View Full Version : sbounty error, any help please?

10-30-2016, 07:01 PM
Getting a weird error with sbounty, anyone able to help?

--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: could not find script 'sbounty-setu' in directory C:/Users/X/Documents/lich/scripts
[sbounty: ** hunter setup was not defined]
--- Lich: sbounty has exited.

Thanks ahead of time.

Edit 1: 500k reward for fixing this.

Edit 2, please read before replying:

1. I've already reinstalled it about four times.
2. There never were separate sbounty-setu or sbounty-setup scripts.
3. The ";sbounty setup" GUI works fine and is set up
4. ;bigshot works fine independently
5. I already had/have sbounty-bigshot installed/reinstalled. If I run that first, then run ;sbounty, I get the following error:

--- Lich: bigshot active.
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| (fried? is percenthealth and oom is percentmana)
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: exec1 active.
--- Lich: bigshot active.
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| (fried? is percenthealth and oom is percentmana)
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: exec2 active.

And it continues cycling into ever-higher execs.

6. Yes, sbounty was working fine, and now it's not. This goes for all my characters on multiple accounts.
7. I've already emailed spiffy. No answer.
8. I've tried backing up the lich.d3b file and deleting it, and it seems to produce the same hunting_commands error soon after I start setting it up.