View Full Version : UAC stuff

10-23-2016, 11:59 AM
Looking for gently used robes with +TD or minor (less then heavy) crit padding and 5x Blessable or high UAC hands/feet. Thanks.

10-23-2016, 01:13 PM
You won't need additional td or padding until closer to cap. Your ds will be incredible and so long as you learn a spell each level you can have alkars and blues by 20 or 40 - your choice.

IMO find some 7x robes and 7x gloves and you're set for a good long while

10-23-2016, 02:00 PM
You won't need additional td or padding until closer to cap. Your ds will be incredible and so long as you learn a spell each level you can have alkars and blues by 20 or 40 - your choice.

IMO find some 7x robes and 7x gloves and you're set for a good long while

Hm, good call. Anyone have 7x robes and gloves?