View Full Version : badlands pvp idea (x-post from Shattered Wargames)

11-27-2016, 12:18 PM
Here's the original idea:


Basically, i'd like to see a new area that new characters can generate into that is purged on the last day of every month, dropping everyone into the town of their choice after that point including bank account/locker. Here's some of the characteristics that the area would have:

- PvP is allowed (might not work due to conflict it may cause once dumped into Prime)
- Heightened treasure drops
- NO outside influence from the rest of the game. Items/characters from regular Prime cannot get access.
- Person at the highest level at the end of each month gets a special title, possibly other perks

The allure here would be competition of course, and also reviving some of that 90s feel that Shattered had when it first came out.


11-27-2016, 12:35 PM
Here's the original idea:


Basically, i'd like to see a new area that new characters can generate into that is purged on the last day of every month, dropping everyone into the town of their choice after that point including bank account/locker. Here's some of the characteristics that the area would have:

- PvP is allowed
- Heightened treasure drops
- NO outside influence from the rest of the game. Items/characters from regular Prime cannot get access.
- Person at the highest level at the end of each month gets a special title, possibly other perks

The allure here would be competition of course, and also reviving some of that 90s feel that Shattered had when it first came out.


Fucking fantastic idea! I loved PvP in DR, PvE vs. PvP is like the difference between masturbation vs. actual sex it's incredible. However due to Wyrom's relative newness and the enormous amount of pussies on this site (swear to god even the confirmed "males" here act like a bunch of limp wristed jokes; just want to put a wig on them and fuck em) who are all reticent to change; I doubt this will get implemented in anyform.

11-27-2016, 12:57 PM
Wyrom could handle it. But as we saw with the exp changes sometimes things are worked on that are new and not RSN and folks become unhappy.

You can tell the substance of this message board by how many people supported Hillary Clinton vs Trump. Even I predicted Trump's landslide victory.

11-27-2016, 01:02 PM
Wyrom could handle it. But as we saw with the exp changes sometimes things are worked on that are new and not RSN and folks become unhappy.

You can tell the substance of this message board by how many people supported Hillary Clinton vs Trump. Even I predicted Trump's landslide victory.

Fucking whiney liberals ruin everything no matter where you go.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-27-2016, 01:13 PM
Fucking whiney liberals ruin everything no matter where you go.

Thanks Obama

11-27-2016, 03:46 PM
A fucking stupid waste of resources that are already stretched to the limit because of pay events. Buzz off and go back to Shattered.