View Full Version : Partially Customized Death Mask - Become a Burned Corpse

09-15-2016, 05:09 PM
Selling off a smooth death mask that has had some work done to it. Essentially, this is a mask that you wear that is NOT visible while worn. When you die the mask will change your features to whatever the mask has been customized to. Each part of a feature requires a different alteration to change it. This one has been 4 alterations so far. The mask itself can be altered, as well.


Features Normally:

He is tall and appears to be an adult. He has intense, slightly tilted absinthe green eyes and gold-tinged ebon skin. He has long, silky autumnal red hair that is streaked with a multitude of copper and bronze hues. He has a refined face with sharp features that are accentuated by his narrowly pointed ears.

Features When Dead W/ Mask:

He is tall and appears to be an adult. He has hollow, smoldering eyes and charred, blackened skin. He has long, silky autumnal red hair that is streaked with a multitude of copper and bronze hues. He has a burned and peeling face pulled into a contorted rictus of a grin.


You analyze your death mask and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You can have the death mask altered, but it must stay a death mask. Its features can be changed too, in the same fashion as normal feature alterations of the eyes, hair, face, nose, and skin. You can also have a distinguishing mark that is face-related.

You get no sense of whether or not the mask may be further lightened.

MB: 500k