View Full Version : some thick imflass studded leather. Lightning flares, crush resist, shock resists.

09-04-2016, 06:07 PM
Some thick imflass studded leather. +12, 14lbs. can be lightened further. Rigid leather armor that covers the torso, arms, and legs.

The harmonics generated tell you that the leather has been infused with the power of a lightning bolt.
The leather resonates with your voice, revealing some details of its temporary enhancement:
The leather's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.
When its enhancement has degraded away, the item will simply return to normal.

As your song penetrates the imflass studded leather, you determine that it is moderately resistant to crushing attacks and slightly resistant to shocking attacks.

MB 100k

09-04-2016, 08:48 PM
Lower MB! These deserve a good home. Great resists.