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09-11-2016, 11:04 AM

She's clearly not well and while I realize anyone can faint from time to time, it just goes to a bigger health question.

09-11-2016, 11:22 AM

She's clearly not well and while I realize anyone can faint from time to time, it just goes to a bigger health question.


09-11-2016, 11:27 AM
Low energy Hillary passed the fuck out and her campaign is trying to downplay it like crazy.

09-11-2016, 11:43 AM
Law enforcement sources are saying she was rushed to a hospital. Staffers were freaking out on the scene and making sure no one took video of her passing out and being whisked away.

09-11-2016, 11:53 AM
Video of her having what looks to be a seizure - https://twitter.com/zgazda66/status/774993814025011200

09-11-2016, 11:55 AM
It is pretty clear to any objective person she has some health issues, how serious they are is hard to say. I do find it sort of amusing though that the less she is in the public eye, the better her numbers are, my point being, if she had to run a more traditional campaign and grind out events as candidates have done in the past, her health would be much more in question since I feel like more incidents like this would come to light.

It sure is a weird campaign year.

09-11-2016, 11:57 AM
Video of her having what looks to be a seizure - https://twitter.com/zgazda66/status/774993814025011200

All I can say about that is WOW. It was only 80 degrees or so in NY today during the event, so clearly whatever happened was not a function of the heat.

09-11-2016, 12:12 PM
I'm being told it wasn't a seizure but definitely some sort of neurological issue.

09-11-2016, 02:02 PM

09-11-2016, 02:08 PM

09-11-2016, 02:09 PM
Rofl, SAME fucking writer. Classic.

09-11-2016, 02:10 PM
I'm being told it wasn't a seizure but definitely some sort of neurological issue.


Thanks! Keep us updated, because clearly you are in the loop!

09-11-2016, 02:21 PM

Thanks! Keep us updated, because clearly you are in the loop!

I'm not in the loop, I'm in the zone.

09-11-2016, 02:47 PM
I'm not in the loop, I'm in the zone.


09-11-2016, 02:56 PM

09-11-2016, 03:47 PM
MSNBC pulling out all the stops for Hillary on this one.


09-11-2016, 04:00 PM
MSNBC pulling out all the stops for Hillary on this one.


Jesus Christ I don't know what's worse...this, or the viewers that will believe it.

09-11-2016, 04:01 PM
Rofl, SAME fucking writer. Classic.

Someone on Twitter pointed out that in 2008 the same writer/"The Fix" Tweeted out something like "McCain's health and why it is important" and linked to some article, then they pointed out the bit about "Can we please stop talking about Hillary's health?"

They had screen shots of both Tweets and everything.

If anyone needs more proof that the media is biased then your name is obviously time4fun.

09-11-2016, 04:02 PM
I'm hearing confirmed reports that Hillary didn't actually collapse, she was dodging sniper fire, probably from a KGB hit squad.

09-11-2016, 04:04 PM
MSNBC pulling out all the stops for Hillary on this one.


Very hot out? What, 78 degrees? Shit, I keep my thermostat at 78 degrees in my house!

09-11-2016, 04:18 PM
Jesus Christ I don't know what's worse...this, or the viewers that will believe it.

I would say Time4Fun, who will believe it.

09-11-2016, 04:19 PM
All I can say about that is WOW. It was only 80 degrees or so in NY today during the event, so clearly whatever happened was not a function of the heat.

Kanye was trying to kill bitches at his fashion shit, too! Poor broads were standing in the heat and passing out apparently (which I find pretty pathetic, but I live in the swamp).

This just proves that women do not have the constitution required to be the President.

09-11-2016, 04:19 PM
Very hot out? What, 78 degrees? Shit, I keep my thermostat at 78 degrees in my house!

I love how they kept pointing out the long sleeves....

I haven't seen her in short sleeves in .... I don't know.. years?


09-11-2016, 04:31 PM
They'll blame it on global warming tomorrow that only Hillary can stop.

09-11-2016, 05:04 PM
They'll blame it on global warming tomorrow that only Hillary can stop.

Well.... she is on blood thinners. This is known. Blood thinners make you cold, hence the long sleeves all the time.

Still... Dems are now voting for Kaine for President.

09-11-2016, 05:05 PM
“I think anyone bringing up her health is a fucking asshole. She’s as healthy as — believe me, she’s fine.” -Sarah Silverman


09-11-2016, 06:16 PM
Oh, Sarah Silverman said she is fine. Random comedian woman knows better than all else.

09-11-2016, 06:16 PM
Her doctor is saying Hillary has pneumonia (from allergies) and was likely dehydrated..


09-11-2016, 06:35 PM
One of my democrat FB fans is giving her props for being tough enough to have pneumonia and do public speeches. If she were to die on the podium, they'd still probably vote for her VP in memorial of her steadfast campaigning. You used to have to get shot for this sort of fanaticism.

09-11-2016, 07:04 PM
Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, said this and he's absolutely right.

"You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same. Here’s why.

If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11. When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable."

09-11-2016, 07:06 PM
Osnap, Dilbert vs Sarah Silverman now.

09-11-2016, 07:28 PM
Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, said this and he's absolutely right.

"You probably wonder if the “overheated” explanation is true – and a non-issue as reported – or an indication of a larger medical condition. I’m blogging to tell you it doesn’t matter. The result is the same. Here’s why.

If humans were rational creatures, the time and place of Clinton’s “overheating” wouldn’t matter at all. But when it comes to American psychology, there is no more powerful symbol of terrorism and fear than 9-11. When a would-be Commander-in-Chief withers – literally – in front of our most emotional reminder of an attack on the homeland, we feel unsafe. And safety is our first priority.

Hillary Clinton just became unelectable."

I think he's reaching.

09-11-2016, 07:30 PM
I think he's reaching.

I don't. The optics are so incredibly damning, especially on today of all days. With all that is going on in the world right now Americans want a strong leader, and Hillary is not that person.

09-11-2016, 07:39 PM
I don't. The optics are so incredibly damning, especially on today of all days. With all that is going on in the world right now Americans want a strong leader, and Hillary is not that person.

This event isn't going to change the minds of those that were already going to vote for Hillary or vote against Trump. Hopefully this causes some push to release medicals for BOTH candidates, but I won't hold my breath on that.

09-11-2016, 07:43 PM
I don't. The optics are so incredibly damning, especially on today of all days. With all that is going on in the world right now Americans want a strong leader, and Hillary is not that person.

That's because you live in crazy conspiracy world.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.

09-11-2016, 07:45 PM
People being irrational is exactly why we have the candidates that we do now.

This might push people who are on the fence, but those who have made up their minds aren't very likely to change them.

09-11-2016, 07:46 PM
That's because you live in crazy conspiracy world.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.

Really? Because I'd want someone smart enough to know better

09-11-2016, 07:50 PM
Really? Because I'd want someone smart enough to know better

You're acting like the job is largely optional.

A President can't not show up to a 9/11 Memorial because she isn't feeling so great. She can't not show up to a World Summit because of a cough.

That's the job. I want someone who gets that.

09-11-2016, 07:51 PM
That's because you live in crazy conspiracy world.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.


You are one STUPID motherfucker! :forehead:

09-11-2016, 07:56 PM
The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job.


09-11-2016, 07:58 PM

You are one STUPID motherfucker! :forehead:

Yeah...coming from our resident nut job.

09-11-2016, 07:59 PM
You're acting like the job is largely optional.

A President can't not show up to a 9/11 Memorial because she isn't feeling so great. She can't not show up to a World Summit because of a cough.

That's the job. I want someone who gets that.

I'd say the best quality of a President is to know when they can't handle something, and turn over power to their VP until they can. Muscling through and making shit worse isn't smart.

09-11-2016, 08:00 PM
Yeah...coming from our resident nut job.

It's national suicide prevention week.. pretty tasteless of you and your BF to make fun of mental issues.

09-11-2016, 08:08 PM
A President can't not show up to a 9/11 Memorial because she isn't feeling so great. She can't not show up to a World Summit because of a cough.

She can't?

So where does this bullshit line of reasoning go? How far are you willing to take this bullshit worldview?

Is a president expected to forgo their chemotherapy treatments because they have an event to attend?

Is a president expected to walk into a World Summit with a bullet lodged in their leg?

Obviously there are times when the president is supposed to say "I can't handle that at this particular time."

No one expects the president to be Superman (yes I'm obviously being sexist.)

The point is that Hillary does not have pneumonia, this was a bullshit excuse made up AFTER the fact to cover that she is in bad health in general, not just at this particular time due to pneumonia. They only concocted this bullshit story in the hopes that morons would eat that shit up like it's candy, and as usual you're first and second in line.

09-11-2016, 08:10 PM
It's national suicide prevention week.. pretty tasteless of you and your BF to make fun of mental issues.

Don't kill yourself because she called you a nut job.

09-11-2016, 08:15 PM
This wasn't pneumonia, this was a dementia episode. She's clearly suffering from parkinsons.

09-11-2016, 09:34 PM
One of my democrat FB fans is giving her props for being tough enough to have pneumonia and do public speeches. If she were to die on the podium, they'd still probably vote for her VP in memorial of her steadfast campaigning. You used to have to get shot for this sort of fanaticism.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.


Time to unfriend her. You don't need anymore really, really stupid friends.

09-11-2016, 09:37 PM
The point is that Hillary does not have pneumonia, this was a bullshit excuse made up AFTER the fact to cover that she is in bad health in general, not just at this particular time due to pneumonia. They only concocted this bullshit story in the hopes that morons would eat that shit up like it's candy, and as usual you're first and second in line.

Exactly this.

Good to know time4fun is as gullible as she is predictable.

09-11-2016, 09:56 PM

Time to unfriend her. You don't need anymore really, really stupid friends.

Not her, haha.

09-11-2016, 10:18 PM
sources have claimed Democratic Party insiders are rushing to consider a replacement candidate in light of Mrs Clinton's poor health.
Emmy Award winning New York Journalist and MSNBC pundit David Shuster tweeted: "Clarification from dem operatives @HillaryClinton pneumonia: Expect emergency DNC meeting to CONSIDER replacement."

09-11-2016, 10:20 PM
In before WB and time4fun say Shuster is a discredited ring wing nutjob.

09-12-2016, 12:47 AM

09-12-2016, 01:11 AM

09-12-2016, 02:10 AM
a. She was wearing long sleeves
b. Also wearing bulletproof vest
c. While temp was not that high, it was extremely humid in NYC yesterday. (http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Observation.aspx?location=USNY9472) Relative humidity was 79% at the time of the event.
d. Pneumonia due to a cough caused by serious allergies is easily possible. I have cough-variant asthma, and this is a danger for me if I develop a cough that I can't shake within a few days.
e. Dehydration due to illness is not a shocking thing. Blood thinners probably not helping either.
f. Had this been anything but the 9/11 memorial, I'm pretty sure she would've not attended. Her not being present at the NYC 9/11 memorial event would've caused endless media stories as well.

Do think she needs to take more than 2 days to rest though. She should just take the week off and only do debate prep, if anything.

09-12-2016, 02:23 AM
a. She was wearing long sleeves
b. Also wearing bulletproof vest
c. While temp was not that high, it was extremely humid in NYC yesterday. (http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Observation.aspx?location=USNY9472) Relative humidity was 79% at the time of the event.
d. Pneumonia due to a cough caused by serious allergies is easily possible. I have cough-variant asthma, and this is a danger for me if I develop a cough that I can't shake within a few days.
e. Dehydration due to illness is not a shocking thing. Blood thinners probably not helping either.
f. Had this been anything but the 9/11 memorial, I'm pretty sure she would've not attended. Her not being present at the NYC 9/11 memorial event would've caused endless media stories as well.

Do think she needs to take more than 2 days to rest though. She should just take the week off and only do debate prep, if anything.

It's amazing how easily duped Democrats are.

You really think for one second Hillary's campaign wouldn't have told every news outlet and media personality and talk show radio host that Hillary Clinton is such a patriotic American that she is risking her health by attending a 9/11 memorial with pneumonia?

Instead we find out about it hours after she faints?

Can you tell us what Hillary Clinton had for breakfast with your head that far up her ass?

09-12-2016, 03:12 AM
It's amazing how easily duped Democrats are.

You really think for one second Hillary's campaign wouldn't have told every news outlet and media personality and talk show radio host that Hillary Clinton is such a patriotic American that she is risking her health by attending a 9/11 memorial with pneumonia?

Instead we find out about it hours after she faints?

Can you tell us what Hillary Clinton had for breakfast with your head that far up her ass?

I think you need to put down the conspiracy magazines for a few days.

I am no fan of Clinton, and I am definitely concerned there is information about her health being withheld. That being said, fainting due to pneumonia is not unreasonable. I certainly have my doubts, but without more information I don't think a judgement can made as to exactly what happened.

The press needs to push for a full disclosure of her health.

09-12-2016, 03:18 AM
That being said, fainting due to pneumonia is not unreasonable.

You're right, the point is she's in bad health and not just because she happened to develop pneumonia recently. That's just more bullshit spin from the Clinton campaign.

First it was hot out, then she was dehydrated, now she was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday but the campaign kept it a secret because reasons.

This isn't even a conspiracy theory, this is just flat out common sense to smell the bullshit from a mile away.

09-12-2016, 03:23 AM
a. She was wearing long sleeves
b. Also wearing bulletproof vest
c. While temp was not that high, it was extremely humid in NYC yesterday. (http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Observation.aspx?location=USNY9472) Relative humidity was 79% at the time of the event.
d. Pneumonia due to a cough caused by serious allergies is easily possible. I have cough-variant asthma, and this is a danger for me if I develop a cough that I can't shake within a few days.
e. Dehydration due to illness is not a shocking thing. Blood thinners probably not helping either.
f. Had this been anything but the 9/11 memorial, I'm pretty sure she would've not attended. Her not being present at the NYC 9/11 memorial event would've caused endless media stories as well.

Do think she needs to take more than 2 days to rest though. She should just take the week off and only do debate prep, if anything.

I think you should take the week off from posting so you can come back to your senses. Debate prep? No, she won't be doing any debates.

09-12-2016, 03:52 AM
I think you should take the week off from posting so you can come back to your senses. Debate prep? No, she won't be doing any debates.

Things will certainly get interesting if you're right.

09-12-2016, 04:03 AM
Things will certainly get interesting if you're right.

We'll know soon enough!

09-12-2016, 05:15 AM
That's because you live in crazy conspiracy world.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.

She had/has Pneumonia like she remembers her Security training... not at all.

Get a DR that isn't paid for by Clinton to do a full Check up and release that, otherwise... bullshit.

09-12-2016, 05:16 AM
Really? Because I'd want someone smart enough to know better

Hey... Maybe we will get lucky... and if She DOES win, she will give a 6 hour long speech in the cold for her inauguration.

09-12-2016, 07:19 AM
That's because you live in crazy conspiracy world.

The woman had pneumonia and didn't let it stop her from doing her job. You may recognize that as a characteristic most of us would want in a President.


09-12-2016, 07:22 AM
a. She was wearing long sleeves
b. Also wearing bulletproof vest
c. While temp was not that high, it was extremely humid in NYC yesterday. (http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Observation.aspx?location=USNY9472) Relative humidity was 79% at the time of the event.
d. Pneumonia due to a cough caused by serious allergies is easily possible. I have cough-variant asthma, and this is a danger for me if I develop a cough that I can't shake within a few days.
e. Dehydration due to illness is not a shocking thing. Blood thinners probably not helping either.
f. Had this been anything but the 9/11 memorial, I'm pretty sure she would've not attended. Her not being present at the NYC 9/11 memorial event would've caused endless media stories as well.

Do think she needs to take more than 2 days to rest though. She should just take the week off and only do debate prep, if anything.


09-12-2016, 07:36 AM


09-12-2016, 07:46 AM
I think you should take the week off from posting so you can come back to your senses. Debate prep? No, she won't be doing any debates.


09-12-2016, 07:57 AM
a. She was wearing long sleeves
b. Also wearing bulletproof vest
c. While temp was not that high, it was extremely humid in NYC yesterday. (http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Observation.aspx?location=USNY9472) Relative humidity was 79% at the time of the event.
d. Pneumonia due to a cough caused by serious allergies is easily possible. I have cough-variant asthma, and this is a danger for me if I develop a cough that I can't shake within a few days.
e. Dehydration due to illness is not a shocking thing. Blood thinners probably not helping either.
f. Had this been anything but the 9/11 memorial, I'm pretty sure she would've not attended. Her not being present at the NYC 9/11 memorial event would've caused endless media stories as well.

Do think she needs to take more than 2 days to rest though. She should just take the week off and only do debate prep, if anything.

Are you honestly trolling us now?

PS - a humidity level below 80% sounds like a dream!

09-12-2016, 08:12 AM


09-12-2016, 08:12 AM
Things will certainly get interesting if you're right.

He's never right. :( Don't get your hopes up.

09-12-2016, 08:30 AM

He's probably trying to call you a racist in some fashion.

It's all he has. :(

09-12-2016, 08:31 AM
She had/has Pneumonia like she remembers her Security training... not at all.

Get a DR that isn't paid for by Clinton to do a full Check up and release that, otherwise... bullshit.

She had to say she didn't remember the Security training. It's called covering your ass.

09-12-2016, 10:05 AM
He's probably trying to call you a racist in some fashion.

It's all he has. :(

It helps when it's at least done in a way that makes sense.

09-12-2016, 11:05 AM
Are you honestly trolling us now?

PS - a humidity level below 80% sounds like a dream!

LOL, I live in Houston, so I agree with you on the humidity. But NYC can be pretty brutal at that level of humidity as well, due to all the concrete....I was just there in June. It was similar conditions temp-wise (humidity was a bit less, actually), and I was drinking water nonstop.

09-12-2016, 11:09 AM
I think you should take the week off from posting so you can come back to your senses. Debate prep? No, she won't be doing any debates.

Quoting for posterity again. I hope someone's keeping a track record of your predictions at this point.

09-12-2016, 11:19 AM
You know I was thinking about this whole pneumonia story, something about it seems odd. This campaign is all about optics, and they know there are some question about the state of her health, don't you think if she really had pneumonia they would have announced it ahead of time and said to her detractors, see how durable she is, she has pneumonia and is still going to the memorial.

I am just not buying the whole pneumonia thing, I do not know if she is really sick, or just getting older, but either way, anyone who says this discussion is not fair game is clearly in the tank for her. In fact, I would consider it way more relevant than tax returns.

09-12-2016, 11:22 AM


At least you were curious what I was saying past the groupthink.

09-12-2016, 11:33 AM
You know I was thinking about this whole pneumonia story, something about it seems odd. This campaign is all about optics, and they know there are some question about the state of her health, don't you think if she really had pneumonia they would have announced it ahead of time and said to her detractors, see how durable she is, she has pneumonia and is still going to the memorial.

I am just not buying the whole pneumonia thing, I do not know if she is really sick, or just getting older, but either way, anyone who says this discussion is not fair game is clearly in the tank for her. In fact, I would consider it way more relevant than tax returns.

Why was she photographed soon after posing with her hands on a child if she has a potentially contagious illness? No one is asking this. And why was it an "overheating episode" we were initially told by her campaign?

And wtf fell out of her pants leg?


Anyone buying into the pneumonia/heat thing is a fucking idiot.

09-12-2016, 11:46 AM
As I look at that video again, something is very wrong with the story. She is not being stabilized by the person next to her, she is being held up and leaning against the security pylon and as soon as they try to move her she begins to collapse and is caught and literally dragged into the van. Literally minutes before that she was glad handing and greeting people and completely out of the blue she faints? That type of medical event is not characteristic of pneumonia, whatever it was, the onset was sudden and rapid.

09-12-2016, 11:48 AM

09-12-2016, 11:55 AM


09-12-2016, 12:04 PM
She can't?

Is a president expected to walk into a World Summit with a bullet lodged in their leg?

Teddy Roosevelt set the bar pretty high here by getting shot while giving a speech, finishing the speech, and making the guy who shot him watch the rest of the speech before arresting him.

09-12-2016, 12:41 PM
As I look at that video again, something is very wrong with the story. She is not being stabilized by the person next to her, she is being held up and leaning against the security pylon and as soon as they try to move her she begins to collapse and is caught and literally dragged into the van. Literally minutes before that she was glad handing and greeting people and completely out of the blue she faints? That type of medical event is not characteristic of pneumonia, whatever it was, the onset was sudden and rapid.

It's called fainting due to dehydration. The pneumonia just made it more likely to occur.

09-12-2016, 12:52 PM
She has the aids.

09-12-2016, 12:52 PM
It's called fainting due to dehydration. The pneumonia just made it more likely to occur.

Sure, if dehydration would have such rapid onset, but it does not, she did not appear to manifest any symptoms during the memorial event so either she is doing everything she can to conceal her short term illness, which seems implausible given, everyone gets sick, or there is a more systemic long term issue going on she does not want anyone to know about. Having worked as an EMT and having worked in the ER of hospitals, I can tell you, anyone that collapsed in public, would receive medical attention right away at a health care facility, not be taken to someones apartment. That is unless the underlying cause is already known, such as some sort of seizure history that they are already under treatment for.

I have no idea what her health condition is, I just find the story very implausible, and for a campaign that is so worried about appearances, they are failing miserably.

09-12-2016, 01:25 PM
I heard she sharted and had to leave.

09-12-2016, 01:26 PM
I heard she sharted and had to leave.

Best and most likely reason.

09-12-2016, 01:27 PM
It's called fainting due to dehydration. The pneumonia just made it more likely to occur.

If she has pneumonia then why would they blame it on just the heat at first?

If she has pneumonia, why would she be out interacting with the public while being potentially contagious?

And wtf fell out of her pants?

I have no idea what her health condition is, I just find the story very implausible, and for a campaign that is so worried about appearances, they are failing miserably.

It's a good thing for them that they have people like Kembal and time4fun that will never question anything they say or do and lets MSNBC do the thinking for them.

09-12-2016, 01:39 PM
As I look at that video again, something is very wrong with the story. She is not being stabilized by the person next to her, she is being held up and leaning against the security pylon and as soon as they try to move her she begins to collapse and is caught and literally dragged into the van. Literally minutes before that she was glad handing and greeting people and completely out of the blue she faints? That type of medical event is not characteristic of pneumonia, whatever it was, the onset was sudden and rapid.

1. The lady who was by her side propping her up wasn't an aid, it's her doctor Lisa Bardack. (http://www.caremountmedical.com/directory/people/show/lisa-bardack/)
2. Notice the blue lens sunglasses Hillary is wearing.
3. She was combative and disoriented before fainting, that's why she was unexpectedly led away.
4. She may very well have a form of pneumonia, brought on by all the coughing, brought on by her difficulty in swallowing saliva, brought on by Parkinsons.
5. She will drop out of the race soon.

09-12-2016, 01:49 PM
1. The lady who was by her side propping her up wasn't an aid, it's her doctor Lisa Bardock.
2. Notice the blue lens sunglasses Hillary is wearing.
3. She was combative and disoriented before fainting, that's why she was unexpectedly led away.
4. She may very well have a form of pneumonia, brought on by all the coughing, brought on by her difficulty in swallowing saliva, brought on by Parkinsons.
5. She will drop out of the race soon.

Lol really? No way.

09-12-2016, 01:59 PM
Lol really? No way.


09-12-2016, 02:41 PM
If she has pneumonia then why would they blame it on just the heat at first?

Seems obvious to me: Staff wasn't authorized to give out the information at the beginning.

If she has pneumonia, why would she be out interacting with the public while being potentially contagious?


Takes prolonged close contact to get infected.

And wtf fell out of her pants?

Haven't watched the video, so can't answer that one.

It's a good thing for them that they have people like Kembal and time4fun that will never question anything they say or do and lets MSNBC do the thinking for them.

So what happens when they release medical records later this week, and it shows nothing beyond what we already know? Do you accept that those medical records are a good enough disclosure, or do you go on to claim that they're still hiding something? If the latter, why?

09-12-2016, 02:44 PM
Seems obvious to me: Staff wasn't authorized to give out the information at the beginning.

It's obvious only if you lack imagination.


After Clinton went into her daughter's apartment, she came out a while later looking rested, relaxed and energetic.


09-12-2016, 02:53 PM
Seems obvious to me: Staff wasn't authorized to give out the information at the beginning.

Still not buying it.


Takes prolonged close contact to get infected.

Right, that totally makes it ok then right?

The "prolonged contact" thing, according to your own link, isn't confirmed to be the case either. I like how you "forgot" to include that part while you were pushing Hillary's broom.

Cases of walking pneumonia are most common in the late summer and fall. But infections can occur with no particular pattern throughout the year. And, even though the disease is contagious, it spreads slowly. The contagious period in most cases lasts less than 10 days. Researchers also think it takes prolonged close contact with an infected person for someone else to develop walking pneumonia; still, there are widespread outbreaks every four to eight years. When those outbreaks occur, walking pneumonia can account for as many as one out of every two cases of pneumonia.

So it's not confirmed that it takes prolonged contact, the contagious period usually last under 10 days, and Hillary was supposedly diagnosed Friday.

Right, I'm sure that going out in public all up close and personal with people is the responsible thing to do, and shows that as a president she would always have the peoples' best interests in mind as opposed to her own. Right? No.

Haven't watched the video, so can't answer that one.

Here you go, even though it was just posted a page or two back:


So what happens when they release medical records later this week, and it shows nothing beyond what we already know? Do you accept that those medical records are a good enough disclosure, or do you go on to claim that they're still hiding something? If the latter, why?

Anything the Clinton camp puts out would be tough to believe, regardless of whether her medical records (which she probably won't release anyway) say she's as healthy as a 20 year old, or if she has stage 4 cunt cancer.

That's usually what happens when you lie about pretty much everything all the time, except for in the case of those who are extremely gullible.

09-12-2016, 03:14 PM
lol @ ClydeR

Would they actually stoop so low as to use a body double? Yes, yes they would. I thought something looked off when they showed her walking out of Chelsea's apartment yesterday, without her SS detail surrounding her.. Now a close examination of before and after pictures makes it pretty apparent that wasn't Hillary. Different ear/nose structure, different sized fingers. Pathetic!

09-12-2016, 03:14 PM
In before WB and time4fun say Shuster is a discredited ring wing nutjob.

Ummm, as a conservative, he IS a right wing nutjob lately. He's a complete mess when it comes to Hillary and some of the crap he's claimed recently.

09-12-2016, 03:19 PM
I suppose I should just be grateful that a bunch of conservative men finally took an interest in a woman's health.

09-12-2016, 03:23 PM
Nothing of substance to add (as usual) so whip out the sexism card!

09-12-2016, 03:26 PM
I suppose I should just be grateful that a bunch of conservative men finally took an interest in a woman's health.

Hillary isn't actually a human being, so this isn't the case either, despite the fact that she's still a stupid cunt.

09-12-2016, 03:30 PM
Breaking news - Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed as being an old-ass woman on a hot day in NYC in the midst of a hell of a stressful year no matter how you slice it. She's 68 years old. It was 92 degrees in NYC yesterday at 12 PM (based on the thermometer at the Jets game).

Does she have health issues? Of course she does. She's 68 years old.

09-12-2016, 03:31 PM
Plenty of people that age have 0 health issues.

09-12-2016, 03:34 PM
Still not buying it.



09-12-2016, 03:37 PM
No SS detail around her plus allowing a random kid to run right up to her. Yeah, nothing fishy there.

09-12-2016, 03:40 PM

Then she came back later and was like "I was just joking guys, I was in LA all day. We we live on Lip Sync Battle!" which supposedly is filmed in New York. And doesn't air until October 12.

The Twitter chaos is hilarious either way.

09-12-2016, 03:47 PM
Nothing of substance to add (as usual) so whip out the sexism card!

It's hilarious that you think this thread has anything to do with substance.

09-12-2016, 04:05 PM
It's hilarious that you think this thread has anything to do with substance.

If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

09-12-2016, 04:06 PM
If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

For posterity.

09-12-2016, 04:08 PM
If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

Double posterity.

09-12-2016, 04:22 PM
Warriorbird can feel free to hop on this bet as well.

09-12-2016, 04:25 PM
Breaking news - Hillary Clinton has been diagnosed as being an old-ass woman on a hot day in NYC in the midst of a hell of a stressful year no matter how you slice it. She's 68 years old. It was 92 degrees in NYC yesterday at 12 PM (based on the thermometer at the Jets game).

Does she have health issues? Of course she does. She's 68 years old.

If simply being old and outside for an hour is enough to cause an old person to faint then old people all over the country would be dropping dead left and right.

09-12-2016, 04:26 PM
If simply being old and outside for an hour is enough to cause an old person to faint then old people all over the country would be dropping dead left and right.

She has never had a hard working job in her life. She is used to AC and cushion. I imagine it was very hard for her compared to most others. She is so brave!!!!

09-12-2016, 04:26 PM
If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

I doubt she'll drop out. I bet she even has it in her living will/will at this point that if she's in a coma or dead she still wants her name on the ballot.

I can see possibly her being forced out somehow, but I doubt Hillary is going to willingly drop out.

09-12-2016, 04:27 PM
She has never had a hard working job in her life. She is used to AC and cushion. I imagine it was very hard for her compared to most others.


09-12-2016, 04:28 PM
Drops out/Forced out, what difference does it make??

09-12-2016, 04:28 PM

inb4 NEITHER DID TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

Drops out/Forced out, what difference does it make??

One is willingly, one isn't.

09-12-2016, 04:39 PM
LOL, I live in Houston, so I agree with you on the humidity. But NYC can be pretty brutal at that level of humidity as well, due to all the concrete....I was just there in June. It was similar conditions temp-wise (humidity was a bit less, actually), and I was drinking water nonstop.

You are probably right.... that's why hundreds of people were passing out from dehydration and the high temp/humidity there that day.

Wait... they weren't?

Only Hillary?

And she STILL was wearing the coat after being "Overheated"?

09-12-2016, 04:42 PM
I'm still waiting for Assange to release stuff that'll get Clinton arrested. Or did he already release it and nothing happened?

09-12-2016, 04:51 PM
I'm still waiting for Assange to release stuff that'll get Clinton arrested. Or did he already release it and nothing happened?

He's got some stuff coming out next week and then the big release will be in October. Charles Ortel is now working with Assange in regards to the Clinton Foundation materials.

09-12-2016, 04:56 PM
I just saw an article about some Dems whispering around that Clinton may need to be replaced. Could be bogus, but still, it looks like even Clinton can't keep the press under full control.

09-12-2016, 05:12 PM
If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

Either way, the forums are a winner.


09-12-2016, 05:17 PM
Either way, the forums are a winner.


09-12-2016, 06:08 PM
"The most important quality in a president and Commander-in-Chief is steadiness—an absolute, rock solid steadiness." -Hillary Clinton on 9/8/16

Hillary Clinton on 9/11/16

09-12-2016, 06:11 PM
If you think there's no substance to this then how about a wager? If Hillary drops out before the election you have to stop posting on this forum. If she doesn't drop out then I'll stop posting here.

Warriorbird can feel free to hop on this bet as well.

Why hasn't time4fun or Warriorbird taken this bet?

09-12-2016, 06:13 PM
"The most important quality in a president and Commander-in-Chief is steadiness—an absolute, rock solid steadiness." -Hillary Clinton on 9/8/16

Hillary Clinton on 9/11/16

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Parkbandit again.

09-12-2016, 06:37 PM
You are probably right.... that's why hundreds of people were passing out from dehydration and the high temp/humidity there that day.

Wait... they weren't?

Only Hillary?

And she STILL was wearing the coat after being "Overheated"?

Bulletproof vest. Trump's wearing one all the time too. They wear jackets to hide the bulkiness.

09-12-2016, 06:50 PM
Bulletproof vest. Trump's wearing one all the time too. They wear jackets to hide the bulkiness.

They're wearing soft armor, so that isn't a huge deal.

09-12-2016, 06:56 PM
They're wearing soft armor, so that isn't a huge deal.

This. It isn't like she's wearing a vest rig with 20lb ballistic plates in the front and back.

09-12-2016, 07:01 PM
Why hasn't time4fun or Warriorbird taken this bet?

Considering I'm a whining, unhinged, bipolar nutjob that lives in conspiracy land I figured they would have jumped all over this bet. They clearly have no risk and nothing to lose.

09-12-2016, 07:11 PM
My mom's a retired nurse from the VA, one of her friends who does consulting in Washington phoned her last night because my mom is a gung-ho Hillary supporter. She basically told my mom there's a slim chance of Hillary continuing to Election day without a major health issue arising. Couldn't say much else.

09-12-2016, 07:56 PM
(CNN) —Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the White House have dropped 14 points since Friday, according to CNN's Political Prediction Market.

Meanwhile, Trump's odds of winning the presidency jumped from 28% on Friday to 42% on Monday afternoon.

09-12-2016, 10:16 PM
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/08/AR2008020803756.html"In case there was any doubt, using a prostitution metaphor for the daughter of a presidential candidate is not a good career move."

Our brave troops didn't die in some god forsaken swamp so that David Shuster couldn't call Chelsea Clinton a whore. Didn't they not? FASCISTS
You know I was thinking about this whole pneumonia story, something about it seems odd. This campaign is all about optics, and they know there are some question about the state of her health, don't you think if she really had pneumonia they would have announced it ahead of time and said to her detractors, see how durable she is, she has pneumonia and is still going to the memorial. I am just not buying the whole pneumonia thing, I do not know if she is really sick, or just getting older, but either way, anyone who says this discussion is not fair game is clearly in the tank for her. In fact, I would consider it way more relevant than tax returns.Who has said this discussion isn't fair game? People can disagree with your medical diagnosis without saying the discussion shouldn't happen at all.
I suppose I should just be grateful that a bunch of conservative men finally took an interest in a woman's health.I laughed.
If simply being old and outside for an hour is enough to cause an old person to faint then old people all over the country would be dropping dead left and right.Uh... they are (http://www.aplaceformom.com/senior-care-resources/articles/elderly-heat-stroke). (For reference age 65+ makes up 13% of the U.S. population.) Old people are disproportionately vulnerable to increased temperature, I didn't think this would be a serious point of contention.

09-12-2016, 10:24 PM
They're wearing soft armor, so that isn't a huge deal.

I get that for guys in their 20s and 30s that are/were in the military or in law enforcement, it's not that big of a deal, but for a 68 year old woman and a 70 year old man who haven't had to wear them before, I suspect the extra weight of even soft armor is not that easy on them. (After Trump started wearing body armor, he was getting visibly tired after long rallies.)

09-12-2016, 10:32 PM

09-12-2016, 10:37 PM
Savage! :lol2:

09-12-2016, 10:47 PM
Hillary lying her ass off to CNN, saying she didn't faint/pass out.


And if she really did have pneumonia what is she doing hanging around her grandkids? When will this lady stop lying out of her ass??

09-12-2016, 10:56 PM
Uh... they are (http://www.aplaceformom.com/senior-care-resources/articles/elderly-heat-stroke).


And then there is this link:


In that time, an average of 658 people died of heat-related causes each year.

And from your link...

In fact, a recent University of Chicago Medical Center study found that 40% of heat-related fatalities in the U.S. were among people over 65.

Which means an average of 263 elderly people die of heat related causes every year.

Now I'm no doctor, but I'm willing to bet these are people that either have other health issues that contributes to their heat related death (which you know, is the whole point we're making about Hillary), or these are people living in non air conditioned homes exposed to 90+ degree temperatures for days on end, or these are people outside in extreme heat for hours.

We are talking about someone outside for 1 hour and the only theory being "Well they're old...."

So as I said, if just being exposed to 80 degree weather for 1 hour would cause an otherwise healthy old person to pass out then old people all over the country would be dying in the streets every day, yet the best you could do was provide a link that said about 260 old people die every year due to heat.

09-12-2016, 11:11 PM
I get that for guys in their 20s and 30s that are/were in the military or in law enforcement, it's not that big of a deal, but for a 68 year old woman and a 70 year old man who haven't had to wear them before, I suspect the extra weight of even soft armor is not that easy on them. (After Trump started wearing body armor, he was getting visibly tired after long rallies.)

Soft armor, especially the quality she can afford, weighs almost nothing at all. Almost like an undershirt.

09-12-2016, 11:17 PM
Soft armor, especially the quality she can afford, weighs almost nothing at all. Almost like an undershirt.

How much does IIIA weigh? I don't know that six or seven pounds would be an issue to Obama or Bush but it'd likely have more impact on Trump/Clinton.

09-12-2016, 11:23 PM
How much does IIIA weigh? I don't know that six or seven pounds would be an issue to Obama or Bush but it'd likely have more impact on Trump/Clinton.

Depends on the size, she isn't a big person and hers would be tailored. Probably down to 5 pounds, likely less. And breathable and wicking and all that shit. Probably more comfortable than a pant suit.

09-12-2016, 11:34 PM
Depends on the size, she isn't a big person and hers would be tailored. Probably down to 5 pounds, likely less. And breathable and wicking and all that shit. Probably more comfortable than a pant suit.

Could her weight shift have been taking it off? Or do you think that wouldn't have been allowed?

09-12-2016, 11:36 PM
Could her weight shift have been taking it off? Or do you think that wouldn't have been allowed?

No. The crap she'd be wearing would be under her shirt. It'd basically require her to strip in public. No point, just get in the vehicle and do it.

09-12-2016, 11:40 PM
No. The crap she'd be wearing would be under her shirt. It'd basically require her to strip in public. No point, just get in the vehicle and do it.

I was curious. Figured folks around here'd know. Thanks.

09-12-2016, 11:42 PM
I was curious. Figured folks around here'd know. Thanks.

Are you going to take my bet or are you going to pussy out?

09-13-2016, 05:08 AM

09-13-2016, 05:18 AM

09-13-2016, 05:34 AM
I get that for guys in their 20s and 30s that are/were in the military or in law enforcement, it's not that big of a deal, but for a 68 year old woman and a 70 year old man who haven't had to wear them before, I suspect the extra weight of even soft armor is not that easy on them. (After Trump started wearing body armor, he was getting visibly tired after long rallies.)

Wait... you are saying Hillary Clinton, who has been Surrounded by secret service for almost 24 YEARS has never worn a vest BEFORE now?

Seriously... WTF is wrong with you?

09-13-2016, 05:36 AM
Hillary lying her ass off to CNN, saying she didn't faint/pass out.


And if she really did have pneumonia what is she doing hanging around her grandkids? When will this lady stop lying out of her ass??

Here is the real question....

Do we want someone as President who can't remember to stay Hydrated? Does she plan to rush out of every major function she has to go to as President due to dehydration? How fucking stupid is she and her team that... OMG... I need a water! Didn't cross their minds?

09-13-2016, 12:20 PM
Wait... you are saying Hillary Clinton, who has been Surrounded by secret service for almost 24 YEARS has never worn a vest BEFORE now?

Seriously... WTF is wrong with you?

By law, former first ladies don't get specific Secret Service protection, only former presidents do. If you can find a cite reporting that Clinton has been wearing body armor outdoors on a daily basis while she wasn't a presidential candidate, I'll be happy to retract my statement.

EDIT: The law apparently changed in 2013 to allow for former first ladies to get Secret Service protection.

09-13-2016, 12:29 PM

I'm sure those doctors are just right wing extremists.

09-13-2016, 12:52 PM

I'm sure those doctors are just right wing extremists.

Zahdi Jasser was a Republican appointee to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Milton Wolf is an extreme right winger, and that was documented in his Senate campaign in 2014 - he lost in the Republican primary in Kansas, of all places, and he ran to the right of the incumbent. Neither's opinion can be considered neutral. Also, she's already on a blood thinner to prevent clots, which makes Wolf's diagnosis just a bit suspect.

Note: I like Jasser. He's been supportive of pushing USCIRF to acknowledge that governments in many Muslim majority countries persecute Hindu minorities in those countries, something that they've been historically blind to. Nonetheless, his opinion on this can't be considered neutral.

09-13-2016, 01:33 PM
Zahdi Jasser was a Republican appointee to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Milton Wolf is an extreme right winger, and that was documented in his Senate campaign in 2014 - he lost in the Republican primary in Kansas, of all places, and he ran to the right of the incumbent. Neither's opinion can be considered neutral. Also, she's already on a blood thinner to prevent clots, which makes Wolf's diagnosis just a bit suspect.

Note: I like Jasser. He's been supportive of pushing USCIRF to acknowledge that governments in many Muslim majority countries persecute Hindu minorities in those countries, something that they've been historically blind to. Nonetheless, his opinion on this can't be considered neutral.

I bet you think Hillary's doctor's "opinions" are neutral though don't you?

I mean we wouldn't want Hillary's doctor to shoot herself in the back of the head two times while lifting weights or anything now would we?

09-13-2016, 01:39 PM
Nevermind guys, Trump and Putin poisoned her. (http://www.youngcons.com/mainstream-media-running-with-story-that-trump-and-putin-poisoned-hillary-as-implied-by-famous-doctor/)

09-13-2016, 02:28 PM
This whole thing has seriously jumped the shark. It's embarrassing from both parties.

09-13-2016, 03:14 PM
I bet you think Hillary's doctor's "opinions" are neutral though don't you?

I mean we wouldn't want Hillary's doctor to shoot herself in the back of the head two times while lifting weights or anything now would we?

Until the day we require presidential nominees to subject themselves to a medical physical conducted by a government doctor who is not a political appointee, I'm going to say that her doctor that examined her in person is going to be more trusted than a couple of known partisan doctors who made a diagnosis based on a bunch of video clips.

09-13-2016, 03:21 PM
So Republican's talking negative about Hillary can't be trusted because they're opinion isn't neutral? What about the huge number of Democrats that are livid over Hillary's bullshit? Are their opinions not neutral either?

The way you burrow your head up Hillary's ass.. does that mean your opinions on the subject aren't neutral either? Are you a left wing nut job?

09-13-2016, 03:41 PM
Trump's foundation just got caught bribing an Attorney General to drop an investigation against Trump University (and then Trump did a fundraiser for her right afterwards), and you all are pissed off that Clinton had the nerve to get sick.

This is why no one takes you seriously.

09-13-2016, 03:42 PM
Trump's foundation just got caught bribing an Attorney General to drop an investigation against Trump University (and then Trump did a fundraiser for her right afterwards), and you all are pissed off that Clinton had the nerve to get sick.

This is why no one takes you seriously.

Yeah, no one believes your crappy biased democrat sources.

09-13-2016, 03:54 PM
Yeah, no one believes your crappy biased democrat sources.

Pay no attention to the leftwing nutjob.

09-13-2016, 03:57 PM
This is why no one takes you seriously.

If that's the case then why won't you accept my bet? Either put up or shut up.

09-13-2016, 03:57 PM
By law, former first ladies don't get specific Secret Service protection, only former presidents do. If you can find a cite reporting that Clinton has been wearing body armor outdoors on a daily basis while she wasn't a presidential candidate, I'll be happy to retract my statement.

EDIT: The law apparently changed in 2013 to allow for former first ladies to get Secret Service protection.

Yeah... like I said.. WTF is wrong with you?

You really think Hillary didn't wear body armor for the past oh.. 10 years? Besides.. you know damn well she wore it when she ran in 2008, and likely as SoS. And if the addition of Body armor makes her faint.. why didn't she faint at EVERY SINGLE OTHER event this summer that was MUCH hotter? Oh right... pneumonia. LOL.

Not to mention..

Show me the law that says former first ladies DON'T get secret service protection.

On TOP of that.. BILL CLINTON was the douche that signed the change making it only 10 years rather then lifetime (Didn't apply to HIM of course) Obama changed it back.

09-13-2016, 04:01 PM
Zahdi Jasser was a Republican appointee to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. Milton Wolf is an extreme right winger, and that was documented in his Senate campaign in 2014 - he lost in the Republican primary in Kansas, of all places, and he ran to the right of the incumbent. Neither's opinion can be considered neutral. Also, she's already on a blood thinner to prevent clots, which makes Wolf's diagnosis just a bit suspect.

Note: I like Jasser. He's been supportive of pushing USCIRF to acknowledge that governments in many Muslim majority countries persecute Hindu minorities in those countries, something that they've been historically blind to. Nonetheless, his opinion on this can't be considered neutral.

Clinton Is a Left Wing Radical. This is Documented. Her opinion, and the statements of her campaign can't be considered neutral and should be discarded. Any Dr Paid for by her also would be biased.

09-13-2016, 04:06 PM
Yeah, no one believes your crappy biased democrat sources.

You mean...the IRS? Which fined the Trump foundation for giving a campaign donation to a PAC dedicated to the same Attorney General who, about 3 days later, dropped the Trump U investigation?

Yes, very hippy left-leaning IRS. Always making up stories about its own sanctions against tax code violations.

And then there's hippy dippy FEC, noting donations made by Ivanka and Donnie Boy to the Florida GOP the next year for $125k (guess where Bondi has gotten most of her campaign funding from?).

Plus, the fund raiser he held for Bondi shortly after she decided to drop the investigation. I'll post an image of the invitation for it. I know, the person who ran the event was probably left-leaning too. Except it was Trump. On the plus side, Trump didn't write a check. He just hosted it and charged next to nothing for use of his estate.


But please, seriously. Tell me more about how Clinton dared to get ill. I mean- the nerve!

09-13-2016, 04:11 PM
You mean...the IRS? Which fined the Trump foundation for giving a campaign donation to a PAC dedicated to the same Attorney General who, about 3 days later, dropped the Trump U investigation?

Yes, very hippy left-leaning IRS. Always making up stories about its own sanctions against tax code violations.

And then there's hippy dippy FEC, noting donations made by Ivanka and Donnie Boy to the Florida GOP the next year for $125k (guess where Bondi has gotten most of her campaign funding from?).

Plus, the fund raiser he held for Bondi shortly after she decided to drop the investigation. I'll post an image of the invitation for it. I know, the person who ran the event was probably left-leaning too. Except it was Trump. On the plus side, Trump didn't write a check. He just hosted it and charged next to nothing for use of his estate.


But please, seriously. Tell me more about how Clinton dared to get ill. I mean- the nerve!



09-13-2016, 04:12 PM
You mean...the IRS? Which fined the Trump foundation for giving a campaign donation to a PAC dedicated to the same Attorney General who, about 3 days later, dropped the Trump U investigation?

Yes, very hippy left-leaning IRS. Always making up stories about its own sanctions against tax code violations.

And then there's hippy dippy FEC, noting donations made by Ivanka and Donnie Boy to the Florida GOP the next year for $125k (guess where Bondi has gotten most of her campaign funding from?).

Plus, the fund raiser he held for Bondi shortly after she decided to drop the investigation. I'll post an image of the invitation for it. I know, the person who ran the event was probably left-leaning too. Except it was Trump. On the plus side, Trump didn't write a check. He just hosted it and charged next to nothing for use of his estate.


But please, seriously. Tell me more about how Clinton dared to get ill. I mean- the nerve!

Yeah, you're full of shit. The IRS never said that. All garbage.

(If you look closely, you'll realise I'm saying almost exactly what you said about other stuff.)

09-13-2016, 04:15 PM
EDIT: The law apparently changed in 2013 to allow for former first ladies to get Secret Service protection.

Former first ladies have always received Secret Services protection, well as long as former presidents have been receiving secret service protection that is.

Sometime during Clinton's presidency Congress passed a law stating this secret service protection for former presidents and spouses would only last 10 years after they left office (the law of course exempted Clinton.) Bush would have been the first president to lose secret service protection but Obama signed a law that reversed the previous law and granted former presidents and their spouses secret service protection for life.

So yes, Hillary Clinton has had secret service protection since the day Bill Clinton was sworn into office.

09-13-2016, 04:20 PM
You mean...the IRS? Which fined the Trump foundation for giving a campaign donation to a PAC dedicated to the same Attorney General who, about 3 days later, dropped the Trump U investigation?

Yes, very hippy left-leaning IRS. Always making up stories about its own sanctions against tax code violations.

And then there's hippy dippy FEC, noting donations made by Ivanka and Donnie Boy to the Florida GOP the next year for $125k (guess where Bondi has gotten most of her campaign funding from?).

Plus, the fund raiser he held for Bondi shortly after she decided to drop the investigation. I'll post an image of the invitation for it. I know, the person who ran the event was probably left-leaning too. Except it was Trump. On the plus side, Trump didn't write a check. He just hosted it and charged next to nothing for use of his estate.


Why are you such a raging sexist and racist? I bet you would never say this shit about a black woman.

But please, seriously. Tell me more about how Clinton dared to get ill. I mean- the nerve!

Keep carrying that water. CARRY IT!!!!

09-13-2016, 04:28 PM
Yeah, you're full of shit. The IRS never said that. All garbage.

(If you look closely, you'll realise I'm saying almost exactly what you said about other stuff.)

Wait- are you kidding me?

The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/09/01/trump-pays-irs-a-penalty-for-his-foundation-violating-rules-with-gift-to-florida-attorney-general/) "rediscovered" this a week or two ago. The Trump Foundation even tried to cover it up on their filings by pretending they had given to a Kansas charity with a similar name (spoiler alert- they hadn't).

If you people had found the Clinton Foundation giving donations to one of the people on the House Oversight Committee while they were actively investigating HRC, you would never have shut up about it.

And now, Trump did exactly that. And you have nothing to say. Gee.

09-13-2016, 04:33 PM
Wait- are you kidding me?

The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/09/01/trump-pays-irs-a-penalty-for-his-foundation-violating-rules-with-gift-to-florida-attorney-general/) "rediscovered" this a week or two ago. The Trump Foundation even tried to cover it up on their filings by pretending they had given to a Kansas charity with a similar name (spoiler alert- they hadn't).

If you people had found the Clinton Foundation giving donations to one of the people on the House Oversight Committee while they were actively investigating HRC, you would never have shut up about it.

And now, Trump did exactly that. And you have nothing to say. Gee.

Tell the truth, who do you report to directly for your marching orders?

Seriously, who pays you? Are you a volunteer? Where on a command line structure would you fall?

Because this is classic bullshit distraction.

Major story breaks about Clinton being in worse health than even her most hated foes thought and where is time4fun? Why she's right there! Slinging away any and all stories the Clinton campaign comes out with to try and pretend Hillary isn't really in bad health. When people see right through those flimsy bullshit lies you fall back on the old tried and true Democrat tactic of distraction!

No! Don't look at Hillary's poor health! Look at Trump! Surely Trump did or said something...years ago maybe? Surely? That's worse!

09-13-2016, 04:36 PM
Tell the truth, who do you report to directly for your marching orders?

Seriously, who pays you? Are you a volunteer? Where on a command line structure would you fall?

Because this is classic bullshit distraction.

Major story breaks about Clinton being in worse health then even her most hated foes thought and where is time4fun? Why she's right there! Slinging away any and all stories the Clinton campaign comes out with to try and pretend Hillary isn't really in bad health. When people see right through those flimsy bullshit lies you fall back on the old tried and true Democrat tactic of distraction!

No! Don't look at Hillary's poor health! Look at Trump! Surely Trump did or said something...years ago maybe? Surely? That's worse!

Tell the truth- which side of your family is the inbreeding from? Mother's side? Father's side?

Or is it just one big side?

09-13-2016, 04:43 PM
You mean...the IRS? Which fined the Trump foundation for giving a campaign donation to a PAC dedicated to the same Attorney General who, about 3 days later, dropped the Trump U investigation?

Yes, very hippy left-leaning IRS. Always making up stories about its own sanctions against tax code violations.

And then there's hippy dippy FEC, noting donations made by Ivanka and Donnie Boy to the Florida GOP the next year for $125k (guess where Bondi has gotten most of her campaign funding from?).

Plus, the fund raiser he held for Bondi shortly after she decided to drop the investigation. I'll post an image of the invitation for it. I know, the person who ran the event was probably left-leaning too. Except it was Trump. On the plus side, Trump didn't write a check. He just hosted it and charged next to nothing for use of his estate.


But please, seriously. Tell me more about how Clinton dared to get ill. I mean- the nerve!

This is the same IRS that tried to fuck over all the Republican groups last election?

So.. yes.. Left leaning IRS in a Left leaning Administration.

09-13-2016, 04:43 PM
Tell the truth- which side of your family is the inbreeding from? Mother's side? Father's side?

Or is it just one big side?

Oh the inbreeding jokes start!

Right! Because obviously Trump's supporters are all hillbilly southern rednecks, right?

Tell us again about your 4 college degrees, how you make more than any 10 people on this forum combined, and how you used to teach critical thinking or whatever that bullshit was that you made up.

09-13-2016, 04:46 PM
This is the same IRS that tried to fuck over all the Republican groups last election?

So.. yes.. Left leaning IRS in a Left leaning Administration.

So the IRS falsified the tax returns of the Trump Foundation, the Bodi Super PAC, and both the Utah and Kansas groups that the Foundation later tried to say were the actual recipients?

FYI, a third party watch dog group had to sue the IRS to get them to release records and take action. Oh, and the Trump foundation admits to the illegal PAC donation to someone who was actively investigating Trump at the time. So I guess there was some bribery or blackmail going on to get them to do the IRS's evil bidding.

So you've got a lot of uphill climbing to do to make what you just said matter in the slightest.

But to the point- this is what is so sad about you people. You spent YEARS looking for this kind of smoking gun on Clinton and found nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Then you find out Trump did the exact thing you were pretending Clinton had done, and this is your reaction.

You were never interested in uncovering political corruption. There was never any duty to the public interest. You just wanted to take a specific candidate down. The fact that her rival is actually corrupt means nothing to you.

So instead of talking about the fact that he's going to be testifying in a trial accusing him of sexual assault soon, or that he's on trial for fraud and racketeering, or the fact that he engaged in behavior that looks VERY much like bribery that seems to actually have resulted in behavior changes to his liking (and that he's bragged about doing this kind of thing in the primaries), you're instead talking about the fact that Clinton powered through serious illness on 9/11.

And of course that's an example of how unfit she is to be President. And not, say, an example of how deeply personal 9/11 is to her since she was a NY Senator when it happened. Or how seriously she takes her job.

You people are all jokes.

09-13-2016, 04:47 PM
Wait- are you kidding me?

The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/09/01/trump-pays-irs-a-penalty-for-his-foundation-violating-rules-with-gift-to-florida-attorney-general/) "rediscovered" this a week or two ago. The Trump Foundation even tried to cover it up on their filings by pretending they had given to a Kansas charity with a similar name (spoiler alert- they hadn't).

If you people had found the Clinton Foundation giving donations to one of the people on the House Oversight Committee while they were actively investigating HRC, you would never have shut up about it.

And now, Trump did exactly that. And you have nothing to say. Gee.

So let me get this straight... The Clinton Foundation SOLD access to Hillary as the SoS... but Hillary did nothing wrong.

Trump's Foundation supposedly bought off an AG, and Trump is an evil person and should go to jail?

Lets see... Clinton foundation... Hillary had nothing to do with it...

Trump Foundation... made every single decision himself...

Yes.. your logic is absolute!!


09-13-2016, 04:48 PM
Wait- are you kidding me?

The Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/09/01/trump-pays-irs-a-penalty-for-his-foundation-violating-rules-with-gift-to-florida-attorney-general/) "rediscovered" this a week or two ago. The Trump Foundation even tried to cover it up on their filings by pretending they had given to a Kansas charity with a similar name (spoiler alert- they hadn't).

If you people had found the Clinton Foundation giving donations to one of the people on the House Oversight Committee while they were actively investigating HRC, you would never have shut up about it.

And now, Trump did exactly that. And you have nothing to say. Gee.

Yeah, Washington Post also has writers trying to say Trump and Putin poisoned Hillary. They are such a great font of knowledge.

09-13-2016, 04:52 PM
Yeah, Washington Post also has writers trying to say Trump and Putin poisoned Hillary. They are such a great font of knowledge.

IRS has confirmed the fine. Trump Foundation has confirmed the donation.

What the hell are you even doing right now? Why are you trying to rewrite what actually happened instead of just dealing with the facts at hand?

09-13-2016, 04:54 PM
IRS has confirmed the fine. Trump Foundation has confirmed the donation.

What the hell are you even doing right now? Why are you trying to rewrite what actually happened instead of just dealing with the facts at hand?

Nope. You're dumb and everything you say is wrong.

09-13-2016, 05:04 PM
IRS has confirmed the fine. Trump Foundation has confirmed the donation.

The fine was because Trump's foundation gave a political contribution, which it wasn't allowed to do.

The fine wasn't for "bribery."

But don't let "facts" get the way of you "correcting the record!"

I don't blame you really. Whoever is giving your marching orders must be the stupidest person to have ever lived. Either that or they believe we are the stupidest people to have ever lived.

09-13-2016, 05:06 PM
IRS has confirmed the fine. Trump Foundation has confirmed the donation.

What the hell are you even doing right now? Why are you trying to rewrite what actually happened instead of just dealing with the facts at hand?

Like I said...

Trump Foundation did something... It's Trump's fault.

Clinton Foundation does something.... It's the janitor's fault... after being no one's fault for as long as humanly possible.

09-13-2016, 05:18 PM
The fine was because Trump's foundation gave a political contribution, which it wasn't allowed to do.

The fine wasn't for "bribery."

But don't let "facts" get the way of you "correcting the record!"

I don't blame you really. Whoever is giving your marching orders must be the stupidest person to have ever lived. Either that or they believe we are the stupidest people to have ever lived.

A political contribution to someone who was actively investigating Trump at the time and who ended up dropping the investigation right afterwards?

The same person Trump held a fund raiser for after that?

The same person who largely draws from the coffers of the Florida RNC, to which Ivanka and Trump gave about $125k the following year?

See, unlike the fake Clinton Foundation "scandal"- which never yielded any evidence of direct benefit to Clinton. This one screams cover up.

oh, did I mention that the person who handles the checks that come out from the Foundation also handles checks that come out from Trump's own bank account? You know what her defense on this was? She meant to pull the money from his own account, not the foundation's Isn't that fascinating? And yet, still all that work to cover up the donation instead of, say, correcting it.

See- this is actually a pay-to-play situation.

It beggers belief that the woman who writes the checks just "forgot" and pulled the money out of his foundation instead of his own accounts. It would've been immediately on the records if it had come from his account.

It also beggers belief that the money just happened to go to supporting the campaign of someone who was actively investigating Trump at the time.

It likewise beggers belief that she just "happened" to drop the charges a short time later. (within days I believe) Keep in mind that the Trump U investigation in NYC turned up more than enough evidence to go forward to trial, and the judge has refused to drop ANY of the charges because there is more than enough evidence to make them all reasonable.

And it beggers belief even more than Trump would just "magically" decide he needed to host a fund raiser for Bodi a short while after she dropped the charges.

And unlike your fake Clinton scandal BS, there's legitimate evidence here.

09-13-2016, 05:20 PM
And unlike your fake Clinton scandal BS, there's legitimate evidence here.

There it is. It is only a real scandal if it doesn't involve the person she supports.

09-13-2016, 05:23 PM
There it is. It is only a real scandal if it doesn't involve the person she supports.

No. It's a real scandal when there's real evidence and real motive. Both of which were lacking with the Clinton Foundation.

Not only that, Trump BRAGGED about bribing officials to get what he wants. This man in question, on national TV, told everyone that he actively engages in bribery.

So yes, if a man who constantly brags about bribing elected officials to get what he wants ends up donating through his Foundation to someone actively investigating him, and that person drops the investigation days later...YOU SHOULD TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.


09-13-2016, 05:28 PM
No. It's a real scandal when there's real evidence and real motive. Both of which were lacking with the Clinton Foundation.

Not only that, Trump BRAGGED about bribing officials to get what he wants. This man in question, on national TV, told everyone that he actively engages in bribery.

So yes, if a man who constantly brags about bribing elected officials to get what he wants ends up donating through his Foundation to someone actively investigating him, and that person drops the investigation days later...YOU SHOULD TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.


You mean like the evidence and scandal involved with Hillary and her server? Because that was real. There were direct quotes saying she did things you said she didn't.

09-13-2016, 05:36 PM
You mean like the evidence and scandal involved with Hillary and her server? Because that was real. There were direct quotes saying she did things you said she didn't.

You mean the "scandal" that was thoroughly investigated and resulted in no indictment because it was determined she didn't break the law?

The same "scandal" that was marked by selective and tampered leaks of classified information from the House Oversight Committee during the numerous Congressional investigations?

Yeah, there was a scandal there, but it wasn't what you were thinking.


Trump is on trial for fraud and racketeering
Trump's Foundation was actually fined for an illegal campaign donation
Trump is on trial for sexual assault, false imprisonment, etc against a minor as we speak (unless status changed after the Sept 9th meeting)
Trump is on trial for failing to pay his employees and contractors
Trump has been in trial for civil rights abuses in housing ("C for Colored" everyone!)
Trump has been on trial for civil rights abuses in employment ("No darkies on the casino floor!")

But yeah, let's talk about how Clinton WASN'T indicted. That's a huge problem.

Again, if you actually cared about holding powerful people accountable and keeping corruption out of the White House, you'd be going after the candidate who has a legitimately terrifying record.

But you'd rather chase a bunch of conspiracy theories without evidence because ultimately you've figured out that while it's not really socially acceptable to say you support Trump, you can just talk about how much you hate Clinton to get to the same result- even if you have to make things up in order to justify the hate.

Inspiring really.

09-13-2016, 05:41 PM
Sorry Parkbandit, looks like these two chicken shits don't have the balls to back up their beliefs and take my bet.

09-13-2016, 05:41 PM
Hillary Clinton sent classified documents, whether known or unknown, over an unclassified source and endangered the lives of Americans at home and abroad.

And you come at me with white collar crimes for Trump. Okay.

09-13-2016, 05:50 PM
Sorry Parkbandit, looks like these two chicken shits don't have the balls to back up their beliefs and take my bet.

I wouldn't get into bets with me PK. You have a really bad track record going up against me when it comes to political predictions.

Not that I take it personally. You have a really bad track record going up against everyone.

09-13-2016, 05:51 PM
I wouldn't get into bets with me PK. You have a really bad track record going up against me when it comes to political predictions.

Not that I take it personally. You have a really bad track record going up against everyone.

So take the bet. He'll go away forever when Hillary does make it to the election.

09-13-2016, 05:52 PM
A political contribution to someone who was actively investigating Trump at the time and who ended up dropping the investigation right afterwards?

You implied the fine was for a bribe, it wasn't.

As far as you speculating into what really happened, you aren't allowed to do that, remember? We are only allowed to go by whether or not the FBI chose to indict anyone for bribery charges.

So, where is the link showing the FBI charged someone for bribery in regards to this situation?

Until then all we have is a charity giving money to a political campaign. OH NO! The horror of horrors! This is surely worse than the Democrat's nominee being unfit to be president; physically, mentally, and emotionally.

09-13-2016, 05:53 PM
I wouldn't get into bets with me PK. You have a really bad track record going up against me when it comes to political predictions.

Not that I take it personally. You have a really bad track record going up against everyone.

So like I said, put up or shut up.

09-13-2016, 05:53 PM
Holy fuck I'm seriously starting to think time4fun has surpassed Backlash on the tard scale. And the hypocrite scale. And the I-let-MSNBC-do-the-thinking-for-me scale.

And probably a few others.

In other news:

09-13-2016, 05:54 PM
Hillary Clinton sent classified documents, whether known or unknown, over an unclassified source and endangered the lives of Americans at home and abroad.

And you come at me with white collar crimes for Trump. Okay.


Did you seriously just refer to sexual assault, false imprisonment, bribery, fraud, racketeering, and civil rights abuses in both employment and housing as "white collar crimes"?

Newsflash- the email server wasn't illegal, and on one got hurt.

With Trump...lots of people have gotten hurt.

That's the actual standard you should be using here. And the fact that you can't see that is soul shriveling.

09-13-2016, 05:55 PM

Did you seriously just refer to sexual assault, false imprisonment, bribery, fraud, racketeering, and civil rights abuses in both employment and housing as "white collar crimes"?

Newsflash- the email server wasn't illegal, and on one got hurt.

With Trump...lots of people have gotten hurt.

That's the actual standard you should be using here. And the fact that you can't see that is soul shriveling.

I used to drive home drunk a lot in my early 20s.

But since nobody got hurt, that should make it ok by your standards. Right?

09-13-2016, 05:55 PM
So take the bet. He'll go away forever when Hillary does make it to the election.

I don't want him to go away.

I want him to read a legitimate news source.

09-13-2016, 05:56 PM
Did you seriously just refer to sexual assault, false imprisonment, bribery, fraud, racketeering, and civil rights abuses in both employment and housing as "white collar crimes"?

Whoa whoa whoa! Sexual assault? False imprisonment? Fraud? Racketeering? Civil rights abuses? Sources?

09-13-2016, 06:06 PM
Whoa whoa whoa! Sexual assault? False imprisonment? Fraud? Racketeering? Civil rights abuses? Sources?

He isn't on trial for any of that shit. The only thing he is facing is white collar crimes. She is just pulling up BS as usual.

09-13-2016, 06:09 PM
He isn't on trial for any of that shit. The only thing he is facing is white collar crimes. She is just pulling up BS as usual.

Other than fraud I don't think he's "on trial" for any of it. Just sued. The donation stuff hasn't been charged/tried yet.

09-13-2016, 06:37 PM
I don't want him to go away.

I want him to read a legitimate news source.

You seem to think I do this because of partisan politics. I read every single news source I can get my hands on. I reach out to journalists and correspondents from a multitude of sources. This isn't about hating on Hillary because she's a democrat. There are a number of democrats I like and dislike. I had just as much contempt for Romney in 2012 as I do for Hillary. This isn't about hating Hillary because she's a women, there are a number of female leaders that I look up to and admire greatly. Tulsi Gabbard, for example, is an amazing woman and congress member, same with Nina Turner. This has everything to do with Hillary being a warmongering crook. Nothing else.

09-13-2016, 06:39 PM
And I have to say at least I have my convictions and hold on to them. You on the other hand have offered nothing of substance and only insults and when offered to to put your money where you mouth is you back down like the spineless person you and your bf are. A great couple. The greatest.

09-13-2016, 06:43 PM
I hate Hillary because she is white.

09-13-2016, 06:53 PM
And unlike your fake Clinton scandal BS, there's legitimate evidence here.

This is my favorite part of your story.


09-13-2016, 06:58 PM
I want him to read a legitimate news source.

Personally I don't trust any news source individually. Even when BBC (which I consider one of the better news sources out there) reports something, I want confirmation.

However I admit I am curious how you define a legitimate news source.

09-13-2016, 07:33 PM
Other than fraud I don't think he's "on trial" for any of it. Just sued. The donation stuff hasn't been charged/tried yet.

Being sued doesn't mean shit.

09-13-2016, 07:35 PM
and how you used to teach critical thinking

You know what they say... Those that can't do, teach.

09-13-2016, 07:35 PM
However I admit I am curious how you define a legitimate news source.

News sources that she agrees with.

09-13-2016, 07:39 PM
You know what they say... Those that can't do, teach.


09-13-2016, 07:44 PM
And I have to say at least I have my convictions and hold on to them. You on the other hand have offered nothing of substance and only insults and when offered to to put your money where you mouth is you back down like the spineless person you and your bf are. A great couple. The greatest.

Does its bf post here?

09-13-2016, 07:46 PM
Other than fraud I don't think he's "on trial" for any of it. Just sued. The donation stuff hasn't been charged/tried yet.

He's on trial for fraud and racketeering currently (plus failing to pay his employees). And it matters because the Judge refused to drop any of the charges.

The civil rights abuses were already litigated.

The IRS fine already occurred.

The sexual assault charges have cleared a few pre trial hurdles, but there is at least one left, in fairness. (Happened on the 9th)

What's hilarious though, is that the same group here who decided that being investigated meant guilt for Clinton are now saying that merely being on trial means nothing for Trump.

Three cheers for the double standard

09-13-2016, 07:49 PM
Does its bf post here?

yeah, warriorbird


09-13-2016, 07:50 PM
He's on trial for fraud and racketeering currently (plus failing to pay his employees). And it matters because the Judge refused to drop any of the charges.

Oh you're referring to the civil suit?


The civil rights abuses were already litigated.

Trump found guilty and served time in jail?

The IRS fine already occurred.

NOT AN IRS FINE!!!!! Trump is surely the devil!!!

The sexual assault charges have cleared a few pre trial hurdles, but there is at least one left, in fairness. (Happened on the 9th)

So not even at the trial phase yet huh?

What's hilarious though, is that the same group here who decided that being investigated meant guilt for Clinton are now saying that merely being on trial means nothing for Trump.

That's the hilarious part? It's not the part that the same person who felt NOTHING about a case mattered as long as the FBI chose not to indict, and this same person is using a fucking IRS fine as some sort of proof that Trump was guilty of bribery?

This would be funny if it wasn't so fucking sad.

09-13-2016, 07:51 PM
He's on trial for fraud and racketeering currently (plus failing to pay his employees). And it matters because the Judge refused to drop any of the charges.

The civil rights abuses were already litigated.

The IRS fine already occurred.

The sexual assault charges have cleared a few pre trial hurdles, but there is at least one left, in fairness. (Happened on the 9th)

What's hilarious though, is that the same group here who decided that being investigated meant guilt for Clinton are now saying that merely being on trial means nothing for Trump.

Three cheers for the double standard

Nope, I'm just using your exact same line of logic you used to defend clinton.

09-13-2016, 09:06 PM
Does its bf post here?

I don't believe so. Someone sure insured I don't respond to their posts due to their nonsense about it however.

09-13-2016, 09:12 PM
I don't believe so. Someone sure insured I don't respond to their posts due to their nonsense about it however.

http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/And+just+like+that+im+done+with+funnyjunk+for+the+ _1b9befd2dde15f4d4619a0fd76c71502.gif

Still quiet on the bet, I'll take that as a no?

09-13-2016, 09:14 PM
http://static2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/And+just+like+that+im+done+with+funnyjunk+for+the+ _1b9befd2dde15f4d4619a0fd76c71502.gif

Still quiet on the bet, I'll take that as a no?

Fuck it, I'll take the bet.

09-13-2016, 09:26 PM
Fuck it, I'll take the bet.

i admire your courage but it's no fun unless WB or T4F take me up on it.

09-13-2016, 10:52 PM
Soft armor, especially the quality she can afford, weighs almost nothing at all. Almost like an undershirt.Haven't you heard? She was broke when she left the White House.
Okay. And then there is this link: http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/prolonged-exposure-to-heat-cho/26887488 And from your link... Which means an average of 263 elderly people die of heat related causes every year. Now I'm no doctor, but I'm willing to bet these are people that either have other health issues that contributes to their heat related death (which you know, is the whole point we're making about Hillary), or these are people living in non air conditioned homes exposed to 90+ degree temperatures for days on end, or these are people outside in extreme heat for hours. We are talking about someone outside for 1 hour and the only theory being "Well they're old...." So as I said, if just being exposed to 80 degree weather for 1 hour would cause an otherwise healthy old person to pass out then old people all over the country would be dying in the streets every day, yet the best you could do was provide a link that said about 260 old people die every year due to heat.What concerns me is you actually believe you said that.
Clinton Is a Left Wing Radical. This is Documented.I didn't know you worked for Buzzfeed. Congrats on the new gig! :)

09-13-2016, 11:15 PM
What concerns me is you actually believe you said that.

How else would someone take this assertion?

Someone claims a 68 year old woman in good health (for someone being the age of 68) would pass out if they are standing 80 degree weather for 1 hour. Why wouldn't I assume if this were true that old people would be dying in the streets every day?

Passing out is very dangerous. Hillary has the good fortune of 100 people being at her side 24/7. But what about us every day schmucks who aren't so lucky? What if we were caught outside for an hour and pass out and smack our head against the concrete and lay there for a few minutes before anyone even bothers calling for an ambulance?

What scares me is that you seem to think passing out isn't a big deal.

And this is all just 80 degree weather! In some parts of the country it gets a lot hotter than that.

How did we as Americans survive this harsh 80 degree weather before the invention of air conditioning? It seems like Americans are so pampered these days that they actually think walking around in 80 degree weather is some form of torture or something.

Holy shit. America is fucked.

09-13-2016, 11:23 PM
I'm entertained this is the most concerned that Republicans have ever been about a woman's health.

09-13-2016, 11:26 PM
I'm entertained this is the most concerned that Republicans have ever been about a woman's health.

This is only the six hundredth time this joke has been repeated!

09-13-2016, 11:40 PM
This is only the six hundredth time this joke has been repeated!
Sorry, am late to the party :(

09-13-2016, 11:46 PM
Sorry, am late to the party :(

Next time look into the future and make jokes before the event happens.

09-13-2016, 11:46 PM
How else would someone take this assertion?

Someone claims a 68 year old woman in good health (for someone being the age of 68) would pass out if they are standing 80 degree weather for 1 hour. Why wouldn't I assume if this were true that old people would be dying in the streets every day?

Passing out is very dangerous. Hillary has the good fortune of 100 people being at her side 24/7. But what about us every day schmucks who aren't so lucky? What if we were caught outside for an hour and pass out and smack our head against the concrete and lay there for a few minutes before anyone even bothers calling for an ambulance?

What scares me is that you seem to think passing out isn't a big deal.

And this is all just 80 degree weather! In some parts of the country it gets a lot hotter than that.

How did we as Americans survive this harsh 80 degree weather before the invention of air conditioning? It seems like Americans are so pampered these days that they actually think walking around in 80 degree weather is some form of torture or something.

Holy shit. America is fucked.

Why do you think old people avoid retiring in Florida? Can you imagine how many of them would be dying left and right because of the head and humidity?

09-13-2016, 11:57 PM
Why do you think old people avoid retiring in Florida? Can you imagine how many of them would be dying left and right because of the head and humidity?

All that head in Florida huh?

09-14-2016, 12:12 AM
All that head in Florida huh?

Yeah, they don't call it the blowjob capital of the world for nothing!

09-14-2016, 05:35 AM
Personally I don't trust any news source individually. Even when BBC (which I consider one of the better news sources out there) reports something, I want confirmation.

However I admit I am curious how you define a legitimate news source.

A News Agency that Hates Republicans and worships the ground Clinton Walks on.

09-14-2016, 05:38 AM
He's on trial for fraud and racketeering currently (plus failing to pay his employees). And it matters because the Judge refused to drop any of the charges.

The civil rights abuses were already litigated.

The IRS fine already occurred.

The sexual assault charges have cleared a few pre trial hurdles, but there is at least one left, in fairness. (Happened on the 9th)

What's hilarious though, is that the same group here who decided that being investigated meant guilt for Clinton are now saying that merely being on trial means nothing for Trump.

Three cheers for the double standard

Hey... what ever happened with that Illegal Clinton foundation Taxes issue....?

Where is your stance on that, Hmmmm???

Oh wait... I bet that was just a honest mistake and nothing was wrong.

09-14-2016, 05:46 AM
“She’s been well, if it is it’s a mystery to me and all of her doctors, because frequently, not frequently, rarely, but on more than one occasion, over the last many, many years, the same sort of thing has happened to her where she got severely dehydrated,” the former president said of Hillary Clinton, who is seeking the office he once held.

So... frequently, not frequently, rarely, but on more then one occasion..... she has passed out to dehydration.

Ok.. Lets say she is in PERFECT health.

Now not only is this stupid bitch to dumb to use a PC in her office... now she is to stupid to know to drink FUCKING WATER.

And people want this dumb bitch for President?

09-14-2016, 06:16 AM
now she is to stupid to know to drink FUCKING WATER.

She was told by Sidney Blumenthal (via email) in December of 2012 to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Guess she forgot.

09-14-2016, 06:17 AM
She was told by Sidney Blumenthal (via email) in December of 2012 to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Guess she forgot.


09-14-2016, 06:18 AM
BTW I wonder how long it will be before she's able to get back on the campaign trail. When she had her spill in December of 2012 she was out of work on sick leave for 1 month and then according to Bill it took her 6 months just to recover.

09-14-2016, 06:19 AM

Like I'm going to believe your right wing conspiracy videos.

09-14-2016, 06:52 AM
So... frequently, not frequently, rarely, but on more then one occasion..... she has passed out to dehydration.

Ok.. Lets say she is in PERFECT health.

Now not only is this stupid bitch to dumb to use a PC in her office... now she is to stupid to know to drink FUCKING WATER.

And people want this dumb bitch for President?

Too, not to.

09-14-2016, 06:57 AM
Too, not to.

It's ok, Jarvan has been granted a permanent too/to pass from the grammar police.

09-14-2016, 07:02 AM
It's ok, Jarvan has been granted a permanent too/to pass from the grammar police.


09-14-2016, 09:22 AM
So... frequently, not frequently, rarely, but on more then one occasion..... she has passed out to dehydration.

Ok.. Lets say she is in PERFECT health.

Now not only is this stupid bitch to dumb to use a PC in her office... now she is to stupid to know to drink FUCKING WATER.

And people want this dumb bitch for President?

Bet she's smart enough to understand too/to and then/than.

09-14-2016, 10:40 AM
Bet she's smart enough to understand too/to and then/than.


09-14-2016, 10:51 AM
Three cheers for the double standard

I 100% agree.

So tell us: Why aren't you this upset with the Clinton Foundation and her choice to break the law with her email while SOS?

09-14-2016, 10:54 AM
BTW I wonder how long it will be before she's able to get back on the campaign trail. When she had her spill in December of 2012 she was out of work on sick leave for 1 month and then according to Bill it took her 6 months just to recover.

Well we don't want that. The more she is on the trail, the better it is for Trump.

She was never more popular when she wasn't in front of a camera.

09-14-2016, 01:21 PM
I 100% agree.

So tell us: Why aren't you this upset with the Clinton Foundation and her choice to break the law with her email while SOS?

In before "the FBI said no indictment which means she's innocent and you're all right wing extremists!" While conveniently omitting the part where they were like "if someone else did this though they'd be in a lot of trouble"

09-14-2016, 01:59 PM

09-14-2016, 02:44 PM
Bill Clinton is now saying Hillary has the flu.

09-14-2016, 03:04 PM
Bill Clinton is now saying Hillary has the flu.

Did Bill forget the talking point already?

09-14-2016, 03:04 PM
Bill Clinton is now saying Hillary has the flu.

Doesn't the flu typically happen before pneumonia?

09-14-2016, 04:08 PM
Bet she's smart enough to understand too/to and then/than.

Get real, she hasn't had to write her own shit for 25 years. She likely doesn't even know there are 26 letters anymore.

Also.. if internet fucktards can use U for You and R for are, then I will use whatever damn word I want.

09-14-2016, 04:13 PM
Get real, she hasn't had to write her own shit for 25 years. She likely doesn't even know there are 26 letters anymore.

Also.. if internet fucktards can use U for You and R for are, then I will use whatever damn word I want.

It's true. When Kerry was picked to replace Hillary he got an email from him congratulating him, ect. He wrote back gushing, talking about the nice things she said about him and how personal it was. Turns out she didn't write it at all. When she received his email she sent an email to an aid asking her to send her the email Kerry was given.

09-14-2016, 04:14 PM
It's ok, Jarvan has been granted a permanent too/to pass from the grammar police.

You lack the authority. NO PASSES.

09-14-2016, 04:32 PM
https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/17471 - Hillary-your statement today was over the top! Incredibly personal-and it means the world to me. Thank you! Look forward to talking.

09-14-2016, 05:26 PM
Clinton campaign releases new health information http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/14/politics/clinton-campaign-releases-new-health-information/index.html

Bardack sounds an awful lot like Barack.


09-14-2016, 05:43 PM
Clinton campaign releases new health information http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/14/politics/clinton-campaign-releases-new-health-information/index.html

Bardack sounds an awful lot like Barack.



09-14-2016, 05:48 PM
If you've fallen down multiple times to the point of major injuries in a couple of years.. by just becoming unsteady on your own feet.. you aren't healthy.

09-14-2016, 05:50 PM

09-15-2016, 08:23 PM
How else would someone take this assertion? Someone claims a 68 year old woman in good health (for someone being the age of 68) would pass out if they are standing 80 degree weather for 1 hour. Why wouldn't I assume if this were true that old people would be dying in the streets every day?I don't know, why didn't you? You asked a question, I gave you the answer, now you've changed the parameters of the question. You will remember this interchange as me giving you an irrelevant answer. That's concerning too.
How did we as Americans survive this harsh 80 degree weather before the invention of air conditioning?America survived. Not (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1896_Eastern_North_America_heat_wave) all (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1901_eastern_United_States_heat_wave) Americans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_North_American_heat_wave) did (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0013935175900699). A much higher proportion of the population now is elderly.

Like I said before, I'm really shocked this is a contentious claim. At this point I can only assume you're arguing for the sake of arguing, so I'll leave you to it.