View Full Version : Ulthripe -- WTF?

12-04-2004, 06:44 AM
Alright, met this guy in the dais, he is level 44, same as me.

Never met him before, I asked him how he was, etc. and he was very kind to him the whole time then, I was surprised as he was pretty harsh towards me. I figured it was all RP, so I roleplayed along.

I then whispered to him, and asked him if he had AIM (Via OOC with my whisper) and surprisingly, instead of giving it to me, he said OOC Why are you so annoying?

So apparently it wasn't his CHARACTER, that was pissed, it was him , the player himself that was.

And I really didn't do anything to piss him off. He was talking to Xyro about something, nodding, etc as he was talking to me. I assume it was me, and when I asked Xyro what he was talking about, he ignored me. But who knows, it could've been something totally different.

So, then he invites me to go hunt with him. So I come along. Everything goes fine. He casts some essence spell, and so I ask him why not use implode, it would be faster, and cheaper on mana.

He says for me to mind my own business, and not get "into his skills", because I wouldn't know them.

Then Xyro chimes and says, "He doesn't need your help."

So that's what I get for trying to give him some advice.

From there, he threatens me saying if I hurt him, he'll summon his older disruptors to kill me.

Then, we get to a certain point, he sacrifices some critter, and then it goes as follows(Note: If I get attacked, I WILL get attacked back. This is the only way I WILL attack back.):

Speaking to you, Ulthripe says, "I wonder if I can sacrafice you."

Ulthripe traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Ulthripe gestures at you.
CS: +247 - TD: +157 + CvA: -21 + d100: +37 == +106
Warding failed!
You feel weakened as a blood red haze forms around you.

Ulthripe nods.

You glare at Ulthripe and let out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Ulthripe is startled enough to lose initiative!

Roundtime: 3 sec.
>warcry growl ult
Your face contorts as you unleash a guttural, deep-throated growl at Ulthripe!
Ulthripe is overcome with a terrible rage!

Roundtime: 3 sec.

[Roll result: 237 (open d100: 92)]
Xyro spins quickly behind you and delivers a well placed kick!
You feel humiliated and enraged!
>mstr ult
You concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a claw-hilted black ora claidhmore at Ulthripe!
AS: +349 vs DS: +293 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +24 = +124
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Wicked slash slices open Ulthripe's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!

* Ulthripe drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Ulthripe's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
The powerful look leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
The white light leaves Ulthripe.
The very powerful look leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe seems to lose some dexterity.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe becomes solid again.
The air calms down around Ulthripe.
The light blue glow leaves Ulthripe.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Ulthripe suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Ulthripe becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Ulthripe glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe appears to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
Ulthripe returns to normal color.
The air about Ulthripe stops shimmering.

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
* Ulthripe just bit the dust!
The Ulthripe disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.

You ask, "Why did you attack me?"

The ghostly voice of Ulthripe says, "That was rather unnecessary."

The ghostly voice of Ulthripe asks, "I'm sorry... were you damaged? Did ANYTHING happen to you?"


So, this spell seemed like an attack spell to me. I didn't know what it did, so naturally, I felt the urge to attack back because I didn' t want to get killed right there, just out of self defence.

Did I go a bit over the edge?

12-04-2004, 06:49 AM

12-04-2004, 06:49 AM
Randomly asking people for SNs is kind of on the weird side I guess. Just trying to give you a pointer.

12-04-2004, 06:49 AM
Actually, on second thought, no.

12-04-2004, 06:49 AM

Shouldnt take too long for everyone in the EN to hate you

Then hopefully you will fuck off somewhere else.

Edited, so Jihna wont be thinking I have lost it.


[Edited on 4-12-04 by Nieninque]

12-04-2004, 06:51 AM
Wait, on third thought, yah.

Also, if you have to ask, generally the answer will be yes.

12-04-2004, 06:51 AM
What spell did he cast?

Corrupt Essence? (Only one I could find on the spell list)

12-04-2004, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm
What spell did he cast?

Corrupt Essence? (Only one I could find on the spell list)


12-04-2004, 06:54 AM
What did Xyro cheapshot you for?

12-04-2004, 06:57 AM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
What did Xyro cheapshot you for?

Looks like he could've done a lot more damage using another attack had he wanted to from the way that endroll turned out.

12-04-2004, 07:32 AM
I know certain characters will not go OOC even when you ask them an OOC question in whispers.

Although I have never interacted with Starsnuffer my fiance tells me he is one of these. So maybe Ulthripe was doing the same..... All he did was cast corrupt essence on you. For you to turn around and kill him was WAY OTT you really need to learn to chill out Warclaidhm. I know you didn't have your amulet rubbed at the time but I heard this on the amunet after I returned from a hunt, no idea if there were things prior to this as I was in OTF and I don't get thoughts there.

Ulthripe: "You listening, Warclaidhm?"
Ulthripe: "I'm not planning on killing you like some of the other inhabitants of this world."
Ulthripe: "You don't want to talk to me? That's fine I will catch you next time."
You: "he might not gots his amulet rubbed"
Ulthripe: "Oh, I know. Unfortunately this is all I can do."
You: "I fink he been kill't oodles by peoples, but maybe he be asleep right now."
Ulthripe: "Oh I know he has. I've seen it happen. But I'm not in the revenge business."
Ulthripe: "Its really not my style, I prefer a more mental type of warfare."
You: "revenge oodles good 'gainst dem oodles naughty gremlocks! Dey not very nice!"
Ulthripe: "About the only creature worth my vengence would have to be a rat. And only a really bad one."
You: "naughty rats?"
Ulthripe: "They might be"

The conversation changed after that.

You really really need to chill out Warclaidhm. Also..... when you warn interact someone you need to leave the room.

Also.... Just because someone is nodding to someone else and talking to them in whispers at the same time as whispering to you it does NOT mean that they are talking about you.

Miss X
12-04-2004, 07:36 AM
I dunno, if someone threatened to sacrafice me, then cast an attacking type spell at me I'm pretty sure they would get a bone shattering in return.

As an after thought, I would avoid asking people if they have AIM as soon as you meet them, it's a little strange. :)

12-04-2004, 07:49 AM
Just stop. Based on what I've seen from your posts you whine more than most women I know.

12-04-2004, 07:56 AM
Speaking to you, Ulthripe says, "I wonder if I can sacrafice you."

NOT a threat.

and 703 is not really an attack spell

12-04-2004, 08:08 AM
Maybe a little too far, but he shouldn't have cast at you if he didn't want conflict.

Also, the only time I really ask others for their AIM is if I need to transfer files via AIM. Other than that, I don't really ask other people, especially people I just met, for their AIM.

12-04-2004, 08:18 AM
This, like anything else he posts, is most likely doctored in order to make him look like the victim.

I dismiss any Scooter Boy log unless it's full and the history is made clear.

12-04-2004, 08:25 AM
Even if it was an attack spell and Eiderfleur had been on the receiving end I think I would have reacted differently.

Not like Corrupt Essence can really do anything to a warrior... OH NOEZ!!! I CAN'T CAST! OMG!!!

If anyone ever threatens Eiderfleur she just shrieks at them or something along those lines, than again Eider isn't exactly normal and neither am I. Something I pride myself on :) heh

12-04-2004, 08:29 AM
Speaking of Scooter Boy.. on MTV they have this freak they call Karen that you never really see.. she stalks Britney Spears, and recently they showed her cleaning a scooter with a toothbrush.. connection? Hmmm who knows..

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-04-2004, 08:35 AM
Way to stay out of conflicts, Idiothm. I can't wait til your bunny GM bans you.

Fucking tard.

Miss X
12-04-2004, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Kainen
Speaking to you, Ulthripe says, "I wonder if I can sacrafice you."

NOT a threat.

and 703 is not really an attack spell

It really depends on your own perception. If someone said to my character "I wonder if I can sacrafice you?" You can safely assume that she is going to view it as a threat.

703 might not cause damage etc but its not exactly a friendly spell to help you along your way, it's a spell that, if I remember correctly stops you casting spells. Something like that is going to piss me off enough to bone shatter whoever cast it.

The thing is, Warclaidhm is going to get shot down in flames no matter what he says, regardless of him being in the right or wrong. I'm not innocent of that myself but eventually it does get old.

I've lost count of the number of times I have suggested you stop posting here Warclaidhm, I struggle to understand why you still do it when you know what the end result will be.

Sean of the Thread
12-04-2004, 08:52 AM
Man I hate to bump this thread...but.

Why the fuk do you think a 45 train Sorceror needs "advice" on their fukin training and their hunting strat from you of all people???

12-04-2004, 08:58 AM
PLEASE quit it, half of you would have done the exact same thing.
I know for a fact that if he was to have casted at Edine, I would have killed him without hesitation.

What you did was fine, dont worry about it.

12-04-2004, 09:04 AM
Oh BS.

We don't know the full story. Based on what was provided, sure ... I would have ignored him completely.

Scooter Boy never tells the full story however, and you know this.

12-04-2004, 09:07 AM
Perhaps you're right Tsa'ah. I tend to aviod the threads that are related to him, same ol shit from both sides most often.

Now if what he presented is truth I would have killed him too, but I would never have asked for his AIM or have had the same conversation.

12-04-2004, 09:09 AM
Are you wearing spells for that AS because my warrior doesn't hit that hard same with Stanley since I'm thinking about it, I saw the log of the Illoke and you're hitting way way harder than my warrior.

12-04-2004, 09:10 AM
As I see it, there are a couple of angles to this debacle.

First error: You don't ask someone you've just met (you said you'd never met him before) for their IM. Were someone to do that to me, it would immediately set off my warning alarms.

Second error: If a character has 44 trainings, you must assume they know something about how they wish to play the game. It might be a bought character, but one cannot assume that. If the player of said character wants your advice on how to hunt, I'm sure he/she will ask you for it.

As far as your reaction to being cast at, I see nothing wrong there. If someone casts at you, they'd best expect a response. Had it been my ranger, the caster would have been chewing thorns. However, you set yourself up for trouble with your original errors.

12-04-2004, 10:12 AM
I've killed someone for casting 513 at me once, because I had no idea what they were trying to do. I find it better to swing first and ask questions later in those situations.

So, I would have done the same thing. But that doesn't make you any less of a loser.


12-04-2004, 11:25 AM
I would kill anyone casting a spell at me that required warding, I would not ask someone for a SN in my "first" encounter with them.

12-04-2004, 11:48 AM

With that out of the way, let me reiterate the words of the wise HN. You set yourself up for trouble. Anything else is incidental.


12-04-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I would kill anyone casting a spell at me that required warding, I would not ask someone for a SN in my "first" encounter with them.

asking for someones SN by a whisper in game is in the top 3 things I hate that occurs in GS.

12-04-2004, 11:53 AM
Am I the only one that would have responded with a non-fatal responce first? I mean..after his first two warcries, he had plenty of time to check what the spell was, see it was non-harmful, and said "Please don't cast at me like that..it frightens me!" and RP'ed the whole thing off..

12-04-2004, 11:54 AM
RP? Hah!


12-04-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Adredrin
Am I the only one that would have responded with a non-fatal responce first? I mean..after his first two warcries, he had plenty of time to check what the spell was, see it was non-harmful, and said "Please don't cast at me like that..it frightens me!" and RP'ed the whole thing off..

No You are not the only one who would have RPed it out, Eider would have shrieked at the person a couple times, wailed and then called them a murderer, before stomping her feet at them and crying, or something to that effect.

12-04-2004, 11:58 AM
Heh. Not really, Adredrin. A lot would depend on how well I knew the other character, whether roleplay had been going on before the incident, and what had (or had not) been said before the cast occurred. My ranger did not take to being cast at well under most conditions, unless there was roleplay that would make it plausible. In this case, there was not.

12-04-2004, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I would kill anyone casting a spell at me that required warding, I would not ask someone for a SN in my "first" encounter with them.

see it is possible for us to agree on some things.

12-04-2004, 12:13 PM
I wouldnt kill someone for casting a spell that required warding unless I had a some idea that the spell WAS agressive (the message when they prep the spell can be a big hint) I have accidently cast 102 at people that I have spelled up before.. it required warding, so I think it just depends on the situation really.

12-04-2004, 12:13 PM
Someone casting at you only has 4 options.

1. They are attacking
2. They are using elem detection to size you up
3. They are spelling you up (almost always consensual)
4. They are harassing you or attempting to disable you

Three out of four reasons warrants an ass whooping.

12-04-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
I wouldnt kill someone for casting a spell that required warding unless I had a some idea that the spell WAS agressive (the message when they prep the spell can be a big hint) I have accidently cast 102 at people that I have spelled up before.. it required warding, so I think it just depends on the situation really.

For me I don't need to know. If your spell didn't aid me, it was meant for the other three reasons.

If you wanted to bind me or sleep me, that to me is an attack.

Unless I'm a CS reliant caster, 102 is also a reason for a bitch slap.

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Tsa`ah]

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-04-2004, 02:28 PM
for you old farts that don't play anymore, 102 doesn't impact your bolt casting at all anymore (can't be call winded off you now either)

PS Idiothm still sucks.

12-04-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
Am I the only one that would have responded with a non-fatal responce first? I mean..after his first two warcries, he had plenty of time to check what the spell was, see it was non-harmful, and said "Please don't cast at me like that..it frightens me!" and RP'ed the whole thing off..

That sometimes doesn't work. A lot of people try to pull that "It was only slow or corrupt essance" but really a lot of times they are testing your TD.

If you cast a spell at me, no matter what it is I'm going to respond. If it's a war of words I'm more then willing to have some fun. However the minute you start checking my TD and casting, you open yourself up......

BUT, I don't believe this is what happened. I generally don't believe ANYONE (Not just Warmoron) when it starts with:

OK, so this guy does this, I do that, and then he does this, so I go ahead and do that, then this happens, here's the log:

So and so casts at me
CS: 14595905 TD 39959595 ect.

Post the whole thing or don't post at all.

12-04-2004, 02:51 PM
I jokenly cast non-attack based spells at people all the time. Even in a conflict with someone I don't know..I'll use my spells non-offensively to prevent them from bringing me harm.

Guy : I wonder if I can kill you..

Guy pulls out his weapon.

I cast air walls on them, effectively removing 80 AS.

Guy : Why did you just cast at me?!

Me : I thought you could use the extra protection, there are always evil people about, yaknow?

Guy : Well don't do that, or I'll kill you.

Me : Kill me for helping protect you? Man, thats pretty harsh..

etc etc

12-04-2004, 02:53 PM
Like Tayre has said, Why do we bother? We all know he will take the criticism as people "bashing him", and totally ignore our advice. While I can sort of see why he killed Ulthripe, the circumstances leading up to it are his own fault.

12-04-2004, 03:18 PM
Reading through this thread again..I'd like to add..

While I refuse to take Warclaidhm's side on anything at all..

It sure seems like 90% of the people responding to this thread are almost looking for a reason to kill someone.. Heh.

12-04-2004, 03:42 PM
Heh. Actually, that's one of the reasons I quit. I didn't want to spend my time killing people for pissing me off. :D

12-04-2004, 03:47 PM
Really. This argument seems strange to me. Im a warrior and was warded by a like-level sorcerer. Im not dead. Perhaps I should take ten seconds to put up all of my signs, attack, and then claim I was just confused. After that, Ill go to the message boards and make an entire thread about how confused I was. Maybe I can garner sympathy because I killed him even though I clearly had no idea what the hell was going on.

FYI You'd be wasting your time trying to get Starsnuffer out of character. He's the leader of the Dhe'nar. All of them.


12-04-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Letum
FYI You'd be wasting your time trying to get Starsnuffer out of character. He's the leader of the Dhe'nar. All of them.


I mentioned Starsnuffer in my earlier post about people not going OOC even in whispers.

Thing is Ulthripe went on the amunet after he was raised and was trying to talk to Warclaidhm so him creating a post about being picked on was completely pointless.

12-04-2004, 03:55 PM
I read it more carefully and you're a dumbass Warclaidhm.

[Edited on 5-12-2004 by Iriscience]

12-04-2004, 04:09 PM
Eh, I probably would have killed him too. When I used to play a warrior I played one who was pretty much dumb when it came to magic. I didn't get spelled up and I certainly didn't cast spells because he just didn't trust magic and in some senses feared it. If someone had been curious if it was possible to sacrific me and then proceed to cast a spell on me, especially one that he couldn't recognize as a basic defensive spell (brilliant lights, blue glows, etc.) from having seen them cast on others I probably would have been agressive as well. Your RP might not involve conflict but I don't think that means conflict can't be RP. That being said I don't think Warclaidhm was RPing, but saying my .02 on how I would have reacted in that situation.

12-04-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
Reading through this thread again..I'd like to add..

While I refuse to take Warclaidhm's side on anything at all..

It sure seems like 90% of the people responding to this thread are almost looking for a reason to kill someone.. Heh.

Thats because they are.. no matter where you go in GS there's always a bunch of people more than willing to attack and kill you for no good reason.. less in some towns than others.

12-04-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Dave
Perhaps you're right Tsa'ah. I tend to aviod the threads that are related to him, same ol shit from both sides most often.

Now if what he presented is truth I would have killed him too, but I would never have asked for his AIM or have had the same conversation.

Fine, I'll post the whole log. I really am telling the truth though, and I don't know why he acted so rude to me the whole time. I was kind to him the whole time. So naturally, I was surprised when he DIDN'T want revenge, for someone with his attitude.

Here you go:
You ask, "What train are those?"
>'the lowest..You say, "The lowest.."
>Xyro says, "65-70."
>ponYou ponder.
>'I"m 44, but I'm really toughYou say, "I"m 44, but I'm really tough."
>wh xyr highest AS is 401You quietly whisper to Xyro, "Highest AS is 401."
>Ulthripe starts chuckling at you!
>Xyro says, "Ill leg em and cut their arms off and such."
>'what is their defence in offence?You ask, "What is their defence in offence?"
>The fox digs into the ground looking for something.
>Xyro says, "Low after i get through with em."
>act roars at Ulthripe, trying to scare him.(Warclaidhm roars at Ulthripe, trying to scare him.)
>The raven blinks at you.
>whistYou whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
>wh xyr I mean like normally standing upYou quietly whisper to Xyro, "I mean like normally standing up."
>The fox sits down.
>Gibreficul just arrived.
>wtrick ap ulthUlthripe appears to be of average constitution and is in relatively good shape.
Ulthripe would be an even match for your level of experience.
You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "Hey, your level 44, cool."
>Ulthripe rolls his eyes.
You ask, "ULthripe, mind hunting sometime?"
>Ulthripe glares at you.
You quietly whisper to Xyro, "What is this guys problem."
>wh xyr hehYou quietly whisper to Xyro, "Heh."
>Ulthripe turns towards Xyro and renders a sharp hand salute.
You lightly tap Ulthripe on the shoulder.
>Ulthripe says, "Oh, what."
>Ulthripe shifts his eyes to you.
You ask, "Ulthripe why are ye so mad?"
>Ulthripe laughs!
>Ulthripe says, "You've not seen me mad, son."
>With a great leap, the raven launches into the air.
>Ulthripe grins at you.
>Ulthripe asks, "What can I do you for?"
>Ulthripe asks, "Need to release some limbs or something?"
You say, "I was gonig to ask you if you wanted to hunt, since we're about the same train."
>Ulthripe says, "Friends are not designated by their location."
>wh ulth OOC You have AIM?You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "OOC You have AIM?"
>'trueUlthripe whispers, "OOC you're annoying."
You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "How so?"
>Ulthripe whispers, "You really need me to describe it in detail?"
>Ulthripe snickers.
Ulthripe taps you lightly on the shoulder.
>Ulthripe asks, "You comin with or what?"
You ask, "To where?"
>Ulthripe says, "Vor'taz."
You say, "Sure."
>Ulthripe whispers, "How they hell did you join me?!"
You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "JOIN ULTHRIPE."
(Lots of moving around to vor'taz)
>Ulthripe whispers, "My group is and was closed."
>Ulthripe traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>Ulthripe gestures at a horned vor'taz.
CS: +247 - TD: +194 + CvA: +25 + d100: +7 == +85
Warded off!
>Xyro concentrates deeply for a moment.
>A horned vor'taz rubs his magical horn.
>Ulthripe traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>Ulthripe gestures at a horned vor'taz.
CS: +247 - TD: +167 + CvA: +25 + d100: +12 == +117
Warding failed!
A horned vor'taz is suddenly surrounded by a blood red haze.
>You say, "Just implode them."
>Ulthripe asks, "Why?"
You say, "Less mana and faster."
>Xyro says, "Why dont you let him hunt how hes best at it."
>Ulthripe says, "Actually, it more mana."
You say, "I'm giving him advice."
>Xyro says, "Hes the sorceror your the warrior."
>Ulthripe nods to Xyro.
You remove a fierce bunny-etched greatsword from in your claidhmore harness.
You show Ulthripe your bunny-etched greatsword.
>Ulthripe taps you lightly on the shoulder.
>Ulthripe says, "Stop showing off."
You laugh out loud!
You ask, "Showing off?"
>You say, "I was hoping you said this greatsword would look hideous."
>Xyro says, "He means quit acting like you know everything."
>You say, "Like everyone else."
You say, "I'm not."
>smYou smile.
Ulthripe says, "For a giant and a warrior, you sure profess to know a lot."
>Ulthripe snickers.
>You say, "I simply gave you my knowledge on something, my advice."
>Ulthripe peers quizzically at you.
>Your SIGN OF SMITING is no longer effective.
>Ulthripe asks, "How have you ANY knowledge of my spells?"
You say, "I told you what I thought on using implode."
>Ulthripe says, "Explain to me, please."
You ask, "Ultripe, what armor are you wearing?"
>Ulthripe says, "My elven leathers."
>Ulthripe asks, "What are you wearing?"
You say, "My bunny armor."
>Ulthripe says, "Or... I suppose I could have just looked at you instead of asking."
>Ulthripe shrugs.
You ask, "Isn't a carbuncle a big pimple?"
>look car
It is difficult to see the red carbuncle clearly from this distance.
>Xyro put a deep red carbuncle in his deep-hooded cloak.
>Ulthripe laughs!
>Xyro asks, "What carbuncle?"
Ulthripe says, "Even if it is... the gemshop still buys 'em."
>Ulthripe grins.
>'ewwYou say, "Eww."
>Xyro says, "Someone whos not me can sell em."
>'Kind of like those ambergisYou say, "Kind of like those ambergis."
>Xyro says, "Elves hate us dwarves."
>You begin to lose touch with your internal sources of strength.
>gag>You gag.
You make a rude suggestion to Ulthripe and receive a firm punch for it.
>Ulthripe taps you lightly on the shoulder.
>'yesYou say, "Yes."
>Ulthripe says, "Please be civil or we will kill you and leave you."
>Ulthripe nods to you.
You weakly say, "Who is we."
>Ulthripe glances at Xyro.
>Xyro says, "I wont leave em."
>Ulthripe says, "Me and myself."
>Xyro says, "But ill watch you kill him."
>Ulthripe points at himself.
>Xyro grins evilly.
You understandingly say, "And Ulthripe is my friend."
>You smile.
>Ulthripe peers quizzically at you.
>Ulthripe asks, "Did I say that?"
You ask, "Ulthripe you want to duel sometime?"
>smUlthripe leans on his runestaff.
>Xyro says, "You will die."
>Xyro nods to you.
You say, "Naw."
>Ulthripe says, "Maybe."
>Ulthripe says, "I think I would dissemble you limb by limb."
>Ulthripe nods to you.
Xyro says, "And if i voln fu you both you both will die."
You cackle at Xyro.
>Xyro says, "My ex girlfriend.... she sucked."
You say, "Really."
You say, "I'm sure."
You smirk.
>Speaking to you, Ulthripe says, "And if you think I'm mean... you've not met some of my counterparts."
>Ulthripe begins chuckling at Xyro!
>Ulthripe's group just went south.
[Gyldemar Forest, Clearing]
The clearing slopes down to the south toward an overgrown thicket of brambles and prickly holly trees, illuminated by the moonlight. A small rabbit skeleton lies nestled in the brambles. You also see an overgrown path barely visible among the underbrush.
Also here: Xyro, Ulthripe
Obvious paths: north
>Ulthripe says, "I was referring to my fellow disruptors."
>Ulthripe nods to you.
>'ohYou say, "Oh."
Ulthripe says, "I'm simply TRYING very hard to EXPLAIN to you the error of your ways. I think I'm being rather patient."
>Speaking to you, Ulthripe says, "I wonder if I can sacrafice you."
You say, "I wonder if I can warcry you.."
You smile.
>Xyro failed to skin a horned vor'taz properly. The vor'taz horn is ruined.
>Xyro searches a horned vor'taz.
Xyro gathers the remaining coins.
A horned vor'taz crumbles away to nothing.
>Xyro stands up.
>Ulthripe traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>Ulthripe gestures at you.
CS: +247 - TD: +157 + CvA: -21 + d100: +37 == +106
Warding failed!
You feel weakened as a blood red haze forms around you.
>warcry bert ultUlthripe nods.
>You glare at Ulthripe and let out a nerve-shattering bellow!
Ulthripe is startled enough to lose initiative!

Roundtime: 3 sec.
>warcry growl ultYour face contorts as you unleash a guttural, deep-throated growl at Ulthripe!
Ulthripe is overcome with a terrible rage!

Roundtime: 3 sec.
>l[Gyldemar Forest, Slope]
A leaf-covered slope drops steeply into the darkness to the southwest. The thick covering of leaves, aided by the darkness, conceals holes and other potential hazards from view. Thin trees provide handholds to aid in traversing the slope. You also see the Ulthripe disk.
Also here: Xyro, Ulthripe
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
>stance offYou are now in an offensive stance.
>[Roll result: 237 (open d100: 92)]
Xyro spins quickly behind you and delivers a well placed kick!
You feel humiliated and enraged!
>mstr ultYou concentrate intently, focusing all your energies.
You explode into a fury of strikes and ripostes, moving with a singular purpose and will!
You swing a claw-hilted black ora claidhmore at Ulthripe!
AS: +349 vs DS: +293 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +24 = +124
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Wicked slash slices open Ulthripe's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!

* Ulthripe drops dead at your feet!

A shadow seems to detach itself from Ulthripe's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
The powerful look leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe seems a bit less imposing.
The bright luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
The white light leaves Ulthripe.
The very powerful look leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe seems to lose some dexterity.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe becomes solid again.
The air calms down around Ulthripe.
The light blue glow leaves Ulthripe.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding Ulthripe suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
Ulthripe becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.
Ulthripe glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The deep blue glow leaves Ulthripe.
Ulthripe appears to lose some internal strength.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Ulthripe.
Ulthripe returns to normal color.
The air about Ulthripe stops shimmering.

Your series of strikes and ripostes leaves you winded and out of position.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
> * Ulthripe just bit the dust!
>The Ulthripe disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
>Xyro seems a bit weaker than before.
>The blood red haze dissipates from around you.

12-04-2004, 06:43 PM
Let's see... my character openly hates Warclaidhm. I go on the dais and he hugs me and smooches me... more than once. Then Chadj comes in. Chadj does not know Warclaidhm IG and yet Warclaidhm keeps addressing him and asking to take him hunting. Get the fucking clue, no one wants to hang around you and if they do... there may be something wrong with them or they haven't seen how you are.

12-04-2004, 07:03 PM
Ummm...below are clues. Clues given you by the most gracious Ulthripe. Clues you studiously ignored:

You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "Hey, your level 44, cool."
>Ulthripe rolls his eyes.
You ask, "ULthripe, mind hunting sometime?"
>Ulthripe glares at you.

You say, "I was gonig to ask you if you wanted to hunt, since we're about the same train."
>Ulthripe says, "Friends are not designated by their location."
>wh ulth OOC You have AIM?You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "OOC You have AIM?"
>'trueUlthripe whispers, "OOC you're annoying."
You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "How so?"
>Ulthripe whispers, "You really need me to describe it in detail?"

>Ulthripe whispers, "How they hell did you join me?!"
You quietly whisper to Ulthripe, "JOIN ULTHRIPE."

>You say, "Just implode them."
>Ulthripe asks, "Why?"
You say, "Less mana and faster."
>Xyro says, "Why dont you let him hunt how hes best at it."
>Ulthripe says, "Actually, it more mana."
You say, "I'm giving him advice."
>Xyro says, "Hes the sorceror your the warrior."
>Ulthripe nods to Xyro.

You make a rude suggestion to Ulthripe and receive a firm punch for it.
>Ulthripe taps you lightly on the shoulder.
>'yesYou say, "Yes."
>Ulthripe says, "Please be civil or we will kill you and leave you."

You understandingly say, "And Ulthripe is my friend."
>You smile.
>Ulthripe peers quizzically at you.
>Ulthripe asks, "Did I say that?"

Ulthripe says, "I'm simply TRYING very hard to EXPLAIN to you the error of your ways. I think I'm being rather patient."

I think he made it pretty clear from the beginning that he didn't want to be your friend. You joined him without even asking him. Don't you think that's rather rude? The poor guy was trying to tell you that he didn't particularly enjoy your company. You weren't listening. Personally, I think he had far more patience with you than I would have had.

12-04-2004, 07:12 PM
After reading the whole log, I now think he was at fault for not imploding your ass.

12-04-2004, 07:17 PM
OK, so lets critique your first post, given the full log you subsequently posted.

Never met him before, I asked him how he was, etc. and he was very kind to him the whole time then, I was surprised as he was pretty harsh towards me. I figured it was all RP, so I roleplayed along.

OK. First lie/misconception. You wouldnt know roleplay from a "OOC can I have your postal address?" whisper.

I then whispered to him, and asked him if he had AIM (Via OOC with my whisper) and surprisingly, instead of giving it to me, he said OOC Why are you so annoying?

Why is it a surprise he said that? YOU ARE!

So apparently it wasn't his CHARACTER, that was pissed, it was him , the player himself that was.

It was probably both.

And I really didn't do anything to piss him off.

Another lie. You did plenty. Plenty plenty plenty.

He was talking to Xyro about something, nodding, etc as he was talking to me. I assume it was me, and when I asked Xyro what he was talking about, he ignored me. But who knows, it could've been something totally different.

Yeah...heaven forbid someone doesnt make you the centre of attention for every minute of every day and every conversation. :rolleyes:

So, then he invites me to go hunt with him. So I come along.

Another lie. You invited yourself. He just didnt tell you to fuck off like anyone in their right mind would have done.

Everything goes fine. He casts some essence spell, and so I ask him why not use implode, it would be faster, and cheaper on mana.

And he was very polite and instead of saying FUCK OFF YOU MORON, he explained that you were incorrect in your statement. He was very patient in doing so.

He says for me to mind my own business, and not get "into his skills", because I wouldn't know them. In fact he asked you what you would know of he spells. Thats when you asked him what armor he was wearing. Remember?

Then Xyro chimes and says, "He doesn't need your help."

So that's what I get for trying to give him some advice.

a) He didnt need it.
b) It was stupid advice
c) It was stupid advice from a stupid bastard.

From there, he threatens me saying if I hurt him, he'll summon his older disruptors to kill me.

Another lie. He was saying that he is nice for a sorcerer and if you think he is mean, you should meet some others.

Then, we get to a certain point, he sacrifices some critter, and then it goes as follows(Note: If I get attacked, I WILL get attacked back. This is the only way I WILL attack back.):

You're a moron. Anyone else would have imploded you long before that point. And would have been justified in doing so. Even Eiderfleur would have imploded you. Thats how fucking stupid you are.

[Edited on 5-12-04 by Nieninque]

12-04-2004, 07:26 PM
Ok people.. let's be real here.. it's obvious that Warclaid knows exactly what he did and is just trying to get attention.

12-04-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Even Eiderfleur would have imploded you. Thats how fucking stupid you are.

GODDAMNIT! IT WASN'T MY FAULT! I've only ever imploded one person ever and that was Glanvis, I was playing around with him on the dais and stunned him with hand of tonis, and used my macro to Get my wand from my bag, wave wand at glanvis and stow my wand. I just forgot that I had recently put implosion wands in my bag and my last oak wand has disintegrated. Well Glanvis dismissed the charges because it was an obvious accident and Eider would never hurt him on purpose, was funny because before I realised what I had done Eider was bouncing up and down in joy for having unstunned him, killing him was not something she had planned. lol

12-04-2004, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Eiderfleur

Originally posted by Nieninque
Even Eiderfleur would have imploded you. Thats how fucking stupid you are.

GODDAMNIT! IT WASN'T MY FAULT! I've only ever imploded one person ever and that was Glanvis, I was playing around with him on the dais and stunned him with hand of tonis, and used my macro to Get my wand from my bag, wave wand at glanvis and stow my wand. I just forgot that I had recently put implosion wands in my bag and my last oak wand has disintegrated. Well Glanvis dismissed the charges because it was an obvious accident and Eider would never hurt him on purpose, was funny because before I realised what I had done Eider was bouncing up and down in joy for having unstunned him, killing him was not something she had planned. lol


Sure it was an accident

12-04-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque


Sure it was an accident

Feh! It was really funny for anyone who was actually there.. I didn't realise what I had done till I looked again and had to even scroll back up to see why he was dead. ROFL

Anyway I'm not the one under scrutiny! I didn't do it! You cannot prove a thing!!!!!11111!!! I demand to see a lawyer!

I plead the fifth!

12-04-2004, 08:08 PM
there's a secret document I think you should see here FIF!

12-05-2004, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Let's see... my character openly hates Warclaidhm. I go on the dais and he hugs me and smooches me... more than once. Then Chadj comes in. Chadj does not know Warclaidhm IG and yet Warclaidhm keeps addressing him and asking to take him hunting. Get the fucking clue, no one wants to hang around you and if they do... there may be something wrong with them or they haven't seen how you are.

Warclaidhm came over and was being 'nice' to Chadj on the Dais. It was ANNOYING AS A MOTHERFUCK. It lead to Warclaidhm getting lullabyed by Chadj, and ended with Warclaidhm getting stunned Leloo. He's annoying as hell, nothing really much more to it.

12-05-2004, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
for you old farts that don't play anymore, 102 doesn't impact your bolt casting at all anymore (can't be call winded off you now either)

PS Idiothm still sucks.

It does still lower your physical AS no?

12-05-2004, 02:34 AM
Yes, a minimum of -20 physical AS and -1 AS for every 2 spells over 102 known

12-06-2004, 02:51 PM
Warclaidhm, try not to be a dumb fuck.

1. Don't go announcing other people's levels after appraising them. And stop appraising every mother fucker you meet! This means that you shouldn't talke outloud about what level you are, or what level anyone else is.

2. Stop asking questions about a critter's DS in offensive and defensive outloud.

3. Don't have the balls to tell a sorceror how to use his spells, when you flaunt your ignorance 5 minutes later by claiming to the world that you had no idea what spell he cast at you, or what it did. If you are that ignorant about sorceror magic, what in the world would make you think you're qualified to give advice on it? You barely know anything about warriors, let alone sorcerors.

4. Stop ruining other people's day by trying to befriend them.

12-06-2004, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Shouldnt take too long for everyone in the EN to hate you

Then hopefully you will fuck off somewhere else.

Edited, so Jihna wont be thinking I have lost it.


[Edited on 4-12-04 by Nieninque]



Everyone already said what I wanted to say. So I will say what everyone was thinking but nobody said.


12-06-2004, 07:20 PM

:cold::loveu::drunk::offtopic::wow::duh::wow::):do wn:

12-06-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm

:cold::loveu::drunk::offtopic::wow::duh::wow::):do wn:



12-06-2004, 07:24 PM
Peas Sweat?!?!?!?! OMG!!!!!!!!1111!!!!

12-06-2004, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Warclaidhm


ima keel u

I live in TX. Do you know how easy it is for me to get a hold of a white hood, a shotgun and a confederate flag? Yes. BE AFRAID OF YOUR IMPENDING A HICK INSPIRED DETH.

<insert stabby stabby kill-the-bunny icon here>

12-06-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit

Originally posted by Warclaidhm


ima keel u

I live in TX. Do you know how easy it is for me to get a hold of a white hood, a shotgun and a confederate flag? Yes. BE AFRAID OF YOUR IMPENDING A HICK INSPIRED DETH.

<insert stabby stabby kill-the-bunny icon here>

Wouldn't your "peas sweat" too much in that outfit Jihna? /flee

12-06-2004, 08:07 PM

H8 u

12-06-2004, 08:10 PM
I went and took a giant dump. It plugged the toilet, and I'm dumb because I forgot about it until it overflowed, that sucked.

and then, I walked into a wall.

Who am I?

I am every post made by warclaidhm.

Another good example:


Shut the fuck up.

12-07-2004, 12:49 AM

12-07-2004, 11:09 AM
I think that Warclaidhm killing him was justified. It was the sorcerers fault for having patience with the little retard and actually giving him the time of day.

Those whispers are exactly what people dislike about Warclaidhm. His, "Warclaidhm whispers, "OOC - I think you roleplay good, but why do you have to be so mean to me" type of interactions make me want to take a mallet to his keyboard and his head.

In conclusion Warclaidhm... you are what I hate most about GS4.

12-07-2004, 11:51 AM
sneaks up behind Jhina and throws a basket of pink bunnies on her!


[Edited on 12-7-2004 by Amaron]

12-08-2004, 12:42 AM
thats just evil

i will have revenge


12-08-2004, 03:14 AM
He's back in the Landing. :\

Rejoice, EN-dwellers.

12-08-2004, 03:46 AM
Heh I am glad he doesn't know my char.

Naomi Chan
12-27-2004, 12:29 PM
Warclaidhm your heart is in the right place but you behave too forward with people, it annoys them but they're too polite to say so, or so complexly attached to real world shyness they decide to attack you instead to pump up their ego.

Be a lot more reserved and you will get better results. Don't ask personal questions until you've gotten to known someone....this includes asking what spell they are using, things like that...how in the world would a warrior like yourself know about sorcery in order to give a sorcerer advice? Seems a bit out of character.

Good luck