View Full Version : Locker Clean Out - (+9 OHE/+4 Dodge Enhancive inside) + other stuff

08-31-2016, 02:33 PM
Bidding will go Once, Twice, Sold. Delivery to EN / FWI, or we can try to work something out. If I can't reach you after 5 or so days, I'm putting whatever back up.

1) a turquoise studded mithril bracelet

Loresong information
Weight: under a pound
Value: 350,000
Purpose: jewelry
Enhancive bonus: 9 to Edged Weapons Bonus (Level 45 required)
Enhancive bonus: 4 to Dodging Bonus (Level 10 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Crumbly on enhancive: Yes

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: None
Can be lightened: Unknown
Wearable location: wrist

MB: 5m CB:

2) a blackened spiked mithril buckler.

Loresong information
Weight: 3 pounds
Value: 250,000
Purpose: shield
Bonus: +5
Enhancive bonus: 4 to Shield Use Bonus (Level 6 required)
Enhancive bonus: 1 to Wisdom Bonus (Level 4 required)
Charges remaining: a huge number
Persists on enhancive: Yes

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: None
Max lightened: Yes
Shield size: small
Wearable location: shoulder
Spiked: Yes

MB: 50k CB:

4) a wave-carved blue hoarbeam runestaff capped with a glowing white orb.

Loresong information
Weight: 4 pounds
Value: 46,000
Purpose: weapon
Bonus: +12

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Yes
Can be lightened: Yes
Weapon: Modified rune staff

The following may be zests:
rub: As you rub the orb on your blue hoarbeam runestaff it glows ever brighter, then ebbs again.
clench: You clench your blue hoarbeam runestaff, causing the orb atop the runestaff to waver.
push: You thrust your blue hoarbeam runestaff out in front of yourself in a warding gesture, and as you do, the orb on top emits a vibrant luminescent glow.
press: You thrust your blue hoarbeam runestaff out in front of yourself in a warding gesture, and as you do, the orb on top emits a vibrant luminescent glow.
pull: You fold your arms, clasping your blue hoarbeam runestaff close against your chest. The soft light emitted from the orb on top colors half of your face with an eerie glow.
turn: As you softly utter a subtle incantation, brilliant sparks of light fly out in all directions from the glowing orb atop your blue hoarbeam runestaff.
wave: You wave your blue hoarbeam runestaff in an arc through the air, creating a luminous trail of light with the glowing orb.
raise: As you raise your blue hoarbeam runestaff into the air, a beam of incandescent light shoots forth from the glowing orb.

MB: 50k CB:

5) a spiked steel-plated pauldron draped with mithril chainmail

Loresong information
Weight: under a pound
Value: 10,000
Purpose: decorative

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Yes
Can be lightened: Unknown
Wearable location: shoulder

The following may be zests:
rub: You wipe the surface of your steel-plated pauldron, trying to remove any smudges.
pet: You adjust your steel-plated pauldron, positioning it better on your shoulder.
touch: You adjust your steel-plated pauldron, positioning it better on your shoulder.
wear: You place the pauldron over the shoulder of your leather and secure the pauldron in place.
remove: You unequip the pauldron from over the shoulder of your leather.

MB: 50k CB: 125k Knarn SOLD

6) a hip-length raw silk tunic with a bronze-buckled belt

You determine that the raw silk tunic is an armor concealing garment that will hide soft leather, rigid leather, chain mail and plate mail armor which covers torso and arms when it is worn.

Loresong information
Weight: 5 pounds
Value: 75,000
Purpose: wearable container

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Yes
Can be lightened: Yes
Pockets can be deepened: No
Wearable location: chest
Storage capacity: 10lbs, 5 items

The following may be zests:
pull: You carefully rearrange the folds of your raw silk tunic.
wear: You carefully work your way into the a hip-length raw silk tunic with a bronze-buckled belt, but try as you might, you can't seem to make it fully cover your rolaren-studded leather.
remove: You work your way out of a hip-length raw silk tunic with a bronze-buckled belt.

MB: 200k CB: 200k top shottah SOLD

7) an archaic drakar backsword

Loresong information
Weight: 3 pounds
Value: 1,250,000
Purpose: weapon
Bonus: +5
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Elemental Lore - Water Ranks (Level 21 required)
Enhancive bonus: 4 to Magic Item Use Ranks (Level 28 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Persists on enhancive: Yes
Flares: fire

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: None
Max lightened: Yes

MB: 50k CB:

8) a gem-pommeled invar dagger - +3 Ambush, +4 stalking and hiding

Loresong information
Weight: under a pound
Value: 73,000
Purpose: weapon
Bonus: +2
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Ambush Bonus (Level 4 required)
Enhancive bonus: 3 to Stalking and Hiding Bonus (Level 3 required)
Charges remaining: a lot
Persists on enhancive: Yes

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: None
Max lightened: Yes

MB: 50k CB:

9) a narrow supple leather wrist sheath - concealable sheath

Loresong information
Weight: under a pound
Value: 10,000
Purpose: wearable container

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Yes

It can be altered freely, but keep in mind the messaging. It must be something with straps that could logically be hidden up your sleeves.

Max lightened: Yes
Wearable location: wrist
Storage capacity: 4lbs, 1 item

The following may be zests:
push/push: You push your leather wrist sheath a little deeper into your sleeve to conceal it from view.
pull: You reach inside the cuff of your sleeve and tug on your leather wrist sheath, revealing it.
wear: You push back the sleeve of your cloak long enough to strap your leather wrist sheath to your wrist, then cover it with your sleeve.
remove: You reach inside the sleeve of your cloak, unfasten the leather wrist sheath from your wrist, and remove it.

MB: 200k CB:

08-31-2016, 02:36 PM
50k on the pauldron

08-31-2016, 02:38 PM
60k on this, please:

5) a spiked steel-plated pauldron draped with mithril chainmail

08-31-2016, 02:45 PM
75k on pauldron

08-31-2016, 04:05 PM
80k on the pauldron.

top shottah
08-31-2016, 05:03 PM
MB on 6

08-31-2016, 06:22 PM
90k pauldron

08-31-2016, 06:26 PM
100k on the pauldron.

08-31-2016, 06:28 PM
125k pauldron

09-01-2016, 05:12 PM
Updated, bid items will be sold at midnight tonight.