View Full Version : The Doofhm strikes again...

12-03-2004, 11:25 PM

A few months ago Khaladon pulled me into his lounge for ASSISTing to much.

Just a few days ago, I found this item in trali:

a platinum waistchain.
>look wai
The delicate waistchain has been crafted of tiny platinum links held together with alternating polished moonstone and dreamstone gems. Etched onto each individual link is an astral scene comprised of crescent moons, shining stars, shooting comets, and whirling clouds. The waistchain is clasped on the side with a faceted sunstone.

This item means ALOT to me. It was GM made, and it is unique. It is also my only treasure-found item that is unique. I've been wanting one forever. And I finally found one.

So, I ASSISTed and got a referral from Quabu to ask a GM a few questions about the treasure system.

Then, GM khaladon sends me this:

SEND[Khaladon] Not a question we answer, so i'm removing your referral. The treasure system works, all you need to know.

SEND[Khaladon] Feel free to ask on the boards and save staff time, have a great night.

This really ticks me off, and not only that, its upsetting.

I found this unique item, and I know its properties, but I can't even ask a GM about a few questions on the treasure system?!

I only put in an ASSIST to get a referral because I HAVE asked on these boards.

I've seen Khaladon in a good mood, but this makes me so pissed, that I can't even REPORT for a question.

I've seriously had enough of this game, and the staff as a whole. Most of the staff is nice, but there's always exceptions, and this is one of them.

Thanks for letting me express my opinion.

Oh, and this isn't a bash agianst anyone, it's just I feel violated with my rights as I can't even put an ASSIST now, get a GM and ask them a question, where as if anyone else would've , it would've been OK.

Cracked me up.:lol:

12-03-2004, 11:32 PM
He posted that on the official boards?

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by peam]

12-03-2004, 11:38 PM

12-04-2004, 12:17 AM
SEND[Khaladon] True, if you were anyone else, I wouldn't have cancelled it. But you waste an exceptional amount of staff time, so I figured I'd save some for a player who needs it.

report> Will you remove any REFERRAL i get now since I can't ask questions and you'll remove them?
SEND[Khaladon] Sure you can, but the workings of the treasure system, no, enjoy, please save REPORT for technical emergencies as well. Good night.

After that, I Reported again and he removed my ability to REPORT.

This really makes me feel left out, and not treated fairly as a player.

12-04-2004, 12:27 AM
This was a great Warclaidhm post I thought:


Great idea SIMU, great idea! See below. ·
on 12/1/2004 7:06:01 PM

Here's me, a warrior at 44 trains, tryin to get a damned SINGLE person to hunt in a group with me, so I actually have a group to hunt with !

You hear the subdued thoughts of You echo in your mind:
"Greetings! I'm doing a group hunt to darkstone for anyone who can go! (Must be 25 trains. Will hunt whatever the average of all of the peoples group trainings) Come to wayside to come, also, the more people the better! Treasure will be shared, evenly."
You feel at full magical power again.

You hear the subdued thoughts of You echo in your mind:
"I can also boost your abilities to attack monsters from my warcries."

After waiting 20 minutes, not a SINGLE person has come. Or even thought back.

This is PITIFUL.

Thanks alot.

Now this was a reply to it, I thought it was perfect:



Re: Great idea SIMU, great idea! See below.

"This is PITIFUL.

Thanks alot. "

Warclaid I cant believe your post.

Warclaid, maybe no one will join you because you get your hunting party killed? When me and another guy hunted roaters with you, you brought us to sentinels against our will and we were dead within seconds since they were like 15 trains above us and we were not spelled to the kills and we didnt know our way around that area. I still owe you one for that :( How many other people have you killed on your hunting trips? Maybe all your hunting partners are DEAD?

Maybe you should take care of your party before you cry to the GMs about making warrior group hunting better!

12-04-2004, 12:43 AM
I can't believe he HONESTLY doesn't understand that people just don't want to associate with him. I just don't believe he's that delusional. Is he? Is he REALLY?

I guess it's Simu's fault that he has no friends and that people don't want to be around him. It can't possibly be his fault, right?


12-04-2004, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Drew
How many other people have you killed on your hunting trips? Maybe all your hunting partners are DEAD?
:rofl: Great reply, whoever that was!

12-05-2004, 06:38 PM
Don't forget, SENDS are private and the only one that sees them is you. Maybe someone else gets similar comments? Maybe some don't, because they know to try other methods to find out information first, about non-emergency stuff, before assisting.

In general, GMs aren't going to sit down and explain systems and how they work to you. Many of them are secret, complex, and just not information you need to know to play the game.

Curiousity is one thing, knowing where to ask your question is another. A post on the boards asking that same question is a better use of resources than asking for a one-on-one meeting with a GM by way of assists and referrals.