View Full Version : Taking the plunge & end game

09-15-2016, 09:57 AM
I've planned, purchased, got a ton of great advice from many people here and rolled up a halfling monk. The plan is to cap him in slightly less then 4 years. I'm retired and will most likely play him 15~25 hours a week. Here's my final concern. I'm afraid of end game for a monk; I know the GMs are convinced that monks are 'fine' but a lot of you here are like 'eh... not really!'

So, what I don't want is to pour in thousands in man hours and cash only to discover at level 75 that the Rogue or Paladin buddy that started around the same time is crushing everything and I'm struggling/dying a lot. It's something that I can't quite place since I'm not there yet?. Therefore, veteran monks give me an idea of what I can expect. Android, Donquix, and a few others I know are super experts on monks especially toward endgame, if anyone else wants to chime in please, I would really value the advice!

09-15-2016, 04:58 PM
GMs have acknowledged that light armor wearing squares need a boost defensively, RE all the complaints about TD. What if anything they have in mind they haven't said nor is there a timeline which is kinda the new norm. They just throw out surprises when it is ready. I'm at level 70 on my monk and I rather enjoy it. I've been selective in my hunting grounds though and luckily there are enough places where I can go where I'm able to dominate more or less.

50-60 I did black forest
60-70 I've done yetis, dwellers, and minotaurs in wentoph as well as the new red forest is a lot of fun.
Upcoming I expect to add maaghara tower for some variety in getting me to 80.
I'm looking forward and expect to tear up Thanatoph bowels from 80-93.

As for capped hunting I know I'll be able to handle Nelemar though we'll see just how annoying the warding attacks turn out to be. I'm not optimistic about Plane 5 of the rift or the scatter due to swarming. SoS can be kinda swarmy but I've also been able to manage hunting there on another character where I could pick off 1-2 at a time with tactful running away so I hope to succeed there on my monk as well. I'm curious about the confluence. I feel with the new mstrike and the fairly cheaply obtained 135 ranks of MOC for a 5 strike...I am imagining an elemental that has to die to attrition being a reasonable enemy. But that might be wishful thinking.

09-15-2016, 05:48 PM
GMs have acknowledged that light armor wearing squares need a boost defensively, RE all the complaints about TD. What if anything they have in mind they haven't said nor is there a timeline which is kinda the new norm. They just throw out surprises when it is ready. I'm at level 70 on my monk and I rather enjoy it. I've been selective in my hunting grounds though and luckily there are enough places where I can go where I'm able to dominate more or less.

50-60 I did black forest
60-70 I've done yetis, dwellers, and minotaurs in wentoph as well as the new red forest is a lot of fun.
Upcoming I expect to add maaghara tower for some variety in getting me to 80.
I'm looking forward and expect to tear up Thanatoph bowels from 80-93.

As for capped hunting I know I'll be able to handle Nelemar though we'll see just how annoying the warding attacks turn out to be. I'm not optimistic about Plane 5 of the rift or the scatter due to swarming. SoS can be kinda swarmy but I've also been able to manage hunting there on another character where I could pick off 1-2 at a time with tactful running away so I hope to succeed there on my monk as well. I'm curious about the confluence. I feel with the new mstrike and the fairly cheaply obtained 135 ranks of MOC for a 5 strike...I am imagining an elemental that has to die to attrition being a reasonable enemy. But that might be wishful thinking.

Interesting. Do you feel any more/less inferior to say a warrior or sorcerer or even Bard(I know Bards are incredibly over powered, so some leeway here)?

09-15-2016, 05:55 PM
I can't comment on the capped hunting areas but don't forget there's also the option of grimswarm camps. I haven't done a whole lot of them as a monk but from the camps I have cleared I had 0 problems at all. With aimed attacks and rolling krynch I was absolutely destroying them to the point where I would have to wait for them to spawn as I was just killing them so fast.

09-15-2016, 06:52 PM
I can't comment on the capped hunting areas but don't forget there's also the option of grimswarm camps. I haven't done a whole lot of them as a monk but from the camps I have cleared I had 0 problems at all. With aimed attacks and rolling krynch I was absolutely destroying them to the point where I would have to wait for them to spawn as I was just killing them so fast.

Yeah, could be because you're just an experienced player as well. Also, I heard it's the TD that really REALLY kills monks toward end game; makes hunting very unenjoyable. Anyone know how monks do against undead?

09-15-2016, 06:57 PM
Monks do alright against undead but squishy targets that can be stunned are more preferable, imo.

And yes, prepare to get your shit pushed in by casters.

09-15-2016, 07:07 PM
If you just want to roll your face over a keyboard and destroy stuff then monks probably aren't for you. If you take the time to learn spells, skills, combos and fatalities then you'll rock. There are numerous ways to handle a caster. Aim for the nerve stem and put them down for good.

09-15-2016, 08:33 PM
My capped bard is my longest played character and there really isn't any comparison there heh.. I mean bards are terrible and in desperate need of some love.

My warrior is the same level as my monk and I'd say my monk is easier to hunt and more powerful...but the warrior is more versatile with more disablers and possible tactics. So if I just hunt where I want the monk is easier but if I go wherever the advguild sends me the warrior is better. Though that is regular hunting and not berserking. Here are a few clips uphunting slightly with 4x flaring gloves and 6x flaring boots. Some of the clips have me with an 86 Agidex or 6 second RT reduction. I'm right at the cusp of being able to keep surge and burst up indefinitely though I do need to figure out how I want to incorporate quickstrike into my hunting, ie -1 each attack? wait until I"m near full and reduce my mstrike by the maximum?

This is what 95 ranks of MOC looks like for my burghal monk. I can basically do this every other creature with no stamina cost. I still have another focused strike to look forward to at 135 and again at 190 ranks. I also have 1 more threshold where I'll be able to shave off another second of RT from my agidex once I hit that combined 98 bonus. You playing a halfling will be able to go 1 further and hit the 113 AGIDEX bonus needed for 8 second reduction.

J>app mino
The lesser minotaur is medium in size and about seven feet high in his current state.
You would probably be able to take on the minotaur, but with some risk to your health.
J>post off
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
A lesser minotaur swings a curved silvery white greataxe at Vehir!
AS: +364 vs DS: +476 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +62 = -18
A clean miss.
J>mst punch mino
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You attempt to jab a lesser minotaur!
You have decent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 371 = 1.315 * MM: 92 + d100: 62 = 183
... and hit for 5 points of damage!
Low jab glances off the left thigh.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
You attempt to kick a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 498 vs UDF: 371 = 1.342 * MM: 90 + d100: 4 = 124
... and hit for 31 points of damage!
Flying axe kick seriously rattles the lesser minotaur's noggin.
The lesser minotaur is stunned!
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 346 = 1.410 * MM: 104 + d100: 77 = 223
... and hit for 65 points of damage!
Sudden impact to chest! That'll make his day!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup kick attack!
You attempt to kick a lesser minotaur!
You have excellent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 498 vs UDF: 337 = 1.477 * MM: 108 + d100: 74 = 233
... and hit for 90 points of damage!
Low reverse roundhouse sends right leg flying faster than the rest of him!
The lesser minotaur falls against the ground with a solid thud.

** Your veniom-threaded buskins release a twisted tendril of force! **

... 15 points of damage!
Weak grapple around the neck bruises windpipe.
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have excellent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 290 = 1.682 * MM: 120 + d100: 76 = 277
... and hit for 90 points of damage!
Awesome spear hand strike penetrates solar plexus and ruptures the heart!
A low gurgling sound comes from deep within the chest of the lesser minotaur as he falls slack against the ground.

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

J>mst punch mino
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You attempt to jab a lesser minotaur!
You have decent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 357 = 1.366 * MM: 92 + d100: 50 = 175
... and hit for 7 points of damage!
Fast jab bruises right palm.
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!

** Necrotic energy from your drakar-palmed gloves overflows into you! **

You feel energized!

** Your drakar-palmed gloves flare with a burst of flame! **

... 20 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left hand burns fingers bright red.
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 513 vs UDF: 357 = 1.436 * MM: 96 + d100: 50 = 187
... and hit for 45 points of damage!
Well executed strike to the lesser minotaur's right leg fractures the fibula.
The lesser minotaur is knocked to the ground!
The lesser minotaur is stunned!
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.

A solid strike from your drakar-palmed gloves to to the temple causes the lesser minotaur to stumble.

... 10 points of damage!
Blow to the head causes the lesser minotaur's ears to ring!
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 320 = 1.525 * MM: 112 + d100: 38 = 208
... and hit for 54 points of damage!
Fully extended punch crushes the bones in the lesser minotaur's left arm.

** Your drakar-palmed gloves flare with a burst of flame! **

... 15 points of damage!
Minor burns to left hand. Ouch.
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 488 vs UDF: 314 = 1.554 * MM: 117 + d100: 47 = 228
... and hit for 61 points of damage!
Palm strike to face drives nose straight into brain!
A low gurgling sound comes from deep within the chest of the lesser minotaur as he falls slack against the ground.

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

J>mst punch mino
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You attempt to jab a lesser minotaur!
You have decent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 482 vs UDF: 341 = 1.413 * MM: 96 + d100: 95 = 230
... and hit for 17 points of damage!
Flesh torn from the shoulder blade!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup punch attack!

** Necrotic energy from your drakar-palmed gloves overflows into you! **

You feel reinvigorated!
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have good positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 482 vs UDF: 341 = 1.413 * MM: 101 + d100: 64 = 206
... and hit for 53 points of damage!
Uppercut compresses the diaphragm! The lesser minotaur doubles over in pain, gasping for air.
The lesser minotaur is stunned!
The lesser minotaur chokes, momentarily unable to speak!
The lesser minotaur seems at a loss for words!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
You attempt to grapple a lesser minotaur!
You have excellent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 482 vs UDF: 341 = 1.413 * MM: 103 + d100: 71 = 216
... and hit for 52 points of damage!
Powerful tug pulls left hip, and leg, free of the socket!
The lesser minotaur falls against the ground with a solid thud.

** Necrotic energy from your drakar-palmed gloves overflows into you! **

You feel energized!
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have excellent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 507 vs UDF: 286 = 1.772 * MM: 114 + d100: 7 = 209
... and hit for 62 points of damage!
Spinning haymaker catches left arm, ripping it off above the elbow!
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
You attempt to punch a lesser minotaur!
You have excellent positioning against a lesser minotaur.
UAF: 482 vs UDF: 281 = 1.715 * MM: 119 + d100: 21 = 225
... and hit for 65 points of damage!
Awesome punch to forehead snaps head straight back with a sickening *CRUNCH!*
The lesser minotaur falls slack against the ground.

** Necrotic energy from your drakar-palmed gloves overflows into you! **

You feel energized!

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

09-15-2016, 11:07 PM
Very nice. From what you're telling me, you're at the cusp of endgame (about to enter) apparently it's at this point the pain begins mainly due to laughable monk TD and no 'free escape' card. Anyhow, may reroll as a paladin now, really want to exclusively hunt undead as my character's primary RP motivation.