View Full Version : Pet Peeves.
09-08-2003, 09:34 PM
Everyone's got them! Here are a few of mine: As I was a cashier for a little over a year, my biggest was people setting money down on the counter in front of me. I couldn't stand it when people didn't hand me change or would throw crumbled up bills all over the counter. Another big thing is when driving, and there are two lanes and you are at a light and the right lane is about to end and a sign says "Right lane must turn right" and somone comes up and guns it when the light turns green and goes straight. Anyone that does that should die a horrible death.
09-08-2003, 09:37 PM
People who scratch their plate with their knives and forks while eating.
In GS: people who are too lazy to speak properly. I fucking hate omw, a common thought in Icemule.
People who don't do their dishes.
Tan/White underwear (on womens). Ugh, they're enough to make me lose a bone.
People who buy $12000 cars and spend another $10000 making them look stupid.
People who think subway cars are their living rooms.
People who talk through an entire movie, either on their phone, or to the person next to them. AND, the wrapper crinklers! I am not an angry person, but the wrapper crinklers make me want to go postal.
People who think Japan is the be-all end-all of Holy Land coolness. Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty of ties to Japan, but I do not worship anyone and anything that comes out of those islands without a thought in my head.
When men throw their ties over their shoulders. I don't know why, I just hate it.
When people I don't know or don't like touch me. And people damn well know when I don't like them, it's not something that's easily confused.
Musical elitists. People that brag about 'listening to them first' and believe that people who come newly to the music are somehow less than them.
I have lots more, but I'll stop there.
09-08-2003, 10:11 PM
People who clean their fingernails at the table. People who put their shoes on my bed. People who just talk too too much while I am too tired to listen. Oh! people who try to show how cool they are by driving really fast and pumping the music up really loud even though you've known them since they were like ten and idolized Hanson. And finally, people who snore and are disrespectful when you are trying to sleep.
Ah, that reminds me... people who wake me up by calling when they damn well know I'm sleeping just to say, "What's up? I'm bored."
I eat candy bars and chicken nuggest with a knife and a fork.
Would that annoy any of you?
09-08-2003, 10:20 PM
Or when they drink out of the milk cartons or use their fingers to eat something and then put it back in the fridge, expecting you to just eat that or drink that now. No way man!
09-08-2003, 10:25 PM
People who have no respect for the beauty of nature. Those who would raze a forest to build a high-rise.
Cruelty for the sheer joy of cruelty.
Those who lack the decency to care for the feelings of others, but put themselves before all.
09-08-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Or when they drink out of the milk cartons
I would never do that!
Ok.. When ever my wife or I go shopping, we have to buy multiple cartons of milk. I draw a little jolly roger on mine.... cause I don't use glasses for my milk.
I'm a savage, I know.
09-08-2003, 10:37 PM
When people are giving me my change back they hand me the bills first and then dump the change on top....
Who me
09-08-2003, 10:47 PM
So many peeves, so little time :flamed: :mad: :flamed:
1)People who make a right turn and have to get all the way over to the left to do so.
2) Men who call up a doctors office 5 minutes after they close on a friday night screaming it's an emergency the doctor is reached so he can get his viagra.
3) People with absolutely no common sense.
4) Traffic
5) Those that have done it all, seen it all or know someone who has- then try to preach to you about how you should live your life.
Oh, I could go on.. but I'll save it for a rainy day.
09-08-2003, 10:48 PM
People who make threads that already exist.
09-08-2003, 10:49 PM
People who chew with their mouths open.
People who spit when they talk.
People who beat around the bush, and don't say what they mean.
People who drive like a jackass.
Anyone that IS a jackass.
Someone who is sarcastic, but doesn't know when to quit. Teasing is fun, but only to a point.
Also, it bothers the everliving piss out of me when I'm talking to someone in a serious manner, about something that's bothering me or something that's going on in my life, and they turn it into a "Well my life sucks more" competition.
09-08-2003, 10:50 PM
So basically, Maimara, your pet peeve is me?
09-08-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Or when they drink out of the milk cartons
I would never do that!
Ok.. When ever my wife or I go shopping, we have to buy multiple cartons of milk. I draw a little jolly roger on mine.... cause I don't use glasses for my milk.
I'm a savage, I know.
Actually I have to admit... I am a hypocrit. It is ok for ME to drink out of the milk or orange juice container... but if my brother does it it pisses me the hell off and grosses me out. But that's just cause he's so dirty!
Oo, something that REALLY REALLY REALLY bothers me is when people try to tell me that my opinion is just a phase and when I grow up/smarten up, I'll come around to their way of thinking because obviously their opinion is the right one. My mother used to do that to me all the time when I was a teenager. I'm pleased to say that my opinions on the important stuff didn't have anything to do with my age and that I still remain firm in my disagreement.
09-08-2003, 10:53 PM
I hate when people don't ask if they can have something, and they're at my house. Like... yeah, so I have 40 packages of ramen. It's the principle, you know? I don't want someone going and taking cigarettes out of my pack without asking. Am I going to say no? Probably not, but I hate people that have no manners.
09-08-2003, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
People who have no respect for the beauty of nature. Those who would raze a forest to build a high-rise.
Cruelty for the sheer joy of cruelty.
Those who lack the decency to care for the feelings of others, but put themselves before all.
People who chop down thousands and thousands of trees, destroying ecosystems, taking away the home for hundreds of creatures just to make some paper and houses for billionaires!
09-08-2003, 10:55 PM
Cruelty to anyone/anything that cannot defend itself makes me pretty angry.
I could watch a slasher flick and laugh at it, but if they step on a dog I scream in outrage.
Stupid... female-ness...
Originally posted by Maimara
Cruelty to anyone/anything that cannot defend itself makes me pretty angry.
I could watch a slasher flick and laugh at it, but if they step on a dog I scream in outrage.
Stupid... female-ness...
Heh, I share that affliction, but I prefer to think of it as less my femininity than my priorities. I'm not afraid to say it, I value animal life over human comfort, sometimes even over human life, depending on the situation.
Animals are innocent, unthinking casualties and many people don't even give them a thought. For the sake of a new paper mill, we'll snuff out three species. I just think that's wrong.
09-08-2003, 11:01 PM
For the sake of being mindless brutes, bears will destroy humans.
I'm so sorry someone killed an animal. Maybe we wouldn't kill them if they didn't kill us.
09-08-2003, 11:02 PM
Hear hear, Dextra. I've yet to meet an animal that deserved death or pain. Except for spiders. But they're not animals. They don't have a central nervous system. They have an external one, so it hurts extra-bad when you light them on fire. Or spray them with Raid.
::pets the Raid can next to her computer:: Raid is my best friend. The stuff in the green can. Oh yeah.
Want some Raid, Bob?
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Maimara]
09-08-2003, 11:04 PM
Now I've had time to think about it:
The change thing of coarse. Change first, then the bills!
People who drive slow in the left lane.
People who hit their animals. I'm tempted to hit then with a stick if I see them hit their dog with one.
People who hit their wives because they are "out of line."
Protesters who break the law themselves.
Babies in a public area that cry constantly and the parent won't leave.
I'm sure more will come to me......
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
For the sake of being mindless brutes, bears will destroy humans.
I'm so sorry someone killed an animal. Maybe we wouldn't kill them if they didn't kill us.
Bear attacks usually result from stupid humans that get too close to cubs or like to 'feed the bears' like at Yellowstone and think they're just fluffy teddies.
And I understand the circle of life, kill or be killed. I'm no vegan, I love me a good steak (well done!) And if it really is kill or be killed, then I understand... if a bear started attacking me, I'd probably shoot it too.
It's when people kill for lesser things than their own life or sanity. Like the rainforest destruction. That's not for our lives, that's for our comfort. When animals get their limbs blown off because we didn't clean up the landmines after our wars, that's our fault. It didn't need to happen.
Law of the jungle, great. Food, great. Just for the fun of it, not great.
09-08-2003, 11:26 PM
Racists! Those fisherman that catch sharks, cut their fins off, and leave the bodies in the ocean with no point. USELESS KILLING. Anyone who harms an animal in any way. People who antagonize an animal into attacking it and then decide to put the animal down because it's vicious. Um, you kind of attacked it first, we should put you down.
09-08-2003, 11:29 PM
Can't stand when people leave the light on in rooms they are not using.
People who chew with their mouth open.
People who don't cover their mouth when they're yawning.
People who click their pen relentlessly during a conference/exam/meeting.
Weedmage Princess
09-08-2003, 11:34 PM
People who switch lanes or make turns without using their blinkers.
People who when turning a page, or counting money, lick their fingers and leave big gobs of their nasty spit. **ESPECIALLY NASTY WHEN THEY ARE COUNTING MONEY TO GIVE TO YOU!
People who dont flush the friggin toilet bowl after using it.
I'm sure there are more, but if I was to rev up my chainsaw and throw on a ski-mask anytime in the near future, one of the above mentioned acts would be why.
Weedmage Princess
09-08-2003, 11:45 PM
Klaive you should be a hermit. And give up all forms of communication with others. ESPECIALLY YOUR COMPUTER.
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Klaive you should be a hermit. And give up all forms of communication with others. ESPECIALLY YOUR COMPUTER.
My computer is 100% of my social life and 90% of my human companionship.
It keeps me from going insane and shooting everyone.
Be glad I'm here.
Weedmage Princess
09-09-2003, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Hehe. You know you wub me.
09-09-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Klaive you should be a hermit. And give up all forms of communication with others. ESPECIALLY YOUR COMPUTER.
My computer is 100% of my social life and 90% of my human companionship.
It keeps me from going insane and shooting everyone.
Be glad I'm here.
your left hand the other 10% of human companionship ? just wondering hehe
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Oh wow. I have so many it is probably a sickness. I hate when people make noise when they chew, when they sleep, hell even people that you can hear breathing clear across the room! People who grind their teeth, snap their gum, hell just about any constant repetitive noise... Those are the 'little things'. Heh.
Bad drivers. Worse, people in grocery stores who walk/drive their carts as poorly as they drive their cars on the roads. You know the ones I mean, the ones who act like there is NOONE else there but them so it's perfectly alright to stop dead in the middle of an aisle and just STAND there blocking it despite your most polite 'excuse me's ', or come barreling out of an aisle into oncoming people with absolutely no thought of pausing to look at who they're about to run over first...
As far as 'big ones' I have to say people who are disloyal, people who are selfish and self-centered and self-absorbed and utterly immature, people who are cruel and abusive, anyone who mistreats a child or an animal.
I'm sure there are more but those are the ones that spring to mind.
(edited to fix 'cars' to 'carts')
[Edited on 9-9-2003 by Lady Daina]
I'm gonna take the grocery store thing a step further and say ANYONE who just stops in the middle of a well-travelled pathway without regard for the people around them.
I used to really hate that in high school... clumps of giggling girls would crop up during every passing period. Luckily, I was short enough that when I kicked them in the backs of the knees I could disappear into the crowd again.
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Klaive you should be a hermit. And give up all forms of communication with others. ESPECIALLY YOUR COMPUTER.
My computer is 100% of my social life and 90% of my human companionship.
It keeps me from going insane and shooting everyone.
Be glad I'm here.
your left hand the other 10% of human companionship ? just wondering hehe
No, my friends/RP Group.
09-09-2003, 07:39 PM
My computer is 100% of my social life and 90% of my human companionship.
It keeps me from going insane and shooting everyone.
Be glad I'm here.
Since you are nowhere near Michigan, I feel an odd sense of security.
Quick! Someone grab his computer and run for the hills!!
Acolyte Kurili
09-09-2003, 07:55 PM
People with no fashion sense, I hate seeing someone in black shoes with a brown belt.
Cashiers that rely on the machine to count change. God forbid you ever learn to count it back to someone.
Slow drivers, old people that drive, anyone that doesn't realize an onramp is for getting up to speed, timid drivers, idiots that don't signal. I drive fast and offensive but I drive smart, you always see my blinker and I always merge seamlessly.
People that are so soft/stuckup/literal that they can't take a good ribbing. Life is not serious people learn to laugh at yourselves. God made people different so I can laugh, if I wasn't meant to laugh we would all be the same (and yes it doesn't bother me when people laugh at me)
09-09-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
People with no fashion sense, I hate seeing someone in black shoes with a brown belt.
People that are so soft/stuckup/literal that they can't take a good ribbing.
You'd hate how I dress... and I can see what you mean in the second statement, but also, sometimes people take ribbing or joking around too far.
09-09-2003, 09:03 PM
People who fight dog's really piss me off.
09-09-2003, 09:05 PM
But Peeve's....
People who chew with their mouth's open.
Anyone who throw's trash in my lawn.
I hate people that think they are better than you. Think you're better than me? Let me know, i'll hit you in the face..
People that bitch about the environement. If you have a true concern about pollution, and you A) Drive an old beat up <insert piece of shit car that you would see a hippy drive> B) Burn a hummer so that no one can drive it! (That puts more pollutants in the air than driving it for 100 years, come on people) C) Bitch at me for something I did regarding the should be shot..
Another Pet Peeve of mine is people stealing stuff, i have a really nice stereo in my car, and if it ever came up missing, i would slaughter the motherfucker that took it while his family watched. Thats lower than low, and hope to god you never take anything of mine..
Originally posted by Stacey
People who fight dog's really piss me off.
Me too!!!
I also don't like when people aren't white.
Devil Ducky
09-10-2003, 08:46 PM
People who chew with their mouth open and make obnoxious popping noises with their body..(cracking necks, shoulders..ewwww)
09-10-2003, 08:59 PM
I really hate some of the newspapers over here. The Daily Mail, for example - conservative, fascist shite, in essence. It prints stories of how weed ruined the lives of the 12 year old who took it, then died 8 years later on heroin. It never tells you good drug stories. Bastards.
You think that's bad, Listen to this.
I was recently watching something on the history channel about snipers.
And everyone was praising this russian sniper because she shot a german soldier, then his friend ran out unarmed to try to retrieve his body, so she shot him too.
And she got a medal for it and everyone was praising her for being so brave. Talk about warping the truth.
You guys think there weren't hardworking german soldiers who died in WW2? You think you are so smart for not being a racist, and everyone who does is ignorant? The country who wins the war writes the history. So you can all keep swallowing the lies you are taught in school and keep spouting them back like brainwashed zombies.
09-10-2003, 09:36 PM
According to White Power "history" the concentration camps gas chambers were TB innoculation chambers. Gotta love these foolish people.
Some WN people claim the holocaust never happend. I think it did but no where near 6 million jews were executed.
09-10-2003, 09:40 PM
6 million is a low estimate. The gas chambers in one camp alone could go through several hundred thousand a week I believe.
09-10-2003, 09:52 PM
Just like the person we are all blood related too is african (something most White Power fan's claim to be bull, but is actually proven by science)?
I'll post proof in a little while...
09-10-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Some WN people claim the holocaust never happend. I think it did but no where near 6 million jews were executed.
This caught my attention. My grandmother who is a German was in Berlin during WWII. No she wasn't a nazi... she was just there and you (Germans under Hitler) did what you were told or you got it between the eyes while standing at the edge of a deep hole.
Heh anyway, I wont go into anymore detail than that, but she said that it wasn't even near 3mil jews. It was much much less. Not that the exact amount matters. I don't think anyone deserves to die because of race or religion.
That was a very interesting time of History and I try to get Oma to talk about it as much as possible. I'd rather hear the truth from someone who was actually there, than read bs in a book.
But to stay on topic my biggest pet peeve is people who burp in public. Thats just nasty. Oh and I HATE it when I go to a movie and people leave their trash at their seat. What is worse though is when people kick the back of your seat during the movie. Or when people bring babies to movies especially to loud violent movies. Im like WTF are they thinking?! Not only does the baby become terrified and start wailing but it ruins the movie for the rest of us. Get a friggin babysitter you moron.
I hate stupid waitstaff in restaurants who can't EVER get your order right or won't refil your glass often enough. I'm like you idiot this isn't rocket science dont put onions on my fucking cheese burger!!! Oh no I don't EVER send anything back to the kitchen to be fixed. I know better than that. :) More things I hate... you know I could go on forever. I hate when elderly people drive. They have this big friggen boat of a caddy and think they OWN the street cus they're old. They don't drive the speed limit, they turn on their blinkers WHILE they are in mid turn.
I hate hypocrites and whiney-ass bitchy moody people who take things too seriously. I hate a house with clutter in it too. I hate it when things are out of place or out of order. I hate people who dont have an open mind. I hate abortion. I hate religious fanatics. I really could keep going... but I wont. heh
[Edited on 9-11-2003 by GS4Gurl]
09-10-2003, 10:11 PM
The difference between the total of the victims of the gassings cited in the above mentioned composition and the number of victims of the operation groups and the total of roughly 6 million victims of the Nazi persecution of the Jews results from the fact that a very high percentage of the victims have lost their lives through indirect extermination actions such as the method "destruction through work," bad treatment, under nourishment, epidemics, exhaustion during forced transportations etc.
About 120,000 people were killed through the Nazi "Euthanasia" actions.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Just like the person we are all blood related too is african (something most White Power fan's claim to be bull, but is actually proven by science)?
I'll post proof in a little while...
We are related to apes too, that doesn't make them human. So if the first person was african wouldn't that mean whites are more evolved?
09-10-2003, 10:16 PM
Kulmhof, i.e. Chelmno: Altogether more than 150,000 Jews as well as 5000 gypsies have hereby been killed.
Belzec: About 600,000 Jews were killed here.
Sobibor: At least 200,000 Jews have been murdered through carbon monoxide gas.
Treblinka: Altogether 700,000 Jews were killed here by carbon monoxide.
Majdanek: Up until November 1944 more than one million Jews and at least 4000 gypsies have been murdered by gas.
Mauthausen: Altogether more than 4000 have been killed here through gas.
Neuengamme: From fall of 1942 on gassings with Zyklon B were undertaken here in a "Bunker" prepared for that, about 450 victims.
Sachsenhausen: Several thousand people fell victim to the gassings, a more specific number cannot be determined.
Natzweiler: From August 1943 to August 1944 a gas chamber existed here in which between 120 and 200 people were killed through Zyklon B.
Stutthof: Had from June 1944 on one gas chamber in which more than 1000 were killed by Zyklon B.
Ravensbruck: Here still in January 1945 a gas chamber was established; the number of the people killed in it was at least 2,300.
The victims of the operation groups of the security service and the SD behind the German frontier in the Russia-campaign were to the by far largest part Jews. Their number is estimated to be at least 900,000.
09-10-2003, 10:19 PM
Yes, we are more evolved. So lets hate them because they have different coloured skin.
When was that written? Where is it from?
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yes, we are more evolved. So lets hate them because they have different coloured skin.
If it's just skin color why don't whites get sicklecell? why are blacks more prone to heart attacks and other medical conditions?
09-10-2003, 10:22 PM
I have another pet peeve: People who actually think we are from apes. I ain't related to no fuckin ape!
09-10-2003, 10:22 PM
Watch the movie Falling Down if you haven't already and I'm sure everyone will relate to everything in there. Those are just universal pet peeves.
For a couple of my own personal pet peeves, go here:
I'll get off my ass and add more to it one day.
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
I have another pet peeve: People who actually think we are from apes. I ain't related to no fuckin ape!
There are some books out by this guy who claims whites are actually from an ice moon that fell to earth, then started living on a island called "atlantis" which ceased to exist and then they moved to europe. I don't know how believable it is, but its interesting, I'll look around and U2U it to you if you are interested.
09-10-2003, 10:27 PM
It is from a number of sources. Let me post the links:
Among others.
09-10-2003, 10:27 PM
People who are afraid of dogs... I have a big fluffy golden retriever... very menacing, right? Yet my "friend" comes in and acts like it's a shark that's gonna eat her. My dog just sat next to my friend and she keeps going "Go away ginger, not supposed to be here" Like hell, its' my house, the dog goes where she wants and stop being such a baby because a dog sits by you.
09-10-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yes, we are more evolved. So lets hate them because they have different coloured skin.
If it's just skin color why don't whites get sicklecell? why are blacks more prone to heart attacks and other medical conditions?
Why are black people faster runners? I'll go out on a limb here but I'd also believe that the percentage of gay people is also in favour of white folk.
09-10-2003, 10:30 PM
Meth your site is hilarious. I love it.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
It is from a number of sources. Let me post the links:
Among others. Have any creditable recent links that say anything over 3 million jews were executed in WW2? and i'm sure militant jew anti-white run sites like are unbiased in the matter.
09-10-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
I have another pet peeve: People who actually think we are from apes. I ain't related to no fuckin ape!
There are some books out by this guy who claims whites are actually from an ice moon that fell to earth, then started living on a island called "atlantis" which ceased to exist and then they moved to europe. I don't know how believable it is, but its interesting, I'll look around and U2U it to you if you are interested.
That sounds funny too Ben. Id like to see that.
09-10-2003, 10:31 PM
The above all do my ignorant friend. But why bother trying to teach an unevolved cretin about fact and history when him and the mindless hate mongers he aligns himself with make it up for him? Personally, I see no point. The information is there. Go find it.
09-10-2003, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Yes, we are more evolved. So lets hate them because they have different coloured skin.
If it's just skin color why don't whites get sicklecell? why are blacks more prone to heart attacks and other medical conditions?
Well I think it also has to do with living styles. Not sure where I saw that...
Originally posted by StrayRogueI'll go out on a limb here but I'd also believe that the percentage of gay people is also in favour of white folk.
You're wrong, some people just consider jews white.
09-10-2003, 10:34 PM
Actually maybe someone should start a new thread called. "WWII truths and myths"? Or "Jews: to be white or not to be white." or "I aint from no friggin ape!" or "Wtf is a homo... really?" [/sarcazim]
tee hee
[Edited on 9-11-2003 by GS4Gurl]
09-10-2003, 10:34 PM
<<I'll go out on a limb here but I'd also believe that the percentage of gay people is also in favour of white folk.>>
Just curious how that's relevant to the whole "white people are more evolved" thing?
09-10-2003, 10:36 PM
Oh and to emphasize my point of why she shouldn't have been scared of my dog... emphasize with a cute picture of my dog..
09-10-2003, 10:37 PM
Actually that poor doggie looks like the scared one.
09-10-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
<<I'll go out on a limb here but I'd also believe that the percentage of gay people is also in favour of white folk.>>
Just curious how that's relevant to the whole "white people are more evolved" thing?
I have a better one. How is that relevant to a thread about pet peeves?
09-10-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
<<I'll go out on a limb here but I'd also believe that the percentage of gay people is also in favour of white folk.>>
Just curious how that's relevant to the whole "white people are more evolved" thing?
Well, the nazi fucks hate gays as much as they hate black people. I'd find it amusing that their "evolved" race to be flawed however with this "curse" of homosexuality. The dumb fuck has already proven his ignorance.
09-10-2003, 10:40 PM
She is a scaredy... like if there's thunder, she's under my computer desk hiding or if you have an umbrella or cane in hand, she'll get scared. Chairs and vaccuums scare her..
09-10-2003, 10:40 PM
My pet peeve is racist, homophobic fuck heads.
Major French magazine acknowledges Auschwitz gas chamber fraud
One of France's most influential and reputable magazines, L'Express, now acknowledges that "everything is false" about the Auschwitz "gas chamber" that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly.
"Auschwitz: The Memory of Evil," a lengthy article by journalist and historian Eric Conan, a dedicated anti-revisionist, appears in the January 19-25, 1995, issue, pages 54-73 (and in the Jan. 26 international edition). L'Express is a liberal large-circulation weekly news magazine, similar in format to Time or Newsweek.
L'Express also reports that, after a five-year battle among the "experts," Polish president Lech Walesa has decided that the new, revised number of dead to be inscribed on the Birkenau monument will be 1,500,000. (For years the monument proclaimed 4,000,000 Auschwitz deaths.)
Generally speaking, writes Conan, there have been many obvious falsifications in the Auschwitz and Birkenau camp sites. Stefan Wilkanowicz, vice-president of the International Committee of the Polish government's Auschwitz State Museum (and director of an influential Polish Catholic periodical), says:
The biggest blunders have been rectified but the principal discussions are never-ending and far from being settled. I can even say that essential debates, distressing, sometimes unexpected, are only beginning.
About the famous "gas chamber" in the Auschwitz I camp, Conan writes:
In 1948, when the Museum was created, Crematory I was reconstructed in a supposed original state. Everything in it is false [Tout y est faux]: the dimensions of the gas chamber, the locations of the doors, the openings for pouring in Zyklon B, the ovens (rebuilt according to the recollections of some survivors), the height of the chimney. At the end of the 70s, Robert Faurisson exploited those falsifications all the better because at that time the Museum officials balked at admitting them. An American revisionist [David Cole] has just shot a video in the gas chamber (still presented as authentic): one may see him questioning the visitors with his "revelations" [Emphasis added.]
In spite of this, Conan goes on to report, there are no plans to alter anything there. With regard to the famous "gas chamber," a staff member of the Museum directors' office, Krystyna Oleksy, says: "For the time being we are going to leave it in the present state, and not give any specifics to the visitors. It is too complicated. We'll see later on."
Victory for Revisionism
This feature article in a leading French magazine is a great victory for Holocaust revisionism. On a key point, L'Express now acknowledges, the revisionists have been right all along.
In fact, the magazine concedes a point that revisionists have been legally penalized for making. Dr. Robert Faurisson, Europe's foremost revisionist scholar, was heavily fined after repeating it on numerous occasions during his "thought crime" trials in France. (Will the French government now prosecute L'Express magazine and journalist Conan for their revisionist Holocaust views?)
In May 1992 a German court fined David Irving 10,000 marks (about $6,000) for publicly saying what L'Express now openly admits. (See: "Irving Fined $6,000 in German 'Gas Chamber' Trial," IHR Newsletter, July-Aug. 1992, pp. 3-4.)
The court punished the British historian because he had told a Munich meeting in April 1990 that the structure in Auschwitz that has been portrayed for decades to tourists as an extermination gas chamber is a phony reconstruction ("Attrappe"), just like the one at Dachau.
Irving was found guilty of thus "disparaging the memory of the dead," a crime in Germany that effectively applies only to Jewish victims. In the case the Judge refused to consider any of the evidence presented by Irving's attorneys, including a plea to permit Dr. Franciszek Piper, Senior Curator and archives director of the Auschwitz State Musueum, to testify in the case.
Dr. Faurisson comments on Conan's article:
Clearly, the Auschwitz propagandists are at a loss. Oleksy's statement is an important vindication of the revisionist position. Every visitor of the Auschwitz "gas chamber" should confront the guides (or, if possible, Museum officials) with these sentences by Oleksy.
During a September 1992 interview with American revisionist David Cole, Auschwitz Museum Curator Piper said, "so now this gas chamber [at Auschwitz I] is very similar to this one which existed in 1941-1942." ;
As Conan knows, already in 1976 I demonstrated the falsehood of this entire story by questioning Museum official Jan Machalek, and by finding in the Auschwitz Museum files original plans clearly showing that, in fact, the alleged "gas chamber " was, between October 7, 1941, and August 31, 1943, a room with a single entrance where dead bodies awaiting cremation were stored.
If Museum officials now wish to rebuild the room as it was during the war, they will have to fill in the south-east doorway. After doing so, though, they would no longer be able to explain how the alleged victims entered the "gas chamber " for gassing. I do not think the officials would dare contend that the victims entered by way of the door of the ovens room.
For details on these points, see what I published in Serge Thion's 1980 book Vérité historique ou vérité politique? La question des chambres à gaz, pp. 316-317. I have also repeatedly mentioned the story of that "reconstructed " gas chamber in The Journal of Historical Review (see, for instance, Winter 1981 issue, p. 335), as well as during the 1985 and 1988 Zündel trials in Toronto (see, for instance, 1985 Trial, Transcript, pp. 2364-2366). Even as early as 1968, Olga Wormser-Migot wrote in her book Le Système concentrationnaire nazi (p. 157) that the Auschwitz I camp was "without a gas chamber." In 1985, Raul Hilberg stated under oath during the first Zündel trial in Toronto (Transcript, p. 774), and Pierre Vidal-Naquet wrote in L'Allemagne nazie et le génocide juif (pp. 510, 516, n. 94), what Franciszek Piper said to Cole in 1992. Jean-Claude Pressac told the same story in his 1989 book, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers (pp. 108, 123, 133).
In his L'Express article, Conan mentions Jean-Claude Pressac's 1993 book, Les Crématoires d'Auschwitz. Among the fantastic number of "dossiers" and articles recently published in French newspapers and magazines in connection with the 50th anniversary of the camp's liberation, this article may perhaps be the only one to mention that book. Pressac's ambivalence has become an embarrassment for the "exterminationists." For instance, his estimate in Les Crématoires d'Auschwitz (1993) of total Auschwitz deaths was 775,000 (rounded up to 800,000), and in the 1994 German edition he further reduced this to between 630,000 and 710,000 (of whom, he asserts, 470,000 to 550,000 were "gassed" Jews).
Reverting to name calling and personal attacks really proves me wrong.
09-10-2003, 10:42 PM
<<My pet peeve is racist, homophobic fuck heads.>>
That's, by far, mine as well.
09-10-2003, 10:42 PM
Yes, as I said, I've seen Nazi writings on how they were TB inoculation chambers. Why not ask the people who survived those camps what happened. And if you are so fucking powerful, why the hell did you lose?
09-10-2003, 10:46 PM
Yeah, I agree... racists, all those people who are too stupid to realize we're all humans and all different and just decide to hate people purely out of race because looking beyond that requires too many braincells.
Originally posted by StrayRogue
And if you are so fucking powerful, why the hell did you lose?
I was born in 1982, I didn't lose any wars, I'm sure if you wanted to insult me in real life I wouldn't be the one losing though.
Can't we all just get along!?
09-10-2003, 10:49 PM
i love you atheana, awwww i love you too! *hug*
09-10-2003, 10:49 PM
Ok, enough about all this racist/nazi stuff. Please get back on topic.
09-10-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Can't we all just get along!?
course not then it would be BORING!
Originally posted by Ben
Originally posted by StrayRogue
And if you are so fucking powerful, why the hell did you lose?
I was born in 1982, I didn't lose any wars, I'm sure if you wanted to insult me in real life I wouldn't be the one losing though.
OMG, You're my age. I thought my generation killed racism. Holy shit.
09-10-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Can't we all just get along!?
course not then it would be BORING!
09-10-2003, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Originally posted by StrayRogue
And if you are so fucking powerful, why the hell did you lose?
I was born in 1982, I didn't lose any wars, I'm sure if you wanted to insult me in real life I wouldn't be the one losing though.
I mean your supreme race, retard, 1939, the Nazi party. Hitler. Ring a bell? As for in person...its sure easy to bum fuck someone when there is fifty of your tatted biker mates to help isn't it? Heres hoping you, your family, and anyone else you've corrupted dies a painful death.
09-10-2003, 10:52 PM
I mean your supreme race, retard, 1939, the Nazi party. Hitler. Ring a bell? As for in person...its sure easy to bum fuck someone when there is fifty of your tatted biker mates to help isn't it? Heres hoping you, your family, and anyone else you've corrupted dies a painful death.
Gah I think Ben was merely giving an opinion and citing a few facts. You however are actually the only one displaying Hate. Deeeeeep Breathes.... calm down! Jeez.
09-10-2003, 10:52 PM
I think all of the Nazi party was gay... they were just trying to hide it by forming the party and being all scary but in private rooms, they were very very very gay.
09-10-2003, 10:53 PM
Don't insult real gays by saying that please. Thanks
09-10-2003, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
I mean your supreme race, retard, 1939, the Nazi party. Hitler. Ring a bell? As for in person...its sure easy to bum fuck someone when there is fifty of your tatted biker mates to help isn't it? Heres hoping you, your family, and anyone else you've corrupted dies a painful death.
Gah I think Ben was merely giving an opinion and citing a few facts. You however are actually the only one displaying Hate. Deeeeeep Breathes.... calm down! Jeez.
Facts? Like how he said all gay white people are jewish?
09-10-2003, 10:55 PM
Ok, any further discussion about gays or nazi's will be deleted. This topic is about Pet Peeves, not what happened in WWII. Please end any further discussion about them and get back to topic.
I was going to reply with more facts but I won't since Sintik asked for us to get back on topic, If anyone wants to hear the other side of the whole racism coin you can check out
09-10-2003, 11:00 PM
Ok pet peeves... people who try to talk like they're so cool when they're talking about something like the type of lasanga they had for dinner last night.
09-10-2003, 11:00 PM
Sintik asked that the racist/Nazi stuff be dropped. Can we please, just this once, drop an offensive subject when we are asked to do so? Everyone cannot have the last word. It is impossible. So, let it go.
Originally posted by HarmNone
Sintik asked that the racist/Nazi stuff be dropped. Can we please, just this once, drop an offensive subject when we are asked to do so? Everyone cannot have the last word. It is impossible. So, let it go.
It's possible. Here goes:
Everyone has the last word on the subject! Satisfied, Everyone moves on.
My pet peeve is people who IM me and ask for Klaive to come kill someone for them.
09-10-2003, 11:16 PM
Pet peeve number 20,001 It irks me when I see Klaives stabbity siggy.
09-11-2003, 04:09 AM
I thought of another pet peeve. I have two male dogs. One likes to hump the other. I dont like fruity perv dogs!
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
I thought of another pet peeve. I have two male dogs. One likes to hump the other. I dont like fruity perv dogs!
On gayness scale from 1 to 10, your dogs are definately 10s. They are so gay, they are, in fact, bitches.
This makes them gay bitches.
So all you had to say is, "I don't like my gay bitches."
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Pet peeve number 20,001 It irks me when I see Klaives stabbity siggy.
The bitch cheated on Sephiroth with Cloud, that's what the game never tells you. Secretly, behind the scenes, Sephiroth and Aeris were a couple before all this crap started and then she went and did Cloud. That's why Sephiroth really killed her.
LoL, okay, maybe not. But that would better justify her death at his hands.
09-11-2003, 12:56 PM
<<Meth your site is hilarious. I love it.>>
Thanks. Now spam it to everybody you know.
Another pet peeve: People who spam pointless shit down their buddy list that nobody cares about (i.e. Merryleon)
09-11-2003, 07:04 PM
Lets see old people driving, People who go 10 under the speed limit int he fast lane, Old people driving, People who you make plans with a week in advance, then that night 10 mins before its time, they cancel, People who Sell you outdoor chronic for full price, people who only call you to buy liquor! theres my few
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