View Full Version : Necropolis Walkthrough - Spoiler Alert

10-23-2016, 03:54 PM
Thanks to Dergoatean for the door key research and basic guide tips. Found here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?92916-Necropolis-guide-brief-and-not-comprehensive


Step #1:
You will need to run through the Necropolis to get a heart.

Step #2:
Once you have obtained a heart, you can purchase the Simucoin Item to permanently uncurse it.
Lich Room #24323 to uncurse your heart - just INFUSE ETHER
[Enshrouded Temple - 24323]
The old abandoned temple appears to have been deserted for quite some time. Several wrotwood trees have grown into the structure, shattering windows and destorying walls. Dust-laden pews are the only remnants that resemble a place of worship, no other holy trinkets are recognizable in the debris. Through several broken floorboards is a passageway leading down, surrounding by swamp water.
Obvious exits: out

Step #3:
You will need to have an uncursed heart before turning it into the spirit orb. Run through the necropolis again, and go into the rift. Follow the instructions in the second post.


[Darkness, Pit - 23170]
Large chunks of a stone bridge clutter the ground, as they must have fallen from above where the necropolis was blocked off. Skeletal remains are piled up high, some still having flesh on the bone. The rocky walls climb further than the eye can see. You also see a concealed narrow pathway up the rocky wall (hidden).
Obvious exits: east
Spoiler group just went east.
[Darkness, Tunnel - 24072]
An entire stone railing juts up from the ground, climbing into the darkness above. Patches of glowing toadstools offer very little lighting while traversing through the tunnel, giving guidance that the only pathway runs east to west. You also see a rotting wooden casket.
Obvious exits: east, west
Spoiler group just went east.
[Darkness, Tunnel - 24073]
Fireflies flit about in the darkness; a small grouping of them has been caught in an intricate spider web. A breach in one of the walls has become home to a spider the size of a giantman's fist. The husks of its prey litter the ground and create a crunching sound underfoot.
Obvious exits: east, west
Spoiler group just went east.
[Darkness, Tunnel - 24074]
A large snake skin has taken up most of the walkway, causing you to hug close to the walls. Jagged stones jut out at every turn threatening to rip open anything they come in contact with. The faint sounds of something slithering can be heard in the distance.
Obvious exits: east, west
Spoiler group just went east.
[Necropolis, Nexus - 24075]
Several western tunnels lead off in different directions, all so poorly lit, it's difficult to see where they lead. A shallow grave looks to have been recently disturbed, with piles of dirt displaced all around it. Off to the east, a faintly glowing lantern illuminates the path.
Obvious exits: east, west
Spoiler group just went east.
[Necropolis, Descent - 24077]
An old iron lantern hangs over a giant pile of rubble from a recent cave-in. A steep ramp leading up is covered in encrusted gore, likely used to dump the dead that had no place in the necropolis.
Obvious exits: west
Spoiler group just wandered up a steep ramp leading up.
[Necropolis, Crossing - 24078]
Two large statues stand guard over the northern entrance into the necropolis, facing the remains of a stone bridge that overlooks a vast abyss of darkness. Each statue holds a rusted iron pike, which cross over each other like an archway.
Obvious exits: north, down
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24079]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor. You also see a high-arched marble doorway.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24080]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor. You also see an expansive stone door.
Obvious exits: south
Spoiler presses a cracked tourmaline skeleton into an empty depression on an expansive stone door, causing the door to open.
Spoiler group just went through an expansive stone door.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24082]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor. You also see an expansive stone door.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest
Spoiler group just went northwest.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - ]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
Spoiler group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24086]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: north, southeast, southwest
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24087]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: northeast, south, northwest
Spoiler group just went northwest.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - ]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast
Spoiler group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24088]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor. You also see an expansive stone door.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
Spoiler presses a cracked jasper ghoul into an empty depression on an expansive stone door, causing the door to open.
Spoiler group just went through an expansive stone door.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - 24092]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor. You also see an expansive stone door.
Obvious exits: north
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - ]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Hall of the Dead - ]
Upon the moss-covered limestone walls, shallow niches house a number of sarcophagi. Iron sconces give off a pale green illumination, giving the hall an eerie presence. Smeared trails of blood and gore lead in every direction. Lengths of tattered cloth are scattered across the floor.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Corridor - 24095]
Rivulets of water glisten on the walls, disappearing in and out of patches of moss that cling to the limestone. Small piles of entrails shine wetly in the light of the torches set into several sconces placed around the room. Drag marks in dust-caked blood lead from the north toward a crumbling stone archway.
Obvious exits: south
Spoiler group just went through a crumbling stone archway.
[Necropolis, Narthex - 24096]
Spiderwebs fill the corners of this room and cobwebs dangle over a crumbling stone archway, waving gently in the slightest breeze. A large stone sarcophagus, its lid slightly askew, rests in the center of the room. Faint scratching noises emanate from the sarcophagus, but the source of the sound is safely hidden in the deep shadows.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Narthex - 24098]
A ring of torches burns brightly around the room, yet the ceiling is lost in the darkness above. Here and there, orbs of reflected torchlight shine back at you from above, but seem to blink in and out of existence. Piles of cobweb-encased bones litter the floor, and the sense of being watched permeates the dusty air. You also see a crumbling stone sarcophagus.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Narthex - 24101]
A huge pile of bones dominates the center of the room. Femurs, phalanges, tibias, skulls, and other various bones lay jumbled in a pile nearly the height of a giantman. Deep teeth marks mar each bone, and most of the longer ones have been broken in half.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Narthex - 24106]
Urns of various sizes take up all available space in this room. Scarabs, spiders, and beetles of all sizes scurry in and out of the urns, creating a nearly constant drone of scuttling sounds. The chipped and broken pieces of dislodged lids lay scattered across the stone floor, crunching under your feet with every step. You also see a web-covered wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: north, east, southeast, south, southwest, west
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Narthex - 24108]
Six large stone sarcophagi form a rough circle around the circumference of the dais in the center of the room. The life sized image of a knight in full armor has been painstakingly chiseled into the lid of each sarcophagus. The tattered, moldy remains of six banners stand in the center of the circle, the faded cloth waving gently in the slightest breeze. A crumbling stone stairwell climbs up and out of the narthex.
Obvious exits: southeast, south, southwest
Spoiler group just climbed up a crumbling stone stairwell.
[Necropolis, Ascendant - 24109]
Torches mounted in iron sconces encompass the room, casting a dim light that barely reaches the hewn stone of the ceiling. Two mummified corpses, clothed in tattered robes, have been tossed into an alcove set into the eastern wall. To the north is an expansive stone door which appears closed. You also see a crumbling stone stairwell.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
Spoiler presses a cracked zircon lich into an empty depression on an expansive stone door, causing the door to open.
Spoiler group just went through an expansive stone door.
[Necropolis, Ascendant - 24113]
The low, vaulted ceiling contains a myriad of cracks and fissures, the depths of which seem to be intensified by the dim torchlight. From time to time, a hazy shower of dust falls from some of the larger cracks, threatening to bring the rest of the ceiling down on top of you. To the south is an expansive stone door which appears open. You also see a dark passageway.
Obvious exits: none
Spoiler group just entered a dark passageway.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24115]
A single smoky torch is set on the eastern wall to light the path. Several bones have been wedged into cracks in the walls, perhaps as an attempt to reinforce them for a bit longer.
Obvious exits: north, out
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24116]
Smoke from burning torches lingers in the air, mixing with dust and causing the narrowing passage to feel more constricting. Long curtains of cobwebs hang from the ceiling and walls, stirring slightly. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24118]
A dimly lit torch sits crookedly in a rusty iron bracket on the western wall, barely providing enough illumination to light the way. Several large rodent skeletons lie in the shadows.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24119]
The deeply shadowed corridor leads off to the north and south, with little distinction between the two. A multitude of scuff marks on the dusty ground bear witness to recent travel through this area. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24120]
The air is musty and stale, combining with close quarters and low light to give an oppressive feel. Faint scratching noises come from all around, accompanied by the nearly imperceptible sound of unidentifiable breathing. A narrow ledge can be seen along the western wall.
Obvious exits: south

************* JUMP *******************

You shuffle along the edge of the western wall!
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24121]
A single torch sputters in its rusted sconce, providing just enough light to make way through this narrow corridor. Thick, spongy moss clings to the limestone walls, muffling any sound. A narrow ledge can be seen along the western wall.
Obvious exits: north
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24122]
A slight breeze blows through the corridor, causing the shadows cast by twin copper-banded torches to dance on the moss-covered walls. The sound of scampering and scratching comes from behind the pile of bones heaped in one corner. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24125]
Wet, mashed bits of entrails glisten in the torchlight along the corridor's stone floor. Congealing trails of blood lead southward. A narrow ledge can be seen along the western wall.
Obvious exits: south

************* JUMP *******************

You shuffle along the edge of the western wall!
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24126]
Twin sputtering torches provide just enough illumination to make out a figure on the eastern wall. Hanging by his manacled hands is the decomposing body of a young male gnome. Several stab wounds are visible on his chest and blood stains his dark robes. A narrow ledge can be seen along the western wall.
Obvious exits: north
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24127]
A faint draft moves through the area, carrying with it a barely perceptible odor. The stone floor is covered with bits of tattered cloth and drying blood. Piled on a large, flat stone in the center of the corridor is a heap of severed thumbs. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Necropolis, Dark Passages - 24128]
An iron-hinged ebonwood door guards the northern end of the long hallway. A cool draft pours into the area from somewhere close by -- the gust of air circulating the scent of sulfur into the passages.
Obvious exits: south

Spoiler group just went through an iron-hinged ebonwood door.
[Necropolis, Dark Sanctuary - 24132]
A towering sculpture in the likeness of Luukos dominates the sanctuary -- crafted from viridian marble, time has worn its way through the rock, causing severe damage. Much of its left arm and shoulder lie strewn across the northern wall, entirely blocking off an archway. Underneath the wreckage, a partially collapsed tunnel has been exposed. A narrow chasm can be seen off to the west of an iron-hinged ebonwood door. You also see a subterranean pit.
Obvious exits: none
Spoiler's group just went down a partially collapsed tunnel.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24133]
The unstable walls have buckled in several places, depositing large chunks of stone along the path and nearly blocking the way ahead. Mounds of dirt and rubble cause the route through the tunnel to be more circuitous in order to avoid possibly creating a cave in. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: southeast, out
Spoiler's group just went southeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24135]
Large chunks of wall lay strewn about the corridor, making the way precarious. A lone torch, sputtering in its iron sconce, provides just enough light to traverse the rubble. The jagged end of a bone sticks out of the exposed earthen wall.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
Spoiler's group just went southeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24136]
Thin layers of webbing encase a small winged statue which lies against one wall. One wing is fully outstretched, while the other has broken off and rests nearby. Two empty depressions in the statue's face stare into the dark. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest
Spoiler's group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24137]
A raggedly clothed skeleton lies facing one wall, a perfectly cut ruby loosely held in one hand. The skeleton's other hand lies across its skull in a defensive gesture. Scrawled in dried blood on the stone floor is a single word, "CURSED."
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
Spoiler's group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24138]
The tunnel is wider here and several stone pillars stand on either side. Intricate webbing connects two of the pillars, and in the center sits an enormous spider. Torchlight reflects in the beady eyes of the spider as two of its legs twitch and wave aggressively. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest
Spoiler's group just went southeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24141]
A section of the wall has been chiseled out and the dirt behind it removed to form a small rectangular niche. Resting in the niche is an oblong pile of dusty rags surrounded by a ring of dried flower petals. A tiny skeletal foot pokes out of one end of the pile.
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest
Spoiler's group just went southeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24142]
Moss clings to the limestone walls, muffling the sounds in the dim tunnel. Several small niches have been seemingly randomly cut into the walls on either side. Staring out from the shadowy depths of each recess is a shrunken head. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest
Spoiler's group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24143]
Large chunks of moss have been torn from the limestone walls and strewn carelessly on the ground. Bloody claw marks mar the limestone in the places where the moss has been torn away. A jagged, torn fingernail is stuck in one particularly gruesome streak.
Obvious exits: northeast, southwest
Spoiler's group just went northeast.
[Necropolis, Sunken Tunnel - 24144]
Forward progress is temporarily halted by a wide crevasse that spans the width of the tunnel. Scuffs and claw marks are visible along the far edge. The bottom of the crevasse is lost in the shadows. You also see a rotted wooden coffin.
Obvious exits: southwest

*************** JUMP *******************

[Necropolis, Narrow Ledge - 24146]
The narrow ledge is no more than a few feet wide, with just enough room to not become a victim to the depths below. A wide crevasse leads toward a sunken tunnel, which can barely be seen from this distance. To the west, a massive waterfall pours out from a breach in the wall.
Obvious exits: south
Spoiler's group just went south.
[Necropolis, Narrow Ledge - 24147]
The deafening sound of a waterfall can be heard to the north. The ledge ends abruptly, and the only way to continue is to leap into the depths below.
Obvious exits: north

*************** JUMP *******************

You leap into the depths below!
It's too dark. You can't see anything.

[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24148]
Rushing water cascades from the darkness above, as far as the eye can see. Luminescent toadstools offer some lighting around the underground lake.
Obvious exits: north
Spoiler's group just went north.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24149]
A graveyard of modwir gondolas has washed up on the shore of the underground lake. The poor lighting offers no hint at how expansive the body of water could be, and the depth becomes too much to continue to wade through.
Obvious exits: south
You follow Spoiler onto a rotted modwir gondola. Once everyone is aboard, Spoiler picks up the single oar and rows the gondola out into the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24151]
The area is pitch dark with only a few glowing toadstools dotting the shoreline. The vast lake stretches into an abyss of murky swamp water. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: north
Spoiler rows a rotted modwir gondola north moving a good distance across the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24152]
Bits and pieces of debris bob in the eerie stillness of the underground lake. The putrid scent of swamp gas rises from the water, a familiar smell of Feywrot Mire. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, east, south, west, northwest
Spoiler rows a rotted modwir gondola northeast moving a good distance across the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24154]
Bits and pieces of debris bob in the eerie stillness of the underground lake. The putrid scent of swamp gas rises from the water, a familiar smell of Feywrot Mire. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: northeast, south, northwest
Spoiler rows a rotted modwir gondola northeast moving a good distance across the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24158]
Bits and pieces of debris bob in the eerie stillness of the underground lake. The putrid scent of swamp gas rises from the water, a familiar smell of Feywrot Mire. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler rows a rotted modwir gondola north moving a good distance across the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24158]
Bits and pieces of debris bob in the eerie stillness of the underground lake. The putrid scent of swamp gas rises from the water, a familiar smell of Feywrot Mire. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: north, south
Spoiler rows a rotted modwir gondola north moving a good distance across the water.
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24159]
Jutting out to the north is a rotted wooden dock, surrounded by marooned gondolas. A dim green glow can be seen under the surface of the water. You also see a rotted modwir gondola.
Obvious exits: south
You follow Spoiler and step off the modwir gondola, going ashore
[Necropolis, Underground Lake - 24160]
Surrounding the southern end of the dock is a graveyard of modwir gondolas, which juts out into the murky dark water of the underground lake. Incandescent moss lines the opening of a narrow rocky fissure.
Obvious exits: none
>go fiss
You get on your hands and knees. You duck your head and crawl into the rocky fissure.
[Necropolis, Abysm]
The scent of sulphur intoxicates the area, the fumes so thick they feel heavy on the air. The cramped space is engulfed in darkness, and there is barely enough room to crawl up through the narrow tunnel.
Obvious exits: up, out


You crawl up.
[Necropolis, Abysm]
Through the plethora of small tunnels, motes of greens and blues waver in and out of existence. The sharp incline is hard to traverse, but not impossible with several iron spikes to use as grips.
Obvious exits: up, down
You crawl up.
[Necropolis, Abysm]
Deep grooves mar the tunnel walls, giving just enough leverage to continue crawling through the tapered space. Slimy residue glistens overhead from spiderwebs that expand across the ceiling of the tunnel.
Obvious exits: up, down
You crawl up.
[Necropolis, Abysm]
High above, though accessible, a glimpse of moonlight filters through a narrow fissure at the top of the cramped tunnel. The smell of sulphur comes from deep below.
Obvious exits: down
>crawl fiss
You duck your head and crawl into the narrow fissure.
[Necropolis, Excavation]
The excavation site is just a mere niche into the side of a limestone cliff that overlooks a cerulean phantasmal forest. Though quite the drop, it offers a vast spectacle of the Miasmic Verge. Dangling down into the fissure, an old knotted rope could reach a section below.
Obvious exits: down
>get rope
You grab onto the rope tightly and prepare yourself to push off and swing on it.
>push rope
You push yourself off while holding the rope, swinging out of the area!
[Phantasmal Forest, Approach]
The phantasmal forest is made up of cerulean-hued trees, their forms tangible, but translucent. The ground is scorched, but there is no sign of a fire elsewhere.
Obvious paths: north
Spoiler group just went north.
[Phantasmal Forest, Approach]
Through the ghostly forest, a serpent skull-faced stone castle can be seen protruding through the treetops. Varying colored motes drift to the ground throughout the area.
Obvious paths: north, south
Spoiler group just went north.
[Phantasmal Forest, Castle Gate]
The forest comes to an end at a massive black ora portcullis. Fresh blood stains the stone walls of the castle entrance, and skeletal remains line the threshold of the courtyard, and whatever lies within.
Obvious paths: south
Spoiler group just entered a massive black ora portcullis.
[Castle of the Damned, Courtyard]
The courtyard is barren of vegetation, and the soil is stained with blood. High above the stone wall is a serpent skull carved from the face of the castle. A monolithic idol of Luukos is toppled over in front of a ruined black ora door.
Obvious paths: out
Spoiler group just entered a ruined black ora door.
[Castle of the Damned, Hallway]
The hallway has collapsed in all directions, cutting off access to the remaining passageways of the castle. A section of the floor exposes a tunnel underneath the hallway, which is surrounding by icy bones.
Obvious paths: down, out
Spoiler group just went down.
[Castle of the Damned, Nadir]
The circular chamber has four unlit brazier surrounding an icy rhimar sigil. At the north end of the room is a massive black ora door, which is closed. The chamber is bare of any other furnishings or relics. A makeshift set of steps leads leading upward through a tunnel in the ceiling.
Obvious exits: up

>stab sigil
Spoiler picks up a sharp chunk of ice by the sigil and slices into his hand!
>hold sigil
Icy blue flames rise from the floor as Spoiler clenches a fist over an icy rhimar sigil. Droplets of blood drip from his hand, causing the blaze to coalesces and form an ethereal lich revenant who is standing in the center of the sigil. She rises and spreads her arms wide, igniting blue flames in each of the four unlit braziers. She opens her mouth and lets loose a terrifying scream, summoning the flames from the braziers to her. The lich revenant points outward and drops her hand that ripples a force across the room.
You are driven to your knees.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

>kill revenant
You swing at a revenant and it dies.
The lich revenant slumps silently to the floor, her red eyes fading to grey.
You search the lich revenant.
She had a glowing shadowglass phylactery, a neck worn, a faded black linen shroud emblazoned with a fiery eye, some armor, a shield, a weapon.

An ethereal lich revenant fades into oblivion.

Spoiler picks up a glowing shadowglass phylactery.

Spoiler presses a glowing shadowglass phylactery into an empty depression on a massive black ora door, causing the door to open.

Spoiler group just entered a massive black ora door.
[Castle of the Damned, Chamber]
Blood stains the floor of the chamber, surrounding a raised platform in the center of the room. A glowing violet mote floats above a colossal granite sepulcher. A faintly glowing exit within the mist serves as the only egress from the castle, as the black ora door is completely surrounded by a magical barrier from this side of the chamber. You also see an extremely important sign carved from bone.
Obvious exits: none

>read sign
In scorched, blackened lettering, it reads:
You may place a black ora heart in the mote or search the sepulcher for a new heart. You may only choose one. Pick carefully! If you do not have a heart already, the only option would be searching the sepulcher! The heart MUST belong to you!

>sear sep
The black ora artifact in the granite sepulcher is giving off the aura of the Dauntless spell. Search the sepulcher again within the next 30 seconds to pull the artifact out, or try to rummage through the sepulcher again to find an artifact giving off a different spell aura.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>rummage sep
You rummage through the granite sepulcher, preparing to grab one of the artifacts giving off the aura of the Prayer spell.
>rummage sep
You rummage through the granite sepulcher, preparing to grab one of the artifacts giving off the aura of the Cloak of Shadows spell.
>rummage sep
You rummage through the granite sepulcher, preparing to grab one of the artifacts giving off the aura of the Bravery spell.
>rummage sep
You rummage through the granite sepulcher, preparing to grab one of the artifacts giving off the aura of the Dauntless spell.
>sear sep
You search through the granite sepulcher and discover an enruned black ora heart, removing it from the sepulcher. The heart beats softly, causing a darkness to engulf your right hand for a moment.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
The walls surrounding you resonate like a single heartbeat, retreating deep within the necropolis.

>go exit
You wander into the glowing exit.
[Necropolis, Egress]
A thick blanket of mist stretches across the entire area, making it difficult to know what is ahead. A putrid smell of swamp lingers in the cramped space, coming from an outward direction. Looming overhead is a diagonal blackish-green rift that tears into the very fabric of time.
Obvious exits: out

10-23-2016, 04:00 PM

IMMEDIATELY AFTER you "go exit" - "go rift" to get to the room for the finale.

Spoiler group just wandered into a diagonal blackish-green rift that tears into the very fabric of time.
[Castle of the Damned, Rift]
You appear caught between two different planes of existence. Your vision is distorted as the very air seems to bend and stretch out around you.
Obvious exits: out
>summon ether
You focus on the blue-white flame in your hand and open a passageway through the unstable rift and into a divergent plane of existence. A seering white aura envelops you, cleansing you of all impurities and injuries.

A sense of weightlessness overcomes you as you feel yourself float away, accelerating faster and faster. Intense pressure builds around you, and your body begins to twist, pull, and bend. You feel like you're about to be torn apart and close your eyes when suddenly your surroundings shift.

You open your eyes and see that you're still holding your flame, but glowing shackles tightly clamped around your wrists and ankles imprison you. You see...
[Castle of the Damned, Chamber - ]
Fresh blood stains the floor of the chamber, surrounding a raised platform in the center of the room. Standing before a colossal granite sepulcher is an ethereal lich. A massive black ora door, which is open, leads to the south.
You also see some imprisoned captives.
The surrounding walls are lined with prisoners of all ages, each shackled to the wall by thick, glowing chains that clank loudly in the musty air. New captives, escorted in by faceless beings, are funneled through a massive black ora door.
A paralyzing hush washes over the chamber as a chill slithers down your spine. The lich standing before the colossal granite sepulcher looks at you, clenching a prismatic ether in his hand.
The prisoners along the wall begin to chant softly. "Sustain. Sustain. Sustain..." Each of the imprisoned captives appear as if they are possessed, their eyes rolling in the back of their heads with their mouths open wide in a soulless manner.
As the lich moves to your side, he raises his hands above your body, one holding a swirling colored mass of energy that hovers above his palm. He shrieks, "You... You've caused a ripple in time." The lich turns his back to you.
The lich turns back toward you and hisses, "You must pay for disturbing this place, Alastir. You will never be whole again. You will die here today, Elf, within this fold in time."
The lich continues, "This Necropolis is your tomb, Alastir. It always was. But don't worry... you'll explore it again. And you will recover what I take from you today. You'll not recall this encounter until..." The lich points at your flame, "Until you create that."
You struggle against the glowing shackles that imprison you.
The lich leans over your body, touching a long bony finger against your chest. The clothing on your upper body bursts into flames, exposing your glistening skin. With a razor-sharp, jagged fingernail, the lich drags his finger downward along your sternum, slicing through your flesh with ease. He burrows his hand deep into the incision, the agonizing pain nearly unbearable, but you are unable to cry out.
With ease, the lich peels back your flesh and exposes your rapidly beating heart. The lich's eyes widen, and large drops of saliva drip from his exposed and cracked jaw bones into your open chest cavity. You gasp for breath as the lich clamps his fingers around your heart.
Chanting continues to echo throughout the chamber, gradually drowning out the sound of your own heartbeat. "Die. Die. Die..." As the lich's grip tightens, your breathing slows drastically, and with a single, violent yank, the lich snatches your heart out of your chest, muscles and connective tissues snapping like twigs as he holds on to the blood-filled organ!
With a rattling voice, the lich speaks slowly and clearly, "Power. All you want is power." He raises your heart up into the air, crimson drops dribbling down his arm. "Power. At what cost? Are you willing to give your life for it? Of course you are. Here you lie, helpless, your existence ending. You'll die chasing this power." The lich tightens his grip around your heart, and an excruciating pain slices through your body. His words echo in your mind, forever etched upon the recesses of your memory.
With your heart still in his hand, and its thick blood dripping onto the ground, the lich turns away and plunges your heart into a massive black ora vat, black liquid bubbling up around his skeletal hand. He tosses his head back and roars victoriously, preface to his chilling laughter that echoes violently through the chamber. As the lich raises his hand from the vat, you notice your heart -- once a deep crimson red -- is now encased in black ora. His piercing gaze shifts to meet yours. He extends his hand toward you and slowly uncurls his fingers from their grip around your heart. "See you in a millennium, Alastir."

You begin to lose consciousness as your heart falls into the granite sepulcher.
As you succumb to your fate, you hear the lich shriek, "You don't belong here, not yet!"
Suddenly, everything fades to black.

You regain consciousness after what seems like an eternity and see...
[Feywrot Mire, Pool - 20374]
Ankle-deep cool, clear water fills the area, lapping lightly at the edge of the basin. Worked in the same stone as the surrounding basin, an elaborate statue dominates the center of the pool. The gentle babble of running water disturbs the otherwise quiet and calm nature of this place.
Obvious exits: none
You feel the ether has fully linked to you.

10-30-2016, 12:17 PM
Bump for EG End.

10-30-2016, 02:10 PM
Do you have to be in the necropolis room to use the ether?

10-30-2016, 02:19 PM
Can someone translate which room is "Lich Room #24323" for those that don't use Lich? (IE the room you need to be in to uncurse your heart?) Is this outside of the Necropolis or inside it?

Will I have to run the Necropolis, get my heart, leave to uncurse it and then go back through to be able to get the finale bit? Or can I do all of it in one Necropolis run if I have the uncursing item with me?

10-30-2016, 02:36 PM
It's 1 room away from the 20k shovels, go temple from the room with 20k shovels.

10-30-2016, 02:36 PM
Will I have to run the Necropolis, get my heart, leave to uncurse it and then go back through to be able to get the finale bit? Or can I do all of it in one Necropolis run if I have the uncursing item with me?

Run #1 - get heart
Uncurse Heart
Run #2 - go in the rift for the finale and to make the heart/ether into a spirit orb