View Full Version : Deathbot has returned!

10-08-2016, 06:10 AM
It's fun! You get to see when people die! Check it out as it has also come back from death: https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

Also, if anyone is interested how I do this, you can ask. It is not a script. I hacked the Profanity FE (https://github.com/matt-lowe/ProfanityFE) with a twurl (https://github.com/twitter/twurl) call, because I was too lazy to learn how to parse and ID death messages myself.

I'm really sorry it was offline for so long. What I keep telling people is that my IT department took 2 months or so just to issue me an email addy. I only own a laptop, so that's why I use work computers for this kind of bot. In fact, I use my personal hardware for 99% of my work so I think it's only fair!

One bug I may try to tackle is that twitter won't accept identical tweets within something like a 60 minute window (plus or minus..last time I looked it up I didn't find this to be documented). One option I considered was to timestamp the deaths in the message or similar.

Anyway, if this is your kind of thing, please follow it. As always, if you have recommendations or questions ... please ask! (I need my coffee. I wrote "go fuck yourself" without thinking. Hahaha.)