View Full Version : December is supposed to be joyous....

12-09-2004, 03:41 PM
A few days ago I find out our nephew at not even two years old had to have cat scans and emergency surgury for what turned out to be large cysts growing on his tonsils. Then today.... I get this IM. which is half funny, and half scary as hell.

Jason in my brother in law, Jeannie is his girlfriend of 7 years.

sisinlaw (9:20:56 PM): by the way i was just going to email you guys
sisinlaw (9:21:22 PM): jason and jeanne were robbed by gun point
at the bar tuesday nite
they are both ok.
Caiylania (9:21:55 PM): What happened??
sisinlaw (9:23:10 PM): they were closing the bar that jeannes dad owns and that jason and jeanne work at. and the cook left the bar but didn't make sure that the door was closed behind him and some guy came in with a gun and stole $$ from the bar and from jasons wallet

sisinlaw (9:23:17 PM): he made them lay on the ground
sisinlaw (9:23:36 PM): he had a get away driver outside and they talked on walkie talkies
sisinlaw (9:23:48 PM): the robber wore a mask
Caiylania (9:24:38 PM): We are so glad they are ok! Rick is here with me reading this.
sisinlaw (9:25:48 PM): jason has a video of it from the security cameras
sisinlaw (9:25:55 PM): hes going to bring it home with him
Caiylania (9:26:21 PM): Gah. Family TV at its finest.

12-09-2004, 03:44 PM

Why do all the fuckstains have to ruin Christmas??

I'm glad your family is okay Caiy...I hope they catch the assholes that did this.

12-09-2004, 03:45 PM
They are alive and sans extra holes. That's reason to celebrate.

12-09-2004, 04:24 PM
I swear.. that will be how I die or go to jail for beating someone to death with my bare hands. I get all angry when someone fucks with me or my family.

Bad irish temper.. takes alot to get us there, but look the fuck out when we arrive.

12-09-2004, 04:29 PM
Ruining Christmas sucks.

But never fear, Arkans is here!

We can have a holly jolly X-mas since everything went better than it could have!!!111

- Arkans

12-09-2004, 05:27 PM
Trust me, we are way grateful they are both okay. And that our nephew is doing great. But oiy...... just...... oiy.


<-------is Irish, too.

12-09-2004, 08:07 PM
Tis the season. I swear, Christmas is the time when all the fuckup scumbags of society decide to run rampant. My store got broken into last night and we had 30 cartons of cigs stolen.

Glad to hear they were okay, Caiy! Just think, it could have been a lot worse!