View Full Version : UAC Giantman Cleric

08-25-2016, 11:34 PM
Anyone have a giantman cleric that uses UAC? How do you like it? Any major issues? My F2P lvl 22 giantman cleric currently uses sword/board but I haven't been able to play him much. Been playing my UAC ranger and I really like it. I doubt I'd have the training points to do any ambushing on the cleric, so it'd just be open UAC all the way. I have no problem playing the Cleric as is, but wanted to see what others thought.

08-26-2016, 09:59 AM
I'm not expert, but UAC seems like a poor candidate for Clerics.

1. No access to UAC improving CMANs (punch / kick mastery etc)
2. Limited access to RT reducing abilities (I.E. 506 / 1035)
3. No access to ambushing
4. Only 1x brawl / CMAN

Zealot and Heroism work best for AS based weapons because, while they increase UAF, that does not greatly impact the damage you deal by comparison to MM, but contributes much more to the damage success of AS based weaponry. Clerics have very limited ways of improving MM, and would hunt very slowly trying to tier up. If you exclusively focus on undead, and have spell training sufficient to use 301 reliably, it will probably work well enough until the mid 50s.

I find my UAC wizard to work decently because he can tier up in 3-4 seconds, and then kick spam every second. His MM will never be as high as a rogue / warrior / monk, but the fact that every attack is 1s RT makes up some of the difference. Even then, a wizard is likely the weakest "viable" UAC class. That isn't to say you can't hunt a UAC cleric! You can hunt anything you want in this game, and probably make it work to some extent. It just won't be very efficient compared to alternative cleric hunting options.

That aside, brawling clerics are pretty common as a means of not relying on runestaves for defense. Along with the benefits of using Voln UAC specific abilities against undead, but generally still hunt as a pure.