron boar hide. No real information on it from anal, inspect, and the wiki is vague so no clue what it does if anything yet. Came out of a gemmed box though.

Doesn't do anything likely. Should be first time (and about time) the HSN material introduced in game. Giantkin alteration material.

12-03-2016, 06:13 PM
The ice shock staff and recharging crystal are crazy good.

12-03-2016, 06:19 PM
Doesn't do anything likely. Should be first time (and about time) the HSN material introduced in game. Giantkin alteration material.

Ya I figured that out after the fact. Unfortunately I gem shopped the actual tier 5 item because it looked like a gem. Opps hehe.

12-03-2016, 06:23 PM

Too bad been waiting for that release. Not sure want badly as a T5 (ok Unique) but still oof.

12-03-2016, 06:28 PM
the boar hide isnt a tier 5, maybe a tier 3 or 4, its the new alter fodder along with : alexandrite, balentine, wyrwood, plumille and rhimar

12-03-2016, 06:30 PM
Oh ok I'll probably find some when get more time then.

12-03-2016, 06:39 PM
Actually, if it's a large amount of a rare material- that'd be T5.

Merchants won't make full on containers and such without one big chunk of a rare material in many cases. So if you find one that's 10-15lbs, it probably has a note on the back end telling a GM that it's okay to use it for a full container/cloak/etc-sized item.

12-03-2016, 06:46 PM
Actually, if it's a large amount of a rare material- that'd be T5.

Merchants won't make full on containers and such without one big chunk of a rare material in many cases. So if you find one that's 10-15lbs, it probably has a note on the back end telling a GM that it's okay to use it for a full container/cloak/etc-sized item.

Is that a new change? I've never had pushback about the amount of rare material I had available.

12-03-2016, 06:49 PM
a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment Someone buy this from me.

12-03-2016, 07:39 PM
Is that a new change? I've never had pushback about the amount of rare material I had available.

it's for the really rare, newer stuff. Not things like white ora.

12-03-2016, 07:55 PM
it's for the really rare, newer stuff. Not things like white ora.

What is considered really rare newer stuff?

12-03-2016, 08:05 PM
What is considered really rare newer stuff?

Things like HSN materials would be a good example.

The stuff that doesn't really exist in game much at this point.

Mine was aqilorn. It was used to make what was the only aqilorn cloak in the game at that point.

12-03-2016, 09:10 PM
Things like HSN materials would be a good example.

The stuff that doesn't really exist in game much at this point.

Mine was aqilorn. It was used to make what was the only aqilorn cloak in the game at that point.

Wonder if you can use it to alter the material of a weapon completely? found tons of balentine on my digs which has cool lore to it.

12-03-2016, 09:48 PM
Wonder if you can use it to alter the material of a weapon completely? found tons of balentine on my digs which has cool lore to it.


12-03-2016, 10:34 PM
Also I used balenite in alteration before, you need to find a halfling merchant to do the work.

Ornamental only.

12-04-2016, 01:02 AM
Is there more information on Balenite anywhere ? like colors etc ?

12-04-2016, 01:26 AM
Is there more information on Balenite anywhere ? like colors etc ?


12-04-2016, 01:40 AM
a long strip of black silk

anal silk
You analyze your black silk and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
This item's article (optional), color, and material (must remain cloth type) can be altered. When worn, this strip of silk will become a turban. The noun cannot change. This item is Tier 2/2.

The veil's description can also be altered but is limited to two words. Current veil is: black silk

If you are already wearing a mask or a feature concealing item, you will not be able to wear this.

Available verbs for Tier 2 are PROD (reveal/hide identity toggle), PULL, RUB, SHOW, TWIST (switches between turban and headscarf while holding the material), and WEAR.

You get no sense of whether or not the silk may be further lightened.

12-04-2016, 06:31 AM
a slender glowbark telescope with a silver-rimmed eyepiece

anal tele
You analyze your glowbark telescope and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

The telescope has been unlocked once. Available verbs are ATTEND, CLEAN, CLOSE, EXHALE, GAZE, GLANCE (with player target,) OPEN, and POINT. The noun cannot change.

You get no sense of whether or not the telescope may be further lightened.

12-04-2016, 07:36 AM

Thanks, I was either spelling it wrong or this just was not showing when searching the wiki.

12-04-2016, 11:13 AM
a polished mithril backsword with an ornate silver-plated hilt, 4x HCW.

12-04-2016, 03:51 PM
Also I used balenite in alteration before, you need to find a halfling merchant to do the work.

Ornamental only.

Aqilorn requires a burghal gnome alterer, so I wouldn't be surprised if iron boar requires a giant.

12-04-2016, 06:05 PM
Some type of pearl based piercing kit. Stud and earrings can be worn just about anywhere on the face, nose, nostril, eyebrow, lip, ears, etc. Most likely self-replenishing.

a hinged maoral box with mother-of-pearl panels

l in box
In the maoral box:
Food/Drink [1]: a flask of dark amber scotch
Clothing [2]: a black pearl stud, some seed pearl cluster earrings
Special [1]: a pearl-capped silver needle
Misc [1]: a smooth stone
Total items: 5

12-04-2016, 09:46 PM
a tapered witchwood wand decorated with silver ribbons

mage rechargeable Phoen's Strength wand

12-05-2016, 12:13 AM
a polished silver sphere:

a few charges of Mystic Focus, refillable by a wizard, will not crumble.

12-05-2016, 01:33 AM
a suede scroll-stamped folio in your left hand.

>look folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened to the first page.
It takes you a moment to focus on the scroll-stamped folio.
The scroll-stamped folio is blank.

>flip folio
You flip your scroll-stamped folio to page two.

>look folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened to the second page.
It takes you a moment to focus on the scroll-stamped folio.
The scroll-stamped folio is blank.

>flip folio
You flip your scroll-stamped folio past the last page. There appears to be space for another page.

>look folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened past the last page. There appears to be space for another page.

>anal folio
You analyze your scroll-stamped folio and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.

Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the folio's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the folio is as light as it can get.

>inspect folio
Inspecting that may not be a sound idea.

No idea what it does. Been fiddling with it for about half an hour and no dice. Tried stuffing a pink tourmaline in it...natta.

EDIT: Appears you can place scrolls in it, close it, place (possibly all of the mentioned gem aside from tourmalines) I placed a silver diamond in it...and it imprints the scroll onto the folio? I'm not quite sure.

>put scr in folio
You put a yellowed scroll in your scroll-stamped folio.

>look in folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened past the last page. There is a yellowed scroll inside.

>close folio
You close a suede scroll-stamped folio.

>take dia
You remove a pale metallic silver mistvein diamond from in your spidersilk backpack.
>put dia in folio
You place your diamond into the setting on your scroll-stamped folio, and a bright blue glow surrounds the scroll-stamped folio briefly, accompanied by a noisy hissing. Suddenly a loud *CRACK* sounds from the scroll-stamped folio and you notice that the diamond has shattered into a small pile of dust. A strong breeze kicks up, flipping the cover of the scroll-stamped folio open, and scattering the diamond dust into the wind.

>open folio
You open a suede scroll-stamped folio.
>look in folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened past the last page. There appears to be space for another page.
>flip folio
You flip your scroll-stamped folio to page one.
>look in folio
Two large pieces of vellum are stitched together along one edge, providing a crude and very thin portfolio. A tarnished silver gem setting has been centered on the front cover of the portfolio, though it is empty. Scribbled on the back cover is the list, "Pearl, Black Diamond, Pale Amber, Blue Sapphire, Pink Tourmaline". All but "Pink Tourmaline" have been crossed out.
The folio is opened to the first page.
It takes you a moment to focus on the scroll-stamped folio.
There are 2 spells inscribed on the scroll-stamped folio.
>read folio
It takes you a moment to focus on the scroll-stamped folio.
On the scroll-stamped folio you see

2 unreadable spells

12-05-2016, 08:22 AM
Person in the room with me got a pin that when worn conceals features behind "A vortex of scarlet flames". Thought that was a neat jackpot item.

Are you certain it concealed features? I found a similar item in a glowing box that adds an aura, but does no such concealing.

An ice blue mithril collar

>l turl
You see Turlogh the Battlechanter.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He is taller than average and appears to be stricken in years. He has blue eyes and tanned skin. He has long, tied back dark brown hair worn in a ponytail.
He has a rune tattoo on his arm, and a rune tattoo on his arm.
He is surrounded by an ice blue aura.

You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the blue mithril collar. When worn, it appears to create illusions that alter one's appearance.

12-05-2016, 08:43 AM
Are you certain it concealed features? I found a similar item in a glowing box that adds an aura, but does no such concealing.

An ice blue mithril collar

>l turl
You see Turlogh the Battlechanter.
He appears to be a Human from Torre.
He is taller than average and appears to be stricken in years. He has blue eyes and tanned skin. He has long, tied back dark brown hair worn in a ponytail.
He has a rune tattoo on his arm, and a rune tattoo on his arm.
He is surrounded by an ice blue aura.

You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the blue mithril collar. When worn, it appears to create illusions that alter one's appearance.

Checked my logs, you are right it doesnt hide features, I just skipped right over the features lines.

12-05-2016, 09:04 AM
Checked my logs, you are right it doesnt hide features, I just skipped right over the features lines.

Ah, ok. Just adds some pizzazz to existing ones. Thanks for checking.

12-05-2016, 09:07 AM
Ah, ok. Just adds some pizzazz to existing ones. Thanks for checking.

Do these just replace your inventory line? Do they do anything else?


12-05-2016, 09:12 AM
Do these just replace your inventory line? Do they do anything else?


No, sorry. I just left that out. Your inventory still shows and follows suit, and nope, not that I'm aware of!

12-05-2016, 09:16 AM
No, sorry. I just left that out. Your inventory still shows and follows suit, and nope, not that I'm aware of!

What happens if you wear more than one?

12-05-2016, 07:22 PM
What happens if you wear more than one?

what happens if you wear ALL of them is the more important question...

http://earthfirewindwaterheartbyyourpowerscombinediamcapt ainpla.net/captain-planet-01.jpg

12-05-2016, 07:32 PM
a gear-covered wood and brass coffer: a split-tailed russet velvet longcoat with leather elbow patches, a cog-fastened brass bracelet (mage rechargable 503), some distressed leather knee-boots with cog and gear fittings, a pair of coppery leather pants tapered at the knee, a pair of tarnished brass-framed goggles, a faded leather hat wrapped in copper wire

anyone find this in prime?

12-05-2016, 08:16 PM
Found my item that I gem shopped and bought it back finally! Took them a few days to put out. Had Miss Luxelle sing to it for me :D.

a snow white pearl teardrop - 601 mage rechargeable and persists.

12-05-2016, 08:51 PM
1 a ruby-set white monir strongbox
a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment

12-06-2016, 12:34 AM
Feeling good about sitting this one out. Best of luck to the rest of you.

12-06-2016, 12:38 AM
You glance down to see nothing in your right hand and a blazestar-set quartz coffer in your left hand.
In the quartz coffer:
uncommon,weapon (1): a serrated vultite warblade with a flame-etched grip.

Still have to check it out.

12-06-2016, 01:12 AM
probably 5x fire flaring, i have one similar 5x acid flaring that i found

12-06-2016, 01:14 AM
Yeah kind of what I guessed too. Wonder what it's worth.

12-06-2016, 02:25 AM
found a golden kobold statuette and boy is it awesome!!!
has a few charges of prayer of protection and persists


12-06-2016, 02:48 AM
That was a T5? Seems standards for T5's have...lowered.

warblade was as you thought 5x with fire flares. not sure that covers 3 axes worth of digging.

found a golden kobold statuette and boy is it awesome!!!
has a few charges of prayer of protection and persists


12-06-2016, 02:50 AM
seems like they lowered stuff immensely this dig and they lowered how much stuff was worth at the last sewers too. There were a few good things, but the majority of stuff was under 35k i found

12-06-2016, 07:37 AM
found a golden kobold statuette and boy is it awesome!!!
has a few charges of prayer of protection and persists


I had planned to sit this one out based on the teaser, but I bought a 250 pickaxe anyway. I definitely regret it.

12-06-2016, 08:42 AM

a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>rub fig
You rub a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>get pickaxe
You get a long-handled mithril pickaxe from your spidersilk backpack.

>Suddenly, a black and white tabby cat materializes from thin air and puts a paw on your hand. The tabby cat says,"It's time to stop."

12-06-2016, 08:44 AM

a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>rub fig
You rub a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>get pickaxe
You get a long-handled mithril pickaxe from your spidersilk backpack.

>Suddenly, a black and white tabby cat materializes from thin air and puts a paw on your hand. The tabby cat says,"It's time to stop."
And yet... I'm sure you won't take the fucking hint.

12-06-2016, 09:18 AM

a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>rub fig
You rub a gold-inlaid onyx cat figurine.

>get pickaxe
You get a long-handled mithril pickaxe from your spidersilk backpack.

>Suddenly, a black and white tabby cat materializes from thin air and puts a paw on your hand. The tabby cat says,"It's time to stop."

It's pretty awesome when they take notice: crimson troll king bezoar

12-06-2016, 07:34 PM
Culture reset document.

12-06-2016, 08:19 PM
So after finding that golden kobold I am so happy to announce my next huge major find

a clumb of bloodscip 500bs seriously that's like 300k if i sold lol

12-06-2016, 08:21 PM
So after finding that golden kobold I am so happy to announce my next huge major find

a clumb of bloodscip 500bs seriously that's like 300k if i sold lol

Maybe stop?

12-06-2016, 08:22 PM
1) a bloodscrip cluster of 750 scrip and a 3lb fragment of forest jade

2) a sharkskin-gripped vultite battle axe - 4x with disintegration flares

12-06-2016, 08:22 PM
do you have a number i can call?

12-06-2016, 10:06 PM
a petrified maoral and crystal amulet - Perm crystal amulet.

12-06-2016, 10:08 PM
a petrified maoral and crystal amulet - Perm crystal amulet.

Hahahaha c'mon Wyrom

12-06-2016, 10:25 PM
a petrified maoral and crystal amulet - Perm crystal amulet.

Transfer the script to one of those old glowing amulets !! (Or use a glow additive dye)

12-06-2016, 10:52 PM
I have a little feeling that this dig wasn't the greatest, I may be wrong though.. who knows.

Think I'm just going to stop playing these type of events take my dollars and just drive to Vegas; play some slots, pay a hooker for sexy time, or pay a really nice looking hooker for a bj.

12-06-2016, 11:35 PM
I have a little feeling that this dig wasn't the greatest, I may be wrong though.. who knows.

Think I'm just going to stop playing these type of events take my dollars and just drive to Vegas; play some slots, pay a hooker for sexy time, or pay a really nice looking hooker for a bj.

Yeah, you were funnier when you weren't trying so hard. Not to say you were ever that funny, but certainly more so than these recent heavy handed attempts.

12-06-2016, 11:42 PM
Yeah, you were funnier when you weren't trying so hard. Not to say you were ever that funny, but certainly more so than these recent heavy handed attempts.

I misspoke, let me try again.

Think I'm just going to stop playing these type of events take my dollars and just drive to Vegas; pay someone to stick it in my slots, pay a gigolo for sexy time, or pay a passable nice looking crossdresser for a bj.

12-07-2016, 02:42 AM
What...the fuck...is this bullshit?

You hit something hard in the rocky terrain with your pickaxe.
You reach down to see what you hit, but find only a large brittle rock, which you pick up.

12-07-2016, 02:58 AM
Rub it. Will drop something you can sell or coins.

What...the fuck...is this bullshit?

You hit something hard in the rocky terrain with your pickaxe.
You reach down to see what you hit, but find only a large brittle rock, which you pick up.

12-07-2016, 03:05 AM
Rub it. Will drop something you can sell or coins.

Sure. But now I am digging them up by themselves? First time in 3 days, and now I have gotten 4 in 50 swings.

12-07-2016, 03:09 AM
Sure. But now I am digging them up by themselves? First time in 3 days, and now I have gotten 4 in 50 swings.

I usually have about 11 per 250 pick

12-07-2016, 03:17 AM
I usually have about 11 per 250 pick

never found one before tonight, and I have dug a bit. very strange. Well, glad to know it wasn't a change or some such. just my *cough* good luck I guess.

12-07-2016, 03:50 AM
you get them if you go through the fissure

12-07-2016, 05:46 AM
The ice shock staff and recharging crystal are crazy good.And that it is fully unlocked is even better. Most people were lucky to get an unlock or two when they came out. Who knows if others will ever make it full.

12-07-2016, 08:16 AM
I didn't dig up anything on Saturday or Sunday but Monday and Tuesday I hit these 4 things.

An alteration box for shoes and belts.
A pin that makes 30 different flavors (colors) of candy.
A +22 ipantor longbow with +2 ranged bonus.
A 10 item locker expansion.

Thousands of simucoins worth of items from their store that I will totally use.

Hopefully I will complete a pendant.

12-07-2016, 08:17 AM
Finally found a T5 after like .. 6 250-count pickaxes.

a blackened rolaren slasher with a scorched leather grip

Seems to be a katar. I'm guessing it's 5x with some sort of flare - probably fire? I haven't had a chance to get it sung to yet. Want to get through this last pickaxe so I can unload all the junk from this character so he can hunt his Lumnis.

12-07-2016, 08:51 AM
So i got another wait for it

500bs cluster

Sigh! Come on Wyrom up the amount at least

12-07-2016, 10:34 AM
So i got another wait for it

500bs cluster

Sigh! Come on Wyrom up the amount at least

I got one of these, but it was 750 bs

12-07-2016, 03:50 PM
Got around to singing to the slasher I found a few posts back.

5x (+25), modified katar (Brawling/OHE) with steam flares.

Not sure how desirable katars are or how good steam flares are in comparison to other uncommon flares.

I also happened to find a +20 locker expansion contract, as well, on my last pickaxe which was a pleasant surprise.

12-07-2016, 03:57 PM
I've seen maybe 3 or 4 decent items in this thread. I was a bit harsh with Wyrom last night on the officials, but damn, this has been more disappointing than even DM was, and that was a bust.

12-07-2016, 04:23 PM
I've seen maybe 3 or 4 decent items in this thread. I was a bit harsh with Wyrom last night on the officials, but damn, this has been more disappointing than even DM was, and that was a bust.

Don't you ever again DARE question Archlord Wyrom's judgement! He is LORD!

12-07-2016, 04:41 PM
Don't you ever again DARE question Archlord Wyrom's judgement! He is LORD!

Who are you?

12-07-2016, 04:46 PM
Anyone buying axes at this point has a gambling problem.

12-07-2016, 04:48 PM
Seriously last dig there were lots of people chiming in with neat stuff. Maybe people are being more secretive but it is definetly different

12-07-2016, 04:52 PM
I'm nearly 750 digs in without a single tier 5. Coupled this with EG and no tier 5s, I look like and now feel like a gigantic sucker.

12-07-2016, 04:59 PM
Honestly though Wyrom. Speaking directly to you and your staff. There are better ways to distribute high value loot while making the event entertaining. Not everyone is a degenerate gambler but still a ton of people flock to Vegas, to gamble, yes, but also to do other things. Making events that yield cool loot more a group activity with the 'thrills and chills' shared by a lot of people instead of just by yourself can make people not feel "suckered" or at the very least mitigate that feeling. It is HARD to make an activity like this, but then I'm not getting paid to make video games so that's really on you.

12-07-2016, 05:05 PM
I spent about 300 bucks and walked away with some good shit. Just gotta know when to stop.

12-07-2016, 05:06 PM
Honestly though Wyrom. Speaking directly to you and your staff. There are better ways to distribute high value loot while making the event entertaining. Not everyone is a degenerate gambler but still a ton of people flock to Vegas, to gamble, yes, but also to do other things. Making events that yield cool loot more a group activity with the 'thrills and chills' shared by a lot of people instead of just by yourself can make people not feel "suckered" or at the very least mitigate that feeling. It is HARD to make an activity like this, but then I'm not getting paid to make video games so that's really on you.

They distribute items and services through a LOT of channels these days. In a six month time span, we'll have had:

Merchant Services and Raffles via EG
High End item distribution via bloodscrip (fight in Arena or dig in sewers) via Duskruin
Search for mostly fluffy items- some of which were quite high end- and try to build a fancy (and super undervalued) doll- Delirium Manor
Try to find the pieces to build a pendant/get lucky with jackpot luck- Duskruin Digging
Buying your high end items outright with silvers- Auction

You've got your choice of distribution methods. No one is forcing you to choose all of them. If you don't like one, don't do it. It's not like GS is only using Duskruin digging jackpot wins to release high end items.

These days, they release more high end items and services in a year than they used to do in 5.

12-07-2016, 05:07 PM
I think he would prefer if the items were released as myklian loot.

12-07-2016, 05:48 PM
or son of the north your rng just gets way luckier then others. It's the curse I have :)

12-07-2016, 06:22 PM
Got around to singing to the slasher I found a few posts back.

5x (+25), modified katar (Brawling/OHE) with steam flares.

Not sure how desirable katars are or how good steam flares are in comparison to other uncommon flares.

I also happened to find a +20 locker expansion contract, as well, on my last pickaxe which was a pleasant surprise.

katars are a niche market, especially in a post-enhancive world because it makes OHE and brawl enhancives only half as effective for you. I like them (my warrior did TWC katars, fun) and they have a few people who use them.

pretty much all non-super-special-scripty flares are in the same kind of band of effectiveness, people make a big deal about it but for the most part they're all pretty close. There is some caveats like grapple and unbalance knock down a little more, fire has the troll advantage, etc. Within that band of flare performance...steam is unequivocally the worst. It's just not a good crit table.

12-07-2016, 08:27 PM
They distribute items and services through a LOT of channels these days. In a six month time span, we'll have had:

Merchant Services and Raffles via EG
High End item distribution via bloodscrip (fight in Arena or dig in sewers) via Duskruin
Search for mostly fluffy items- some of which were quite high end- and try to build a fancy (and super undervalued) doll- Delirium Manor
Try to find the pieces to build a pendant/get lucky with jackpot luck- Duskruin Digging
Buying your high end items outright with silvers- Auction

You've got your choice of distribution methods. No one is forcing you to choose all of them. If you don't like one, don't do it. It's not like GS is only using Duskruin digging jackpot wins to release high end items.

These days, they release more high end items and services in a year than they used to do in 5.

I absolutely hate this new distribution method. It is literally why I have stopped my accounts, well that and absolutely terrible communication between GMs and players regarding huge changes. These are cash grabs plain and simple. I'm sure a few people are having a super awesome time actually doing the digging part, but I would venture to guess that the vast majority are just continually pulling the slot lever praying they can make their purchase worthwhile. No one is forcing heroin addicts, but they will continually damage themselves chasing the dragon. I have faith that more of the community will realize just how terrible a value these events are and stop going to them.

12-07-2016, 11:59 PM
I absolutely hate this new distribution method. It is literally why I have stopped my accounts, well that and absolutely terrible communication between GMs and players regarding huge changes. These are cash grabs plain and simple. I'm sure a few people are having a super awesome time actually doing the digging part, but I would venture to guess that the vast majority are just continually pulling the slot lever praying they can make their purchase worthwhile. No one is forcing heroin addicts, but they will continually damage themselves chasing the dragon. I have faith that more of the community will realize just how terrible a value these events are and stop going to them.

This is a touchy subject. The concept of these things come from asian f2p mmos and in their terminology are called "gacha balls", they are popular in Japan wherein random prizes are placed in little plastic balls, people would buy tons of em to try and win a rare or finish a collection or whatever. They appear in digital form throughout various Asian f2p mmos.

Now here's the rub. When you go into a Japanese gacha shop or when you're playing perfect world or even DDO or whatever f2p mmo, you're not paying a recurring entry fee or heaven forbid 40 dollars a month to have a crack at these gacha balls. You are paying in GS4 and that F2P sign they got up out front as we all know is a lie, this game isn't F2P it's a trial pass; after level 25 or so you're gonna need to buy-in in some form or another.

The sad truth though is, people who post on these boards (the vets) don't care since they play the game for free. They lost the ability to see everything from a new player's eyes. If all of a sudden they lost the ability to sell in-game crap for US $$ the "jig is up" and the illusion evaporates into thin air.

This game has become incredibly dependent on this secondary items for cash market it's mind boggling. These prices are at where they are (15 bucks for 1 char slot 40 bucks for a fucking glorified MUD, I mean come on?! it's like I'm taking crazy pills doesn't anyone else see this?!) and Simu can get away with it because people can just sell silvers to buy the crazy sub or simucoin lotto.

P.S. It is what it is. If they ever come out in the future with an ultra realistic super detailed MMO, I'm there. But the MMO genre itself is in a bad place right now; so it all looks grim.

12-08-2016, 12:13 AM
This is a touchy subject. The concept of these things come from asian f2p mmos and in their terminology are called "gacha balls", they are popular in Japan wherein random prizes are placed in little plastic balls, people would buy tons of em to try and win a rare or finish a collection or whatever. They appear in digital form throughout various Asian f2p mmos.

Now here's the rub. When you go into a Japanese gacha shop or when you're playing perfect world or even DDO or whatever f2p mmo, you're not paying a recurring entry fee or heaven forbid 40 dollars a month to have a crack at these gacha balls. You are paying in GS4 and that F2P sign they got up out front as we all know is a lie, this game isn't F2P it's a trial pass; after level 25 or so you're gonna need to buy-in in some form or another.

The sad truth though is, people who post on these boards (the vets) don't care since they play the game for free. They lost the ability to see everything from a new player's eyes. If all of a sudden they lost the ability to sell in-game crap for US $$ the "jig is up" and the illusion evaporates into thin air.

This game has become incredibly dependent on this secondary items for cash market it's mind boggling. These prices are at where they are (15 bucks for 1 char slot 40 bucks for a fucking glorified MUD, I mean come on?! it's like I'm taking crazy pills doesn't anyone else see this?!) and Simu can get away with it because people can just sell silvers to buy the crazy sub or simucoin lotto.

P.S. It is what it is. If they ever come out in the future with an ultra realistic super detailed MMO, I'm there. But the MMO genre itself is in a bad place right now; so it all looks grim.

Most MMOs that sell items, it is "you want X item, then pay us Y amount of dollars and its yours". Most MMOs don't do the completely random chance while spending RL money, at least the ones I've tried.

12-08-2016, 01:22 AM
Most MMOs that sell items, it is "you want X item, then pay us Y amount of dollars and its yours". Most MMOs don't do the completely random chance while spending RL money, at least the ones I've tried.

The digging things are stupid. They aren't fun, the prizes seem kinda shitty especially this run. I don't support ANY of this bullshit microtransactions and most of the pay events while paying a subscription. It's a fucking mud, i find it ridiculous.

Duskruin you at least acquire script which takes away the random factor, and I'd be perfectly fine with it in general if it was X free entries for standard/premie accounts (more than 1 like reim, obviously). Enough that you could eventually acquire the non-limited release items after a few runs.

As much as I hate the current pricing models, and boy...do I, i hate even more than you addicts support it. If you don't like the events, or the prize distribution, stop fucking shoveling money into the furnace.The digging events are boring as hell. Slot machines are boring as hell IRL, the only thing that makes them fun are big flashy lights and the free booze. If when I bought pickaxe a cocktail waitress showed up at my house then I might consider it. But this happens every event, especially *SECOND* runs of things where the prizes always seem to become laughably worse. The draughtman fiasco, people going from pulling ridiculous enhancives to lol +2 trading from the sewers, now this.

How many times are you going to fall for it?

But I guess hoping for it change is silly, it's clearly good business if you guys are going to send them hundreds of dollars for no guarantee of anything worth a shit, then complain about it, say you won't do it again...then a month later be like "oh shit guys, now there's a FIRE cavern in the dig site....oh this will be better!"

12-08-2016, 06:05 AM
The digging things are stupid. They aren't fun, the prizes seem kinda shitty especially this run. I don't support ANY of this bullshit microtransactions and most of the pay events while paying a subscription. It's a fucking mud, i find it ridiculous.

Duskruin you at least acquire script which takes away the random factor, and I'd be perfectly fine with it in general if it was X free entries for standard/premie accounts (more than 1 like reim, obviously). Enough that you could eventually acquire the non-limited release items after a few runs.

As much as I hate the current pricing models, and boy...do I, i hate even more than you addicts support it. If you don't like the events, or the prize distribution, stop fucking shoveling money into the furnace.The digging events are boring as hell. Slot machines are boring as hell IRL, the only thing that makes them fun are big flashy lights and the free booze. If when I bought pickaxe a cocktail waitress showed up at my house then I might consider it. But this happens every event, especially *SECOND* runs of things where the prizes always seem to become laughably worse. The draughtman fiasco, people going from pulling ridiculous enhancives to lol +2 trading from the sewers, now this.

How many times are you going to fall for it?

But I guess hoping for it change is silly, it's clearly good business if you guys are going to send them hundreds of dollars for no guarantee of anything worth a shit, then complain about it, say you won't do it again...then a month later be like "oh shit guys, now there's a FIRE cavern in the dig site....oh this will be better!"

Noone is spending 100's of direct money from their pocket; vast majority are spending silvers acquired through the game. A capped character hunting 5-6 hours a day for a month could easily support a 200$ duskruin dig gambling habit. (150k-200k an hour; roughly 1 mil a day... 30 mil a month low rate of 8 per 240 bucks... going rate of picks were 2.5 mil per 250/mithril ingame).

12-08-2016, 06:53 AM
Of course they're spending 100s $, that's the only way to acquire the pickaxes.

12-08-2016, 07:21 AM
Of course they're spending 100s $, that's the only way to acquire the pickaxes.

Not quite, and yet you're right. I was buying pickaxes for 2.5 mil per mithril; and I got them from a close RL friend (so technically free). But the point is although the only means for supplying pickaxes is to purchase them off the simustore for RL dollars, the demand side is more complicated with I believe acquisition of silvers being the primary motivator vis-a-vis Simucoin purchases for pickaxes.

12-08-2016, 07:25 AM
And who the heck is neg repping me seriously?! We're actually having a pretty important conversation here. God damn! if you're so god damn dependent on your silver sales for income you may just want to work OT on your job; I mean JEEZ!

Short term gains does not mean something is healthy in the long run people; and a game like GS it's ALL about the long run.

12-08-2016, 01:27 PM
Most MMOs that sell items, it is "you want X item, then pay us Y amount of dollars and its yours". Most MMOs don't do the completely random chance while spending RL money, at least the ones I've tried.

I have no real opinion on whether its right or not for this game and Simutronics, there are quite a few MMO's that dabble in the random loot for $ model. Get random chests/crates/boxes, buy a key for $, open receptacle get random loot.

12-08-2016, 01:39 PM
Inside your glowing chest you see a thick black vultite dildo.

>l dildo
It is thick and black. The blackest.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read dildo

It reads:
Property of Jeril

12-08-2016, 03:46 PM
The digging things are stupid. They aren't fun, the prizes seem kinda shitty especially this run. I don't support ANY of this bullshit microtransactions and most of the pay events while paying a subscription. It's a fucking mud, i find it ridiculous.

Duskruin you at least acquire script which takes away the random factor, and I'd be perfectly fine with it in general if it was X free entries for standard/premie accounts (more than 1 like reim, obviously). Enough that you could eventually acquire the non-limited release items after a few runs.

As much as I hate the current pricing models, and boy...do I, i hate even more than you addicts support it. If you don't like the events, or the prize distribution, stop fucking shoveling money into the furnace.The digging events are boring as hell. Slot machines are boring as hell IRL, the only thing that makes them fun are big flashy lights and the free booze. If when I bought pickaxe a cocktail waitress showed up at my house then I might consider it. But this happens every event, especially *SECOND* runs of things where the prizes always seem to become laughably worse. The draughtman fiasco, people going from pulling ridiculous enhancives to lol +2 trading from the sewers, now this.

How many times are you going to fall for it?

But I guess hoping for it change is silly, it's clearly good business if you guys are going to send them hundreds of dollars for no guarantee of anything worth a shit, then complain about it, say you won't do it again...then a month later be like "oh shit guys, now there's a FIRE cavern in the dig site....oh this will be better!"

This is kind of how I feel about the continued shift towards RNG games as a means of distribution, but since there's been variety, and I'm not exactly short on fun toys, I've largely gone with the approach that not all things are for all people, and this is just one of those that isn't for me. But we're approaching a tipping point, where both the cash that people are willing to burn AND the time sink is just way too much. Basically everything since the last Droughtman's has been a giant time sink. But the auction is coming! Yay!

12-08-2016, 03:56 PM
This is kind of how I feel about the continued shift towards RNG games as a means of distribution, but since there's been variety, and I'm not exactly short on fun toys, I've largely gone with the approach that not all things are for all people, and this is just one of those that isn't for me. But we're approaching a tipping point, where both the cash that people are willing to burn AND the time sink is just way too much. Basically everything since the last Droughtman's has been a giant time sink. But the auction is coming! Yay!

Digging has been around for ages, and for years people have asked the GMs to build a digging-only standalone game. (Which they did) And raffles are also an RNG distribution, and they've been around for ages.

None of this stuff is new- it's just happening more frequently now.

I like your approach here though Archi- we don't always have to buy into every single event. And it's probably better overall if we pick and choose. (Even though that's hard to do sometimes when people start posting about the amazing things they've just found)

12-08-2016, 04:08 PM
those things were, historically, free (from RL money costs), and/or included in the costs of larger events.

I'm fine with varied forms of item dispersal. However longterm, y'all and giving them more and more reason to jus turn this shit into candy crush. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

12-08-2016, 04:18 PM
This may come as a shock but I would prefer they up the basic sub to 19.95 and get rid of this profanity called "f2p" and the simustore. Everything gets cheapened on how items are acquired, nothing is sacred anymore, it's just <insert coin> and out comes your sword of doom. Wouldn't it be better (cooler) if an actual adventure story was attached to how said sword was acquired rather then "Duhh, heh, yeah so that kerl guy bid 500 million and I bid 501 million and that was his cap so I won lulz!!"

12-08-2016, 04:48 PM
Digging has been around for ages, and for years people have asked the GMs to build a digging-only standalone game. (Which they did) And raffles are also an RNG distribution, and they've been around for ages.

None of this stuff is new- it's just happening more frequently now.

I like your approach here though Archi- we don't always have to buy into every single event. And it's probably better overall if we pick and choose. (Even though that's hard to do sometimes when people start posting about the amazing things they've just found)

"None of this stuff is new" largely misses the point, but you're catching on. Just because some crack addict asks you to make a crack dispensing machine, doesn't mean you've satisfied an important community need by building one. The same goes for a stand alone digging game. I was fine with it when it was an exception, but we've gone from it being a side show at EG, to expanding to multiple games and being an integral part of EG, to occuring at nearly every merchant type event, to being the only thing at an event. Time to tip that scale back the other way. Time sink games suck balls.

Raffles are not in the same category so let's just not pretend that argument has any merit.

12-08-2016, 04:51 PM
"None of this stuff is new" largely misses the point, but you're catching on. Just because some crack addict asks you to make a crack dispensing machine, doesn't mean you've satisfied an important community need by building one. The same goes for a stand alone digging game. I was fine with it when it was an exception, but we've gone from it being a side show at EG, to expanding to multiple games and being an integral part of EG, to occuring at nearly every merchant type event, to being the only thing at an event. Time to tip that scale back the other way. Time sink games suck balls.

Raffles are not in the same category so let's just not pretend that argument has any merit.

I'd argue that digging has been a core part of EG for a long time. It's the primary draw for a lot of us. (the last two years, I've barely bothered with sitting in merchant lines for services)

What I will say ultimately though is that Simutronics has a new majority owner, and Gemstone is a text-base game from a far away time. Pulling a profit is a good thing for the survival of the world we've all invested so much into over the years. Though I do worry about power creep with the sheer quantity of high end items that are now funneling into the game, I worry a lot less that my character won't exist in 5 years than I did even 10 years ago when I took my extended break.

12-08-2016, 04:59 PM
I'd argue that digging has been a core part of EG for a long time. It's the primary draw for a lot of us. (the last two years, I've barely bothered with sitting in merchant lines for services)

What I will say ultimately though is that Simutronics has a new majority owner, and Gemstone is a text-base game from a far away time. Pulling a profit is a good thing for the survival of the world we've all invested so much into over the years. Though I do worry about power creep with the sheer quantity of high end items that are now funneling into the game, I worry a lot less that my character won't exist in 5 years than I did even 10 years ago when I took my extended break.

Is this survival though? Or is this a shakedown before the big unplug? I mean let's use our heads here, events like these aren't made to last for the longterm more of a quick cash grab. I know there's been "Dooooom!" called for GS in the past, but everything does have an end eventually. Only Simu and it's new owner has the actual numbers and their actions in terms of events and even items going out can be telling.

12-08-2016, 05:00 PM
This is a lot of chatter and no wins! Lets see some wins!

12-08-2016, 05:03 PM
Haven't seen a gemmed box in a couple days I think.

I stand about over 3000digs 4 t5 well supposedly t5 wins. A 5x acid falchion. the golden kobold statuette with 303 and 2 clumps of bs for 500 each.

I am very underwhlemed and annoyed. yes it was my choice and damnit i can be mad if i want!

12-08-2016, 05:04 PM
My last two T5 were a culture reset and a perm crystal amulet. . . lol Some things certainly shouldn't be T5 wins.

12-08-2016, 05:06 PM
who ever red repped me to tell me to stop digging stupid would you please go stand in traffic. :)

12-08-2016, 07:23 PM
who ever red repped me to tell me to stop digging stupid would you please go stand in traffic. :)

Just keep digging. Sooner or later something good will turn up.

Of course, I'm a digging addict so you have to consider the source here...

12-08-2016, 07:52 PM
Digging has been around for ages, and for years people have asked the GMs to build a digging-only standalone game. (Which they did) And raffles are also an RNG distribution, and they've been around for ages.

None of this stuff is new- it's just happening more frequently now.

I like your approach here though Archi- we don't always have to buy into every single event. And it's probably better overall if we pick and choose. (Even though that's hard to do sometimes when people start posting about the amazing things they've just found)

You are conflating RNG for silvers w/ RNG for $.

12-08-2016, 08:12 PM
My last two T5 were a culture reset and a perm crystal amulet. . . lol Some things certainly shouldn't be T5 wins.

Who could POSSIBLY think a perm amulet is worthy of a t5? Not to call back to it again but did we not learn that lesson from Draughtman when they tried to pass that off as a prize? ROFL.

Perm crystal amulet is like...i dunno, t1. Maybe.

12-08-2016, 11:10 PM
Almost as if the RNG gods were listening in on all this...

China to force online games with loot boxes publicly announce item probabilities.

China has just passed regulations on online games, in which there are specific parts on games with loot boxes.

The regulation (in Chinese) http://www.mcprc.gov.cn/whzx/bnsjdt/...05_464422.html

Translation regarding loot boxes:

2.6 ...Online game publishers shall promptly publicly announce information about the name, property, content, quantity, and draw/forge probability of all virtual items and services that can be drawn/forge on the official website or a dedicated draw probability webpage of the game. The information on draw probability shall be true and effective.

2.7 Online game publishers shall publicly announce the random draw results by customers on notable places of official website or in game, and keep record for government inquiry. The record must be kept for more than 90 days. When publishing the random draw results, some measures should be taken place to protect user privacy.


Reddit Commentary is provocative,engaging, and mature, you guys here might learn something.


12-10-2016, 02:35 PM
850 digs and no T5, none at EG either ... I'm in a bit of a RNG luck valley when it comes to the gambling machines heh. :)

Oh and one of my Droughtman's Maze pulls was a 40 charge crumbly amulet that not even a merchant could recharge ... so there was worse than the perma crystal amulet there lol.

12-10-2016, 04:00 PM
I went 1,500 diggs without a t5, but after seeing some of the t5s others have gotten i'm not too disappointed. Plus i got something cool at the last one..... RNG will RNG you.

12-10-2016, 06:57 PM
I got a RPA for being awesome. Beyond that, total bust for me.

12-11-2016, 12:59 AM
a gnarled emerald witchwood runestaff capped with a vulture skull. . . +17 earth flaring. . .

12-11-2016, 01:04 AM
Golvern Segment, belt-worn 3/75, and a moderate locker expansion.

Happy with my last few pulls.

12-11-2016, 01:17 AM
Medium locker expansion.

12-11-2016, 01:44 AM
small locker expansion, and a 5x grapple flaring maul

(Edit: And a +8 max health ring)

12-11-2016, 07:12 AM
while lots of people were finding good stuff, I found another 20 locker expansion contract and one of those whisper boxes that seem quite common after eg and dm. Yay me!

12-11-2016, 10:00 AM
Had some good pulls early on then decided to stop sinking money into it. Instead, I pretended that I used up another 1500 digs to "find" a jackpot that I wanted and bought myself that 7x blessable, bubble-flaring short sword.

12-11-2016, 11:09 AM
Another medium locker expansion.

12-11-2016, 02:12 PM
a golvern-scaled grey leather corselet - 5x SWDP brig

The cut of this corselet is designed to fit the female form only. If you were female, you sense you could WEAR, PULL, KNOCK, RUB and TAP the corselet. It is fully unlocked.

12-11-2016, 02:19 PM
wavering elemental circlet. Fire circlet. Neat find finally YAY!!

12-11-2016, 02:27 PM
wavering elemental circlet. Fire circlet. Neat find finally YAY!!

Afraid to ask how many pickaxes you went through... so afraid.

12-11-2016, 02:35 PM
wavering elemental circlet. Fire circlet. Neat find finally YAY!!

Congrats!!! I'm so glad!

12-11-2016, 02:45 PM
well lets just say i probably bought 20ish? lol

12-11-2016, 03:00 PM
polished rolaren battle axe with sinuous silver etchings 5x void flaring

12-11-2016, 05:23 PM
406 MR bracelet.

OH wait... it's also +2 ranged.


12-11-2016, 10:18 PM
In the silver capsule you see a large locker expansion contract, a dark blue potion, an Adventurer's Guild task waiver, an Adventurer's Guild task waiver, an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack, a squat pale grey crystal bottle, a potent yellow-green potion, a potent yellow-green potion, a potent yellow-green potion, a potent yellow-green potion, a locker runner contract, a locker runner contract, a sun-etched gold ring, a squat jar of pallid grey salve and a squat jar of pallid grey salve.

12-11-2016, 10:20 PM
nice one. not familiar with a few of those