View Full Version : Chat log with Wyrom 9/19/2016

11-09-2016, 09:41 PM
Simutronics doesn't keep chat logs of what is being discussed between gm's and players, so I feel like maybe there should be a public record.

10-19-2016 the day my lockout ended

[Consultation Lounge - ]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Wyrom
Obvious exits: none

You wave.

Wyrom asks, "How's it going this morning?"

You say, "Still very frustrated."

Wyrom asks, "So what did you still want to talk about?"

You say, "Where to start."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Wyrom says, "Where ever you wish."

Wyrom grins.

You say, "First thing is i want to know why i was denied an opertunity to talk to you by Valryka when all this first started."

You say, "It was obvious to me that you had something a little more to say than change your characters name."

You say, "And she adamantly denied me any chance to speak with you."

Wyrom says, "I don't know the answer to that one, to be honest. I asked, and I think it was a misunderstanding. I wasn't around at the time, and I think it was more to do with that."

You say, "I made it clear that i was willing to wait, so if you werent around that cant have been the issue."

Wyrom says, "Since that incident, I've been working with making the chain-of-command clear for both staff AND players."

You ask, "Why am i not allowed to be angry at a gm that is giving me unfair treatment?"

Wyrom says, "I never said you can't be angry. Hell, the whole thing spiraled out of control for a routine issue."

You say, "Thats the thing though."

You say, "It wasnt quick."

You say, "I was harassed by gm's for 3 days before i blew up."

You say, "And didnt realy blow up until they decided to involve all my accounts."

You say, "If thats not a provocation i dont know what is."

You say, "My character was sitting in the lounge harmlessly waiting for you."

Wyrom says, "The one thing that really put the brakes on it being simple was the whole Wyromsafag name. I wasn't here when you did that. And I didn't give a ruling on that. Honestly, I laughed about it. But it's still not a good way to deal with the situation. The other thing was you swearing at staff."

You say, "I know it was dumb but as i tried to explain before, it was an act of desperation."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "I felt i had no other outlet, nobody else was getting involved."

Wyrom says, "Well, even today, you were kind of rude to Flannihan. So you're definitely giving off bad vibes."

You say, "And talking to you was out of the question they made it clear."

You say, "Well yeah im not in a good mood, and i tried to explain to him its not personal, hes just the face of the company that i currently have a problem with when im speaking to him."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "I feel like ive been punished extremely unfairly because someone has a vendeta against me."

Wyrom says, "Well, again, I'm sorry you were denied the right to speak with me."

You say, "Then you adding the extra 9 days to my lockout was just the iceing on the cake."

Wyrom says, "I wish I didn't have a meeting the day it happened, as this would all be cleared up last month."

You ask, "Why did the extra 9 days need to get added, even though other staff members told my room mate it was ok for him to be playing?"

Wyrom says, "That was something from lockout. I didn't have any control over it."

You say, "They literaly had a 30 min meeting about wheather he could play or not, and said ok fine go play."

You say, "Just to get stoped 9 days later and say oh wait no you cant play and heres an extra 9 days of lockout for your friend."

Wyrom says, "I get it. That's a policy that lockout dictates though."

You ask, "Why was the policy different 9 days earlier?"

Wyrom says, "Lockout wasn't looped in to whatever GM talked to you."

You say, "Also why did i never get any notification that my lockout had been extended."

Wyrom says, "When they were, that's when it happened."

You ask, "And why doesnt lockout feel the need to respond to emails?"

You ask, "Did you see how many i sent them?"

You say, "When they are your only avenue of comunication, and they just ignore you.... thats even more frustrating than the responses they send."

Wyrom says, "Well, that's likely the issue, the volume of emails you sent would certainly come into play on how often they can respond. But once you get a lockout, it's typically final. You can't get into lockout without it first being approved by lockout. So there is no more arguing it. It's something I can address with the office though."

You say, "The responses always being super veague and never giving any direct answer."

You say, "Thats a rediculos policy."

You say, "So your gm harasses someone to the breaking point, with several senior staff and other gm's watching."

You say, "Then you just lock them out with no questions abou it."

You say, "And hope they go away by the time the lockout is over."

You say, "Nobody else ever steped in to help resolve the situation."

Wyrom says, "I have to say, you're the first person in the 9 years of doing this that has felt a GM harassed them into exploding the way you did."

You say, "Just one person who seems to have a problem with people challenging her authority."

Wyrom says, "No one has really come close to the way you were talking to multiple staff members."

You say, "Oh come on, thats a lie."

Wyrom says, "No it's not."

Wyrom says, "I've been on staff in some form for 9 years."

You say, "Id love to go over the logs with you."

You say, "Being rude to someone who isnt trying to help you, isnt uncalled for."

Wyrom says, "I'm strictly talking about speaking to staff. Not off the cuff talk on lnet or the PC."

You ask, "So who is the GM thats doing ****** all her favors? who got me my staff back while i was logged out?"

You say, "You would think someone posing as a GM would be a much mor serious issue than someone whos pissed about a naming violation."

You ask, "Did you ever look into that?"

You feel more refreshed.

Wyrom says, "She says she never did any of those things."

You laugh out loud!

You say, "Even ragz told me shes not a gm, she just likes people to think she is."

You say, "So i would stop accusing her of being staff on lnet."

You feel more refreshed.

Wyrom says, "It's being monitored though, trust me."

You say, "Someone is doing her favor's and allowing her to take credit for them."

You say, "And i gave you a specific example."

You say, "Of my runestaff."

Wyrom says, "I don't think that's the case though. For example, your runestaff."

Wyrom says, "We'd have replaced that if you assisted."

Wyrom says, "WHich you did."

Wyrom says, "It's all logged, how you lost it, where you lost it, etc."

Wyrom says, "It was a simple situation where we grabbed it from the janitor."

You say, "Was that the first or second time i lost it."

Wyrom says, "The time you mentioned it to me."

You say, "There were 2 instances i lost it within 2 weeks."

Wyrom says, "Let me look."

The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing.

Wyrom asks, "Both on Pixelia?"

You say, "That time i mentioned to you about the janitor was just to find the item in question."

You nod at Wyrom.

You say, "The second time is when the miracle happened."

Wyrom says, "Okay, so the time I see you assisted was 7/3."

Wyrom says, "Spirit servent dropped it."

You say, "I felt so dumb about losing the staff again that i didnt want to do an assist abou tit."

Wyrom asks, "Is that the first or second time?"

You ask, "That was at the dais after i was raised?"

You say, "That was the first time."

Wyrom says, "Yes."

Wyrom says, "Forgot to pick it up."

You say, "The time im talking about was about 2 weeks later roughly."

Wyrom asks, "That's the only record about you losing it. How did you get it back the second time?"

Wyrom says, "And how did you lose it."

You say, "It was same issue where my servant had it, and i didnt renew my spell so it droped it."

You say, "But i knew right away when i did it, i screwed up."

Wyrom says, "And how did you lose it."

Wyrom says, "Or well."

Wyrom says, "Who replaced it."

You say, "Thats the thing, i was mad at myself for losing it again, especialy so soon after they had just gotten it back for me."

You say, "So i told ****** i lost my staff and was mad and just gunna quit for the night, then logged off."

You say, "Woke up in the morning and had a spirit in the room with me."

You say, "Thinking what the heck i know that wasnt there last night, i looked 8 times."

You say, "And it had been hours since the spell expired."

You say, "And sure enough he had my staff, i ask ****** what did she do, and just got a wink and a smileyface and a shhhhh."

Wyrom asks, "What day?"

Wyrom asks, "And was it the fireleaf one again?"

Wyrom asks, "Or the ironwood one?"

You say, "This must have been around the 20'th or so, just before i sold the account on the 27'th."

You say, "Fireleaf."

You say, "Thats the only one i lost ever."

You say, "And it happened 2x realy close together."

Wyrom says, "You lost an ironwood one too."

You say, "I dont think i ever used an ironwood one."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "Maybe after you sold the account."

You say, "Unless it was before i was 20."

Wyrom says, "Okay, hang on though."

Wyrom says, "So you thought you lost it."

You say, "I sold on july 27th 2016."

Wyrom asks, "And you logged off?"

Wyrom says, "Okay, ironwood was in August."

You say, "I was positive i lost it, i checked everywhere multiple times."

Wyrom asks, "But you logged off for the night?"

You say, "And had no servant."

You say, "Yeah."

Wyrom says, "What time did you log back in."

You say, "Prob about 6am central the next morning."

Wyrom says, "So on the 20th, I see the servant giving you it back at 8:13 CT and then you logged off."

Wyrom says, "Pm."

Wyrom says, "Let me check some other days."

You say, "That cant be it."

You say, "Thats just a rough estimation of the day."

Wyrom says, "Okay."

Wyrom says, "Give me a bit."

You say, "It would have been in the morning."

Wyrom says, "You get disarmed a lot."

You say, "When he gave it back."

You laugh out loud!

You adopt an agreeable expression.

You exclaim, "Faendryl bastards!"

Wyrom says, "The night you logged off, what time was it, you think."

Wyrom says, "That will help."

Wyrom says, "You typically aren't around late."

You say, "Prob around 9pm."

You say, "No im an early riser haha."

Wyrom says, "What about the illthorn one."

You say, "I never lost that one."

You say, "Was too scared to use it."

You say, "In otf at least."

Wyrom says, "Well."

You say, "I realize this may be a needle in a haystack."

Wyrom says, "I see it."

Your jaw drops.

Wyrom says, "So let me show you."

Wyrom says, "This is what logs on our end."

Wyrom says, "An Ithzir janissary disarmed a red fireleaf runestaff (130259061) out of Pixelia's hand."

Wyrom says, "This is around 8pm."

Wyrom says, "Pixelia was just disarmed. I'm picking up a red fireleaf runestaff for him."

Wyrom says, "I just gave a red fireleaf runestaff to Pixelia."

Wyrom says, "That's what your servant shows us."

Wyrom says, "So here is the odd part."

You ask, "Shows him giving the staff to me that night?"

Wyrom says, "No, you lost it again."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "But I was showing you what SHOULD happen."

You slap yourself on the forehead! Doh!

You nod.

Wyrom says, "So that same day."

Wyrom says, "The spell expired so I'm leaving and dropping [blank space]."

Wyrom says, "So that blank space should have been your runestaff."

You nod.

Wyrom says, "But it errored out."

Wyrom says, "I'm think it returned due to a bug."

Wyrom says, "A GM can't mimic these logs."

Wyrom says, "It's weird."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Wyrom says, "Then I see you in at 7am."

Wyrom says, "And it gives it to you."

Wyrom says, "7:01:13am CT."

Wyrom says, "On 7/21."

You say, "Yeah first thing i did was check the servant when i logged in cause i knew it wasnt supposed to be there."

Wyrom says, "Now, maybe she took credit for it? I don't know. But it's enough for me to look into this."

You say, "Its not the first time she demonstrated she had powers with the staff."

You say, "Or acted like it at least."

Wyrom asks, "Anything else I can look for?"

You say, "Just typical gm favoritism stuff from what ive been told."

You say, "Like getting gm's to show up instantly to help with an issue without having to assist or anything."

You say, "Just dumb stuff that adds to the illusion."

Wyrom asks, "Do you know which GMs are showing up?"

You say, "I didnt pay much attention honestly."

You say, "I didnt deal with the staff very often."

Wyrom says, "I'll be honest with you. The idea that a player is doing this gets me upset. I don't like it. And I know you're not crazy. I know you're getting frustrated because it seems like no one believes you."

Wyrom says, "If someone is aiding her, they are careful."

You say, "I just cant find any logical reason why Valryka needed to push me as far as she did over the naming issue."

You say, "It seriously felt like it was about something else that nobody wanted to tell me."

You say, "And if it was someone telling her to do it then it is what it is, i just want to know why."

Wyrom says, "You mentioned **** telling you, and then he changed his story."

Wyrom asks, "Is there anyone else?"

You say, "****** never changed his story."

You say, "He said she likes to make people think shes a gm."

Wyrom says, "Ah."

Wyrom says, "I thought you said he was saying she was a GM too, but then changed."

You say, "Oh no, he just told me that so i would stop saying she was staff on lnet."

Wyrom asks, "We saw another person saying this too. Was that your roommate too?"

You say, "No."

You ask, "Is it some guy named tinwisly?"

You say, "Or something like that."

Wyrom says, "No."

You say, "I heard about someone else badmouthing ****** on lnet that wasnt me or my roomate, was wondering who it was."

Wyrom says, "Yeah, he went off about it around the same time as you."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "That's interesting."

You say, "Well i did kind of publicly out her on being a lieing sac of crap."

You laugh out loud!

You say, "Im pretty sure she was catfishing at least 3 other guys when i called her out."

You say, "And ive gotten alot of support from those who have been involved with her in the past."

Wyrom says, "Well, I'm going to look into this. I want to know why your servant did this."

You say, "You and me both."

You smile.

Wyrom says, "And if a GM could do anything to cause it."

You ask, "Can we chat about one more topic before you go?"

Wyrom says, "Looking at it, there isn't a way. But I just started looking at it."

You say, "I know youve already spent a good chunk of time here."

Wyrom nods to you.

Wyrom says, "I'll update you about this servant too."

Wyrom says, "When I find out more."

You say, "Why is it you guys have a profanity alert system, but no profanity filter."

Wyrom says, "You know, we started talking about that."

You ask, "Wouldnt a profanity filter solve loads of issues for you?"

Wyrom says, "DragonRealms may try to pioneer a way to filter it."

Wyrom says, "Yes."

You say, "Seens the alert system could be repurposed pretty easily."

Wyrom says, "It would certainly make it a nonissue."

Wyrom says, "Have it on by default."

You adopt an agreeable expression.

Wyrom says, "But I agree."

You say, "Its so dumb to ban paying subscribers because they are upset in a moment."

You say, "Just let em swear and filter it out if the staff doesnt want to hear it."

Wyrom says, "But do me a favor, until that day comes. Try not to call the staff a phat cunt. That will help."

Wyrom chuckles.

You say, "Oh trust me i wont."

You say, "But it would also be nice if the staff wasnt so provocative."

You say, "Laying down laws like NOBODY SPEAKS TO WYROM!!11! EVER."

Wyrom says, "But here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk with those that can look at spirit servant a little more in depth and see if we can mimic this messaging. If we can't, I'm going to try to replicate the situation. It might be awhile, we have EG running."

Wyrom says, "But I'll touch base with you again."

You say, "Im probubly going to sell this account soon."

You say, "Just a heads up."

You say, "Just want to get to 25 first."

Wyrom says, "I can't talk to you about ***** on what I talk to her about. But I plan on looking into it further as well."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "Thank you."

Wyrom asks, "Are you going to be on a ******* account then?"

You say, "No those are paid accounts, i wont be subscribing again."

You say, "Though i might activate them to clear my stuff off and get the character info to make the sale easier."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "If you could email me that would be cool."

Wyrom nods.

Wyrom says, "I will."

You say, "If not, its all good."

Wyrom says, "No, I'll email you."

Wyrom says, "Like I said, I don't like how things went down."

Wyrom asks, "Ready to head back into the game?"

You say, "You guys get a profanity filter and a lil bit of customer service training for the people at the bottom who deal with customers and ill consider being a subscriber again."

You cheerfully say, "Is what i should say."

You say, "Yeah im ready, thanks for your time."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "Im still pissed but feel a bit better."

Wyrom says, "Alright, ******, have a good day."

11-09-2016, 09:42 PM
Oh, I see what you're doing. Trump divided many on the PC, you are trying to bring us back together with shared dislike of you.


11-09-2016, 09:48 PM
Simutronics doesn't keep chat logs of what is being discussed between gm's and players, so I feel like maybe there should be a public record.

10-19-2016 the day my lockout ended

[Consultation Lounge - ]
The cozy surroundings of this simple conference room provide a much-welcomed respite from the chaos just outside its walls. You notice several plush chairs arranged casually around the room in a comfortable grouping.
Also here: GameMaster Wyrom
Obvious exits: none

You wave.

Wyrom asks, "How's it going this morning?"

You say, "Still very frustrated."

Wyrom asks, "So what did you still want to talk about?"

You say, "Where to start."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Wyrom says, "Where ever you wish."

Wyrom grins.

You say, "First thing is i want to know why i was denied an opertunity to talk to you by Valryka when all this first started."

You say, "It was obvious to me that you had something a little more to say than change your characters name."

You say, "And she adamantly denied me any chance to speak with you."

Wyrom says, "I don't know the answer to that one, to be honest. I asked, and I think it was a misunderstanding. I wasn't around at the time, and I think it was more to do with that."

You say, "I made it clear that i was willing to wait, so if you werent around that cant have been the issue."

Wyrom says, "Since that incident, I've been working with making the chain-of-command clear for both staff AND players."

You ask, "Why am i not allowed to be angry at a gm that is giving me unfair treatment?"

Wyrom says, "I never said you can't be angry. Hell, the whole thing spiraled out of control for a routine issue."

You say, "Thats the thing though."

You say, "It wasnt quick."

You say, "I was harassed by gm's for 3 days before i blew up."

You say, "And didnt realy blow up until they decided to involve all my accounts."

You say, "If thats not a provocation i dont know what is."

You say, "My character was sitting in the lounge harmlessly waiting for you."

Wyrom says, "The one thing that really put the brakes on it being simple was the whole Wyromsafag name. I wasn't here when you did that. And I didn't give a ruling on that. Honestly, I laughed about it. But it's still not a good way to deal with the situation. The other thing was you swearing at staff."

You say, "I know it was dumb but as i tried to explain before, it was an act of desperation."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "I felt i had no other outlet, nobody else was getting involved."

Wyrom says, "Well, even today, you were kind of rude to Flannihan. So you're definitely giving off bad vibes."

You say, "And talking to you was out of the question they made it clear."

You say, "Well yeah im not in a good mood, and i tried to explain to him its not personal, hes just the face of the company that i currently have a problem with when im speaking to him."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "I feel like ive been punished extremely unfairly because someone has a vendeta against me."

Wyrom says, "Well, again, I'm sorry you were denied the right to speak with me."

You say, "Then you adding the extra 9 days to my lockout was just the iceing on the cake."

Wyrom says, "I wish I didn't have a meeting the day it happened, as this would all be cleared up last month."

You ask, "Why did the extra 9 days need to get added, even though other staff members told my room mate it was ok for him to be playing?"

Wyrom says, "That was something from lockout. I didn't have any control over it."

You say, "They literaly had a 30 min meeting about wheather he could play or not, and said ok fine go play."

You say, "Just to get stoped 9 days later and say oh wait no you cant play and heres an extra 9 days of lockout for your friend."

Wyrom says, "I get it. That's a policy that lockout dictates though."

You ask, "Why was the policy different 9 days earlier?"

Wyrom says, "Lockout wasn't looped in to whatever GM talked to you."

You say, "Also why did i never get any notification that my lockout had been extended."

Wyrom says, "When they were, that's when it happened."

You ask, "And why doesnt lockout feel the need to respond to emails?"

You ask, "Did you see how many i sent them?"

You say, "When they are your only avenue of comunication, and they just ignore you.... thats even more frustrating than the responses they send."

Wyrom says, "Well, that's likely the issue, the volume of emails you sent would certainly come into play on how often they can respond. But once you get a lockout, it's typically final. You can't get into lockout without it first being approved by lockout. So there is no more arguing it. It's something I can address with the office though."

You say, "The responses always being super veague and never giving any direct answer."

You say, "Thats a rediculos policy."

You say, "So your gm harasses someone to the breaking point, with several senior staff and other gm's watching."

You say, "Then you just lock them out with no questions abou it."

You say, "And hope they go away by the time the lockout is over."

You say, "Nobody else ever steped in to help resolve the situation."

Wyrom says, "I have to say, you're the first person in the 9 years of doing this that has felt a GM harassed them into exploding the way you did."

You say, "Just one person who seems to have a problem with people challenging her authority."

Wyrom says, "No one has really come close to the way you were talking to multiple staff members."

You say, "Oh come on, thats a lie."

Wyrom says, "No it's not."

Wyrom says, "I've been on staff in some form for 9 years."

You say, "Id love to go over the logs with you."

You say, "Being rude to someone who isnt trying to help you, isnt uncalled for."

Wyrom says, "I'm strictly talking about speaking to staff. Not off the cuff talk on lnet or the PC."

You ask, "So who is the GM thats doing ****** all her favors? who got me my staff back while i was logged out?"

You say, "You would think someone posing as a GM would be a much mor serious issue than someone whos pissed about a naming violation."

You ask, "Did you ever look into that?"

You feel more refreshed.

Wyrom says, "She says she never did any of those things."

You laugh out loud!

You say, "Even ragz told me shes not a gm, she just likes people to think she is."

You say, "So i would stop accusing her of being staff on lnet."

You feel more refreshed.

Wyrom says, "It's being monitored though, trust me."

You say, "Someone is doing her favor's and allowing her to take credit for them."

You say, "And i gave you a specific example."

You say, "Of my runestaff."

Wyrom says, "I don't think that's the case though. For example, your runestaff."

Wyrom says, "We'd have replaced that if you assisted."

Wyrom says, "WHich you did."

Wyrom says, "It's all logged, how you lost it, where you lost it, etc."

Wyrom says, "It was a simple situation where we grabbed it from the janitor."

You say, "Was that the first or second time i lost it."

Wyrom says, "The time you mentioned it to me."

You say, "There were 2 instances i lost it within 2 weeks."

Wyrom says, "Let me look."

The replenishing effect fades, but you are left with a feeling of wellbeing.

Wyrom asks, "Both on Pixelia?"

You say, "That time i mentioned to you about the janitor was just to find the item in question."

You nod at Wyrom.

You say, "The second time is when the miracle happened."

Wyrom says, "Okay, so the time I see you assisted was 7/3."

Wyrom says, "Spirit servent dropped it."

You say, "I felt so dumb about losing the staff again that i didnt want to do an assist abou tit."

Wyrom asks, "Is that the first or second time?"

You ask, "That was at the dais after i was raised?"

You say, "That was the first time."

Wyrom says, "Yes."

Wyrom says, "Forgot to pick it up."

You say, "The time im talking about was about 2 weeks later roughly."

Wyrom asks, "That's the only record about you losing it. How did you get it back the second time?"

Wyrom says, "And how did you lose it."

You say, "It was same issue where my servant had it, and i didnt renew my spell so it droped it."

You say, "But i knew right away when i did it, i screwed up."

Wyrom says, "And how did you lose it."

Wyrom says, "Or well."

Wyrom says, "Who replaced it."

You say, "Thats the thing, i was mad at myself for losing it again, especialy so soon after they had just gotten it back for me."

You say, "So i told ****** i lost my staff and was mad and just gunna quit for the night, then logged off."

You say, "Woke up in the morning and had a spirit in the room with me."

You say, "Thinking what the heck i know that wasnt there last night, i looked 8 times."

You say, "And it had been hours since the spell expired."

You say, "And sure enough he had my staff, i ask ****** what did she do, and just got a wink and a smileyface and a shhhhh."

Wyrom asks, "What day?"

Wyrom asks, "And was it the fireleaf one again?"

Wyrom asks, "Or the ironwood one?"

You say, "This must have been around the 20'th or so, just before i sold the account on the 27'th."

You say, "Fireleaf."

You say, "Thats the only one i lost ever."

You say, "And it happened 2x realy close together."

Wyrom says, "You lost an ironwood one too."

You say, "I dont think i ever used an ironwood one."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "Maybe after you sold the account."

You say, "Unless it was before i was 20."

Wyrom says, "Okay, hang on though."

Wyrom says, "So you thought you lost it."

You say, "I sold on july 27th 2016."

Wyrom asks, "And you logged off?"

Wyrom says, "Okay, ironwood was in August."

You say, "I was positive i lost it, i checked everywhere multiple times."

Wyrom asks, "But you logged off for the night?"

You say, "And had no servant."

You say, "Yeah."

Wyrom says, "What time did you log back in."

You say, "Prob about 6am central the next morning."

Wyrom says, "So on the 20th, I see the servant giving you it back at 8:13 CT and then you logged off."

Wyrom says, "Pm."

Wyrom says, "Let me check some other days."

You say, "That cant be it."

You say, "Thats just a rough estimation of the day."

Wyrom says, "Okay."

Wyrom says, "Give me a bit."

You say, "It would have been in the morning."

Wyrom says, "You get disarmed a lot."

You say, "When he gave it back."

You laugh out loud!

You adopt an agreeable expression.

You exclaim, "Faendryl bastards!"

Wyrom says, "The night you logged off, what time was it, you think."

Wyrom says, "That will help."

Wyrom says, "You typically aren't around late."

You say, "Prob around 9pm."

You say, "No im an early riser haha."

Wyrom says, "What about the illthorn one."

You say, "I never lost that one."

You say, "Was too scared to use it."

You say, "In otf at least."

Wyrom says, "Well."

You say, "I realize this may be a needle in a haystack."

Wyrom says, "I see it."

Your jaw drops.

Wyrom says, "So let me show you."

Wyrom says, "This is what logs on our end."

Wyrom says, "An Ithzir janissary disarmed a red fireleaf runestaff (130259061) out of Pixelia's hand."

Wyrom says, "This is around 8pm."

Wyrom says, "Pixelia was just disarmed. I'm picking up a red fireleaf runestaff for him."

Wyrom says, "I just gave a red fireleaf runestaff to Pixelia."

Wyrom says, "That's what your servant shows us."

Wyrom says, "So here is the odd part."

You ask, "Shows him giving the staff to me that night?"

Wyrom says, "No, you lost it again."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "But I was showing you what SHOULD happen."

You slap yourself on the forehead! Doh!

You nod.

Wyrom says, "So that same day."

Wyrom says, "The spell expired so I'm leaving and dropping [blank space]."

Wyrom says, "So that blank space should have been your runestaff."

You nod.

Wyrom says, "But it errored out."

Wyrom says, "I'm think it returned due to a bug."

Wyrom says, "A GM can't mimic these logs."

Wyrom says, "It's weird."

You rub your chin thoughtfully.

Wyrom says, "Then I see you in at 7am."

Wyrom says, "And it gives it to you."

Wyrom says, "7:01:13am CT."

Wyrom says, "On 7/21."

You say, "Yeah first thing i did was check the servant when i logged in cause i knew it wasnt supposed to be there."

Wyrom says, "Now, maybe she took credit for it? I don't know. But it's enough for me to look into this."

You say, "Its not the first time she demonstrated she had powers with the staff."

You say, "Or acted like it at least."

Wyrom asks, "Anything else I can look for?"

You say, "Just typical gm favoritism stuff from what ive been told."

You say, "Like getting gm's to show up instantly to help with an issue without having to assist or anything."

You say, "Just dumb stuff that adds to the illusion."

Wyrom asks, "Do you know which GMs are showing up?"

You say, "I didnt pay much attention honestly."

You say, "I didnt deal with the staff very often."

Wyrom says, "I'll be honest with you. The idea that a player is doing this gets me upset. I don't like it. And I know you're not crazy. I know you're getting frustrated because it seems like no one believes you."

Wyrom says, "If someone is aiding her, they are careful."

You say, "I just cant find any logical reason why Valryka needed to push me as far as she did over the naming issue."

You say, "It seriously felt like it was about something else that nobody wanted to tell me."

You say, "And if it was someone telling her to do it then it is what it is, i just want to know why."

Wyrom says, "You mentioned **** telling you, and then he changed his story."

Wyrom asks, "Is there anyone else?"

You say, "****** never changed his story."

You say, "He said she likes to make people think shes a gm."

Wyrom says, "Ah."

Wyrom says, "I thought you said he was saying she was a GM too, but then changed."

You say, "Oh no, he just told me that so i would stop saying she was staff on lnet."

Wyrom asks, "We saw another person saying this too. Was that your roommate too?"

You say, "No."

You ask, "Is it some guy named tinwisly?"

You say, "Or something like that."

Wyrom says, "No."

You say, "I heard about someone else badmouthing ****** on lnet that wasnt me or my roomate, was wondering who it was."

Wyrom says, "Yeah, he went off about it around the same time as you."

Wyrom chuckles.

Wyrom says, "That's interesting."

You say, "Well i did kind of publicly out her on being a lieing sac of crap."

You laugh out loud!

You say, "Im pretty sure she was catfishing at least 3 other guys when i called her out."

You say, "And ive gotten alot of support from those who have been involved with her in the past."

Wyrom says, "Well, I'm going to look into this. I want to know why your servant did this."

You say, "You and me both."

You smile.

Wyrom says, "And if a GM could do anything to cause it."

You ask, "Can we chat about one more topic before you go?"

Wyrom says, "Looking at it, there isn't a way. But I just started looking at it."

You say, "I know youve already spent a good chunk of time here."

Wyrom nods to you.

Wyrom says, "I'll update you about this servant too."

Wyrom says, "When I find out more."

You say, "Why is it you guys have a profanity alert system, but no profanity filter."

Wyrom says, "You know, we started talking about that."

You ask, "Wouldnt a profanity filter solve loads of issues for you?"

Wyrom says, "DragonRealms may try to pioneer a way to filter it."

Wyrom says, "Yes."

You say, "Seens the alert system could be repurposed pretty easily."

Wyrom says, "It would certainly make it a nonissue."

Wyrom says, "Have it on by default."

You adopt an agreeable expression.

Wyrom says, "But I agree."

You say, "Its so dumb to ban paying subscribers because they are upset in a moment."

You say, "Just let em swear and filter it out if the staff doesnt want to hear it."

Wyrom says, "But do me a favor, until that day comes. Try not to call the staff a phat cunt. That will help."

Wyrom chuckles.

You say, "Oh trust me i wont."

You say, "But it would also be nice if the staff wasnt so provocative."

You say, "Laying down laws like NOBODY SPEAKS TO WYROM!!11! EVER."

Wyrom says, "But here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk with those that can look at spirit servant a little more in depth and see if we can mimic this messaging. If we can't, I'm going to try to replicate the situation. It might be awhile, we have EG running."

Wyrom says, "But I'll touch base with you again."

You say, "Im probubly going to sell this account soon."

You say, "Just a heads up."

You say, "Just want to get to 25 first."

Wyrom says, "I can't talk to you about ***** on what I talk to her about. But I plan on looking into it further as well."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "Thank you."

Wyrom asks, "Are you going to be on a ******* account then?"

You say, "No those are paid accounts, i wont be subscribing again."

You say, "Though i might activate them to clear my stuff off and get the character info to make the sale easier."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "If you could email me that would be cool."

Wyrom nods.

Wyrom says, "I will."

You say, "If not, its all good."

Wyrom says, "No, I'll email you."

Wyrom says, "Like I said, I don't like how things went down."

Wyrom asks, "Ready to head back into the game?"

You say, "You guys get a profanity filter and a lil bit of customer service training for the people at the bottom who deal with customers and ill consider being a subscriber again."

You cheerfully say, "Is what i should say."

You say, "Yeah im ready, thanks for your time."

Wyrom nods.

You say, "Im still pissed but feel a bit better."

Wyrom says, "Alright, ******, have a good day."


Someone who isn't Me
11-09-2016, 09:49 PM
I think it's pretty hilarious that you're on here sharing Wyrom's personal LinkedIn, FaceBook page, and private conversations/emails, yet oddly enough, you are too much of a coward to even post your own character's name. How interesting is that?

Go home. Nobody is interested in hearing your whining. This conversation only supports one thing: your complete and utter ignorance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-09-2016, 09:51 PM
This was before or after your Wyrom defamation attempt?

Also, maybe brush up on your spelling.

11-09-2016, 09:52 PM
I think it's pretty hilarious that you're on here sharing Wyrom's personal LinkedIn, FaceBook page, and private conversations/emails, yet oddly enough, you are too much of a coward to even post your own character's name. How interesting is that?

actualy I did post my characters name it was Pixelia, if redacted the names of other people that were involved because its not about them, its about the staff.

11-09-2016, 09:53 PM
actualy I did post my characters name it was Pixelia, if redacted the names of other people that were involved because its not about them, its about the staff.

You blamed other people for your actions throughout the log.

I didn't shoot him occifer, the gun did!

No, asshole. You're the problem.

"Wyrom says, "But do me a favor, until that day comes. Try not to call the staff a phat cunt. That will help.""

11-09-2016, 09:53 PM
actualy I did post my characters name it was Pixelia, if redacted the names of other people that were involved because its not about them, its about the staff.

Ohh... well... Pixelia then...
You're a piece of shit.

11-09-2016, 09:54 PM
unmask the names and I'll read some more letters.

11-09-2016, 09:57 PM
tl;dr Wyrom > OP

11-09-2016, 10:00 PM
I'd like to complain about the design of the consultation lounge

11-09-2016, 10:01 PM
Someone should get pulled purely to assign a Lich room # to it.

11-09-2016, 10:03 PM
You blamed other people for your actions throughout the log.

I didn't shoot him occifer, the gun did!

No, asshole. You're the problem.

"Wyrom says, "But do me a favor, until that day comes. Try not to call the staff a phat cunt. That will help.""

everyone has a breaking point, after 3 days of sitting and waiting, then Valryke escalating the situation by putting all my accounts in the lounge because I wasn't cooperating with her and still asking for a chance to speak with wyrom. From what wyrom told me, I should have been able to been referred to him, so yeah she was being a "phat cunt"

11-09-2016, 10:03 PM
I got about 1/4 of the way through that OP. Oh my fucking God bro, quit your stupid shit. Will someone for the love of Christ e-mail Kranar or whomever and ban fuckface from these forums. Literally no one else has as much of a problem with this game as you do, so at that point you have to know it's you and not them. You've lost. You won't win. Walk away.

11-09-2016, 10:08 PM
Spainkenya...you really need to find some other game to fill your entertainment time.

11-09-2016, 10:19 PM
Spainkenya...you really need to find some other game to fill your entertainment time.

I would suggest Hello Kitty, but it might be to hard for him. :p

11-09-2016, 10:22 PM
Hey wyrom maybe you can answer this one, why is it that Flanihann went to look into the same logs you looked at for me but the incident is now missing from the logs?

Flannihan says, "Yeah i dont see any loss on the 20 through 22nd."

Flannihan asks, "Was the runestaff permanently lost?"

You say, "It should have been, when i lost it on the 20th."

You say, "I didnt realize that it was lost untill a few hours after the servant had expired."

Flannihan asks, "And this was the red fireleaf runestaff?"

You say, "Yeah."

Flannihan says, "You did have it on the 21st."

Flannihan asks, "So perhaps it was another date?"

You ask, "Do you see 7:01am the servant hands me the staff?"

Flannihan says, "Yes."

You ask, "But you dont see me lose it the night before?"

You say, "He didnt tell me a time of when he saw the servant drop it."

You say, "He just said this "Wyrom says, "The spell expired so I'm leaving and dropping [blank space]."."

You say, "Thats the specific bug was related to this."

Flannihan says, "I see the servant hand it back to you around 9pm on the 20th, and that you had it with you the next morning."

11-09-2016, 10:34 PM
Isn't the phat spelling the endearing version?

11-09-2016, 10:38 PM
Didn't he say in a different post of yours that it was a bug specific to that create that in your circumstance was discovered so technically your staff was never lost? And that by your situation they found out that it was a bug?

You seem to be reposting crAp you have answers to already

11-09-2016, 11:11 PM
Everyone seriously just ignore this loser on the PC and in lnet and move on. He can sulk in his room with no one but baby jesus to see his tears.

11-09-2016, 11:22 PM
How do you suggest we ignore them in-game? Who are they playing?

11-09-2016, 11:26 PM
These are the type of people that Simu just needs to permaban and move on. The entire community will be better off for it. And the GMs would have much more time to work on things like... Oh, I don't know. The game?

11-09-2016, 11:37 PM
I dislike Valyrka as much as the next person, but I'd never expect swearing at a GM to resolve any situation. You're a moron.

11-10-2016, 07:47 AM
Didn't he say in a different post of yours that it was a bug specific to that create that in your circumstance was discovered so technically your staff was never lost? And that by your situation they found out that it was a bug?

Actually no, this is the response I got from him

Wyrom - Your spirit servant was somehow intact after your logoff happened and refreshed. The issue is rare, and in all honesty, you should have lost that runestaff. It's not a high priority fix though (which my guess is players will not mind).

hes trying to say that 3 hours after the servant disappeared that it somehow came back to life and reattached to me, despite the fact that I made a new one between the time I lost the staff and the time the servant came back. Hes also saying that the servant does not drop what item its holding before it goes into the holding area for deletion, and that's not how servants work.

wyrom - The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you.

Wyrom says, "But here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk with those that can look at spirit servant a little more in depth and see if we can mimic this messaging. If we can't, I'm going to try to replicate the situation. It might be awhile, we have EG running."

and when questioned about the supposed attempt to mimic or replicate, it became pretty obvious that nothing was investigated at all. And now Flanihann took a look for me and found the incident is not even in the logs, where did it go?

11-10-2016, 07:52 AM
So the creature bugged...and you got your shit back when you shouldn't have? That usually ends in a thank you email not an epic flame out

11-10-2016, 08:02 AM
So the creature bugged...and you got your shit back when you shouldn't have? That usually ends in a thank you email not an epic flame out

because its not about me getting my staff back, its about a gm abusing power, the same kind of power that was abused in a different way to ban and silence me.

11-10-2016, 08:03 AM
because its not about me getting my staff back, its about a gm abusing power, the same kind of power that was abused in a different way to ban and silence me.

seek help

11-10-2016, 08:03 AM
But thats not what you are yelling and screaming about, if it even exists, you arent even addressing it instead hidding it behind astricks in a most likely fake chatlog.
I cant wait until I have my mental break, I hope I post nonsense like this non stop. I think I would make a great crazy person. I would yell at GMs all the time about flavor messaging and then post call out threads on the PC about how they dont know their ass from a frosting.

11-10-2016, 08:29 AM
I like turtles.

11-10-2016, 08:54 AM
But thats not what you are yelling and screaming about, if it even exists, you arent even addressing it instead hidding it behind astricks in a most likely fake chatlog.

again, I have redacted other peoples character names from the chat log, mine is in there dip shit - Pixelia

11-10-2016, 08:58 AM

11-10-2016, 09:31 AM
I love that you want staff to spend hours coding a language filter because people are incapable of refraining from TYPING OUT PROFANITY AND HITTING ENTER.

Let's just slough off that accountability on someone else because we can't control ourselves.

The fact that when you didn't get the answer you wanted from the GMs you started swearing, rolling up offensive character names and acting like a 10 year old puts all of your posts here into perfect perspective. You are 100% at fault here and I think Wyrom was a lot nicer to you than most people would have been.

Also, have to say, that this lockout was not only deserved but a blessing.

11-10-2016, 09:42 AM
Hate to be a stickler but as of 07/26 -- http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103191-Capped-empath-for-sale

Please proceed without causing harm towards the name Pixelia.

11-10-2016, 09:48 AM
After 12 pages of bullshit whiney bitchery across two threads. Not a single person has ever said a damn thing that could even be misconstrued as backing you up in any capacity. You breach the third wall and post shit from Wyrom's linkedin, and facebook profiles, which is a shitty move, and you've spammed the shit out of Lnet and PC having witchhunts for other characters in the past, which were also laughable accusations at best.

Grow the fuck up and move on with your life. The only problem in any logs that you've posted is you.

11-10-2016, 10:15 AM
I love that you want staff to spend hours coding a language filter because people are incapable of refraining from TYPING OUT PROFANITY AND HITTING ENTER.

Rofl at that, they already have a system to detect profanity, so they can punish people for it, instead of just making it a non issue. That same code can be repurposed for a filter very easily. They use profanity as an excuse to ban someone when they don't want to admit the real reason behind the harassment.

wyrom - Reviewing the logs, the only reason why GM Valyrka came back to speak with you was under direct guidance from the senior staff that was overseeing the situation. You were being rude with the GameHost. The GameHost Program are not independent contractors like the GameMasters, and don't have access to a lot of the same systems and information. So this is where GM Valyrka stepped in again, since she was always involved with talking to you.

I may have been rude to Valryka but I didn't cross the line until she did, and I was told that a SGM told valryka to pull all my accounts into the consultation lounge, what was this SGM's motivation for that? Why was it that urgent that I change my characters name right that second, and also denying me any chance to speak with the game master that originally came to speak with me or even informing him of the situation.

Wyrom says, "Well, again, I'm sorry you were denied the right to speak with me."

Wyrom says, "I wish I didn't have a meeting the day it happened, as this would all be cleared up last month."

That's funny after 3 days of trying to get someone to connect me with wyrom, nobody ever did, and it seems like it was a pretty reasonable request. Must have been one hell of a long meeting.

You say, "First thing is i want to know why i was denied an opportunity to talk to you by Valryka when all this first started."

Wyrom says, "I don't know the answer to that one, to be honest. I asked, and I think it was a misunderstanding. I wasn't around at the time, and I think it was more to do with that."

How can you ask someone a direct question, and then still not get the answer? there's no misunderstanding here at all, I told Valryka I would wait a month if I needed to.

11-10-2016, 10:20 AM
Rofl at that, they already have a system to detect profanity, so they can punish people for it, instead of just making it a non issue. That same code can be repurposed for a filter very easily. They use profanity as an excuse to ban someone when they don't want to admit the real reason behind the harassment.

If you honestly think they banned you for swearing and only for swearing, you need to reread your logs. You were abusive, disruptive and downright horrible. You abused staff because you didn't get the answer you wanted and then you took it one step farther. wyromsafag? Really?

Yes, I think we're all adults and should be fully capable of conducting ourselves accordingly. That includes not swearing and acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum when we don't get our way.

11-10-2016, 10:35 AM
If you honestly think they banned you for swearing and only for swearing, you need to reread your logs. You were abusive, disruptive and downright horrible. You abused staff because you didn't get the answer you wanted and then you took it one step farther. wyromsafag? Really?

where are the quotes of me being so abusive, disruptive and downright horrible to the staff? I called her a phat cunt after 3 days of harassment and it was a well deserved comment because that's what how she was acting. And the being rude to the game host part, when they arrived to answer my assist I asked "can you refer me to someone who has knowledge of my situation" because game hosts are nothing more than an answering service for the gm's. that's barely even rude, just getting to the point and not having a needless conversation with someone who can do nothing other than refer me to a gm, which is what I asked them to do.

also I named the character Wyromsafag as a last ditch effort to get his attention, because nobody even let him know I wanted to speak with him, or that any of this was going on.

Wyrom says, "The one thing that really put the brakes on it being simple was the whole Wyromsafag name. I wasn't here when you did that. And I didn't give a ruling on that. Honestly, I laughed about it. But it's still not a good way to deal with the situation.

11-10-2016, 10:47 AM
where are the quotes of me being so abusive, disruptive and downright horrible to the staff? I called her a phat cunt after 3 days of harassment and it was a well deserved comment because that's what how she was acting. And the being rude to the game host part, when they arrived to answer my assist I asked "can you refer me to someone who has knowledge of my situation" because game hosts are nothing more than an answering service for the gm's. that's barely even rude, just getting to the point and not having a needless conversation with someone who can do nothing other than refer me to a gm, which is what I asked them to do.

also I named the character Wyromsafag as a last ditch effort to get his attention, because nobody even let him know I wanted to speak with him, or that any of this was going on.

Let me see all of your logs and I bet you I can point them all out. Wyrom flat out states you were abusing his GMs and swearing at them. Between him saying it and your ridiculously over-the-top and unwarranted reaction to everything, I believe 100% you did it.

I'd also bet Valykra didn't harass you. Your choices are what got you the ban, and most likely what also got you the harsh treatment from staff. No matter how frustrated you get, treating them like shit is NEVER OK. You want to blame someone for this debacle? Blame yourself.

11-10-2016, 10:49 AM
where are the quotes of me being so abusive, disruptive and downright horrible to the staff? I called her a phat cunt after 3 days of harassment and it was a well deserved comment because that's what how she was acting. And the being rude to the game host part, when they arrived to answer my assist I asked "can you refer me to someone who has knowledge of my situation" because game hosts are nothing more than an answering service for the gm's. that's barely even rude, just getting to the point and not having a needless conversation with someone who can do nothing other than refer me to a gm, which is what I asked them to do.
You are clearly under the delusion that it's perfectly acceptable to go on personal attacks on Wyrom, posting information from his LinkedIn and Facebook page. You've now created two different threads with staff complaints without any actual substance or justification and just refer to some other undocumented interaction. You have no evidence that your were being harassed, or that it was her performing the harassment. And then you proceed to call game hosts 'nothing more than an answering service', which I would argue is further being rude towards the game staff.

You haven't proven to understand how to conduct yourself in text based interactions, in either the logs you've posted trying to 'prove' something, or in any posts that you've made on these forums. You are trying to imply tone that is not conveyed with your choice of words. You come off as a whiney little bitch, who can't back up your arguments.

11-10-2016, 11:06 AM
You are clearly under the delusion that it's perfectly acceptable to go on personal attacks on Wyrom, posting information from his LinkedIn and Facebook page.

yeah since he didn't do what he said he would, and actually investigate. I decided to troll him like he trolled me with his bullshit answers and fake investigation that never happened.

Also @whirlin who says I'm looking for support here? I know how the internet and forums work, this is not a place you come for support. Just making my case public because through private channels nothing was happening, and seemed like nothing was ever going to happen. Like his fake investigation... Still haven't answered my question about the spirit servant and why the logs look different from when you looked at them to when Flannihan looked at them. Also why do you think the spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the "holding area"? why would me casting a new servant not overwrite a servant that was "in the holding area"? And finally why did valryka deny me the chance to speak with you, you asked her, and I assume you didn't just take "i don't know" as an answer... but that's what you give me as an explanation. Pretty simple and straight forward questions, refusing to answer and then just closing the case without answering.... yep that's when its time to troll back.

11-10-2016, 11:07 AM
yeah since he didn't do what he said he would, and actually investigate. I decided to troll him like he trolled me with his bullshit answers and fake investigation that never happened.

Also @whirlin who says I'm looking for support here? I know how the internet and forums work, this is not a place you come for support. Just making my case public because through private channels nothing was happening, and seemed like nothing was ever going to happen. Like his fake investigation... Still haven't answered my question about the spirit servant and why the logs look different from when you looked at them to when Flannihan looked at them. Also why do you think the spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the "holding area"? why would me casting a new servant not overwrite a servant that was "in the holding area"? And finally why did valryka deny me the chance to speak with you, you asked her, and I assume you didn't just take "i don't know" as an answer... but that's what you give me as an explanation. Pretty simple and straight forward questions, refusing to answer and then just closing the case without answering.... yep that's when its time to troll back.

You're retarded.

11-10-2016, 01:43 PM
Brandon, you clearly have a very limited understanding of the game. Some of this is pretty basic knowledge. Some of it requires higher access. I do hope you find something to spend your energy on that you enjoy.

11-10-2016, 01:57 PM
It's almost 2017 and a lot of us are still playing a text-based game. Many of us have 10, 15, 20+ years with it. Your hissyfit isn't accomplishing anything but making you look bad. You are no longer ahead, but you should quit nonetheless.

11-10-2016, 02:02 PM
Brandon, you clearly have a very limited understanding of the game. Some of this is pretty basic knowledge. Some of it requires higher access. I do hope you find something to spend your energy on that you enjoy.

why don't you enlighten me? not that I haven't asked... ive asked some very basic questions that you just refuse over and over to answer. Whys that?

11-10-2016, 02:05 PM
why don't you enlighten me? not that I haven't asked... ive asked some very basic questions that you just refuse over and over to answer. Whys that?
What are your basic mechanics questions?

11-10-2016, 02:06 PM
Ask yourself this... Am I asking them in a rational and constructive manner?

11-10-2016, 02:09 PM
When you put the gay flag on a rubber dong does that make the dong itself gay or does that mean it is used for gay acts?

11-10-2016, 02:10 PM
When you put the gay flag on a rubber dong does that make the dong itself gay or does that mean it is used for gay acts?

I don't even get why a rainbow dildo is being used.

11-10-2016, 02:11 PM
Just ignore and forget. I know he's a paying customer but he asked to see the store manager and he got to spoke with the Regional Head, and he's still complaining. Nothing anyone can do at this point.

As an aside, usually, when there is huge drama it's almost always over in-game items (or in this case it was the spark that lights the match). Hmm, I wonder if that's the reason why DR is so incredibly civil.

Gemstone IV community...


DragonRealms Community...


11-10-2016, 02:14 PM
I don't even get why a rainbow dildo is being used.

was just one of the first ones that came up when I googled dildo, seemed to work out nicely

11-10-2016, 02:15 PM
I been playing the wrong game!!

11-10-2016, 02:15 PM
I don't even get why a rainbow dildo is being used.

Because sometimes a big black dildo just won't do the trick.

11-10-2016, 02:16 PM
Just ignore and forget. I know he's a paying customer but he asked to see the store manager and he got to spoke with the Regional Head, and he's still complaining. Nothing anyone can do at this point.

actualy the store manager came to speak with me, and I wanted to hear what he had to say.

11-10-2016, 02:17 PM
wah wah wah

Shut up.

11-10-2016, 02:17 PM
Ask yourself this... Am I asking them in a rational and constructive manner?

I tried that and it got me nowhere.

11-10-2016, 02:21 PM
Mr lord wyrom please tell me why the incident you were supposedly investigating, with specific times and dates couldn't be located by another gm?

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why my spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the holding area, and why wasn't it over written by the other spirit servant I made?

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why Valryka told me that there was no way I was ever going to get an audience with you, despite your willingness to grant me said audience?

oh and also since when does google have a monopoly on the name Chromium, an element that has been on the periodic table a lot longer than google has been a company?

11-10-2016, 02:24 PM
That's neither rational nor constructive, but you knew that.

11-10-2016, 02:24 PM
That's Great Lord Wyrom to you!!

11-10-2016, 02:26 PM
I love that you want staff to spend hours coding a language filter because people are incapable of refraining from TYPING OUT PROFANITY AND HITTING ENTER.

Let's just slough off that accountability on someone else because we can't control ourselves.

The fact that when you didn't get the answer you wanted from the GMs you started swearing, rolling up offensive character names and acting like a 10 year old puts all of your posts here into perfect perspective. You are 100% at fault here and I think Wyrom was a lot nicer to you than most people would have been.

Also, have to say, that this lockout was not only deserved but a blessing.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jhynnifer again.

Thank you Jhynnifer, now I don't have to say it.

11-10-2016, 02:27 PM
He's surely a High Lord to still be giving this clown the time of day.

11-10-2016, 02:27 PM
Yeah. Go ahead and try again. Have the community here help you. Once we can get you to post in a constructive manner we'll see if we can move forward.

11-10-2016, 02:29 PM
speaking of rep... wtf did you guys just stop caring all the sudden? wheres my red at?

11-10-2016, 02:30 PM
Mr lord wyrom please tell me why the incident you were supposedly investigating, with specific times and dates couldn't be located by another gm?

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why my spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the holding area, and why wasn't it over written by the other spirit servant I made?

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why Valryka told me that there was no way I was ever going to get an audience with you, despite your willingness to grant me said audience?

oh and also since when does google have a monopoly on the name Chromium, an element that has been on the periodic table a lot longer than google has been a company?

I just did on the last page

11-10-2016, 02:32 PM
Mr lord wyrom please tell me why the incident you were supposedly investigating, with specific times and dates couldn't be located by another gm?

Maybe he looked in a different place? I've had one GM not able to locate <insert whatever> and when another person checked, they found it.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why Valryka told me that there was no way I was ever going to get an audience with you, despite your willingness to grant me said audience?

Prior to Wyrom you would have never spoken to the PM. His willingness to communicate with players is new, and welcomed. Stop trying to ruin it by being a complete moron.

oh and also since when does google have a monopoly on the name Chromium, an element that has been on the periodic table a lot longer than google has been a company?

This is a roleplaying game, pick a name that isn't a chemistry term. Based upon your other naming choices, this sounds difficult for you, which is why they offer suggestions. Use one of the suggested names.

11-10-2016, 02:32 PM
That's not constructive. Come on, Brandon, put that Western Michigan University education to good use! I have faith in you.

11-10-2016, 02:32 PM
speaking of rep... wtf did you guys just stop caring all the sudden? wheres my red at?

Crying for more attention.

11-10-2016, 02:35 PM
Let me point out blatantly obvious answers to you.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why the incident you were supposedly investigating, with specific times and dates couldn't be located by another gm?
Choose 1:
1) Because Wyrom has higher administrative privileges
2) Because other GM searched wrong.
3) Because other GM thought you were annoying, and just wanted to be dismissive of you.

On a single character, in about 2 hours, I produce 2 megs of logs. So, if there are 500 active players, playing 24 hours a day, that's producing 15 gigs of logs a day. I'll apply a 1 gig discount rate for people in the same room, but then give a 10% increase for tracking metadata and additional data like Janitorial logs, hidden roll information, etc. It's unrealistic to expect them keep logs indefinitely in an easily indexed and available manner.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why my spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the holding area, and why wasn't it over written by the other spirit servant I made?

Because holding rooms are typically not viable rooms for spirits, companions, familiar/etc to travel into, so they get stuck in a looking for master mode until you're released from holding.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why Valryka told me that there was no way I was ever going to get an audience with you, despite your willingness to grant me said audience?
Valryka is enabled to make her own decisions, and function as a GM to resolve issues. You are not entitled to speak to anyone you want just because you want it. Just having a bank account doesn't entitle you to speak directly to the CEO of the bank whenever you want. Maybe you should stop thinking about GameHosts and GMs are being intermediary people.

11-10-2016, 02:35 PM
That's not constructive. Come on, Brandon, put that Western Michigan University education to good use! I have faith in you.

lulz my op sec is tight, no western Michigan university for me, but way to put those Ivy Tech community college skills to work.

11-10-2016, 02:37 PM
That's not constructive. Come on, Brandon, put that Western Michigan University education to good use! I have faith in you.
WOW! Such a prestigious degree! I'm sure you're making the University proud with all of your success Brandon!

11-10-2016, 02:38 PM
lulz my op sec is tight, no western Michigan university for me, but way to put those Ivy Tech community college skills to work.

What are you hoping to accomplish with this temper tantrum?

11-10-2016, 02:39 PM
What are you hoping to accomplish with this temper tantrum?

shouldn't you be somewhere chugging on zaoloos nuts? :whistle:

11-10-2016, 02:40 PM
What are you hoping to accomplish with this temper tantrum?

That Wyrom is, without a doubt, the fucking man.

11-10-2016, 02:41 PM
yeah anyways keep beating around the bush Mario, I didn't expect you to answer. just glad the record will show this unwillingness to answer.

11-10-2016, 02:41 PM
This reminds me of the way Haldrik acts.

11-10-2016, 02:42 PM
yeah anyways keep beating around the bush Mario, I didn't expect you to answer. just glad the record will show this unwillingness to answer.

Lol. The record.

11-10-2016, 02:44 PM
identify the actors with the dogs :

hint : One of you is the tennis ball.

11-10-2016, 02:46 PM
yeah anyways keep beating around the bush Mario, I didn't expect you to answer. just glad the record will show this unwillingness to answer.

All I said is ask it in a constructive manner. But you can't. And you never did. And anytime you try to stay calm, you throw in all this immature behavior.

The record shows me spending a lot of time with you, answering everything within my NDA that I can with you, and continuing to have to deal with your behavior even after everything was said and done.

You see, in life, there are consequences for actions. You can't control your temper. I've been here a long time. I have never dealt with anyone like you.

11-10-2016, 02:47 PM
You need a taco.
http://rlv.zcache.com/something_to_taco_bout_funny_poster-r28d08c3d08c345608d09d7f2118eaadc_wbnkn_8byvr_324. jpg

11-10-2016, 02:51 PM
yeah anyways keep beating around the bush Mario, I didn't expect you to answer. just glad the record will show this unwillingness to answer.

I believe all this would have fallen under the post in the officials because Wyrom has stated numerous times that he is here to provide follow up for confusion not to answer clearly official info on this forum. But you being the cheeky monkey know that your conduct on the officials would get you banned because you are acting like a week old period stick that is clogged in a toilet.

11-10-2016, 02:51 PM
All I said is ask it in a constructive manner. But you can't. And you never did. And anytime you try to stay calm, you throw in all this immature behavior.

The record shows me spending a lot of time with you, answering everything within my NDA that I can with you, and continuing to have to deal with your behavior even after everything was said and done.

You see, in life, there are consequences for actions. You can't control your temper. I've been here a long time. I have never dealt with anyone like you.

yeah hide behind that NDA, cause these questions are totally going to undermine national security.

11-10-2016, 02:53 PM
Wyrom says, "The one thing that really put the brakes on it being simple was the whole Wyromsafag name.

Really? First, 2016 calling, being gay is widely accepted and we need to remove 'fag' from our vocabulary. And, how could you possibly hope to have any credibility after pulling a stunt like that?

Wyrom asks, "Both on Pixelia?"

This is not the original Pixelia right? I think she sold?

You say, "I felt so dumb about losing the staff again that i didnt want to do an assist abou tit."

I'm guessing it was AFK scripting? Losing a staff _twice_ just screams this.

Wyrom says, "Now, maybe she took credit for it? I don't know. But it's enough for me to look into this."

You say, "Its not the first time she demonstrated she had powers with the staff."

What... the fuck. You think that some player has "powers" over your staff?

Wyrom says, "I'll be honest with you. The idea that a player is doing this gets me upset. I don't like it. And I know you're not crazy. I know you're getting frustrated because it seems like no one believes you."

Wyrom says, "If someone is aiding her, they are careful."

No Wyrom, I think it is crazy.

Wyrom says, "But do me a favor, until that day comes. Try not to call the staff a phat cunt. That will help."

... Please don't spend dev resources on a profanity filter. Or if you do, build it into Stormfront or Wizard. Game engine already has neough shit going on.

Okay, that log only shows how fucking crazy you are. Where are the logs of GMs being abusive to you?

11-10-2016, 02:55 PM
It's funny because I still don't understand why he's so super upset. He got to speak with everyone including Wyrom, is it because Valyrka snubbed him? I used to work in the airline industry in the late 80's and I've seen some epic customer meltdowns where the police had to be called in but they would always chill out after a few hours. This has been going on for days if not weeks... seriously did Wyrom run your dog over with his car?

11-10-2016, 02:59 PM
for clarification I am the original pixelia, I sold the account, and that account now has a new owner who isn't part of this.

11-10-2016, 03:00 PM
yeah hide behind that NDA, cause these questions are totally going to undermine national security.
Do you even know what an NDA is?

11-10-2016, 03:00 PM
As an aside, usually, when there is huge drama it's almost always over in-game items (or in this case it was the spark that lights the match). Hmm, I wonder if that's the reason why DR is so incredibly civil.

Hahahaha. WHAT. Gemstone IV has always been 1000% more civil. This is one event. Dragonrealms has constant PvP, with consent rules so realistic you would cry. Slap someone in Dragonrealms? Death. Slap someone in Gemstone? Death, then PVP warning from GM.

Have you never been on the Gweth? I heard they just removed Gwethsmashers too. DR Civil. Ahahah. Have you never been to Smelly Cat? Smelly Cat is 10,000% more toxic then this forum, or any other forum I've ever been to.

11-10-2016, 03:00 PM
yeah hide behind that NDA, cause these questions are totally going to undermine national security.

What are you even talking about? My NDA has nothing to do with national security. I can't go into a lot of specific mechanics. But I told you a lot. I'm sure most players don't know about a holding area for creature/event nodes. It's where your disk, familiar, demon, servant, etc go for a small period of time when they get "lost" from their owner.

11-10-2016, 03:01 PM
Really? First, 2016 calling, being gay is widely accepted and we need to remove 'fag' from our vocabulary. And, how could you possibly hope to have any credibility after pulling a stunt like that?

you pc bro?

11-10-2016, 03:01 PM
That's not constructive. Come on, Brandon, put that Western Michigan University education to good use! I have faith in you.

You actually believe that? I doubt he has graduated high school at this rate.

11-10-2016, 03:05 PM
I kinda wanna go to this holding area and live with the lost disks, familiars and spirits now.

11-10-2016, 03:06 PM
If Haldrik calls you crazy, shit is real.

11-10-2016, 03:07 PM
If Haldrik calls you crazy, shit is real.
This is the most united Haldrik and Alastir have been in months. Pretty soon one of them will be coming out and giving a press release calling the other a "a very good man"

11-10-2016, 03:12 PM
you pc bro?

This isn't about being PC. As you know from the election, there is a lot of hidden hatred running through our Country. It's going to take a lot of time and energy to fix and heal, and some of us don't have a lot of control over it. So we need to do what we can.

A small start is that we can certainly control the way we use our words and language. As an example, how can I blame a Trump supporter for electing a homophobic President when I have condoned, encouraged, and used the word 'fag' because it has been so ingrained into our culture that the removal requires effort akin to changing a personality trait.

So no, this isn't about being PC.

11-10-2016, 03:16 PM
This isn't about being PC. As you know from the election, there is a lot of hidden hatred running through our Country. It's going to take a lot of time and energy to fix and heal, and some of us don't have a lot of control over it. So we need to do what we can.

A small start is that we can certainly control the way we use our words and language. As an example, how can I blame a Trump supporter for electing a homophobic President when I have condoned, encouraged, and used the word 'fag' because it has been so ingrained into our culture that the removal requires effort akin to changing a personality trait.

So no, this isn't about being PC.



11-10-2016, 03:16 PM
This isn't about being PC. As you know from the election, there is a lot of hidden hatred running through our Country.

Only hatred I'm seeing is from the left.

11-10-2016, 03:18 PM
Really? First, 2016 calling, being gay is widely accepted and we need to remove 'fag' from our vocabulary.

All my gay friends call each other fags. I'll pass along the message.

11-10-2016, 03:21 PM
Only hatred I'm seeing is from the left.
Only because of the people you keep around you:
Lets not derail this to politics any further. Haldrik was being incredibly bipartisan with his commentary as to not further derail this popcorn inducing drama.

11-10-2016, 03:21 PM
This isn't about being PC. As you know from the election, there is a lot of hidden hatred running through our Country. It's going to take a lot of time and energy to fix and heal, and some of us don't have a lot of control over it. So we need to do what we can.

A small start is that we can certainly control the way we use our words and language. As an example, how can I blame a Trump supporter for electing a homophobic President when I have condoned, encouraged, and used the word 'fag' because it has been so ingrained into our culture that the removal requires effort akin to changing a personality trait.

So no, this isn't about being PC.

maybe I shoulda just grabbed Valryka by the pussy instead of calling her a phat cunt?

..that was sarcastic by the way, I do not condone the grabbing of vagina's

11-10-2016, 03:23 PM
maybe I shoulda just grabbed Valryka by the pussy instead of calling her a phat cunt?

Or quit while you were ahead?

11-10-2016, 03:24 PM
maybe I shoulda just grabbed Valryka by the pussy instead of calling her a phat cunt?

don't you mean "by the taco?

11-10-2016, 03:24 PM
Or quit while you were ahead?
Silly Jynnifer... he's never been ahead. He's been behind since he started posting on these forums.

11-10-2016, 03:25 PM
Only because of the people you keep around you:
Lets not derail this to politics any further. Haldrik was being incredibly bipartisan with his commentary as to not further derail this popcorn inducing drama.

Random idiots do this stuff every day. It's not what the majority believes, and it hasn't been for a very long time. Naturally it's getting press now. But you're right, we'll take this to another thread.

11-10-2016, 03:26 PM
Silly Jynnifer... he's never been ahead. He's been behind since he started posting on these forums.

HE WAS THOUGH. He got his staff back twice. I would have clutched that staff to my chest and gone all Gollum on it in my subterranean cave beyond the borders of Mordor.

Never to be heard from again.

11-10-2016, 03:32 PM
Sorry for the political derail, but I actually don't know what OP is actually complaining about.

Can OP provide a single clear sentence on what it's actually trying to accomplish?

11-10-2016, 03:32 PM
trying to get wyrom to answer some questions still.

11-10-2016, 03:33 PM
HE WAS THOUGH. He got his staff back twice. I would have clutched that staff to my chest and gone all Gollum on it in my subterranean cave beyond the borders of Mordor.

Never to be heard from again.

Especially since it lost the staff from AFK scripting. I've killed the original Pixelia a few times for stealing my shit while bigshotting. It always took a few minutes to respond.

11-10-2016, 03:39 PM
Especially since it lost the staff from AFK scripting. I've killed the original Pixelia a few times for stealing my shit while bigshotting. It always took a few minutes to respond.

lolz hell yeah I afk scripted, I got a character from 0 - 100 in about 11 months, never got script checked once... pretty nice when you have friends in high places, and don't act like you've never done it kalros lol

11-10-2016, 03:40 PM

11-10-2016, 03:41 PM
trying to get wyrom to answer some questions still.

Okay, logic time.

Bullet point your issue. Also, please follow the pattern below. For example:

Issue) GM was mean to me.
Problem) No proof.
Solution) Keep chat logs of GM/Player interaction.

Issue) I couldn't speak to Wyrom.
Problem) Wyrom has 10,000 things he's doing and can't always be available.
Solution 1) Educate players on the reality and hierarchy of game development.
Solution 2) Wyrom stops talking to players directly because there has been a recent trend of "talking to Wyrom" and ignoring the chain.
Solution 2a) Instead Wyrom would interact via a 'label' such as lockout.

All yours!

11-10-2016, 03:49 PM
I would have never gone to wyrom had he not been the one that came to me first, I wanted to hear what he had to say, and valryka said no.

11-10-2016, 03:51 PM
lolz hell yeah I afk scripted, I got a character from 0 - 100 in about 11 months, never got script checked once... pretty nice when you have friends in high places, and don't act like you've never done it kalros lol

Why are you admitting that you AFK scripted from 0-100? Wyrom could straight up ban your character based on this admittance. And don't dare compare me to you. I was always available for interaction barring some emergencies and I easily spent 12+ hours a day interacting and in game.

You causing this fucking drama because you were fucking AFK and lost your staff 2x is so fucking utterly ridiculous it's laughable. Honestly, how stupid are you? Take your staff and crawl away. You are so ridiculously lucky that you should stop posting now and pray that Wyrom doesn't change his mind.

11-10-2016, 04:06 PM
maybe I shoulda just grabbed Valryka by the pussy instead of calling her a phat cunt?

..that was sarcastic by the way, I do not condone the grabbing of vagina's

Are you gay? Because a lot of women enjoy that. You just can't be as direct about it as Trump there has got to be some foreplay first.

11-10-2016, 04:19 PM
Are you gay? Because a lot of women enjoy that. You just can't be as direct about it as Trump there has got to be some foreplay first.

...if anyone would know.

Jeril's made a profession out of grabbing that text vagina. If he ever actually decided to come out with a list of who he's cybered, the PC would probably implode with the amazement and hilarity. Too bad he's too much of a nice guy to do such a horrible thing. =(

11-10-2016, 04:27 PM
Why are you admitting that you AFK scripted from 0-100? Wyrom could straight up ban your character based on this admittance. And don't dare compare me to you. I was always available for interaction barring some emergencies and I easily spent 12+ hours a day interacting and in game.

You causing this fucking drama because you were fucking AFK and lost your staff 2x is so fucking utterly ridiculous it's laughable. Honestly, how stupid are you? Take your staff and crawl away. You are so ridiculously lucky that you should stop posting now and pray that Wyrom doesn't change his mind.

youre missing the point here, honestly I could give a shit if he bans an account I sold, just gunna create another pissed off customer. The point I'm making is that GM's use their power selectively to punish people by admitting my scripting habits. Some people get away with a lot more than others, you should know this by now.

and yeah I know all about red flags being set off with the amount of xp you gain per day/week... seemed to not matter for that 11 months, miracle!

11-10-2016, 04:56 PM
Dude. Someone must've hurt you terribly.

But it's not GSIV's fault. And certainly isn't Wyrom's

11-10-2016, 05:06 PM
I've lost track of what his complaint is. Is it he's the one getting favors ? He knows others getting favors ? made up chat logs, redacted names, its all just the ramblings of madman, a man who doesn't like muffins. I can't even believe he's allowed to log in and spew this filth about cream filled cupcakes vs "double" cupcakes not being a real thing. How do these people function in every day life ? Why are they allowed to spew forth this crazy and let it infect others ?

11-10-2016, 05:07 PM
Dude. Someone must've hurt you terribly.

But it's not GSIV's fault. And certainly isn't Wyrom's

my problem is with the staff, gsiv hired the staff, and wyrom oversees them.

11-10-2016, 05:11 PM
You say, "Being rude to someone who isnt trying to help you, isnt uncalled for."
Bullshit... utterly and completely.

You deserve to be in lockout, or permabanned, for having that sort of attitude.

11-10-2016, 05:23 PM
my problem is with the staff, gsiv hired the staff, and wyrom oversees them.

You must be new around here.

As someone who has been here steady for the last 10 years or so, off and on for the last 25...I can honestly say that the current GM staff, AS A WHOLE, is perhaps the best I've seen over that time period. I've liked and disliked certain GMs more than others, as we all like or dislike certain people in general, but...as a collective group, imo, current GM staff is killing it.

11-10-2016, 06:22 PM
I like turtles.
...and tacos.

11-10-2016, 06:47 PM
...and tacos.


11-10-2016, 07:05 PM
Stop creating new accounts, macguyver.

11-10-2016, 07:17 PM
Stop creating new accounts, macguyver.

No, tacos isn't me, just Trump and Mac. Not exactly sure what tacos is alluding to?

11-10-2016, 07:44 PM
No, tacos isn't me, just Trump and Mac. Not exactly sure what tacos is alluding to?

Popular poll option.

11-10-2016, 07:45 PM
Okay Brandon. Here we go, once again. You won't like any of these answers, but for the sake of transparency...

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why the incident you were supposedly investigating, with specific times and dates couldn't be located by another gm?

If you're asking me why Flannihan couldn't find what I found, it's because it's not easy to find. I had to dig through a lot of logs. I'm also a higher clearance than Flannihan. Flannihan could see a lot of the normal disarms that happened. As I explained, your situation was unique. I'm sure it's happened to someone else, but I doubt ANYONE would create that much of a fuss that they had a weapon returned when they should have lost it.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why my spirit servant didn't drop my staff before going to the holding area, and why wasn't it over written by the other spirit servant I made?

Your spirit servant didn't drop in the normal sense. This is why we're calling this a bug. Unfortunately, it's not even a bug, but that's what we're going to call it, because it's doing something not intentional. Here is the holding area right this moment of my posting...

[Familiar Holding Area]
You are in the familiar holding area. This is where familiars actually go while in rout to someone. You also see a short-nosed fruit bat that is flying around, the ??? disk, the icy blue ??? disk, a pug-faced fluffy white kitten, the ??? disk, a pudgy frosting-covered dormouse, a battered antique faewood crate, a plump ship rat, a battered antique faewood crate, a battered antique faewood crate, a mangy sewer rat, the ??? disk, a crimson-eyed albino chinchilla, a crimson-eyed albino chinchilla and a viridian scaled dragon-shaped brewing vat.
Obvious paths: none

Lots of things go here and wait for their owner to do something. Most times it's when the room if flagged to not allow such things. But it's also an area things go when you log off. It's not a very safe room though, as things still get deleted.

Mr lord wyrom please tell me why Valryka told me that there was no way I was ever going to get an audience with you, despite your willingness to grant me said audience?

GM Haliste explained this to you. GM Valyrka was told by her SGM and a few other staff members that she was to handle the situation. Requesting another GM isn't normal protocol. I left no notes on your file that said, "If he asks to speak with me, honor it." You see, I'm the PM. I don't do general GM duties anymore. Your case was a rather simple one. It started off about your name (which I'll cover in your last question). When I went to talk to you, you were unresponsive and violating POLICY 18. Since you were a F2P account, you needed to be talked to on a number of things. We left you in the Consultation Lounge. When you did come back, you were irate immediately on all of your logged in accounts. So what would have been a slap on the wrist (because it was a first offense) and a rename, you ended up getting a lock out. But to remind you of everything...

Chromium: "Big boss is a tool."
Chromium: "Ive had this name for a month now is a problem?"
Chromium: "Fuck it i dont care."
Chromium: "you homos moved me to the lounge when i was logged out now i cant log in with stormfront"
Wyromsafag: "i demand justice"
Wyromsafag: "get your lazy ass to work siierra and get me outa here"

At this point, you'd not change your name from Wyromsafag, so GM Vanah had to override your name.

Vanah: "Hi there! I've changed your name to Chromim, which is similar to your original choice but falls within our POLICY 6 guidelines."
Chromim: "i cant talk here..."
Vanah: "It is not up for discussion."
Chromim: "its not about the name change at this point..."
Chromim: "its about a dictator gm with a vengence banning all my accounts instead of doing what you just did or letting me speak with someone else"
Vanah: "Unfortunately, once you've been referred to lockout, no in-game GM can help you. You will need to email lockout@simutronics.com."

This doesn't include all the aggression from Medicinal (your other account) or any of the comments like "phat cunt" you were making. It also doesn't include the back and forth dialogue you had with several GMs. You had called 3 GMs some form of vulgarity. You also were very rude in general when you were released for a brief moment, which caused things to get far worse.

You were left in the Lounge for a day because any time someone tried to talk to you, you weren't there. When you finally were, you allowed things to escalate because you can't control your temper.

oh and also since when does google have a monopoly on the name Chromium, an element that has been on the periodic table a lot longer than google has been a company?

POLICY 6 talks about this, but since you're permanently banned and can't type POLICY 6, I'll paste it below.

GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names

The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.

- Names with titles in them. (Knighblackness, Mistressjade, Kingdan)
- Phrases. (Imatoasteroven, Irocku, Westandtall, Youfearme)
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)
- Garbage names. (Xxbdgscy , Yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (Xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Abbreviations or words with missing letters are not allowed. (Drgnslr, Grngobln, Ldyjssie)
- Character names should not be the name of any of the monsters, gods, goddesses, towns or cities in Elanthia.
- Names that mimic items or creature names. (Broadsword, Tower, Puma)
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Famous out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buckrogers, Chewybacca)
- Names of out-of-genre personalities from T.V., literature, cartoons, video games, or movies. (Hansolo, Clarkkent, Spongebob)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, Stpeter, Gandhi)
- Names of real locations, holidays, or events. (Chicago, Easter, Mitzvah)
- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable.
- Drug-related terms are not allowed. (Cocaine, Opium, and prescription names)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmipihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.

Names used from a fantasy naming generator (including the one in the character creation for GemStone) do not automatically comply to this policy.

Two words that form a name do not automatically violate the naming policy.

There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.

If you were sent to re-create your name, but feel your name is acceptable, and you wish to appeal, you must file the appeal in writing to feedback@simutronics.com. Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of your appeal.

If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.

Most of our BADNAME issues come when other players bring them to our attention. That's why it took so long for it to be noticed. Someone badnamed you, and a ruling was made. But because you managed to hit level 20-something within 30 days, it had to be handled by an SGM. One of the GMs pointed out that you were pending for a BADNAME and I decided to handle it instead of waiting for an SGM to be around. Had you been there, we'd have changed your name and life would have moved on. After that incident I had to run to a meeting, and afterward I had to work on something else (outside the game). The next day, I was not around in game, as I mentioned, I'm not a standard GM, I have other office work that I get to handle remotely. Then you spiraled out of control.

But that's pretty much it, Brandon. This whole thing has never been about your runestaff, which you have led a lot of people to believe. The runestaff oddity seems to be something you're holding onto for whatever reason. Bugs happen, people find stuff all the time. I still don't classify what happened to you as a bug, because it shouldn't really happen again. It seems resolved, but it could happen again. Back during the last spitfire, we had an issue where players somehow had two servants out. One got "detached" from the owner, and it was just screaming to staff every couple seconds.

Now, I hope you'll find something more enjoyable. Personally, I find this kind of stuff exhausting.

11-10-2016, 07:50 PM
Is Chromium a badname because of Google or Element name or a 2015 Albanian Film?

I've nevr heard of it before today except as the element.

11-10-2016, 07:51 PM
[Familiar Holding Area]
You are in the familiar holding area. This is where familiars actually go while in rout to someone.

Shouldn't that be route? I'll go ahead and take my RPA now. Apply it to Thondolar IG. Thnx.

11-10-2016, 07:55 PM
Is Chromium a badname because of Google or Element name or a 2015 Albanian Film?

I've nevr heard of it before today except as the element.

The ruling was made on Trademark. Elements wouldn't really pop you into a badname situation, but they are kind of OOG. Brandon went ahead and made Magnesium too, just to be funny afterward. Because the whole thing with this situation has been due to being immature.

Shouldn't that be route? I'll go ahead and take my RPA now. Apply it to Thondolar IG. Thnx.

Haha, it's not for player eyes, we don't care about typos. But I'll fix it and send you something special, don't you worry.

11-10-2016, 07:57 PM
Haha, it's not for player eyes, we don't care about typos. But I'll fix it and send you something special, don't you worry.

Funny thing here is I *knew* you'd do something snarky, so I purposely misspelled my own name! ThondOlar is a Ranger, and not my character. Joke's on you, Wyrom!

Edit: I'm ThondAlar, the bard. You'll never guess my true identity!

Edit Edit: er...damn. Next time, Wyrom!

11-10-2016, 07:58 PM
Funny thing here is I *knew* you'd do something snarky, so I purposely misspelled my own name! Thondolar is a Ranger, and not my character. Joke's on you, Wyrom!

You act like I don't know who you are!

11-10-2016, 08:02 PM
Can I get an XXX disk?

11-10-2016, 08:04 PM
Can I get an XXX disk?

Heh. After redacting those, I wondered how long it would take for the XXX comment!

11-10-2016, 08:08 PM
* Nebraska was just put on ice!

11-10-2016, 08:12 PM
Chromium: "Big boss is a tool."
Chromium: "Ive had this name for a month now is a problem?"
Chromium: "Fuck it i dont care."
Chromium: "you homos moved me to the lounge when i was logged out now i cant log in with stormfront"
Wyromsafag: "i demand justice"
Wyromsafag: "get your lazy ass to work siierra and get me outa here"

At this point, you'd not change your name from Wyromsafag, so GM Vanah had to override your name.
Brandon, is it? A real class act.

11-10-2016, 08:13 PM
Not really related but on the subject of player names.. would it be possible to add a name confirmation to the character creation process? ie: Yes, the name XXX is available, do you want to use it? Sometimes you just want to see if a name is actually available before committing to it.

11-10-2016, 08:14 PM
Not really related but on the subject of player names.. would it be possible to add a name confirmation to the character creation process? ie: Yes, the name XXX is available, do you want to use it? Sometimes you just want to see if a name is actually available before committing to it.

It's a good suggestion. I wonder how feasible that would be to add.

11-10-2016, 08:24 PM
If you reroll in game, it requires confirmation. It doesn't require confirmation through the website.

11-10-2016, 08:28 PM
The holding area looks like one of the happiest places on earth. Right next to where ever the janitor stores everything.

11-10-2016, 08:43 PM
The holding area looks like one of the happiest places on earth. Right next to where ever the janitor stores everything.

Janitor is a much more angry place... I'd share it, but it has a lot of code and GM commands in the text.

Fun Fact: On the staff side of the game, it's not called the janitor.

11-10-2016, 08:44 PM
What's it called?

11-10-2016, 08:47 PM
What's it called?


11-10-2016, 08:51 PM


11-10-2016, 10:07 PM

11-10-2016, 10:14 PM
Okay Brandon. Here we go, once again. You won't like any of these answers, but for the sake of transparency...

Geeze Wyrom... you broke your NDA and threatened national security to leak such information.

11-10-2016, 10:16 PM
This thread does bring up an important topic though; why hasn't that Dreaven guy been made a GM yet?

11-10-2016, 10:19 PM
This thread does bring up an important topic though; why hasn't that Dreaven guy been made a GM yet?
'cause you'd need to give up the good life of Dreavening, script writing, and trolling the political forums.

Just like I'm probably not a GM because I love my guide writing, my capped hunting expeditions, and helping random people via lnet.

11-10-2016, 10:20 PM
I've actually always wondered why this option wasn't available. Like, ok, just because I wanted to see if shitstain was available, doesn't mean I want it as an actual name dammit!

I know, right? Irks me that it automatically throws you into the game and you gotta start over from scratch to change it.

11-10-2016, 10:20 PM
'cause you'd need to give up the good life of Dreavening, script writing, and trolling the political forums.

Just like I'm probably not a GM because I love my guide writing, my capped hunting expeditions, and helping random people via lnet.


11-10-2016, 10:21 PM
Just like I'm probably not a GM because I love my guide writing, my capped hunting expeditions, and helping random people via lnet.

And because they know what you did last summer..

11-10-2016, 10:22 PM
You and I are probably best to support the players as players on the other side of the fence... Otherwise, who would be the internet famous players that everyone looks up to and wants to be if it became known that we were really just GMs the whole time. I guess Allereli can be a secret GM too, she does a lot of wiki stuff.

11-10-2016, 10:41 PM
You and I are probably best to support the players as players on the other side of the fence... Otherwise, who would be the internet famous players that everyone looks up to and wants to be if it became known that we were really just GMs the whole time. I guess Allereli can be a secret GM too, she does a lot of wiki stuff.

This is actually a very true statement. You both help a lot more players than you realize, even if we don't always say it. Thank you both!

11-10-2016, 10:42 PM
You and I are probably best to support the players as players on the other side of the fence... Otherwise, who would be the internet famous players that everyone looks up to and wants to be if it became known that we were really just GMs the whole time. I guess Allereli can be a secret GM too, she does a lot of wiki stuff.

A lot of community leaders end up becoming GMs, and while it's good for the game in staffing ways, it usually is a blow to the community. It's a very true statement.

11-10-2016, 10:47 PM
I guess Allereli can be a secret GM too, she does a lot of wiki stuff.

No, I am not on staff in any official manner. I am a Wiki moderator.

11-10-2016, 10:49 PM
I am a GM that enjoys flaunting the rules, because rules are dumb. Therefore, I post here.

Also, I find and return missing runestaffs ::wink::

11-10-2016, 10:51 PM
Roblar is the Duskruin ambassador.

11-10-2016, 10:53 PM
This is actually a very true statement. You both help a lot more players than you realize, even if we don't always say it. Thank you both!

nice try, Tgo

11-10-2016, 10:54 PM
Roblar is the Duskruin ambassador.

So thats why he always gets perfect scores. I call Shenanigans! Shenanigans I say!

11-10-2016, 10:58 PM
So thats why he always gets perfect scores. I call Shenanigans! Shenanigans I say!

When I press F1, I find a pendant too.

11-10-2016, 11:02 PM
When I press F1, I find a pendant too.

I knew it, thats why my characters are poor.

11-10-2016, 11:09 PM
When you reroll you get a confirmation choice. Also, on a intellectual capacity are the periodic table elements trademarked? I thought they were in the public domain or whatever?

11-10-2016, 11:39 PM
You lost me at operturnity

11-11-2016, 12:24 PM
When you reroll you get a confirmation choice. Also, on a intellectual capacity are the periodic table elements trademarked? I thought they were in the public domain or whatever?

Chromium as an element isn't that much of an issue. They aren't very good names though. Our cut off for real time line is late 1700s, this is used when we say something is too modern. Chromium is like 1790s (I forget and can't Google this moment). So it really does cross into a time line issue too.

We'd probably badname Oxygen and Potassium though.

11-11-2016, 01:02 PM
Chromium as an element isn't that much of an issue. They aren't very good names though. Our cut off for real time line is late 1700s, this is used when we say something is too modern. Chromium is like 1790s (I forget and can't Google this moment). So it really does cross into a time line issue too.

We'd probably badname Oxygen and Potassium though.

This is actually a very interesting topic. Because then you get into compounds like Cyanide which could have a dual implied meaning both as something scientific and as a pop culture reference to poison. The timeline thing is murky as it was officially discovered in 1782. However, it was known but not given a name since the year 1702. But even still someone walking into a room as "Lord Cyanide" wouldn't really be too jarring compared to many names out there.

11-11-2016, 01:05 PM
Oh my god, who cares?

11-11-2016, 01:17 PM
Oh my god, who cares?

Yeah I agree. Just a bit of a nerd when it comes to interpreting written rules. On the other hand, I think for names that have not been used for decades (and are just some level 3 throwaway that's never logged on since 1996) should be allowed to be bought by a currently active player. hmm, I wonder..

11-11-2016, 04:02 PM
High Lord Optimus has arrived!

You see High Lord Optimus Prime leader of the Autobots.

11-12-2016, 08:13 AM
Chromium: "Big boss is a tool."
Chromium: "Ive had this name for a month now is a problem?"
Chromium: "Fuck it i dont care."
Chromium: "you homos moved me to the lounge when i was logged out now i cant log in with stormfront"
Wyromsafag: "i demand justice"
Wyromsafag: "get your lazy ass to work siierra and get me outa here"

At this point, you'd not change your name from Wyromsafag, so GM Vanah had to override your name.

Vanah: "Hi there! I've changed your name to Chromim, which is similar to your original choice but falls within our POLICY 6 guidelines."
Chromim: "i cant talk here..."
Vanah: "It is not up for discussion."
Chromim: "its not about the name change at this point..."
Chromim: "its about a dictator gm with a vengence banning all my accounts instead of doing what you just did or letting me speak with someone else"
Vanah: "Unfortunately, once you've been referred to lockout, no in-game GM can help you. You will need to email lockout@simutronics.com."

This doesn't include all the aggression from Medicinal (your other account) or any of the comments like "phat cunt" you were making. It also doesn't include the back and forth dialogue you had with several GMs. You had called 3 GMs some form of vulgarity. You also were very rude in general when you were released for a brief moment, which caused things to get far worse.

You were left in the Lounge for a day because any time someone tried to talk to you, you weren't there. When you finally were, you allowed things to escalate because you can't control your temper.

Rofl is that the best you have, I called you a tool, and said fuck it I don't care.... omg such a horrible person lolz where are the logs of what came before that? lets see what was being said to me that made me decide to say fuck it?

Also the way you guys selectively enforce policy is really annoying, but hey I guess one standard policy cant be good enough for everyone.

and as far as the farmiliar room...seeems like this "bug" has some good potential for duping items, thanks for the insight, now that I know you don't care about fixing it,seems like its a green light to abuse if I can replicate.

anyways yeah you don't have to respond, I'm done trolling, wont be back to the forums

11-12-2016, 09:32 AM
I'm done trolling, wont be back to the forums

well...bye... gif here.

11-12-2016, 10:13 AM
BTW, are we ever going to get another name purge again? I swear I would pay upwards of 300 dollars (seriously) if it means freeing up that exact name that I want.

12-30-2016, 09:58 AM
This got to 17 pages, and Wyrom responded multiple times. You people are insane.

12-30-2016, 10:01 AM
This got to 17 pages, and Wyrom responded multiple times. You people are insane.

Why would you bump it a month and a half later? You are the insane one.

12-30-2016, 10:32 AM
Also it's four pages.

12-30-2016, 12:46 PM
Also it's four pages.

It's 18 pages!

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/15824405_10154521738827535_1211474731_o.png?oh=c94 2ee0fcba68be7167ddc5dc3cee6fd&oe=58695EA6

12-30-2016, 01:04 PM
What witchcraft is this?

12-30-2016, 01:09 PM
It's seven pages for me. I need to update my settings for more posts per page.

12-30-2016, 01:24 PM
It's a solid 18 pages going on 19.

12-30-2016, 01:26 PM
It's a solid 18 pages going on 19.

Only for rookies.

12-30-2016, 01:41 PM
Only for people who realize that more posts per page doesn't actually make them cool.


12-30-2016, 02:52 PM
Wait, is that in direct response to me? Or are you saying what I should have, only the exact opposite? Or both.

12-30-2016, 03:14 PM
blah blah blah whine whine whine blah blah blah

12-30-2016, 03:56 PM

Heh, that whole "OMGIRSOCOOLIHAVESOMANYPOSTSPERPAGENADYOUDONTYOUSUC KLOLOL" shit is the same crap 14 year old Bobmuhthol used to say all the time on here.

12-30-2016, 04:02 PM
Heh, that whole "OMGIRSOCOOLIHAVESOMANYPOSTSPERPAGENADYOUDONTYOUSUC KLOLOL" shit is the same crap 14 year old Bobmuhthol used to say all the time on here.

I'll fucking kill you.

12-30-2016, 04:03 PM
Still four pages, you vBulletin degenerates!

12-30-2016, 04:04 PM
I'll fucking kill you.

I'll burn your cat.

12-30-2016, 04:24 PM
I'll burn your cat.


12-30-2016, 04:34 PM

Hey now, thems fightin werds.

12-30-2016, 04:39 PM
I'll burn your cat.

I assume you're talking about The Purr Monster, because if it's Steve French...