View Full Version : Best Combat Maneuver Choices?

11-22-2016, 02:19 PM
I'm curious what combat maneuver combos people are using and finding most effective? I have a sunfist warrior, almost mastered in Warrior Tricks, pretty low rank in everything else currently. I did this for feinting casters in the warcamp, which helps greatly to target and eliminate them first, especially following up with some spin attacks.

I tried coup de grace but it feels way too slow and situational for warcamps. Instead I was considering adding Cunnning Defense, and Combat Mobility, for increased survival in warcamps, as the RT from some of the Grimswarm get nasty when they land a good maneuver on you, but wanted to see what warriors at higher levels are doing so I have something to work toward.

11-22-2016, 02:31 PM
I have these at 65
Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Movement cmovement 3
Combat Focus focus 2
Mighty Blow mblow 2
Specialization I wspec1 4
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Surge of Strength surge 4
Parry Mastery pmastery 2
Executioner's Stance executioner 2

11-22-2016, 05:00 PM
Combat mobility rank 1 I consider a must have. Rank 2 is great if you can afford it wherever you are at, but rank 1 gets you up pretty damn fast even if it misses once or twice.

11-22-2016, 07:24 PM
Combat mobility rank 1 I consider a must have. Rank 2 is great if you can afford it wherever you are at, but rank 1 gets you up pretty damn fast even if it misses once or twice.

My warrior picked up rank 2 yesterday at level 93. Probably should have gotten it a little earlier, but rank 1 does fine while you pick up the more important stuff. Speaking of which:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 2
Hamstring hamstring 2
Subdual Strike sstrike 2
Specialization II wspec2 5
Coup de Grace coupdegrace 2
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 2
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 5
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 4
Griffin's Voice griffin 3

11-22-2016, 10:46 PM
how about for a warrior that is doing UAC - should I master punch/kick/grapple in lieu of bonding and wspec?