View Full Version : gsauctions.com - December Sale and Raffle

12-08-2004, 12:39 PM
We'll be having a holiday sale for the entire month of December. All goods being sold by gsauctions.com will be marked down 5-15%. We've also listed close to 60 new items this past week. Sergey posted a partial list of our goods here (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=11464). I noticed some folks thought some of the items were overpriced. If you're interested in something, but feel like it's worth less, please feel free to make us an offer.

Tickets for our December raffle are on sale now. We'll be offering two prizes this month:
First prize - 10 alterations of your choice Second prize - 5 alterations of your choice

There are 50 different items to choose from - check out http://www.gsauctions.com/raffle_items.asp for the complete list. 100 tickets are for sale, 125k per ticket, and there's a maximum of 5 tickets per person. The drawing will be held after 10 PM EST on 12/15/2004 at the gambling wheel in Beldrin's Gaming Hall. The drawing will happen whether we sell all the tickets or not. A running list of all tickets sold, raffle rules, item stats, etc. are available at http://www.gsauctions.com/raffle.asp.

To purchase a ticket contact Izzaac or Sergey in game or send an email to sales@gsauctions.com. You can also send an instant message via AIM, MSN, or Yahoo to GSAuctionPlace to reach Izzaac. Send an instant message via AIM to GSIVMerchant to contact Sergey. This is our sixth monthly raffle, you can check out our past raffles at http://www.gsauctions.com/raffle_list.asp.

Feel free to shoot either of us an IM with any questions or concerns or send an email to sales@gsauctions.com. Happy Holidays!.

12-13-2004, 12:55 AM
2 days left!

12-15-2004, 11:03 AM
There are less than 12 hours left in this month's raffle. Only 15 tickets have been sold, so the odds of winning one of the two prizes are still very good. Click here for full raffle information. (http://www.gsauctions.com/raffle.asp)

If you'd like to buy some tickets you can contact us in any one of the followng ways:

IM via AIM, MSN, or Yahoo to GSAuctionPlace
IM via AIM to GSIVMerchant
Email to sales@gsauctions.com
Contact Izzaac or Sergey in game (usually at a Wayside table)


[Edited on 12-15-2004 by GSAuctionPlace]

12-15-2004, 08:48 PM
Giving this a final bump. Little more than an hour to go before ticket sales are closed. 37 tickets have been sold so far. Still some decent odds of buying a winning ticket.