View Full Version : my last email from Wyrom

11-07-2016, 05:58 PM
A number of things here. First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. There are a lot of tasks on my plate. Individual responses to players aren't something I can't guarantee within a 72 hour window. I work Monday through Friday and I do a lot of miscellaneous projects in my spare time at night and the weekend. Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you. This eats into my time when I have to review your situation.

Your responses here show a large lack of understanding on how the game works from behind the scenes, and that's perfectly fine. You're not an independent contractor, you've not signed an NDA, and you've not been any form of staff. But you're confusing two different types of logs. We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text. It's summarized and logged, but there is no dialogue. Logs that we review are system logs that things in the game save. Like when you get disarmed or when you die. I don't see individual conversations you have. As I told you, those are saved on local machines and aren't local on my machine. So while I can search back years of system logs that are saved, I don't have individual conversations that you might have with anyone in game.

You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening.

The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find. There isn't a way for a GameMaster or a player to manipulate the situation. You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved. Is it possible something might happen again? Who knows. That's how bugs surface.

I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally. At this point, I am closing this case though. Good luck in everything you find enjoyable.


I’m gunna go through this one point by point

“First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. “
- This is an issue with the game masters, sounds exactly what you described your job to be. So why are you bitching about having to do it? Sounds pretty much inline with everyone else that works for simu or that is contracted by them.

“Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. “
- At no point did I ever ask for an immediate response, I simply asked are you still looking into this 2 weeks after you said you would get back to me. Given my experience with emailing the lockout department, feedback, and anyone else ive emailed at simutronics… you never know if youre even going to get a response, turns out most of the time the emails just go ignored. A simple yeah I’m still working on it, need some more time though would go a really long way. But instead you give me a bullshit 1 sentence response trying to rid yourself of a problem customer that I’m sure youre sick of dealing with.

“Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. “
- Lol I love how trying to get answers and information is “burning up customer service time”. Considering ive been locked out for 39 days and cut off from customer service during that time, when am I supposed to ask my questions and get some answers? Cant do it before, cant do it during, cant do it after the lockout….. what are my options here? Also how busy can the customer service department be with a player base that is this small. I understand that the customer service department is probably the cause for majority of the current cases that the customer service department is working on due to their lack luster responses and bullshit policies. But that’s not my fault, how bout you guys do some policy updates to bring your company inline with the year 2016.

“You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you”
- Damn straight I did an assist to speak with Valryka… shes the only one that can answer the question “why was I completely stonewalled from a chance to speak with the original gm that came to speak with me (being you)”. ive asked you several times and every time you say “I don’t know it must have been a misunderstanding.” There is no misunderstanding here, she was adamant about not letting me speak with you, I challenged her authority and she took it personally. What misunderstanding could there possibly be, I sat in the consultation lounge for 3 days and did several assists hoping maybe another gm might come by and do a referral for me to speak with you. Why did she refused to do a referral for me, offer an email address where I could reach you, or even reach out to you to let you know what was going on. The only option I was given was “youre doing it my way and youre doing it NOW”. Why shouldn’t she have to answer that question? From what you’ve said you did ask her… and you couldn’t get answer, otherwise you would have more for me than “I don’t know why she said that, I think it was a misunderstanding”. Sorry but I don’t find “I don’t know why” an acceptable answer. This is the single question ive been asking all along, going on 2 months now, and the best answer I can get is “I don’t know”, how about you freaking find out instead of telling me I you know? Because of your unwillingness to find out, yeah I did an assist to see if I could. And I still haven’t found out 2 months after the fact.

Its clear that you guys follow no protocall, and just make shit up as you go. For example Halistae trying to tell me that its against protocall for me to request to speak with a specific gm about an issue, yet that’s exactly what you asked me to do not more than a week before, and I was able to do so without an issue. So heres Halastae telling me one thing and you telling me the exact opposite. How bout you make up your mind, can I assist and ask for a referral to speak with someone or not?

“We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text.”
- knowing how your contractors are interacting with customers over a long term basis would be totally useless as an evaluation tool. If you guys need an extra hard drive to store them on I can donate you $50 and that should provide enough space to save the next 30 years of logs between gm’s and customers. Ill even write you a program to catalog and organize them for free.

“You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening. “
- take a look at the subject line of this email…. “wondering about the "bug" you found with my runestaff being returned” what part of that says Im demanding you stop everything youre doing and fix this NOW!!!!! It doesn’t, I asked if you were still looking into it, had looked into it at all yet, or if you needed more time (aka the status). And that question in itself doesn’t require much of a response, just a one line, haven’t had a chance to get to it yet response would do just fine, however you just let that sit for like 4 days without even that, and this being over a month from when I orignaly told you about the issue. I mentioned this issue in my original emails to the lockout department on September 9th, mentioned it to you directly on September 19th, and then again to you on October 19th. The first I hear from you response wise about it is on November 3rd, and this is the lackluster response I get after waiting all this time “It appears that the issue with your runestaff was indeed a bug” that’s all no explanation at all. It took you 2 months to not investigate shit and give me a 1 sentence resolution acting like you went full CSI GSIV on the issue. If you don’t have all the details just say it how about instead of trying to sound like you actually did something when its apparent you didn’t do a damn thing until this weekend, because I requested an update on the situation. And even that response is pretty unimpressive considering the facts ive given you about the incident but ill get to that below.

“The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find”
- lets suppose my spirit servant didn’t fully drop just for arguments sake. How is it possible for me to have casted another servant and release it, with my old servant still being in this holding area? Wouldn’t the new servant I created and dismissed have overwritten the servant that was in the holding area that had my staff? And why would the servant even have my staff in the holding area since they drop whatever they are holding before they go away? The fact that this thing magically got reattached to me after logging out after being expired for at least 3 hours, creating a new servant and dismissing it before the old one came back with my staff (that it should have dropped when it expired) just screams manipulation to me. I might not know the mechanics of your code but I do know how spirit servants work, and there is no reason even if my old servant got reattached to me that it should have had my staff, it should have been dropped on the ground.

“You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved.”
- Does this mean you fixed the bug? Cause I have a quote here from you earlier that you made it seem like you weren’t going to bother fixing it. “It's not a high priority fix though (which my guess is players will not mind).” Is what you said I believe but now all the sudden 4 days later you have completely resolved the issue? How do you go from being the busiest man on the planet with no time for anything, to being able to fix a bug that you didn’t plan on fixing because it wasn’t high priority. I suspect you didn’t fix a god damn thing because there was nothing to fix.

“I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally.”
- Very transparent… debatable, given a lot of information, yeah but forcing me to pester the shit out of you to get anything worth while. taken time to look in to it personally…. If you didn’t want to Id gladly work with someone else, but way to make yourself sound like the peoples hero for doing what’s in your job description.

“At this point, I am closing this case though. “
- I’m reopening it, I’m not going away, and I’m not done.

11-07-2016, 06:00 PM
I’m gunna go through this one point by point

“First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. “
- This is an issue with the game masters, sounds exactly what you described your job to be. So why are you bitching about having to do it? Sounds pretty much inline with everyone else that works for simu or that is contracted by them.

“Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. “
- At no point did I ever ask for an immediate response, I simply asked are you still looking into this 2 weeks after you said you would get back to me. Given my experience with emailing the lockout department, feedback, and anyone else ive emailed at simutronics… you never know if youre even going to get a response, turns out most of the time the emails just go ignored. A simple yeah I’m still working on it, need some more time though would go a really long way. But instead you give me a bullshit 1 sentence response trying to rid yourself of a problem customer that I’m sure youre sick of dealing with.

“Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. “
- Lol I love how trying to get answers and information is “burning up customer service time”. Considering ive been locked out for 39 days and cut off from customer service during that time, when am I supposed to ask my questions and get some answers? Cant do it before, cant do it during, cant do it after the lockout….. what are my options here? Also how busy can the customer service department be with a player base that is this small. I understand that the customer service department is probably the cause for majority of the current cases that the customer service department is working on due to their lack luster responses and bullshit policies. But that’s not my fault, how bout you guys do some policy updates to bring your company inline with the year 2016.

“You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you”
- Damn straight I did an assist to speak with Valryka… shes the only one that can answer the question “why was I completely stonewalled from a chance to speak with the original gm that came to speak with me (being you)”. ive asked you several times and every time you say “I don’t know it must have been a misunderstanding.” There is no misunderstanding here, she was adamant about not letting me speak with you, I challenged her authority and she took it personally. What misunderstanding could there possibly be, I sat in the consultation lounge for 3 days and did several assists hoping maybe another gm might come by and do a referral for me to speak with you. Why did she refused to do a referral for me, offer an email address where I could reach you, or even reach out to you to let you know what was going on. The only option I was given was “youre doing it my way and youre doing it NOW”. Why shouldn’t she have to answer that question? From what you’ve said you did ask her… and you couldn’t get answer, otherwise you would have more for me than “I don’t know why she said that, I think it was a misunderstanding”. Sorry but I don’t find “I don’t know why” an acceptable answer. This is the single question ive been asking all along, going on 2 months now, and the best answer I can get is “I don’t know”, how about you freaking find out instead of telling me I you know? Because of your unwillingness to find out, yeah I did an assist to see if I could. And I still haven’t found out 2 months after the fact.

Its clear that you guys follow no protocall, and just make shit up as you go. For example Halistae trying to tell me that its against protocall for me to request to speak with a specific gm about an issue, yet that’s exactly what you asked me to do not more than a week before, and I was able to do so without an issue. So heres Halastae telling me one thing and you telling me the exact opposite. How bout you make up your mind, can I assist and ask for a referral to speak with someone or not?

“We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text.”
- knowing how your contractors are interacting with customers over a long term basis would be totally useless as an evaluation tool. If you guys need an extra hard drive to store them on I can donate you $50 and that should provide enough space to save the next 30 years of logs between gm’s and customers. Ill even write you a program to catalog and organize them for free.

“You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening. “
- take a look at the subject line of this email…. “wondering about the "bug" you found with my runestaff being returned” what part of that says Im demanding you stop everything youre doing and fix this NOW!!!!! It doesn’t, I asked if you were still looking into it, had looked into it at all yet, or if you needed more time (aka the status). And that question in itself doesn’t require much of a response, just a one line, haven’t had a chance to get to it yet response would do just fine, however you just let that sit for like 4 days without even that, and this being over a month from when I orignaly told you about the issue. I mentioned this issue in my original emails to the lockout department on September 9th, mentioned it to you directly on September 19th, and then again to you on October 19th. The first I hear from you response wise about it is on November 3rd, and this is the lackluster response I get after waiting all this time “It appears that the issue with your runestaff was indeed a bug” that’s all no explanation at all. It took you 2 months to not investigate shit and give me a 1 sentence resolution acting like you went full CSI GSIV on the issue. If you don’t have all the details just say it how about instead of trying to sound like you actually did something when its apparent you didn’t do a damn thing until this weekend, because I requested an update on the situation. And even that response is pretty unimpressive considering the facts ive given you about the incident but ill get to that below.

“The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find”
- lets suppose my spirit servant didn’t fully drop just for arguments sake. How is it possible for me to have casted another servant and release it, with my old servant still being in this holding area? Wouldn’t the new servant I created and dismissed have overwritten the servant that was in the holding area that had my staff? And why would the servant even have my staff in the holding area since they drop whatever they are holding before they go away? The fact that this thing magically got reattached to me after logging out after being expired for at least 3 hours, creating a new servant and dismissing it before the old one came back with my staff (that it should have dropped when it expired) just screams manipulation to me. I might not know the mechanics of your code but I do know how spirit servants work, and there is no reason even if my old servant got reattached to me that it should have had my staff, it should have been dropped on the ground.

“You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved.”
- Does this mean you fixed the bug? Cause I have a quote here from you earlier that you made it seem like you weren’t going to bother fixing it. “It's not a high priority fix though (which my guess is players will not mind).” Is what you said I believe but now all the sudden 4 days later you have completely resolved the issue? How do you go from being the busiest man on the planet with no time for anything, to being able to fix a bug that you didn’t plan on fixing because it wasn’t high priority. I suspect you didn’t fix a god damn thing because there was nothing to fix.

“I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally.”
- Very transparent… debatable, given a lot of information, yeah but forcing me to pester the shit out of you to get anything worth while. taken time to look in to it personally…. If you didn’t want to Id gladly work with someone else, but way to make yourself sound like the peoples hero for doing what’s in your job description.

“At this point, I am closing this case though. “
- I’m reopening it, I’m not going away, and I’m not done.

for posterity. Haven't read it yet tho.

eta: Didn't make it through it, but lol, I guess.

11-07-2016, 06:02 PM
Wyrom's response seemed very reasonable and it seemed to indicate that the issue was you potentially losing a runestaff, which was not actually lost. Didn't read your wall of blabber.


11-07-2016, 06:03 PM
A number of things here. First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. There are a lot of tasks on my plate. Individual responses to players aren't something I can't guarantee within a 72 hour window. I work Monday through Friday and I do a lot of miscellaneous projects in my spare time at night and the weekend. Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you. This eats into my time when I have to review your situation.

Your responses here show a large lack of understanding on how the game works from behind the scenes, and that's perfectly fine. You're not an independent contractor, you've not signed an NDA, and you've not been any form of staff. But you're confusing two different types of logs. We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text. It's summarized and logged, but there is no dialogue. Logs that we review are system logs that things in the game save. Like when you get disarmed or when you die. I don't see individual conversations you have. As I told you, those are saved on local machines and aren't local on my machine. So while I can search back years of system logs that are saved, I don't have individual conversations that you might have with anyone in game.

You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening.

The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find. There isn't a way for a GameMaster or a player to manipulate the situation. You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved. Is it possible something might happen again? Who knows. That's how bugs surface.

I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally. At this point, I am closing this case though. Good luck in everything you find enjoyable.


I’m gunna go through this one point by point

“First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. “
- This is an issue with the game masters, sounds exactly what you described your job to be. So why are you bitching about having to do it? Sounds pretty much inline with everyone else that works for simu or that is contracted by them.

“Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. “
- At no point did I ever ask for an immediate response, I simply asked are you still looking into this 2 weeks after you said you would get back to me. Given my experience with emailing the lockout department, feedback, and anyone else ive emailed at simutronics… you never know if youre even going to get a response, turns out most of the time the emails just go ignored. A simple yeah I’m still working on it, need some more time though would go a really long way. But instead you give me a bullshit 1 sentence response trying to rid yourself of a problem customer that I’m sure youre sick of dealing with.

“Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. “
- Lol I love how trying to get answers and information is “burning up customer service time”. Considering ive been locked out for 39 days and cut off from customer service during that time, when am I supposed to ask my questions and get some answers? Cant do it before, cant do it during, cant do it after the lockout….. what are my options here? Also how busy can the customer service department be with a player base that is this small. I understand that the customer service department is probably the cause for majority of the current cases that the customer service department is working on due to their lack luster responses and bullshit policies. But that’s not my fault, how bout you guys do some policy updates to bring your company inline with the year 2016.

“You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you”
- Damn straight I did an assist to speak with Valryka… shes the only one that can answer the question “why was I completely stonewalled from a chance to speak with the original gm that came to speak with me (being you)”. ive asked you several times and every time you say “I don’t know it must have been a misunderstanding.” There is no misunderstanding here, she was adamant about not letting me speak with you, I challenged her authority and she took it personally. What misunderstanding could there possibly be, I sat in the consultation lounge for 3 days and did several assists hoping maybe another gm might come by and do a referral for me to speak with you. Why did she refused to do a referral for me, offer an email address where I could reach you, or even reach out to you to let you know what was going on. The only option I was given was “youre doing it my way and youre doing it NOW”. Why shouldn’t she have to answer that question? From what you’ve said you did ask her… and you couldn’t get answer, otherwise you would have more for me than “I don’t know why she said that, I think it was a misunderstanding”. Sorry but I don’t find “I don’t know why” an acceptable answer. This is the single question ive been asking all along, going on 2 months now, and the best answer I can get is “I don’t know”, how about you freaking find out instead of telling me I you know? Because of your unwillingness to find out, yeah I did an assist to see if I could. And I still haven’t found out 2 months after the fact.

Its clear that you guys follow no protocall, and just make shit up as you go. For example Halistae trying to tell me that its against protocall for me to request to speak with a specific gm about an issue, yet that’s exactly what you asked me to do not more than a week before, and I was able to do so without an issue. So heres Halastae telling me one thing and you telling me the exact opposite. How bout you make up your mind, can I assist and ask for a referral to speak with someone or not?

“We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text.”
- knowing how your contractors are interacting with customers over a long term basis would be totally useless as an evaluation tool. If you guys need an extra hard drive to store them on I can donate you $50 and that should provide enough space to save the next 30 years of logs between gm’s and customers. Ill even write you a program to catalog and organize them for free.

“You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening. “
- take a look at the subject line of this email…. “wondering about the "bug" you found with my runestaff being returned” what part of that says Im demanding you stop everything youre doing and fix this NOW!!!!! It doesn’t, I asked if you were still looking into it, had looked into it at all yet, or if you needed more time (aka the status). And that question in itself doesn’t require much of a response, just a one line, haven’t had a chance to get to it yet response would do just fine, however you just let that sit for like 4 days without even that, and this being over a month from when I orignaly told you about the issue. I mentioned this issue in my original emails to the lockout department on September 9th, mentioned it to you directly on September 19th, and then again to you on October 19th. The first I hear from you response wise about it is on November 3rd, and this is the lackluster response I get after waiting all this time “It appears that the issue with your runestaff was indeed a bug” that’s all no explanation at all. It took you 2 months to not investigate shit and give me a 1 sentence resolution acting like you went full CSI GSIV on the issue. If you don’t have all the details just say it how about instead of trying to sound like you actually did something when its apparent you didn’t do a damn thing until this weekend, because I requested an update on the situation. And even that response is pretty unimpressive considering the facts ive given you about the incident but ill get to that below.

“The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find”
- lets suppose my spirit servant didn’t fully drop just for arguments sake. How is it possible for me to have casted another servant and release it, with my old servant still being in this holding area? Wouldn’t the new servant I created and dismissed have overwritten the servant that was in the holding area that had my staff? And why would the servant even have my staff in the holding area since they drop whatever they are holding before they go away? The fact that this thing magically got reattached to me after logging out after being expired for at least 3 hours, creating a new servant and dismissing it before the old one came back with my staff (that it should have dropped when it expired) just screams manipulation to me. I might not know the mechanics of your code but I do know how spirit servants work, and there is no reason even if my old servant got reattached to me that it should have had my staff, it should have been dropped on the ground.

“You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved.”
- Does this mean you fixed the bug? Cause I have a quote here from you earlier that you made it seem like you weren’t going to bother fixing it. “It's not a high priority fix though (which my guess is players will not mind).” Is what you said I believe but now all the sudden 4 days later you have completely resolved the issue? How do you go from being the busiest man on the planet with no time for anything, to being able to fix a bug that you didn’t plan on fixing because it wasn’t high priority. I suspect you didn’t fix a god damn thing because there was nothing to fix.

“I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally.”
- Very transparent… debatable, given a lot of information, yeah but forcing me to pester the shit out of you to get anything worth while. taken time to look in to it personally…. If you didn’t want to Id gladly work with someone else, but way to make yourself sound like the peoples hero for doing what’s in your job description.

“At this point, I am closing this case though. “
- I’m reopening it, I’m not going away, and I’m not done.

Leave the GM's alone.

11-07-2016, 06:04 PM
I like pie.

11-07-2016, 06:06 PM
I have a complaint that the rep system did not let me complete my statement, which should have read:

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

It cut off at du. :(

11-07-2016, 06:09 PM

11-07-2016, 06:09 PM

11-07-2016, 06:11 PM
Is this the secret email from hillary's server ?

11-07-2016, 06:12 PM

This is how I respond on tax documents each year.

11-07-2016, 06:12 PM

he got to keep his staff

11-07-2016, 06:12 PM
Is this the secret email from hillary's server ?

The smoking gun! Hillary used foundation money to buy 10x DBs and didn't pay taxes on it!

11-07-2016, 06:13 PM
I like men's buttocks.

ew oookaaay

11-07-2016, 06:14 PM
We're the first to go off over actual signs of GM misconduct but we're not about to say anything when they seem pretty damn reasonable.

11-07-2016, 06:14 PM
I fantasize about FBI Director Comey's veiny member.


11-07-2016, 06:16 PM
he got to keep his staff

What's the point of this thread then?

11-07-2016, 06:17 PM
omg Hillary's boobs tho

That's just nasty.

11-07-2016, 06:18 PM
What's the point of this thread then?

Sexual frustration.

11-07-2016, 06:20 PM
I couldn't read the whole thing. What the fuck is going on?

This is what I gathered:
1) Guy loses runestaff to bug
2) Guy gets it back

Somewhere in between 1 and 2, guy is locked out. I think that's the important piece. Where's THAT story.

11-07-2016, 06:20 PM
When I watch those facesitting videos starring Elizabeth Warren omg, so much grrrr.

You are a disgusting human being.

11-07-2016, 06:25 PM

11-07-2016, 06:27 PM
debbie wasserman schultz farted in my face while I fapped

Okay, I think we've heard enough here...

11-07-2016, 06:29 PM
I put soap in my pp hole and now it burns when I urinate.

This isn't web MD man.

11-07-2016, 06:35 PM
Stop being a tool. It sounds like Wyrom was going out of his way to answer you and you were harassing other GMs.

11-07-2016, 06:37 PM
Yeah, only Fleurs gets to act like she owns the game.

11-07-2016, 06:46 PM
Honestly, the best part of this thread has been the back and forth between Gelston and Wrath. Keep it up boys.

11-07-2016, 06:49 PM
+1 as always Wyrom,

I could learn a lot from the dedication and care you put into your communications!

11-07-2016, 06:50 PM
I like all the little hints to the items at the god auction he hid in there.

11-07-2016, 06:51 PM
I went back and re-read it but didn't see references to more than two, how many did you catch?

11-07-2016, 07:06 PM
The third is hard to figure out but when you finally see it you'll shit bricks.

11-07-2016, 07:11 PM
WYROM IS LORD so don't fuck around and end up like the previous damned civilizations

11-07-2016, 07:13 PM
Yeah, Wyrom was being beyond reasonable.

Oh, and PS, if Wyrom- who is so patient that it probably qualifies as a disorder at this point- is like "okay, we're done here" then you clearly suck as a human being and probably owe him an apology.

11-07-2016, 07:13 PM
I thought this was a thread to celebrate how awesome Wyrom was?

11-07-2016, 07:18 PM
The smoking gun! Hillary used foundation money to buy 10x DBs and didn't pay taxes on it!

Lol brielus

11-07-2016, 07:40 PM
seriously though Spainkenya, this message board is kryptonite for attention whores. pull YOURSELF up by your bootstraps and CUT THE CRYING

11-07-2016, 07:44 PM
If you use the decoder I made, you can actually find 5 hidden auction item teasers in my email.

11-07-2016, 07:44 PM
The third is hard to figure out but when you finally see it you'll shit bricks.

Can you just tell us?

11-07-2016, 07:46 PM
Can you just tell us?

Heh, it's definitely a joke, as is my last post. Sorry.

11-07-2016, 07:46 PM
If you use the decoder I made, you can actually find 5 hidden auction item teasers in my email.

Will the decoder be available at auction?

11-07-2016, 07:47 PM
Will the decoder be available at auction?

You've found item #5!

11-07-2016, 07:47 PM
Heh, it's definitely a joke, as is my last post. Sorry.

LOL don't apologize. After making my post I was thinking... "It was probably a joke and it whooshed over my head." That's on me, not you or the thread. :)

11-07-2016, 07:54 PM
Epic Wyrom is Epic

11-07-2016, 08:03 PM
I sent three emails and Reported because my decoder is not TURNING or SPINNING anymore

11-07-2016, 08:09 PM
I think you need to NUDGE it to unlock and then PUSH to reset the interlocking rings.

11-07-2016, 08:28 PM
sorry! I'm sending out a correction Email and UNREPORTING in game right now. Thank you Rolfard!

11-07-2016, 08:31 PM
Anyone have a tl;dr version? Is Wyrom literally Hitler? Is it time to close my 38 accounts? Is this a sign Trump is gonna win tomorrow?!

11-07-2016, 08:32 PM
Da fuck is this? I feel like we're not getting the whole story here, but if OP posts Wyrom's very reasonable email publicly thinking to play "gotcha" and show the world how horrible this GM is behaving.... well obviously that person has some screws loose and I'm going to guess is the person at fault in the situation because obvious.

"Hey everyone, Wyrom is bad! Just look at this very nice email he wrote."

I did want to precisely comment on this.

- lets suppose my spirit servant didn’t fully drop just for arguments sake. How is it possible for me to have casted another servant and release it, with my old servant still being in this holding area? Wouldn’t the new servant I created and dismissed have overwritten the servant that was in the holding area that had my staff? And why would the servant even have my staff in the holding area since they drop whatever they are holding before they go away? The fact that this thing magically got reattached to me after logging out after being expired for at least 3 hours, creating a new servant and dismissing it before the old one came back with my staff (that it should have dropped when it expired) just screams manipulation to me. I might not know the mechanics of your code but I do know how spirit servants work, and there is no reason even if my old servant got reattached to me that it should have had my staff, it should have been dropped on the ground.

So one time I was walking around the mine road and something weird happened, I stumbled into a room that said "ECHO ROOM" "You are not supposed to be here! If you see this please assist or report." It just happened.

One time, I was doing alchemy, and a weird thing was happening, inventory slots on me kept disappearing, like it kept saying I was over the item limit, but I was not. Turns out, items I was making in alchemy were ending up glued to my body, taking up inventory slots while being invisible to me." A GM, female as I recall, had to rub me down to get em off. It was pleasant.

This other time I had aminated Debia to save her from decay, after I brought her to town she was arrested, probably for being too sexy in public. So, they arrested my animated Debia corpse. They then raised my animated Debia corpse while she was in jail. I summoned her back to me, breaking now alive Debia out of jail, but she was still my slave. I am, in fact, the only sorcerer known to have animated a living person. I was able to lead very-alive Debia around town for awhile making her body do things without her control. Then she was arrested, again, this time for jail break.

Bugs happen, and when they happen they're usually weird and strange and not something you would have thought of, because if they weren't, they wouldn't be bugs. No one forgets to stop and make sure that animate dead cannot be cast on a living person, or that the spell ends when a cleric raises the body. But no one bothered to check and make sure the separate raise corpse routine in place to ensure people do not die while in jail also turned the spell off. There isn't a great conspiracy because some bug happened to you.

11-07-2016, 08:35 PM
Anyone have a tl;dr version? Is Wyrom literally Hitler? Is it time to close my 38 accounts? Is this a sign Trump is gonna win tomorrow?!

Wyrom was mild mannered and polite. Dude got his item back. But the outrage! The precious outrage!

11-07-2016, 08:36 PM
But the outrage! The precious outrage!

That's good enough for me!

Let's burn Elanthia to the ground!

11-07-2016, 08:40 PM
Wyrom gonna regret giving us all torchs in the hopper from EG - LETS FORM A MOB IN GAME!

11-07-2016, 08:49 PM
There's this one time my bolt AS suddenly spiked to over nine thousand (TM). I kinda wished they hadn't fixed that.

11-07-2016, 10:50 PM
My last email from Wyrom...

LAST email? Ugh how many were there? Leave the GMs alone.

11-07-2016, 10:56 PM
Dude, you have to actually explain the full story about what the heck went on..I think you were in such rage and hyper focused on writing this post you just assumed everyone knew the whole story.

Right now, I'm just like...


11-07-2016, 11:44 PM
Dude, you have to actually explain the full story about what the heck went on..I think you were in such rage and hyper focused on writing this post you just assumed everyone knew the whole story.

Right now, I'm just like...


Its a center for ants.

11-08-2016, 12:04 AM
Sadly, while this may be funny, that email is a reality.

11-08-2016, 12:32 AM
Sadly, while this may be funny, that email is a reality.

Can you discuss the direction of the game? I know its been asked a lot but no one ever provides an answer. Here or the unofficial forums is fine.

11-08-2016, 12:34 AM
Here or the unofficial forums is fine.

Not much of a choice there.

11-08-2016, 01:17 AM
A simmering vat of mediocrity, with positive peaceful resolution. What the hell guys, you could have done better.

11-08-2016, 01:58 AM
Not much of a choice there.


11-08-2016, 07:43 AM
So what I read was:

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Writing complex software is hard, and we work hard to make it right. We've made it right. I request that you please leave us alone." -Wyrom

"Let me go over this point by point:
'I'm sorry for the inconvenience'
-No you aren't. You don't even lift!
'Writing complex software is hard, and we work to make it right.'
-But how come I couldn't just cast a spell?!?!?! This makes no sense! You're a lazy jerk-face.
'We've made it right.'
-But can you give me a 100% guarantee that no bugs will ever happen again? Also, I have no idea what software is.
'I request that you please leave us alone.'

Did that sum it up?

11-08-2016, 07:43 AM
There's this one time my bolt AS suddenly spiked to over nine thousand (TM). I kinda wished they hadn't fixed that.


11-08-2016, 09:23 AM
Sadly, while this may be funny, that email is a reality.

It might be funny, but it's definitely not funny "ha-ha."

Someone who isn't Me
11-08-2016, 09:26 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-08-2016, 09:41 AM
I sent six emails to feedback, billing, and Wyrom over a 3-month period with not a single response. Regardless of whether this guy is right or wrong about his issue, he's NOT wrong that Simu customer service has gone to shit.

Someone who isn't Me
11-08-2016, 09:58 AM
Perhaps it is not the customer service but the form in which assistance is requested at issue here. In my experience, calling out one of the top key employees of an organization in a public forum (poorly, in this case, and regardless of how impatient you are) is not a sign of someone who understands how to operate fluidly and effectively within any system.

Furthermore, if the length of the response may be used to infer the length of the initial request, I do say, learn to be more succinct and you will find that it pays off in spades when dealing with those whose time is more valuable than yours.

Barring that, if there truly is a glitch in the matrix, I would suggest a more advanced ticketing or project management system like those offered by Zendesk and Asana, respectively. Although dev, I'm sure, would be more comfy with Altassian, I've found that day to day shit in a small company is best handled with a simpler, minimalistic solution.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-08-2016, 10:05 AM
I sent six emails to feedback, billing, and Wyrom over a 3-month period with not a single response. Regardless of whether this guy is right or wrong about his issue, he's NOT wrong that Simu customer service has gone to shit.
Aren't you quitting, or are there still characters your alts have never interacted with to issue 425 Warn Interactions toward?

11-08-2016, 11:05 AM
I sent six emails to feedback, billing, and Wyrom over a 3-month period with not a single response. Regardless of whether this guy is right or wrong about his issue, he's NOT wrong that Simu customer service has gone to shit.

Given the way you've interacted on these forums and on lnet, I can only surmise that your emails are probably just as unlikely to warrant a response conducive to finding a resolution.

I had an issue that took over a year to resolve. I waited ten months before approaching Wyrom. While he wasn't able to complete it overnight, he kept up a dialogue when he could and we resolved the issue to, what I hope, is mutual satisfaction. While it wasn't the best customer service experience I've had, we got it done and I can't say I'm upset about it. I get that the GMs have lives and full time jobs on top of doing this for a game out of pure love of it.

11-08-2016, 11:13 AM
I’m gunna go through this one point by point

“First and foremost, I'm the Product Manager of the game. I oversee all the GameMasters as well as the overall direction of the game. “
- This is an issue with the game masters, sounds exactly what you described your job to be. So why are you bitching about having to do it? Sounds pretty much inline with everyone else that works for simu or that is contracted by them.

“Expecting a response immediately isn't going to fly, I've been very responsive to you over this whole thing. “
- At no point did I ever ask for an immediate response, I simply asked are you still looking into this 2 weeks after you said you would get back to me. Given my experience with emailing the lockout department, feedback, and anyone else ive emailed at simutronics… you never know if youre even going to get a response, turns out most of the time the emails just go ignored. A simple yeah I’m still working on it, need some more time though would go a really long way. But instead you give me a bullshit 1 sentence response trying to rid yourself of a problem customer that I’m sure youre sick of dealing with.

“Your situation is something I've taken on personally, but you continue to keep burning up more customer service time with it. “
- Lol I love how trying to get answers and information is “burning up customer service time”. Considering ive been locked out for 39 days and cut off from customer service during that time, when am I supposed to ask my questions and get some answers? Cant do it before, cant do it during, cant do it after the lockout….. what are my options here? Also how busy can the customer service department be with a player base that is this small. I understand that the customer service department is probably the cause for majority of the current cases that the customer service department is working on due to their lack luster responses and bullshit policies. But that’s not my fault, how bout you guys do some policy updates to bring your company inline with the year 2016.

“You've assisted, again, to try to talk with GM Valyrka to chastise her even after GM Haliste talked with you”
- Damn straight I did an assist to speak with Valryka… shes the only one that can answer the question “why was I completely stonewalled from a chance to speak with the original gm that came to speak with me (being you)”. ive asked you several times and every time you say “I don’t know it must have been a misunderstanding.” There is no misunderstanding here, she was adamant about not letting me speak with you, I challenged her authority and she took it personally. What misunderstanding could there possibly be, I sat in the consultation lounge for 3 days and did several assists hoping maybe another gm might come by and do a referral for me to speak with you. Why did she refused to do a referral for me, offer an email address where I could reach you, or even reach out to you to let you know what was going on. The only option I was given was “youre doing it my way and youre doing it NOW”. Why shouldn’t she have to answer that question? From what you’ve said you did ask her… and you couldn’t get answer, otherwise you would have more for me than “I don’t know why she said that, I think it was a misunderstanding”. Sorry but I don’t find “I don’t know why” an acceptable answer. This is the single question ive been asking all along, going on 2 months now, and the best answer I can get is “I don’t know”, how about you freaking find out instead of telling me I you know? Because of your unwillingness to find out, yeah I did an assist to see if I could. And I still haven’t found out 2 months after the fact.

Its clear that you guys follow no protocall, and just make shit up as you go. For example Halistae trying to tell me that its against protocall for me to request to speak with a specific gm about an issue, yet that’s exactly what you asked me to do not more than a week before, and I was able to do so without an issue. So heres Halastae telling me one thing and you telling me the exact opposite. How bout you make up your mind, can I assist and ask for a referral to speak with someone or not?

“We don't keep interactions when you talk to a staff member in raw text.”
- knowing how your contractors are interacting with customers over a long term basis would be totally useless as an evaluation tool. If you guys need an extra hard drive to store them on I can donate you $50 and that should provide enough space to save the next 30 years of logs between gm’s and customers. Ill even write you a program to catalog and organize them for free.

“You've already rushed getting an answer by coming to me before I came to you. I've personally set out to look into this, but it's not my only task. This isn't my only priority. The entire game doesn't go on hold while I try to investigate a possible bug. The reason you didn't hear back to me is I don't have all the details yet. But since I did see you were emailing me, I went ahead and tried to see how it was happening. “
- take a look at the subject line of this email…. “wondering about the "bug" you found with my runestaff being returned” what part of that says Im demanding you stop everything youre doing and fix this NOW!!!!! It doesn’t, I asked if you were still looking into it, had looked into it at all yet, or if you needed more time (aka the status). And that question in itself doesn’t require much of a response, just a one line, haven’t had a chance to get to it yet response would do just fine, however you just let that sit for like 4 days without even that, and this being over a month from when I orignaly told you about the issue. I mentioned this issue in my original emails to the lockout department on September 9th, mentioned it to you directly on September 19th, and then again to you on October 19th. The first I hear from you response wise about it is on November 3rd, and this is the lackluster response I get after waiting all this time “It appears that the issue with your runestaff was indeed a bug” that’s all no explanation at all. It took you 2 months to not investigate shit and give me a 1 sentence resolution acting like you went full CSI GSIV on the issue. If you don’t have all the details just say it how about instead of trying to sound like you actually did something when its apparent you didn’t do a damn thing until this weekend, because I requested an update on the situation. And even that response is pretty unimpressive considering the facts ive given you about the incident but ill get to that below.

“The issue is a unique one where the spirit servant didn't fully drop. When you're told the spirit servant is going away, the actual creature node goes into a holding area before being deleted. In your case, you logged out and the spirit servant got reattached to you. This is why the logs didn't show your exact item and why it was difficult to find”
- lets suppose my spirit servant didn’t fully drop just for arguments sake. How is it possible for me to have casted another servant and release it, with my old servant still being in this holding area? Wouldn’t the new servant I created and dismissed have overwritten the servant that was in the holding area that had my staff? And why would the servant even have my staff in the holding area since they drop whatever they are holding before they go away? The fact that this thing magically got reattached to me after logging out after being expired for at least 3 hours, creating a new servant and dismissing it before the old one came back with my staff (that it should have dropped when it expired) just screams manipulation to me. I might not know the mechanics of your code but I do know how spirit servants work, and there is no reason even if my old servant got reattached to me that it should have had my staff, it should have been dropped on the ground.

“You got to keep your runestaff from sheer luck of an issue that should now be resolved.”
- Does this mean you fixed the bug? Cause I have a quote here from you earlier that you made it seem like you weren’t going to bother fixing it. “It's not a high priority fix though (which my guess is players will not mind).” Is what you said I believe but now all the sudden 4 days later you have completely resolved the issue? How do you go from being the busiest man on the planet with no time for anything, to being able to fix a bug that you didn’t plan on fixing because it wasn’t high priority. I suspect you didn’t fix a god damn thing because there was nothing to fix.

“I feel I've continued to be very transparent with you. I've given you a lot of information concerning your case. I've even taken the time to look into it personally.”
- Very transparent… debatable, given a lot of information, yeah but forcing me to pester the shit out of you to get anything worth while. taken time to look in to it personally…. If you didn’t want to Id gladly work with someone else, but way to make yourself sound like the peoples hero for doing what’s in your job description.

“At this point, I am closing this case though. “
- I’m reopening it, I’m not going away, and I’m not done.

You sound like a real twat that probably has an I'd like to speak to the manager haircut.


11-08-2016, 11:52 AM
I sent six emails to feedback, billing, and Wyrom over a 3-month period with not a single response. Regardless of whether this guy is right or wrong about his issue, he's NOT wrong that Simu customer service has gone to shit.

While I'm not going to make this about responding to customer complaints, as I told you in game back in September, you need to take it up the proper chain of command. I realize someone on lnet told you to go directly to me. PvP isn't something to go directly to the Product Manager about.

11-08-2016, 12:01 PM
In Nazagor's defense, he thinks/thought LNet is considered in-game.

11-08-2016, 12:19 PM
After re-reading the novel you posted I've come to the conclusion that your concerns have been resolved and you've been made whole. You may not know it but there exists a "long silent line" who consist of players doing a holding-pattern on whether or not to continue playing (or come back) due to class development, event experience issues, F2P store issues, and other generally big picture items that the GMs are actively working on. Your issue is isolated (and now fixed) so in this instance I would side with the management and say continuing to pester them is redundant and possibly harmful to the game.

Someone who isn't Me
11-08-2016, 12:23 PM

Whine, whine, whine.

About sums it up

I get that the GMs have lives and full time jobs on top of doing this for a game out of pure love of it.

Then we have this

You sound like a real twat that probably has an I'd like to speak to the manager haircut.

And this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-08-2016, 01:31 PM
Man fuck that spainkenya guy. Ain't nobody got time for that.

11-08-2016, 01:34 PM
Spainkenya.... Spain Kenya.... Hispanic Obama.

11-08-2016, 03:57 PM
In Nazagor's defense, he thinks/thought LNet is considered in-game.

LNet is real life.

11-08-2016, 04:08 PM
Spainkenya.... Spain Kenya.... Hispanic Obama.


11-08-2016, 04:26 PM