View Full Version : PM system fucked up?

11-12-2016, 12:58 AM
So I've encountered a weird problem. I use the PM system extensively here but when I open a PM to respond or to send a new one, my space bar doesn't function at all so allmywordsruntogetherlikethis. The only way I can send pms without that issue is to type them in a word document first then copy and paste in the body of the pm. It's a clunky solution so hoping there is an easy fix? I don't have that problem when posting regularly, only in PMs so it's not my keyboard. Anyone else having this problem?

11-12-2016, 01:06 AM
You're using Chrome I'm guessing?

11-12-2016, 01:22 AM
You're using Chrome I'm guessing?

I am. Why?

11-12-2016, 01:34 AM
One of the recent updates caused that problem with Vbulletin boards.

11-12-2016, 01:38 AM
Is there a fix that doesn't involve using a different browser?

11-12-2016, 01:47 AM
On this forum do this:
General options
Message editor interface

Set it to basic and if that doesn't work then try standard.

11-12-2016, 01:51 AM
Okay, thanks, dude.

11-12-2016, 01:51 AM
If that doesn't work then a different browser is your best bet as Vbulletin isn't going to fix the issue since they're busy coding VB5. (plus it was caused by Chrome)

http://torchbrowser.com/ is a great browser and very similar to Chrome

11-12-2016, 09:27 AM
I had a similar problem where the backspace key stopped working. I had no idea how much I used that key until it ceased to function. That was a chrome issue too, but thankfully was fixed by the next day.