View Full Version : chainspear and handaxe bandolier

11-18-2016, 03:17 AM
Recently got my old pike back and felt nostalgic, decided to fixskill back to pole-arms. As such, selling some thrown weapon items. Then remembered why I had fixskilled to thrown.. oi.

Sold the bandolier and chainspear now.. kinda thinking I shouldn't keep using this thread.

also a hidden vambrace/bracer item for 40m - I've got big ass bag of ammo saved for it, you can have, too. - https://gswiki.play.net/Hidden_bracer

a +43 max light ironwright flaring(web, void, disintigration), extraplanar bane coraesine pike(lance) - doesn't have coraesine properties, but is made from coraesine - 80m

a lor-hafted coraesine pike - Flawless and lustrous, the lor haft of the pike has a silvery finish that stretches across its unmarred six foot length. Misty white coraesine tendrils blend throughout the haft with subtle contrasting grace, growing denser at the apex and forming a foot-long blade, which is sharp and dual-edged. A cap of grey-veined bands reinforces the butt, while thorned dark grey tendrils curl outward from the base of the blade forming ornate langets. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the pike.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read pike
In the Faendryl language, it reads:

Loresong info for the pike:

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the coraesine pike in your hand, and you learn something about it...

The first thing that strikes you about the pike is the weight, which is about 8 pounds. In your best estimation, it's worth about 7,150,000 silvers. You can also tell that the coraesine pike is predominantly crafted of coraesine.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the coraesine pike in your hand, and you learn something about it...

You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the pike. You sense that this is some type of holy item. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the pike is as some type of weapon. A sense of deep seated hatred clings to the coraesine pike, as if it had been crafted with a specific purpose.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the coraesine pike in your hand...

It has a bonus of +43 from a normal pike, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in polearms to use effectively. It also has some type of special ability, but you can't tell what yet. This coraesine pike seems to be the bane of all extraplanar creatures.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the coraesine pike in your hand...

The harmonics generated tell you that the pike has been sanctified for use by a Cleric or Paladin in the fight against the undead.
This coraesine pike inflicts more fearsome wounds when employed against all extraplanar creatures.

it's reading as sancted due to currently being blessed and having ironwright flares, it shouldn't normally be sanctified.

bandolier - 4x, lightning flaring, handaxe base - 60m flat
chainspear - 6x, t4 ensorcell - 70m flat - https://gswiki.play.net/Chainspear

11-22-2016, 09:04 AM
also a hidden vambrace/bracer item for 40m - I've got big ass bag of ammo saved for it, you can have, too.


11-25-2016, 11:19 PM
also a +43 max light ironwright flaring(web, void, disintigration), extraplanar bane coraesine pike(lance) - doesn't have coraesine properties, but is made from coraesine - 80m

11-28-2016, 09:28 PM
60 million on the bandolier.


11-29-2016, 12:16 AM
bandolier is sold

12-17-2016, 09:37 PM
post auction bump

12-18-2016, 04:19 PM
What flavor of XPB is that Japh, flares, weighting?


12-18-2016, 09:18 PM
Oh, dur. Should be crit weighting. I'll post the Loresong when I get home from work tomorrow morning.

12-19-2016, 09:51 PM
added loresong info for the pike

01-07-2017, 02:36 AM

01-26-2017, 08:38 PM
chainspear is now sold