View Full Version : LNET/Lich and scripting policy.

09-10-2016, 09:54 AM
First of all,have to say it, sorry! This thing is absolutely funtastic! Makes everything so much easier! Seems like it cuts through some of the more tedious aspects of the game and leaves just the pure unfiltered sugar.

With that being said, how do people handle scripting? I've heard for F2P's it's extremely dangerous to script due to the 3 strikes and you're deleted rule. But, I can't help wonder that during the several years of playing, several thousand hours of game play, that there *might* be just one or two instances where you were pulled away from the game and unfortunately script checked. How is that all handled? Specifically, how long does a script check last? Is it possible to miss it even if you were fully paying attention to the game due to screen scroll?

09-10-2016, 10:06 AM
With that being said, how do people handle scripting?
Very carefully. You really should try to be at your keyboard at all times if you have a script running. Not just for the sake of being caught, but for the sake of the people around you. Sometimes scripts don't perform like you think they are, and it can cause headaches for other players as well.

Specifically, how long does a script check last?
It varies. It depends on the GM that's doing the check and what kind of mood they're in. Sometimes you get a lot of leeway, other times you don't. You generally will get a follow up check if you missed the first, but you're flirting with danger either way.

Is it possible to miss it even if you were fully paying attention to the game due to screen scroll?
Yes. Some script checks are in monster bold type, so they're easy to spot. This is more or less the way a GM should script check, because they're not trying to be sneaky, they're trying just to verify that you're at the keyboard, which is the rule. Other times though it's not in monster bold and if there's a lot of screen scroll, it can be hard to catch. Other times, they will work the script check in to the game environment itself. While not monster bolded (I don't think anyway), these are still usually easy to catch. A kobold runs up to you and asks you to "TELL it how much silvers you have on you", or some other random animal will ask you to TELL it things that you just know aren't part of the normal everyday part of the game.

If you're scripting, you need to be at your computer. I'll risk getting up to get myself a drink, but anything more than that, just kill the script and restart when you get back. If you're in the middle of a hunting ground, log off and just log back in. Failing script checks can get you banned for 30+ days, it's just not worth it. I am not completely sure about how F2P rules differ when it comes to failing script checks.

09-10-2016, 10:24 AM
Yeah, that was what I thought. Believe it or not, this actually puts some disincentive for me to play, since after investing years of time at any moment I can be banned or deleted *even if* I was attentive at the keyboard (in fact scrambling to save my life while in combat) and some tiny kobold comes up and asks me a question and I miss seeing it after screen scroll and 12 fumbled attempts to type the word 'stand'. Plus, I'm a tad on the old side, so my eyes aren't as they were.

I know the burden is on the GMs because in this day and age cheating is so rampant, but I suspect some people just genuinely trying to play the game are getting railroaded in all this. The irony is someone who's actually trying to cheat may be the ones who have the best defense against all this because of their level of sophistication with all the software. Huh, thinking again.

09-10-2016, 10:34 AM
Yeah, that was what I thought. Believe it or not, this actually puts some disincentive for me to play, since after investing years of time at any moment I can be banned or deleted *even if* I was attentive at the keyboard (in fact scrambling to save my life while in combat) and some tiny kobold comes up and asks me a question and I miss seeing it after screen scroll and 12 fumbled attempts to type the word 'stand'. Plus, I'm a tad on the old side, so my eyes aren't as they were.

I know the burden is on the GMs because in this day and age cheating is so rampant, but I suspect some people just genuinely trying to play the game are getting railroaded in all this. The irony is someone who's actually trying to cheat may be the ones who have the best defense against all this because of their level of sophistication with all the software. Huh, thinking again.

Sorry, maybe I made it sound a bit more dire than it actually is. I just wanted to impress upon you the importance of trying to be at your keyboard. That being said, I've never failed to miss a script check. Even people who miss script checks it's not the end of world. Simu doesn't want to just ban you for nothing, they'd lose revenue that way. It's the repeat offenders that get banned for periods of time, not the people that slip up every now and then.

09-10-2016, 11:05 AM
Sorry, maybe I made it sound a bit more dire than it actually is. I just wanted to impress upon you the importance of trying to be at your keyboard. That being said, I've never failed to miss a script check. Even people who miss script checks it's not the end of world. Simu doesn't want to just ban you for nothing, they'd lose revenue that way. It's the repeat offenders that get banned for periods of time, not the people that slip up every now and then.

True enough. But the caveat there is that I'm F2P, they treat us like we're disposable customers (and simucoin purchasing customers we are!) Welp, I guess that's how the cookie crumbles.

09-10-2016, 11:12 AM
True enough. But the caveat there is that I'm F2P, they treat us like we're disposable customers (and simucoin purchasing customers we are!) Welp, I guess that's how the cookie crumbles.

Given Simu's history of releasing new systems fairly slowly, I doubt they would have designed and released a whole system around F2P withe the thought that F2P customers were disposable.

09-10-2016, 11:40 AM
F2P has the simple rule of:
Strike 1 = warning, no negative consequences
Strike 2 = You get a big EXP penalty on top of being F2P
Strike 3 = Reset your character to level 0 along with bank account, possessions and any other progress

For non-F2P accounts, I believe they ban the character for a specific time period that continues to escalate.

The tips to properly scripting is:

1. Design scripts that do not start automatically. I.E. run Bigshot in a shell script, which will pause Bigshot and wait until you perform a manual action before unpausing Bigshot. This will prevent you from going to get a drink, then coming back to find your character in the middle of hunting and being script checked.

2. Open up the Room description window, and type flags, then click on RoomNames and RoomBrief, which will eliminate the screen scroll of moving between rooms. It will be awkward at first, but this helps MASSIVELY with screen scroll and you will be much more able to keep up with what's going on since the room description / directions / name will be shown in a separate window.

3. You can optionally turn on CombatBrief, which will help reduce screen scroll as well. I personally don't like this because I love gemstone's mechanics, so not seeing the numbers during combat makes it very boring.

4. Make sure anything not combat related (death messaging, log on and log off, thoughts) are all going to different windows so that your main "terminal" is clear of unnecessary noise.

These things will help an attentive player respond to script checks.

Also super important to download log.lic and keep that running. This will log everything, even the things you have hidden and squelched, so if you need to go back and look to figure out if something happened that you had hidden, it will be in the log.

09-10-2016, 11:59 AM
Another thing that I do to help alleviate some of the scroll is to add common ambient strings to the Ignore section of Highlights in StormFront. This is incredibly useful in places like the forge and any of the EG or other event games.

09-10-2016, 12:03 PM
Another thing that I do to help alleviate some of the scroll is to add common ambient strings to the Ignore section of Highlights in StormFront. This is incredibly useful in places like the forge and any of the EG or other event games.

An excellent one to hide using this method is the "Your disk arrives, following you dutifully." Yes, I know my disk is following me...

09-10-2016, 01:43 PM
To the OP, it is very simple: if you do not AFK script, you have nothing to worry about. My suspicion is that you have every intention of AFK scripting, hence all the deliberating and equivocation. If you AFK script regularly, yes, you will probably eventually get caught and subjected to the penalties.

09-10-2016, 01:49 PM
I always have ;pause bigshot and ;unpause bigshot bound to macros. If I need to get up for any reason, one keystroke keeps me out of trouble.

09-10-2016, 01:54 PM
Am I the only one who has read into all these questions as basically you want to make a script bot army? f2p skinners, fastest run in 30 days, what build can never die even if it takes 10 minutes to kill a monster?

If you get banned for scripting it's because you deserve it.

09-10-2016, 02:19 PM
As everyone said, make sure you are at the keyboard and likely you will never have a problem, that being said, from what I understand GM's are not out actively looking for scripters, they investigate reports by people. So the key takeaway from that is, do not do things that annoy/interfere with people and you probably will never get checked.

With the exception of undead hunting my cleric for favor to level up in Voln, which I am monitoring as we speak, I do not use scripts to hunt, to me hunting is the fun part of the game. However, my paladin is 9 ranks away from mastering his last skill in forging and when I hear people talk about mastering it without a script I am stunned since it is without question, 1 of the 2 most mind numbingly boring aspects of the game, alchemy being the other, I have never and will never work on alchemy, forging was enough for me. In the roughly 1000 hours I have spent in the forge, I have never been script checked. So while I certainly think script checks happen, I do not think they are as common as you might think, unless you have already been pinged, then all bets are off.

09-10-2016, 02:23 PM
Am I the only one who has read into all these questions as basically you want to make a script bot army? f2p skinners, fastest run in 30 days, what build can never die even if it takes 10 minutes to kill a monster?

If you get banned for scripting it's because you deserve it.

Uh oh, yeah, this is exactly what I feared. Don't get the torches and pitchforks out just yet. The reality is I have absolutely no idea how to even set a script up much less code one. On the otherhand, I think there's something to be said especially for a game with so much screen scroll, I'm well past middle age and I'm the guy who would mumble back what I see on the screen and then think out loud on a response command.

In this game, screen scroll in combination with fast reaction times could mean missing a check, I don't know, hence why I'm asking. What I don't want to happen is invest 3 years and a thousand dollars into the game and get caught up in mstrike, in combination with a swarm, and me frantically trying to keep my character alive and suddenly after the fight a GM pops in and goes "oh, you didn't see that little kobold asking you have for how much silvers you had? oh and "F2P" too?" DELETE character! and BAN! and all I can say is... um what?

09-10-2016, 02:30 PM
What I don't want to happen is invest 3 years and a thousand dollars into the game and get caught up in mstrike, in combination with a swarm, and me frantically trying to keep my character alive and suddenly after the fight a GM pops in and goes "oh, you didn't see that little kobold asking you have for how much silvers you had? oh and "F2P" too?" DELETE character! and BAN! and all I can say is... um what?

Here's my suggestion. Pay $14.95 a month. Never buy anything from the Simucoin store, and pause your monthly subscription on months you decide not to play.

Seriously, all of your headaches will vanish if you just get out of the F2P mindset. Sure, you can F2P, but if you're going to spend "thousands" on this game - don't do it with an unsubscribed account. They're honestly too "unstable" to bother trying. You will level up 3-4x slower as F2P, even with the experience passes.

Totally time to subscribe. You'll never worry about being permanently banned.

09-10-2016, 02:37 PM
Uh oh, yeah, this is exactly what I feared. Don't get the torches and pitchforks out just yet. The reality is I have absolutely no idea how to even set a script up much less code one. On the otherhand, I think there's something to be said especially for a game with so much screen scroll, I'm well past middle age and I'm the guy who would mumble back what I see on the screen and then think out loud on a response command.

In this game, screen scroll in combination with fast reaction times could mean missing a check, I don't know, hence why I'm asking. What I don't want to happen is invest 3 years and a thousand dollars into the game and get caught up in mstrike, in combination with a swarm, and me frantically trying to keep my character alive and suddenly after the fight a GM pops in and goes "oh, you didn't see that little kobold asking you have for how much silvers you had? oh and "F2P" too?" DELETE character! and BAN! and all I can say is... um what?

Well you will be happy to know that that ISN'T what would happen. I know it hasn't been said a single time in this thread so allow me to cut the trail

09-10-2016, 03:10 PM
Well you will be happy to know that that ISN'T what would happen. I know it hasn't been said a single time in this thread so allow me to cut the trail

Doesn't have anything to do with actual afk scripting but rather about falsely being accused of AFK scripting.

Think the best example would be some innocent bystander walking by a person who's just been beat up, starting to panic frantically trying to stop the bleeding and help the guy inadvertently getting blood all over his hands and clothes, the dying guy is grateful but succumbs to his wounds. Then right at that moment the cops show up and then the finger pointing and bam! after a wild ride through the justice system you're toast! Actually, a ton of these cases going around and it's one of the arguments against the death penalty, because everyone (cops,judges, people, GMs) make mistakes.

09-10-2016, 03:11 PM
Am I the only one who has read into all these questions as basically you want to make a script bot army? f2p skinners, fastest run in 30 days, what build can never die even if it takes 10 minutes to kill a monster?

If you get banned for scripting it's because you deserve it.

To be fair I created the thread about the best F2P skinners. All the others though weren't me :)

09-10-2016, 04:05 PM
Speaking as one of the few players who does not script, if you don't AFK script you will be fine. If you AFK script and somehow interfere with my hunting, we are going to have a problem.

And please don't sell your gems at the gemshop one at at time if you have 200 gems in your sack.

09-10-2016, 04:08 PM
In this game, screen scroll in combination with fast reaction times could mean missing a check, I don't know, hence why I'm asking. What I don't want to happen is invest 3 years and a thousand dollars into the game and get caught up in mstrike, in combination with a swarm, and me frantically trying to keep my character alive and suddenly after the fight a GM pops in and goes "oh, you didn't see that little kobold asking you have for how much silvers you had? oh and "F2P" too?" DELETE character! and BAN! and all I can say is... um what?

GMs aren't out to get you with script checks. They see the same scroll you do and probably more, so they'll know that is going on as well. Plus when I've been checked it wasn't a matter of responding back within 15 seconds or something like that, you have the time to actually send a response in. I think one of the longest script checks I've heard of in terms of waiting for a response back lasted for about 5 minutes with multiple prompts for information sent before finally being pulled for a warning.

09-10-2016, 05:01 PM
Doesn't have anything to do with actual afk scripting but rather about falsely being accused of AFK scripting.

Think the best example would be some innocent bystander walking by a person who's just been beat up, starting to panic frantically trying to stop the bleeding and help the guy inadvertently getting blood all over his hands and clothes, the dying guy is grateful but succumbs to his wounds. Then right at that moment the cops show up and then the finger pointing and bam! after a wild ride through the justice system you're toast! Actually, a ton of these cases going around and it's one of the arguments against the death penalty, because everyone (cops,judges, people, GMs) make mistakes.
You're being hysterical. Script all you want; you'll be fine unless you AFK script.

You're not even going to get script checked unless the GMs have a reason to do so: script hunting and another player reports you, scripting an artisan skill, etc.

09-10-2016, 05:37 PM
You're being hysterical. Script all you want; you'll be fine unless you AFK script.

You're not even going to get script checked unless the GMs have a reason to do so: script hunting and another player reports you, scripting an artisan skill, etc.

You're probably right. I'm just double and triple checking before I go full in on the game. I had a lot of candidates, everything from a game called Black Desert (a young man's game; excellent graphics but the arcade level reflexes is just not physically possible for me anymore) to some interesting future MMOs like 'Chronicles of Elyria' and 'Star Citizen'; which were both very strong contenders if they both weren't kickstarter funded developments. GS has the maturity,depth,staying power, and of course nostalgia. It's just after reading through almost all the official forums as well as here there seems to be an issue (from what some posters are saying;not stating as fact) with the integrity of some GMs.

Furthermore, I've been getting word that a certain 'Chris' in billing is the final word on all things ban and character related; going to speak to him and get a feel for the company's stance on F2P, scripting, and the current digital health of my old characters as well.

09-10-2016, 05:40 PM
Am I the only one who has read into all these questions as basically you want to make a script bot army? f2p skinners, fastest run in 30 days, what build can never die even if it takes 10 minutes to kill a monster?

If you get banned for scripting it's because you deserve it.

LOL. That's exactly what I was thinking.

09-10-2016, 05:43 PM
You're probably right. I'm just double and triple checking before I go full in on the game. I had a lot of candidates, everything from a game called Black Desert (a young man's game; excellent graphics but the arcade level reflexes is just not physically possible for me anymore) to some interesting future MMOs like 'Chronicles of Elyria' and 'Star Citizen'; which were both very strong contenders if they both weren't kickstarter funded developments. GS has the maturity,depth,staying power, and of course nostalgia. It's just after reading through almost all the official forums as well as here there seems to be an issue (from what some posters are saying;not stating as fact) with the integrity of some GMs.

Furthermore, I've been getting word that a certain 'Chris' in billing is the final word on all things ban and character related; going to speak to him and get a feel for the company's stance on F2P, scripting, and the current digital health of my old characters as well.

Please go somewhere else then. Why the fuck are you going to call Chris/billing into this? Christ... HMC before you are even playing. No one wants an army of F2P bots. Or a cheap bastard.

09-10-2016, 05:56 PM
Due diligence? And again F2P doesn't mean cheap; I'm willing to wager I've thrown more 'fresh money' into pot at this point then you, still not sure if that was wise. Anyhow, want to speak to a human in regards to the company before I start investing time. Although, I should probably finish reading all of their policies first, make a list!

09-10-2016, 06:01 PM
Chris doesn't have a say in bans.

09-10-2016, 06:06 PM
There are clearly laid out rules for scripting to avoid people blatantly botting. They've been laid out here perfectly well.

That said, Simutronics is a company run by human beings, who are capable of evaluating and thinking about enforcement. When I say Simutronics is run by humans, I mean Simutronics is more than a decade behind technologically. To give you an example, we all JUST the other day got an email stating that soon passwords would be required to match the case they're saved in the database as, meaning that if my password was "WebSecurityLOL1", I could type in "websecuritylol1" right now and the Simutronics server would say "Seems legit. K."

Most everything that Simutronics does has a human hand on it. Automation has never been their strong suit. If you're script checked, it's not by an automated program. It's by a human being that can see and will understand if you miss it once or twice in screen scroll. If you are banned, it's because a human being weighed the evidence at hand and determined that you were in fact acting in a malicious way. If you get through your three script checks and fail and end up banned, having a human evaluate it in each instance, the chances are, you were probably acting maliciously. It's a situational, and far more evaluated and forgiving system than you'll find in any other game by simple virtue of the fact that it hasn't been automated.

09-10-2016, 06:07 PM
Due diligence? And again F2P doesn't mean cheap; I'm willing to wager I've thrown more 'fresh money' into pot at this point then you, still not sure if that was wise. Anyhow, want to speak to a human in regards to the company before I start investing time. Although, I should probably finish reading all of their policies first, make a list!

#1 Read policy

09-10-2016, 06:08 PM
Chris doesn't have a say in bans.

Hm, noted. However, others have been saying he's the man in charge in terms of anything character/policy/account related and can "make a lot things happen". In all cases, I will get all the facts and have a friendly chat with him, probably end up reactivating a couple of very old accounts if he's able to track em down.

09-10-2016, 06:08 PM
Due diligence? And again F2P doesn't mean cheap; I'm willing to wager I've thrown more 'fresh money' into pot at this point then you, still not sure if that was wise. Anyhow, want to speak to a human in regards to the company before I start investing time. Although, I should probably finish reading all of their policies first, make a list!


Go troll start citizen.

09-10-2016, 06:12 PM
Due diligence? And again F2P doesn't mean cheap; I'm willing to wager I've thrown more 'fresh money' into pot at this point then you, still not sure if that was wise. Anyhow, want to speak to a human in regards to the company before I start investing time. Although, I should probably finish reading all of their policies first, make a list!

Here's something you aren't realizing. You can read every policy and write down every question you have and still get hit for afk scripting if you are afk scripting. No one's going to listen to your interpretation of policy or some list you wrote down or who you talked to, or what X person said.

If you are running a dude for 48 hours and pass all script checks, they could probably still give you a script warning.

09-10-2016, 06:17 PM
There are clearly laid out rules for scripting to avoid people blatantly botting. They've been laid out here perfectly well.

That said, Simutronics is a company run by human beings, who are capable of evaluating and thinking about enforcement. When I say Simutronics is run by humans, I mean Simutronics is more than a decade behind technologically. To give you an example, we all JUST the other day got an email stating that soon passwords would be required to match the case they're saved in the database as, meaning that if my password was "WebSecurityLOL1", I could type in "websecuritylol1" right now and the Simutronics server would say "Seems legit. K."

Most everything that Simutronics does has a human hand on it. Automation has never been their strong suit. If you're script checked, it's not by an automated program. It's by a human being that can see and will understand if you miss it once or twice in screen scroll. If you are banned, it's because a human being weighed the evidence at hand and determined that you were in fact acting in a malicious way. If you get through your three script checks and fail and end up banned, having a human evaluate it in each instance, the chances are, you were probably acting maliciously. It's a situational, and far more evaluated and forgiving system you'll find in any other game by simple virtue of the fact that it hasn't been automated.

Ah ha! This was the response I was looking for. You have to realize scripting, at least at this level of sophistication, didn't exist in my time. All I had was this wonderful black computer text on a white background and a small bar to enter commands in! Hence, you have to see this from my perspective, it's uncharted waters for me and when things like 'deletion' and 'ban' come up you can hopefully understand why a neophyte like myself might get a bit rattled. Thanks for the helpful reply!

09-10-2016, 06:19 PM
Another example, I've missed script checks before and not been penalized. The most recent was because I was paying far more attention to prattling on via LNet than I was my hunting script and just missed several GM prompts. Was I afk scripting? Physically, no, but the result was the same. I wasn't attentive. I did notice of course when I got pulled into the scripting room. Was it completely justifiable to penalize me for AFK scripting in that scenario? You bet it was. I was scripting unattentively. But I reported, spoke to a human being about the situation. That human being understood the situation, saw there was no malicious intent, and sent me on my way without penalty. GMs don't like penalizing people. It's just part of the job. Many, or perhaps most of them were or are players of the game and are largely volunteers whose primary goal is to enrich the world we play in;not to police it. They're understanding, and on the whole, good people. Being able to talk things through with company representatives for any company in 2016 is worth my $15 per month.

09-10-2016, 06:30 PM
Here's something you aren't realizing. You can read every policy and write down every question you have and still get hit for afk scripting if you are afk scripting. No one's going to listen to your interpretation of policy or some list you wrote down or who you talked to, or what X person said.

If you are running a dude for 48 hours and pass all script checks, they could probably still give you a script warning.

Yeah, I think that's where we're having the miscommunication. I should have worded my question more precisely. This isn't about AFK scripting since scripting would run counter to one of my primary reasons for playing the game (keeping mentally sharp) but rather being guilty of AFK scripting for my personal inadequacy as a player due to my slowed mental condition. I just don't have those eagle eyes and lightning reflexes that most of you here are probably still blessed with. But, as the poster above you has explained a human arbiter should be able to determine if I was actually scripting or just drooling on my keyboard trying to decide if I should stand or hide or just panic!

I'm like this fella behind the desk!


09-10-2016, 07:30 PM
Also remember the scripting violation comes from being inattentive to the evironment. Following the script check prompt is the lowest form of passing. A "huh?", "no!" Or "Hold on kobold" all are acceptable though the gms will probably add more just to be sure it's not a generic answer script.

People talk about the non bold scrip checks, but to my knowledge nobody has gotten a violation for one. I believe they progress from subtle to fairly obvious on purpose. So people catch it before it goes full angry. I had a creature come and said "tell me your silvers" and it confused me and I wasn't sure if I was going to get robbed. I tried TELLing at the creature but got error messages(as it is was not a creature IN the room, just the text that one was). As I fumbled with this the text went from plain to monster bold. Finally I SAID it and he said thanks and was gone.

But they have all the logs, time stamps, and behind the scenes details and are pretty good about confirming their kill. They aren't doing it to trick anybody, they are using tools to confirm a violation and they are pretty much always correct. You may have a good reason for being afk scripting, but by the letter of the law you WERE. If you get banned for scripting, you deserved it.

Also, sometimes people make up stories and things to act like they were not in the wrong, usually reporting immediately after getting pulled into limbo because surprise surprise, limbo sets off an alarm on their computer. Don't expect to get out of limbo unscathed. It happens, but at that point you are usually pretty hard busted.
*not talking of Wesley here, he was upfront about being soft afk, which is usually the case in these situations, but he failed a script check, he didn't MISS a script check.

09-10-2016, 08:20 PM
Hmm, from the general tone and push back from posters here I'm going to take a guess and say that AFK scripting was and is a running problem in the game? All in all, I'm happy I got this touchy subject done and over with, it was necessary, especially nowadays when the general tone of American society has turned more pessimistic and suspicious then it was 'back in the day.' ..Or maybe people just knew how to hide it better back then? Who knows?

Anyhow, my thanks to all the posters here, hopefully fresh players can glean some useful information when trying to make heads or tails of all this.

P.S. Curious, do GMs know through which piece of software one is accessing the game through? Thinking about just playing through telnet or something absolutely impossible to run a script on. Could always use a secondary "sit at an inn" character to access all that LNET loveliness.

09-10-2016, 08:44 PM
Hmm, from the general tone and push back from posters here I'm going to take a guess and say that AFK scripting was and is a running problem in the game? All in all, I'm happy I got this touchy subject done and over with, it was necessary, especially nowadays when the general tone of American society has turned more pessimistic and suspicious then it was 'back in the day.' ..Or maybe people just knew how to hide it better back then? Who knows?

Anyhow, my thanks to all the posters here, hopefully fresh players can glean some useful information when trying to make heads or tails of all this.

P.S. Curious, do GMs know through which piece of software one is accessing the game through? Thinking about just playing through telnet or something absolutely impossible to run a script on. Could always use a secondary "sit at an inn" character to access all that LNET loveliness.

AFK scripters are a nuisance and they bother live players by stealing kills or picking up your loot off the ground, zooming in and out of rooms at lightspeed, potentially hazardous spells used, etc.

You're being a little overly paranoid from what I can tell when it comes to the lnet stuff. If you're not bigshotting around at 5 rooms a second or are just there hunting manually, you will almost never have a problem with any sort of checks. If you are in an area hunting and there is no one around, or you acknowledge or work with/help other people in your area you probably won't even be checked.

From personal experience, I hunt rather quickly but I do it basically manually with macros and aliases and I've never had any problems with script checks at all. Just move at the speed where you can still see what's going on and there's no problem.

09-10-2016, 08:47 PM
On a somewhat related note - I totally found the cure for bigshot running at like 20 commands a second like it did when I had 15 ping: Crap internet. It runs at normal speeds now because my signal has to go to outer space and back. :(

I miss FIOS

09-10-2016, 09:01 PM
Hmm, from the general tone and push back from posters here I'm going to take a guess and say that AFK scripting was and is a running problem in the game? All in all, I'm happy I got this touchy subject done and over with, it was necessary, especially nowadays when the general tone of American society has turned more pessimistic and suspicious then it was 'back in the day.' ..Or maybe people just knew how to hide it better back then? Who knows?

Anyhow, my thanks to all the posters here, hopefully fresh players can glean some useful information when trying to make heads or tails of all this.

P.S. Curious, do GMs know through which piece of software one is accessing the game through? Thinking about just playing through telnet or something absolutely impossible to run a script on. Could always use a secondary "sit at an inn" character to access all that LNET loveliness.

And I'm back to script bot army. Not sure how many times or ways people need to say if you aren't afk scripting you won't get an afk violation. Your continued attempts to find ways to "prove" you weren't afk scripting seems disingenuous. Your telnet comments are silly, if you are physically unable to complete a script check (simply being able to interact with the game) then you should not play. If you are actually trying to use this game to keep your wits sharp then you would not be in a long running do everything script, and would certainly NEVER miss a script check if you even got one. But you are worried about the consequences of THREE?

Post Script: the GMS love this thread and are raptly anticipating your return to the game.

09-10-2016, 09:12 PM
Yeah I don't believe anything this guy says. You seem content that a human arbiter will be able to decide your fate. But get this straight, they may listen to your sob story one time, but if it looks like you are afk scripting and generating silvers at some excess rate, they will crush you.

Hell, I'm constantly harassed farming silvers at the keyboard. If it's not some whiney player it's script checks. Lost count of how many I've passed. People and GMs forget grinding is the staple and regular activity that all players of an mmo engage in.

If you are playing for long periods of time and generating lots of silver, you will get script checked. Multiple times.

09-10-2016, 10:17 PM
I... I'm not exactly... OK sure. I guess some people grew up in more safer neighborhoods then others. Anyhow, I appreciated everyone's comments here and I will take many of the advice and warnings to heart.

09-10-2016, 10:44 PM
I... I'm not exactly... OK sure. I guess some people grew up in more safer neighborhoods then others..

get out of here with that. Your question has been answered over and over and it has nothing to do with American society or where/how you were brought up.

09-10-2016, 10:54 PM
get out of here with that. Your question has been answered over and over and it has nothing to do with American society or where/how you were brought up.

It's just something I've been noticing as I started retirement 'wandering' throughout the U.S. That line doesn't necessarily mean good or bad neighborhoods literally but mindsets and philosophies on living in disparate parts of the country. If you've done a bit of criss-crossing throughout the US, haven't you all noticed how cold, suspicious, and divisive people are on the East coast relative to the West coast? Likewise, there just seems to be an us vs. them attitude in one corner of the country and downright 'your family' whoever you are in say the middle of the country. Eh, could just be this bizarre election cycle.

09-10-2016, 11:10 PM

09-10-2016, 11:16 PM
Just to throw more fuel onto the fire:

What constitutes long-term scripting? The following is a general guide to help you avoid being warned by a GM for long term scripting. It's not an absolute and the GM's judgment will vary from instance to instance. Each instance of long term scripting will be judged independently. However, any scripting activity that lasts over 10 minutes will be considered long-term scripting. Also, spending 25% or more of your time online scripting will be considered excessive.

"long term" scripting is against policy as well, though to my knowledge no one has been pulled up specifically for it. The clause is just there as a 'throw a scripter in jail free' card.

09-11-2016, 01:50 AM
The clause is just there as a 'throw a scripter in jail free' card.

Maybe they could put some of those cards in the treasure system...heh heh heh...

and yes...I'm kidding...maybe :)...

09-11-2016, 02:02 AM
Lol 25%. Maybe this is back when they were harassing dreaven. I'm convinced that Dreaven started the deavening as a PR tool to get everyone to like his chars so he can script in peace.

09-11-2016, 03:07 PM
Speaking as one of the few players who does not script, if you don't AFK script you will be fine. If you AFK script and somehow interfere with my hunting, we are going to have a problem.

And please don't sell your gems at the gemshop one at at time if you have 200 gems in your sack.

I afk script selling all my gems one at a time specifically for you. In fact I'm going to add an appraise line before I sell each one and a "Thank you" after.

09-11-2016, 03:11 PM
Yeah I don't believe anything this guy says. You seem content that a human arbiter will be able to decide your fate. But get this straight, they may listen to your sob story one time, but if it looks like you are afk scripting and generating silvers at some excess rate, they will crush you.

Hell, I'm constantly harassed farming silvers at the keyboard. If it's not some whiney player it's script checks. Lost count of how many I've passed. People and GMs forget grinding is the staple and regular activity that all players of an mmo engage in.

If you are playing for long periods of time and generating lots of silver, you will get script checked. Multiple times.

You're harassed because you have prior history of afk scripting, yes you are being singled out.

09-11-2016, 03:13 PM
I afk script selling all my gems one at a time specifically for you. In fact I'm going to add an appraise line before I sell each one and a "Thank you" after.

Rofl, if you have too much of a problem, he'll just ignore you. He is all bark.

09-11-2016, 03:19 PM
Yeah, that was what I thought. Believe it or not, this actually puts some disincentive for me to play, since after investing years of time at any moment I can be banned or deleted *even if* I was attentive at the keyboard (in fact scrambling to save my life while in combat) and some tiny kobold comes up and asks me a question and I miss seeing it after screen scroll and 12 fumbled attempts to type the word 'stand'. Plus, I'm a tad on the old side, so my eyes aren't as they were.

GMs account for this, that's why they usually do multiple checks over 10-15 minutes or so, most of the time with each check being made more obvious and harder to miss than the one before it.

It's extremely rare that someone gets pulled for scripting when they're actually at the keyboard. I'm not sure it's ever happened actually.

09-11-2016, 04:02 PM
You're harassed because you have prior history of afk scripting, yes you are being singled out.

Actually, no I don't.

It's called generating more silvers in a day then you've ever seen in your lifetime.

09-11-2016, 04:14 PM
Actually, no I don't.

It's called generating more silvers in a day then you've ever seen in your lifetime.

How much is that?

09-11-2016, 04:24 PM
How much is that?

Not very much tbh, the dude is just poor as fuck.

09-11-2016, 04:31 PM
Not very much tbh, the dude is just poor as fuck.

I meant what you pull in a day.

09-11-2016, 06:35 PM
I meant what you pull in a day.

About tree fiddy.

09-11-2016, 11:15 PM
I afk script selling all my gems one at a time specifically for you. In fact I'm going to add an appraise line before I sell each one and a "Thank you" after.

If you're looking to really annoy me here's a few suggestions:

Put a slight pause in the script every dozen gems or so to stretch things out a bit. When a gem container is empty, appraise it 4-5 times just to be sure there are no gems left. Finally if I leave the shop without selling anything, go to the Mist Harbor gemshop and do the same thing - there's a good chance I'll be there.

09-12-2016, 01:29 PM
Actually, no I don't.

It's called generating more silvers in a day then you've ever seen in your lifetime.

Bro, do you even lift?

09-12-2016, 01:32 PM
Bro, do you even lift?

Still waiting for Haldrik to say how many silvers he can generate in a day.

I bet I can generate at least twice as much without scripting or exploiting anything.

09-12-2016, 01:32 PM
Still waiting for Haldrik to say how many silvers he can generate in a day.

I bet I can generate at least twice as much without scripting or exploiting anything.

I'm sure he'll create a thread about it later.

09-12-2016, 01:40 PM
Still waiting for Haldrik to say how many silvers he can generate in a day.

I bet I can generate at least twice as much without scripting or exploiting anything.

You are confused. I wasn't insinuating that I make a lot of silver. Instead I was pointing out how little he makes. Sort of like you, because you don't play.

09-13-2016, 07:13 AM
You are confused. I wasn't insinuating that I make a lot of silver. Instead I was pointing out how little he makes. Sort of like you, because you don't play.

Sure I do. I just play during work hours because I play at work. On a lazy day I have a few million more in the bank by the time I go home.

09-13-2016, 08:28 AM
Sure I do. I just play during work hours because I play at work. On a lazy day I have a few million more in the bank by the time I go home.

Curious,which class do you play?

09-13-2016, 11:27 AM
Curious,which class do you play?

Wizard. Also have a pocket bard and picker, that helps a decent bit.

09-13-2016, 01:09 PM
I'm sure he'll create a thread about it later.

Thread Title: Methais' silver making secrets exposed!

09-13-2016, 01:31 PM
Thread Title: Methais' silver making secrets exposed!

The recipe is simple:

https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/14364626_1352180394794613_5731191355910414766_n.jp g?oh=ff73087254b1b0871e52c4fbee03a463&oe=58460616

09-18-2016, 10:24 PM
Thread Title: Methais' silver making secrets exposed!

Method 1:

Search corpses.
Take loot.
Sell loot.
Deposit silvers in bank.

Note: Hunting in underhunted areas will increase the take (sometimes).

Method 2:

Buy something at a low price and sell it at a higher price.
Deposit silvers from sale in bank.


09-19-2016, 02:51 PM
Method 1:

Search corpses.
Take loot.
Sell loot.
Deposit silvers in bank.

Note: Hunting in underhunted areas will increase the take (sometimes).

Method 2:

Buy something at a low price and sell it at a higher price.
Deposit silvers from sale in bank.


Thanks for your input, we all really appreciate it.