View Full Version : What do you highlight?

12-03-2004, 05:17 AM
Not like gems, and directions, gm arrivals. But for looks. What do you highlight so that it stands out when you take a look at someone?

Some of my words are:
Warrior Guild
Luukos, V'tull, etc... (Caiy would rather decay than be raised/healed/etc.... by someone who worships dark gods)

I've met friends this way because it's easier to comment on things I appreciate or like when I can spot them right away. In a mass of items, Brigatta standing out in blue helps me greet a fellow house member. Or leya helps me find fellow Leya followers.

12-03-2004, 05:30 AM
Also here:
Obvous exits:
Obvious paths:
You also see

12-03-2004, 06:28 AM

I'll restate. For when you LOOK at someONE.

12-03-2004, 06:40 AM
For purposes of interacting with others, its mainly just "in guildspeak"

The Cat In The Hat
12-03-2004, 07:44 AM
I'm an empath, and yellow's my warning color (critters, people I dont like etc...) so I have "bleeding" highlighted in yellow. That way a quick look and I know what to heal first.

12-03-2004, 07:58 AM
I just highlight names.
People I Love.

People I like.

People I dislike.

People i want to kill on site. ----> Klavie, Taz, Klavie, Klavie, Klavie, Kithus, Klavie, Taz... and a few others like Klavie)

12-03-2004, 08:06 AM
I have colors for names (general people in pink and blue, and people I interact with the most get background colors). For LOOK specifics, it's similar to Gothique's in that I highlight "all of so and so's blood" and the word heal (in red).

12-03-2004, 09:33 AM
Friends are in bright green, merchants that I've personally dealt with are in light blue, enemies are in red. Certain metals are highlighted, same with imbeds, skins, herbs, gems, etc. So if someone is wearing metals/gems/skins they stand out fast.

12-03-2004, 09:47 AM
When I did play:

All box names
People who were known thieves
People who were to be killed on sight
People who were to be stolen from on sight
People who were to be killed and then robbed blind
People who were to be avoided
Area spell descriptions
You, you, your, Your
High level clerics
Messaging that indicated I was being stolen from
Messaging that indicated someone else was being stolen from

There are more, I just can't think of them.

12-03-2004, 10:19 PM
For looking at people:

Leya (I have a Leya follower too Caiy!)

Other ones:
the body of
The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

12-03-2004, 10:34 PM
Ok, these are good ideas. I should probably do some of this stuff. I just learned I was doing it the hard way: READING EVERYTHING. :scared:

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by JihnasSpirit]

12-03-2004, 11:09 PM
[SEND] is automatically tagged and highlighted red.

I highlight a lot of garbage, but I find it somewhat useful in my day-to-day interactions within the game.

Things like: stun, stuns, stunned for a quick heads up that I stunned a critter or person in combat. The typical variations of You. All box types and scarabs. All spells, either being cast, falling off, or detected through 405. Also here, obvious exits, you also see, and things like arch, door, and other entrances that might be hidden within the room description. I have all the COL signs highlighted, so in the heat of battle it's easy to note when they fall. I have all my characters' I4W transport items highlighted because I almost always forget who is wearing what, and I hate combing through the text to figure out which pendant or whatever it might be. I have quite a few other things highlighted along these lines, but nothing on other people unless it's in common with something on one of my characters by chance.

I highlight names of course. I have Mentors in blue, GMs and GHs in skyblue, good friends in pink, other close friends that might be dangerous because of their RP style in red, idiots in yellow (there are a lot of these), and some older friends in light green.

At any rate, just a few things...


12-03-2004, 11:12 PM
Yep, [send] is automatic, I changed it simply due to the Pavlov factor.

See red, start throwing up signs, and by the time the first spell is prepped you say ... Son of a ...

Changed it to green.

[Edited on 12-4-2004 by Tsa`ah]

12-03-2004, 11:13 PM
basically any color, names of people I like, don't like, merchants, Black Wolf, points of damage with my sound strings, other stuff with my sound strings, stunned, drops dead at your feet, stuff, stuff, more stuff, blah :blah:

12-04-2004, 09:22 AM
I know this isn't a complete list by any stretch of the imagination it's just the one's I've personally seen, as I come across more gems/herbs/pelts/etc I add them:

003 "clove"
003 "flower"
003 "fruit"
003 "grass"
003 "leaf"
003 "lichen"
003 "moss"
003 "potion"
003 "root"
003 "spine"
003 "Stem"
004 "agate"
004 "amber"
004 "amethyst"
004 "bloodstone"
004 "carbuncle"
004 "chalcedony"
004 "chrysoberyl"
004 "coral"
004 "cordierite"
004 "crystal"
004 "deathstone"
004 "diamond"
004 "diopside"
004 "dreamstone"
004 "emerald"
004 "garnet"
004 "gem"
004 "glimaerstone"
004 "jacinth"
004 "jasper"
004 "lapis"
004 "moonstone"
004 "onyx"
004 "opal"
004 "pearl"
004 "quartz"
004 "ruby"
004 "sapphire"
004 "scarab"
004 "shard"
004 "shell"
004 "spinel"
004 "stone"
004 "topaz"
004 "tourmaline"
004 "zircon"
005 "beard"
005 "bone"
005 "claw"
005 "feathers"
005 "hide"
005 "nail"
005 "nose"
005 "paw"
005 "pelt"
005 "scalp"
005 "skin"
005 "tail"
005 "tusk"
007 "box"
007 "chest"
007 "coffer"
007 "strongbox"
007 "trunk"
011 "golvern"
011 "leather"
011 "mithril"
011 "OOC"
011 "ora"
011 "rolaren"
011 "silver"
011 "silvers"
011 "vultite"
011 "You"
011 "you"
012 "cloud"
012 "fades"
012 "leaves"
012 "pocket"
012 "pockets"
014 "body"
014 "dies"
014 "falls to the ground motionless."
014 "gestures and utters a phrase of magic"
014 "goes still"
014 "gold"
014 "Private"
014 "private"
014 "stunned"
015 "amulet"
015 "armband"
015 "flask"
015 "lockpick"
015 "orb"
015 "ring"
015 "rod"
015 "statue"
015 "vellum"
015 "wand"
015 "wands"

Miss X
12-04-2004, 09:37 AM
I have Honor and Reflective glass stone highlighted so I dont have to read the tine every time I push it and look at it omw to the rift. I also have door and mirror highlighted for rift hunting.

I have Help, empath, healing, heal etc highlighted, and all empaths in blue, clerics in pink. I have herbs colour coded with wounds too, for some odd reason. Oh, I have "the body of" highlighted too because I hate missing bodies! People I hate are in light blue, and people I like are in red.

I have Oleani in red too so I notice other Oleani followers.

12-04-2004, 10:59 AM
I highlight names, but mostly by profession--I'm most meticulous about highlighting clerics and empaths, and then locksmiths (of any profession), wizards and sorcerers. Friends have their own color (light blue), family is green, and my husband is purple. People I'm avoiding for various reasons are red.

I also highlight the body of, words for bleeding wounds (so I don't raise someone I shouldn't), stun words (so I can unstun my hunting partners), cloud, the phrases for when my spells and symbols wear off, and the phrases for when my link to a body has disconnected as well as that messaging you get when you can raise again. I also highlight box types (so I can find them quickly in my robe).

12-04-2004, 11:01 AM
"Dark Elf"

12-04-2004, 12:17 PM
I have all the enchanted woods highlighted with the ROY G BIV method, same as the magic metals. I also have most merchant type containers - table, case, pegs etc highlighted, doors, paths, trails and as someone else mentioned Also here:

bleeding in red, the lumnis message to start Triple XXX, when a body loses lifekeep, body, the message after your mstrike fatigue wears off, message for improving while playing an instrument.

Merchants are in an annoying combo of like yellow and purple.

My character's husband and someone else who's special are in magenta. My close friends in cyan and people I don't like in red.

12-04-2004, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
Oh, I have "the body of" highlighted too because I hate missing bodies!Heh, me too, except I always end up running past them first anyway. I don't think I've heard of someone using red for good before though. I used to have a whole system but eventually I gave up and good = yellow and bad = red.

I do find it a bit amusing that though Caiylania stated the topic twice, most people (myself included) have immediately strayed. Sorry! :)

12-04-2004, 02:41 PM
Highlights of stuff to look for:
thigh (looking for a thigh-sheath for my Erithi)
sylvankind (case insensitive)
sylvan (case insensitive)
messages for bodies who lose keep, are linked to a cleric and are raised
sai (always looking)
green tourmaline (linked to a story that was told by a friend, Nilandia is collecting green tourmalines)
Sovyn (case sensitive, relating to the House)
"INVENTORY when your group is together." (my script trigger when I'm traveling)
box types
"to you" (most often means a verb is directed toward me)
"the body of"
"an encircled gold scroll symbol" (desperately looking for one of these. Weatherby symbol that I missed on the Spitfire)
"a marble-inset gold crown symbol" (same as above, but for a friend)

Name categories:
people from River's Rest (in Prime)
empaths (in Plat)
GSS people

Squelches (a bunch of these are to cut on the scroll in invasions):
FIND usage message when the person isn't in game
"was not found in Elanthia." (so my BEFRIEND LIST only gives people who are in game)
"Click INVENTORY HELP for more options." (gets annoying to see that whenever I type INV)
"meditates over"
"mystical chant"
"Nothing happens."
"looks a little"
various phrases of spells being cast or dropping
"Stamina Points"
"Spirit Points"
"Health Points" (I have my bars that give me a good clue)
Sorcerer Illusions rep messages
Dupe messaging
Box popping

I also use a bunch more highlights and squelches when I take information for my inventory so I don't have to re-read the same things over and over.

Sends are automatically highlighted by SF, so I don't highlight those.


12-04-2004, 06:42 PM
Zelia (case insensitive)
thats for what people are wearing mostly

as for others the usual boxes, people (different colors for different professions ) ..friend are separate..to be killed are red with white background..an most of the important phrases spell loss etc...

12-04-2004, 09:10 PM
'short skirt'

12-05-2004, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
I do find it a bit amusing that though Caiylania stated the topic twice, most people (myself included) have immediately strayed. Sorry! :)

Hehe. No big deal. I've actually got some ideas from it. Like squelching "was not found in Elanthia".