View Full Version : 10x MCP fulls

10-04-2016, 12:54 PM
Don't have them, but am hoping to make it happen if I ever can(have 10x HCP now) and am curious around what they'd be worth. I'm sure it'll cost a ridiculous amount of silvers and I'm curious how much I can justify spending. Thanks

10-04-2016, 12:57 PM
8x t5 MCP doubles went for 250m, you're probably looking 250-300m easy.

10-04-2016, 01:00 PM
if you have 10x hcp now and want them ensorcelled like that other set, you need to do that before adding additional padding. Even at HCP it's going to be a limit breaker at least at higher tiers.

10-06-2016, 01:11 AM
Ya the prob with that, is if I AM somehow able to win/buy a raffle slot. They're probly charge me 50 mill or something insane just to put it on if its T5. Gona be bad enough already as is My guess would be it wouldn't be worth it, the ensorc bonus on armor is garbage

10-06-2016, 01:32 AM
Ya the prob with that, is if I AM somehow able to win/buy a raffle slot. They're probly charge me 50 mill or something insane just to put it on if its T5. Gona be bad enough already as is My guess would be it wouldn't be worth it, the ensorc bonus on armor is garbage

well, the only way to get additional padding like that in the past 2 years has been Duskruin Arena. At the close of the Aug/Sep run, the open padding (add +10 to any item regardless of properties) was 281,250 BS, so 225m if you pay 800 per

10-06-2016, 01:47 AM
Ya the prob with that, is if I AM somehow able to win/buy a raffle slot. They're probly charge me 50 mill or something insane just to put it on if its T5. Gona be bad enough already as is My guess would be it wouldn't be worth it, the ensorc bonus on armor is garbage

You will rarely be able to sell an item for the amount of silver you put into it. Raffles and a few other ways are the exception (unless you get pricing that is crazy overpriced) but PP, player enchants, ensorcell rarely add silver value to the item which equals how much it costs to get the service done.

I wish you the best of luck trying to get them further padded though.

10-06-2016, 01:50 AM
I don't think the ensorcelling surcharge will be that drastic if you do happen to win a future event service slot. If history is any indication, for full leathers they would probably pay YOU (joking, because heavier armors got insane surcharges in the past while leathers don't cost much extra after a win).

Also, I disagree that ensorcelling on armor is garbage, but disagree less on this armor type due to the likely magical profession that would be wearing it which would need magic defense less than a set of full plate/square.

Still, Allerelli is right because why make less then perfect armor!!!!!!!! Ensorcell it and pay the surcharges in the future, if any (depends on event), it'd probably be 1-10M in a date so far in the future you'd forgotten and handily replenished your silvers.

10-06-2016, 11:21 AM
Just an FYI: Next to that plate wearing square, mages probably have the biggest warding challenge. As spirit spells are more commonly CS/TD, and wizards have weak TD vs spirit spells, they can be in a pickle if relying on their own spells.

That said, 10x MCP full service is pretty awesome armor either way. I'd go ahead and get the ensorcel if you can find it reasonably priced, as it's free far easier for you to get that, than it is to go from HCP to MCP.

10-07-2016, 05:11 PM
That said, 10x MCP full service is pretty awesome armor either way. I'd go ahead and get the ensorcel if you can find it reasonably priced, as it's free far easier for you to get that, than it is to go from HCP to MCP.

I agree with the others, if you have any intention of ensorcelling, you need to do it before you add the extra padding. I had extremely talented sorcerers try it on my 8x MCP and they were unable. From what I hear, the only way to ensorcell MCP armor is before it gets to be around 2x-3x enchant, after that, it's a big push.

10-10-2016, 04:53 PM
Thanks for all the info everyone. I got it to T1 via a friend worth no enhancements. She's going try for 2 but then I'll I'm guessing I'll have to find someone with a full set of enhancements and pay. Now that I know it won't be 100 mill if I win a raffle(which will never happen but a guy can dream!) I'll def be trying to get it to t5

10-11-2016, 02:32 AM
If you pay a 100M surcharge it won't be because of the ensorcelling (ok somewhat but a minor role), but because of the enchantment and the padding amounts.

The specific event pricing, armor type, etc also play roles.

But even at a worst case event and at T5, I doubt leather will hit 100M total even at 10x and going to MCP. It won't be cheap either, usually.

10-11-2016, 05:01 PM
I gotcha. My sorc friend doesn't know much about it and had me worried. Just knew I couldn't take it back once it's on. Thanks again

10-11-2016, 05:05 PM
Just knew I couldn't take it back once it's on. Thanks again

there is a removal potion


10-14-2016, 02:38 PM
I agree with the others, if you have any intention of ensorcelling, you need to do it before you add the extra padding. I had extremely talented sorcerers try it on my 8x MCP and they were unable. From what I hear, the only way to ensorcell MCP armor is before it gets to be around 2x-3x enchant, after that, it's a big push.

8x MCP can be brought to T3 by fixskillimg said "extremely" talented sorc. Prepare for failures on the T3. 6x MCP you can get T4, T5 with a miracle cast. I assume 4x is the practical place to try for a T5.

That said, I have a 0X MCP MBP which is already at very difficult for the T3. So looks likeT4 & T5 will require beast mode ensorcelling even at 0X.

Ensorcell before you pad higher than HCP if your armor is beyond 4x, or you don't stand a reasonable chance of a T5, and if it is 8x+ enchant MCP/MDP/MCW don't even think about a T5 short of a double 00 roll then 80+ give or take with a top fixskilled sorc lol.

Send me a tell in game and I'd be happy to share me experiences.