View Full Version : Weddings

12-05-2004, 10:29 PM
I mean sheesh...the number of people complaining on the official boards about wedding verbs being given out on the Wavedancer is obscene.

This many people shelled out the $200? Or do they plan to?

I'm all for roleplaying, but in-game weddings have always been crossing the line for me. I know for a fact my wife would kill me if I did something like get married in a game.

Maybe I shouldn't say anything, since I know a few people who found their RL wife or husband in game, and would have never found them otherwise. But its just creepy to me.

12-05-2004, 10:32 PM
I had an IG wedding 8+ years ago, before I was even 20 trains. It wasn't some "pay $$$$ and have a wedding". It was one of those, pay 100k and have a priest present and we'll give you a place to have the ceremony and a cart full of things to eat/drink.

12-05-2004, 10:32 PM
I've been skipping over the posts regarding the wedding verbs on the official boards. The way I see it none of mine would EVER get married in game, so I don't give a shit one way or the other. It's just a huge ass headache to read.

But I can sort of see both sides. I'd be pissed if I spent $200 and then the same thing was offered for half the price. Then again I don't see what the people who paid $200 bucks are bitching over. They got the WHOLE experience compared to some lousy verbs I would rather die than use.

12-05-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Revalos
I know for a fact my wife would kill me if I did something like get married in a game.

Everything is so clear now!! No wonder I was denied. :cry:


I had two GM weddings. Neither of them were paid by yours truly, however neither of them were $200. It was nice to get new items for us and our wedding party, as well as specialized rings and verbs.

With the cost of the game as it stands today, however, I wouldn't do it again if I were still playing. It's just too much to expect from people already spending too much for the game as it is. For $200, they better give a lot of incentives for something that people in other games get for free, so I understand the bitching.

12-05-2004, 11:42 PM
Why would your wife kill you, Revalos? Would she be mad about your character killing like... a fluffy bunny in the game or something? It's just a game.

I can, however, see a spouse balking at the expenditure of a wedding for a text game.


12-05-2004, 11:52 PM
You don't understand how a wife could get upset over someone getting married in-game? Not everyone has the same understanding of IC and OOC as some of us have. It's not like a regular RPG, there is another person on the other end. I don't do in-game relationships out of policy (I have enough to deal with OOG) so I certainly understand why someone would be uncomfortable with it.

12-05-2004, 11:58 PM
No, I don't get it. It's a game. You're playing a character and essentially living their life. Unless you're also having intimate with the other person on IM, making phone calls, etc, then... who cares? I suppose if you trust your spouse, or if your RL relationship is solid, what someone does in a game really wouldn't make much difference.

Of course, there are always the people who can't leave their character's interactions at the keyboard. I guess a spouse would have plenty to be irritated over if that were the case.


12-06-2004, 02:16 AM
I took some grief oog for my marriage ig, but, I sat her down explained and all is well now. And yes I would be super pissed if they hand out the wedding verbs after I gave 200 bucks partly for them. Have a link to this discussion on the official boards?

12-06-2004, 06:36 AM
Originally posted by Revalos
I mean sheesh...the number of people complaining on the official boards about wedding verbs being given out on the Wavedancer is obscene.

This many people shelled out the $200? Or do they plan to?

I'm all for roleplaying, but in-game weddings have always been crossing the line for me. I know for a fact my wife would kill me if I did something like get married in a game.

Maybe I shouldn't say anything, since I know a few people who found their RL wife or husband in game, and would have never found them otherwise. But its just creepy to me.

Just because you dont like the idea of marriage in game doesn't mean other people feel the same way.. and I can understand why someone would get mad for someone else paying $200 for something then someone else getting the same thing for $100. How would you feel if you went into a store and bought a new TV for $200 and some guy who comes in after you do and gets the EXACT same TV for $100.. you'd be mad.

12-06-2004, 07:03 AM
Some of the people bitching, just basically want something for nothing. Even after they reached a compromise and are going to create like 10 verbs for folks who get married/renew vows on the Wavedancer, a few were still pissed they weren't getting the $200.00 wedding verbs.

Piss on that. I don't really care if people have verbs, hell that one demeanor isn't that bad and it's totally free, but to sit around and whine and throw tantrums because you can't have basically for free what others have paid to have is silly. That is the whole part of this that gets under my skin.

They should have planned this in advance, whipped up about five verbs and presented that as part of the package. That would have possibly enticed more people to buy tickets and there wouldn't have been a big whine fest. Or they could have added on for an add'l 25 bucks to a pair of tickets 10 verbs and some tuned wedding rings and I bet people would have jumped all over it. The down side is that the cathedral folks would have probably not liked that either.

In any case, I'm not getting married to any other characters anytime soon. Although one of my characters has found herself a nice guy who's a possibility- we'll see how that goes.

12-06-2004, 08:35 AM
I will never pay $200 for a wedding unless I find myself shitting money one day. Preferably dollar bills, because rolled quarters would SUCK.

- Arkans

12-06-2004, 10:54 AM
I imagine quarters would wash off easier. I wouldn't want to try and pass the teller at the bank some poo-covered bills.

Of course, considering the pain involved, maybe ... dimes would be the best option. Or vomiting money. Change the orifice all together.


[Edited on 12-6-2004 by SpunGirl]

12-06-2004, 10:57 AM
Vomitting money would not be as bad. Hell, at the very least quarters wouldn't be as painful as shitting out a gold brick.

- Arkans

12-06-2004, 10:59 AM
Ok this has gotten sooo ICK!



Ps I just wanted an excuse to use the puke smiley

12-06-2004, 11:00 AM
Goatse is so getting ready to shit out a gold brick. We wants to grab it?

- Arkans

12-06-2004, 12:25 PM
This turned from Wedding to shitting money. I love they train of thought patterns on the PC. :smilegrin:

12-06-2004, 12:30 PM
This is wildly inappropriate.

12-06-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
No, I don't get it. It's a game. You're playing a character and essentially living their life. Unless you're also having intimate with the other person on IM, making phone calls, etc, then... who cares? I suppose if you trust your spouse, or if your RL relationship is solid, what someone does in a game really wouldn't make much difference.

So if your man was in Gemstone - cyberbanging some girl in game, you would have no problem with that?

If yes, how about if he was pleasuring himself at the same time?

No IM's, no phone calls, strictly cyber - in game.

12-06-2004, 02:39 PM
It depends on the couple and what they find acceptable for each other to be involved in so long as they are honest with each other about what they are doing*. I personally don't care. Others may not be so carefree as far as online gaming may be concerned.

* had to amend the statement, as not being honest with each other's actions is wrong, regardless of the act

[Edited on 12/6/2004 by CrystalTears]

12-06-2004, 02:51 PM
I remember we had a thread similiar to this. I think it all depends on how both parties feel. Online shit is a slippery slope, but I understand both arguements.

On the brighter side.. I remember my IG wedding. I grabbed a random cleric, didn't dress up, and was like.. "Hey, do a wedding d00d." It got done. Too me, that was like 100000x more special than blowing $200.

- Arkans

12-06-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by SpunGirl
No, I don't get it. It's a game. You're playing a character and essentially living their life. Unless you're also having intimate with the other person on IM, making phone calls, etc, then... who cares? I suppose if you trust your spouse, or if your RL relationship is solid, what someone does in a game really wouldn't make much difference.

So if your man was in Gemstone - cyberbanging some girl in game, you would have no problem with that?

If yes, how about if he was pleasuring himself at the same time?

No IM's, no phone calls, strictly cyber - in game.

Anyone who has never met Jake (which is 99.99999% of you) would find this hilarious, but that's beside the point.

I certainly wouldn't want to uh, watch the cyberbanging. I wouldn't appreciate him pleasuring himself to it, either. Of course, if he were the gaming type (LOL) and if he had an IG spouse, I would trust him to leave it at an appropriate level. That's what I'm talking about. If you can't trust someone over a character in a computer game, why the hell are you married to them in the first place?


[Edited on 12-6-2004 by SpunGirl]

12-06-2004, 03:03 PM
The money or the 10 inch dick, of course.

- Arkans

12-06-2004, 05:21 PM
I guess its the same thing as an actor having to do a serious makeout scene and sex scene but having a wife in the real world.

I dunno, I've always been creeped out by IG relationships, I don't know what it is...maybe its too close to "online dating" for me.

I'd be worried I'd run into some hardcore RPer IG wife and if I forgot our IG anniversary she'd call me up or drive over to my house, and then I'd be dead by two chicks at the same time.

I'm not knocking folks who want to do it really...or not trying to at least. My wife would absolutely flay me alive if she found me spending money on my IG wife if I had one (which is how she'd take the wavedancer or a cathedral wedding). I guess if it was one of those "grab a cleric" weddings, that might work, since there isn't any money, although I think she'd still have a fit if she found out I hadn't told her. She is still unnerved by one of the people I know in game sending me a Christmas card.

Anyway, I see your goatse and raise you a tubgirl...maybe that kind of stuff on the net is what scares me the most about meeting people online, even in a game...you never know who they really are, or what they will do.