View Full Version : thoughts on my cm and what to do next please and thank you!

11-25-2016, 04:19 PM
This is what i have at 78 (just turned) I am a twohanded user. Any thoughts, i know i asked this before but that was a number of levels ago.

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Movement cmovement 3
Specialization II wspec2 3
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 1
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Stance of the Mongoose mongoose 3
Griffin's Voice griffin 1
Armor Spike Focus spikefocus 1

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 36

Thanks in advance

11-29-2016, 12:55 PM
quit talking politics and answer this please :)

11-29-2016, 03:39 PM
2 ranks of mighty blow then staggering blow. they seem cool.

11-29-2016, 04:13 PM
Coup de grace is fun too

11-29-2016, 04:33 PM
tainted sounds interesting? i have a t5 weapon fully bonded. worth it?

11-29-2016, 05:02 PM
Every warrior should get 5 ranks of focus. TD is a must have any way you can get it.

11-29-2016, 06:50 PM
TLDR: In my opinion, drop combat movement and armor spike. Keep bonding, wspec, parry and mongoose. Possibly increase surge.

It has been a few years since I played a warrior steadily (I converted to Paladin later)...but here's my thoughts regarding the suggestions so far and your build:

- Combat movement just wasn't worth the point investment for only 2 DS per rank that has to be constantly reactivated. Some investment into armor and some spells does the same. If this helped against creature maneuver attacks, like roa'ters, I'd like it a lot more. (edit: doesn't have to be reactivated anymore. That is a nice change. Been away too long...)

- Coup de grace, while flashy and cool for RP was way too slow with a 8? sec activation RT, and the bonus from a kill does not seem to last long enough to make it worth it. Situational maneuvers, with little up-time = a bad investment of limited training points.

- Combat Mobility - Great investment, worth every point especially with only 2 ranks needed.

- Griffin's voice - I WISH they had this when I was a warrior. Losing my guild skills was the part that stung the most, and having my warcries up that much more would have been incredible. I would think this is a must-have investment if you're a warcry master or working on warcries.

- Surge of Strength - In my opinion, this is a 'solid' choice. Not only does it help with your flat AS, but you used to be able to keep it up almost indefinitely. They nerfed it several years back, but at 5 ranks, it's still pretty good. May find better options though if you don't have a lot of encumbrance or AS issues.

- Bonding - I feel like this is a must at rank 5. Getting double swings and having your weapon come back to your hand is just too valuable. The AS boost is bonus nice too. I'd agree with your choice to only get the wspec to 3. The extra points for 4 more AS just isn't worth it to me.

- Armor Spike Focus - Is 15 CM points worth getting the occasional 5-30 damage flare? Is it worth saving the CM penalty? Never been a fan of armor spikes. Opinion is to ditch the spikes and save the 15 points to use elsewhere.

- Parry Mastery - seems a decent investment since you're a THW user. Passive defense is always useful. Good choice here. 15% increase is nothing to sneeze at. 24 points invested is painful though. Could potentially get 10% for 12 points though as a compromise.

- Stance of Mongoose - Ok. Stances are new to me. Now I get why you went with 15% Parry. Nice combo there. This definitely legitimizes going 3 ranks into Parry.

- Focus - Never tried it or felt the need, but the extra TD wouldn't be a bad thing. However, 30 points for a mere +10 TD feels really cruddy.

- Cunning Defense - I used this for a while as a Paladin, and I felt like it made a difference. Hard to say, but it's essentially giving you 1 rank in ALL maneuvers in terms of defense. And it stacks. If you're a disarm guild master, with Cdefense, that's essentially 72 ranks in defense against disarm. That's value I can dig.

- Tainted bond - I admit, ensorcell is way too new for me to know how beneficial the 20 points would be to get this. I wouldn't even consider it unless I had a T5 amazinggodweaponofensorcellness wonder though. Maybe others can comment on this.

Any other combat skill is pretty much a matter of taste and RP value. It may also go without saying, but I'd definitely not invest points into anything you can get through the guild.

11-29-2016, 08:41 PM
THW elf warrior:

My warrior picked up rank 2 yesterday at level 93. Probably should have gotten it a little earlier, but rank 1 does fine while you pick up the more important stuff. Speaking of which:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 2
Hamstring hamstring 2
Subdual Strike sstrike 2
Specialization II wspec2 5
Coup de Grace coupdegrace 2
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 5
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 4
Griffin's Voice griffin 3

hamstring/sstrike are for bandit defense