View Full Version : Brawling Sorcerer Thoughts

12-07-2004, 10:56 AM
I’m trying to develop a Dark Elf Voln Brawling Sorcy via fix skill. I like the idea of him wielding a runestaff and being able to kick and sutff.

Here is what I have so far as I’m using a fixskill and he’s 29 trains:

Armor Use 6 (0.2X)
Brawling 30 (1.0X)
Multi-Opponent Combat 1 (0.0X)
Physical Fitness 20 (0.7X)
Climbing 10 (0.3X)
Swimming 5 (0.2X)
Perception 15 (0.5X)
Arcane Symbols 30 (1.0X)
Magic Item Use 30 (1.0X)
Harness Power 30 (1.0X)
Spell Aiming 60 (2.0X)
Elemental Mana Control 30 (1.0X)
Spell Research 68 (2.3X) (Total)
Minor Elemental 19 (0.6X)
Minor Spirit 20 (0.7X)
Sorcerer 29 (1.0X)
Sorcerous Lore 30 (1.0X) (total)
Demonology 15 (0.5X)
Necromancy 15 (0.5X)

His stats are this:

BASE (is 1st #)
STR 70 74
CON 50 58
DEX 60 74
AGL 50 63
DIS 80 89
AUR 80 93
LOG 70 81
INT 60 69
WIS 80 89
INF 60 69

Results in PTP 42.50/MTP48.50

The bad part about it is that the profession can’t train more than once in brawling. Leaves me with 33 PT’s left.

The only thing I’m missing out on from my current pure caster is the addition 1x in Arcane Symbols. I figure the trade off to be able to voln fu is worth it.

My questions are this:

1. What stats will increase my voln fu abilities in terms of damage?
2. Any recommended tweeks to the stat placement in order to achieve better results?
3. Swimming is pretty much a waste in my opinion so would anyone have an argument against only 5 ranks?
4. Is it true that you can stop Mana Control at 24 ranks?
5. Any tweeks one would add to the skill training plan?
6. Should I get more Physical Training for some reason? With voln I’m able to poof and get to a puff pretty quickly. I figure if I get hit that hard I should be dead anyway.
7. I have an alternate stat placement plan which gives me 58 PT’s remaining with the above skill set but I feel that it weakens the physical aspect of the character. Does anyone recommend below vs. the above?

STR 70
CON 42
DEX 55
AGL 59
DIS 80
AUR 84
LOG 63
INT 62
WIS 85
INF 60

Ptp 42.50 MTP 48.95

All of your comments and suggestions are absolutely appreciated and welcomed.

[Edited on 12-7-2004 by Tromp]

Faded Design
12-07-2004, 11:03 AM
You are going to need to 1x brawl , and still after wind wraiths, youw ont be able to use it verry much, once critter Mb's get in the 280+'s. But up to about 65 you'll be ok, I wouldnt do the rune staff witht he brawl. it's a waste. 1x shield 1x brawl if you want to be a good tank that kicks the shit out of everything. fill in the rest of the skills you can with what you have left, get spell aim, your going to need some kmind of As spell. and 720 will come in handy after you kick and stunn something. Keep a stock of pure potions, and a ranger for mobility, handy.
after 65 I swtched to 30 ranks of brawl for the parry Ds, and 1x shield, and went with spells.

12-07-2004, 11:09 AM
why is the runestaff and brawl a waste? just curious

12-07-2004, 11:26 AM
I think its because the DS for brawl is from having the brawling weapon in the right hand and the shield or whatnot in the left.
With runestaves to be effective they have to be in the right hand, right?
I dont know much about runestaves, but thats where my guess would be

12-07-2004, 11:37 AM
well i wasn't planning on punching or throwing really... just using the kick with no weapon in hand except the runestaff in the right. Kick is pretty much the best fu anyhow. Think that will work? I may be looking at this all wrong.

12-07-2004, 11:54 AM
Its the defence you need to be thinking about as well

12-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Tromp
well i wasn't planning on punching or throwing really... just using the kick with no weapon in hand except the runestaff in the right. Kick is pretty much the best fu anyhow. Think that will work? I may be looking at this all wrong.

Holding something in your right hand will lower your MB, also, you'll have more defense and cast better open handed. Agility and dexterity add more to MB than strength does.

What's the one rank of MOC for? The only skill other than brawling that increase MB is perception but it adds very very little (for instance: The 15 ranks you have will only give you 3 more) and is on a sliding scale so that you get less and less.

12-07-2004, 01:27 PM
Isn't a runestaff held in the right hand?

The one rank of MOC is for un focused maelstorm which I rarely use so I guess i can ditch it.

12-07-2004, 01:44 PM
here is what i came up with... i still think the stats are week but...

Armor Use 6 (0.2X)
Shield Use 30 (1.0X)
Brawling 30 (1.0X)
Physical Fitness 20 (0.7X)
Climbing 10 (0.3X)
Swimming 5 (0.2X)
Perception 7 (0.2X)
Arcane Symbols 30 (1.0X)
Magic Item Use 30 (1.0X)
Harness Power 30 (1.0X)
Spell Aiming 45 (1.5X)
Elemental Mana Control 24 (0.8X)
Spell Research 68 (2.3X) (total)
Minor Elemental 19 (0.6X)
Minor Spirit 20 (0.7X)
Sorcerer 29 (1.0X)
Sorcerous Lore 30 (1.0X) (total)
Demonology 15 (0.5X)
Necromancy 15 (0.5X)

Stats at Level 29

STR 65 69
CON 42 51
DEX 60 74
AGL 59 69
DIS 80 89
AUR 84 95
LOG 63 76
INT 62 71
WIS 85 94
INF 60 69

I think it looks ok... didn't lose too much.

Any tweeks on the stats would be helped. what do you guys think?

12-07-2004, 01:45 PM
Runestaffs are held in your right hand but just holding them makes it tougher to kick.

12-07-2004, 02:47 PM
ok got it.. runestaffs are out

12-07-2004, 03:30 PM
Brawling/shield makes sense, but just be aware that some critters will be impossible to fu with 1x brawling.. the main one i found was Eidolon in bonespear, they have a pretty massive defense against fu. Wind Wraiths were about the top of the line for my 1x brawling with fu, as was previously stated, otherwise, it'll be interesting, should work.

12-07-2004, 04:20 PM
well by the time i train high enough to go to bonespear I'm sure another fixskill will be around so I can tweek him again. right now just hunting high 20 early 30 train undead critters since he's on 29 trains. He's located in the elf lands right now. thank for the help. i'll keep you posted.