View Full Version : Crylone

12-08-2004, 12:52 AM
So i'm sitting in the park using my spellup script, and in the middle of my spellup, Flintstone asks to spare blues, so i nod to him, give him a cast and figure whatever... next thing i know Crylone is sleeping me for asking a question that I didnt answer (or see) in the crowded park, here's a cleaned up log.

>Crylone asks, "Wich plane ya hunts?"
(spelling up of myself and Flintstone)

>"little over an hourYou say, "Little over an hour."

>Flintstone confidently says, "Thanks."

>Flintstone just opened a dwarven mining backpack.

>Flintstone removes a warlock's pin from in his mining backpack.

>Flintstone offers you a warlock's pin. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

>wear wallYou sling a razern-edged sacred white wall shield over your shoulder.

>You accept Flintstone's offer and are now holding a warlock's pin.

>You say, "Thanks."

>Crylone gestures at you.
CS: +379 - TD: +288 + CvA: +25 + d100: +48 - -5 == +169
Warding failed!
Your mind goes completely blank.
Forced to stance offensive.

>Flintstone confidently says, "Thanks."

>You awake from a dream startled. You are lying down.
Flintstone pokes you in the ribs.

>Flintstone just went north.

>You ask, "What was that for?"
(Doesn't answer when I ask)
>You ask, "Crylone?"

Crylone says, "I asked a question, You ignored me. I answered it."

>Crylone says, "I am sorry."

>You say, "Dont ever cast at me without my permission."

>wear armorYou work your way into some supple eonake armor.
The armor covers your crossbones tattoo.
Roundtime: 12 sec.

>Crylone says, "Then answer a question asked of you."

>You ask, "Or you sleep me?"

>You glance at Crylone.

you say, "Now why do you care if i hunt the rift or not."

>Crylone says, "Cause I hunt it, and like to know those there to."

>You say, "Well if ya ever want help id suggest never casting at the clerics that are there."

>Crylone says, "It is fools like you that make me not wanna hunt it."

>You gesture at Crylone.
CS: +374 - TD: +272 + CvA: +14 + d100: +31 - -5 == +152
Warding failed!
Misty crimson tendrils slowly surround Crylone.
Crylone shudders for a moment in astonishment.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>You say, "I hunt plane 3."

>You say, "Now dont cast at me anymore."

>Valtok chuckles.

>Rocksand laughs!

>Revenant chuckles.
(About 30 seconds pass of just chatter)
>Crylone draws a glowing pattern in the air before you.
CS: +379 - TD: +263 + CvA: +2 + d100: +14 - -5 == +137
Warding failed!
Your thoughts run wild as your mind no longer feels bound by thoughts of reality.

>You glance at Crylone.

>You gesture at Crylone.
CS: +374 - TD: +272 + CvA: +14 + d100: +71 - -5 == +192
Warding failed!
As your faith overcomes Crylone's weakened defenses, you sense the ecstatic bloodlust of the Berserker flowing through you.
Crylone appears dazed! Crylone appears distraught and falls to his kneels in divine reverence!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>You say, "Maybe you have a problem hearing."

>You nod to Crylone.

Revenant asks, "Ifin ye duel kin I watch?"

You say, "Im not dueling him."

You say, "I dont want to be cast at by him either."

You say, "Especially for not answering a question about what plane i hunt."

He was still stunned when i left to go to TSC, but what the hell...

12-08-2004, 02:05 AM
Awsome way to show that :asshole: who is boss!

12-08-2004, 02:18 AM
>Crylone draws a glowing pattern in the air before you.
CS: +379 - TD: +263 + CvA: +2 + d100: +14 - -5 == +137
Warding failed!
Your thoughts run wild as your mind no longer feels bound by thoughts of reality.

>You glance at Crylone.

>You gesture at Crylone

This is where he totally blew it. Voln symbol of sleep has no roundtime at all, if he had just entered the command several times you would have been sleeping. Rapid fire symbol of sleep is a beautiful thing.

12-08-2004, 03:11 AM
Hmm why do I think maybe you did something else to piss him off.. like not minding you own business or something.

12-08-2004, 03:16 AM
Be my guest and ask anyone there.. that was the extent of it. You want the whole log, U2U me and i can send it to you. I'm not one to lie about what happens, in fact, this i the first time i've started a thread about a character complaint because it just blew my mind he'd be so arrogant. I figured i'd have people doubt me, because i know a lot of people do make it look all one sided, but that was honestly the whole thing.

12-08-2004, 03:23 AM
Thats ok.. don't waste your time. And after I have seen some of the crap you pull.. how you can complain about anyone is beyond me.

12-08-2004, 04:28 AM
Have i ever even met any of your characters even? Are you just going to make a very general BS statement with no proof, cause that was a pretty unintelligent comment. I could be horribly wrong but I don't think there have been many people at all that have ever interacted with Alarke that don't enjoy his company or at LEAST respect the way he is roleplayed. I am not some 15 year old kid that plays GS in order to attack random people for fun, and I do not come here bragging about attacking someone half my train, or hell, even double my training. The fights i get into are roleplayed, on my end at least, and are few and far between, so please explain what the hell you are talking about, as i would love to know what kind of shit I have made Alarke pull.

12-08-2004, 04:31 AM
so...what part of Assville are you from Kainen?

12-08-2004, 04:36 AM
First, yeah my chars have seen you in various situations.
Second, I dont interact with you at all.. not because I dont like you.. but because it just hasn't happened (no reason.

I am struggling not to rant on.. because it would do no good and it will just make me madder. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all.. but you just happened to do the one thing that I personally think is one of the most annoying things that other people do REGARDLESS of why it's done.. you got involved in someone else's fight. I have nothing more to say.. because all it would be is me venting.. and thats not really what I am about.

12-08-2004, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by Xenostrus
so...what part of Assville are you from Kainen?

Xeno.. shove your head BACK up your ass and breathe deep, because thats about what you are worth.. shit.

12-08-2004, 04:42 AM
Would you mind U2Uing me and telling me what situation you're talking about then?

Hell, I'm not claiming to be perfect, and I'm not claiming im better than anyone else by posting this crap, it's just a folder about the stupid things people do. Yes, I have done stupid things, everyone has. If you want to post some of the stupid shit I've done here, i wont lose sleep over it. But I dont think it would be fair or appropriate to tell me im so bad in game I shouldn't complain about anything, and not explain why you would say that.

This was my first ever interaction with Crylone, all i was saying is I would have expected it to go differently, especially from someone carrying the title high lord. Once again, this post isn't to claim im better than he is, and i certainly wasn't being cruel in my first post.. it was just a post, nothing more.

12-08-2004, 04:45 AM
Originally posted by Alarke
Would you mind U2Uing me and telling me what situation you're talking about then?

Hell, I'm not claiming to be perfect, and I'm not claiming im better than anyone else by posting this crap, it's just a folder about the stupid things people do. Yes, I have done stupid things, everyone has. If you want to post some of the stupid shit I've done here, i wont lose sleep over it. But I dont think it would be fair or appropriate to tell me im so bad in game I shouldn't complain about anything, and not explain why you would say that.

This was my first ever interaction with Crylone, all i was saying is I would have expected it to go differently, especially from someone carrying the title high lord. Once again, this post isn't to claim im better than he is, and i certainly wasn't being cruel in my first post.. it was just a post, nothing more.

Yes as a matter of fact I would mind.. I basically am apologizing (without saying it) for opening my mouth (figuratively) in the first place. I should have just let it go and not said a thing. But as so often happens when I am angry.. I act before I think.. you wont hear more from me.. unless you do something to me.

12-08-2004, 04:48 AM

12-08-2004, 05:55 AM
Where can I get a warlock's pin like that?

12-08-2004, 06:14 AM
Hey, you posted a completely meaningless post ready to bash someone so I did the same. If you dont like it then dont do it.

12-08-2004, 08:10 AM
Yay for Crylone! Thats the "10" i was looking for.

12-08-2004, 08:19 AM
All I know is that Crylone got...

FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111

- Arkans

12-08-2004, 08:28 AM
Arkans preaches the gospel.

12-08-2004, 08:29 AM
Amen brother!

- Arkans

12-08-2004, 08:39 AM
One love to GAWD ALMIGHTY! Lemme hear it brothas and sistas!

Also, Arkans, how do you be so l33t?

12-08-2004, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
All I know is that Crylone got...

FUCKING PWNED!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111

- Arkans

Someone needs to make this a t-shirt qoute!

12-08-2004, 08:41 AM
I completely agree.

I also plan on making it my custom title (that or "Resident Nazi") or something like that when I hit 3,000 posts.

- Arkans

Killer Kitten
12-08-2004, 08:57 AM
Ok, one of my dumb GS questions. I noticed in the log that his CS was the same with his spell and with his Voln symbol.

I used to use sym of turning a lot with Ti when I had to clear the whole room in a hurry. I could swear that her CS with Voln symbols was a lot less than her CS with her spells.

Did they change Voln symbols to have the same CS as the character casts with?


12-08-2004, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Killer Kitten
Ok, one of my dumb GS questions. I noticed in the log that his CS was the same with his spell and with his Voln symbol.

I used to use sym of turning a lot with Ti when I had to clear the whole room in a hurry. I could swear that her CS with Voln symbols was a lot less than her CS with her spells.

Did they change Voln symbols to have the same CS as the character casts with?


Hes a wizard his sleep casts will be the same.

Killer Kitten
12-08-2004, 09:16 AM
Oh, ok, because Sleep is a wizard spell. But if he did Turning or Retribution his CS would be lower because they're not wizard spells?



12-08-2004, 09:17 AM
Last I checked there was no CS for retribution, but hes his turning CS would be lower.

Killer Kitten
12-08-2004, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the info, and taking your time to tell me.
