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View Full Version : Inner Sanctum Raffle: Tonight (Sunday) at 9PM

08-07-2016, 12:04 PM
I don't think the Inner Sanctum posted this here, so just in case you missed it on the officials and on TownCrier:

Inner Sanctum is raffling a 4x 2-slot fusion bow outside of Wyvern Keep. Tickets are 10k a piece; the raffle draws tonight at 8pm.

It's "a salt-encrusted seaworn composite bow".

08-07-2016, 09:38 PM
I don't think the Inner Sanctum posted this here, so just in case you missed it on the officials and on TownCrier:

Inner Sanctum is raffling a 4x 2-slot fusion bow outside of Wyvern Keep. Tickets are 10k a piece; the raffle draws tonight at 8pm.

It's "a salt-encrusted seaworn composite bow".

Kezhia won her own raffle. It was my impression that MHO and CHE officers shouldn't/don't enter their own raffle. Isn't that usually the case?

A huckster begins to spin the ticket barrel. After a moment, he stops it and pulls out a ticket. He examines it for a moment then announces, "The winner is Kezhia!"
The huckster dumps the remaining tickets out of the barrel and yells, "That's all folks!"

[LNet]-GSIV:Kezhia: "ok since everyone is freaking out....this is a MHO raffle, the item was not created, it was donated, I bought a ticket just like everyone else, the money goes into our endowment, NOT my pockets, and I donated the bow to someone else to use. Stop all your dumb comments."

08-07-2016, 09:42 PM
Kezhia won her own raffle. It was my impression that MHO and CHE officers shouldn't/don't enter their own raffle. Isn't that usually the case?

A huckster begins to spin the ticket barrel. After a moment, he stops it and pulls out a ticket. He examines it for a moment then announces, "The winner is Kezhia!"
The huckster dumps the remaining tickets out of the barrel and yells, "That's all folks!"

[LNet]-GSIV:Kezhia: "ok since everyone is freaking out....this is a MHO raffle, the item was not created, it was donated, I bought a ticket just like everyone else, the money goes into our endowment, NOT my pockets, and I donated the bow to someone else to use. Stop all your dumb comments."

I think it's a rule with CHEs, but an unspoken work MHOs. I personally discourage my officers from entering our raffles or auctions. I feel it looks bad and can be considered discouraging otherwise.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-07-2016, 11:03 PM
Kezhia's a twatwaffle anyway but the fact that she was like "OMG SHUT UP" on Lnet was pretty hilarious.

This makes their MHO look fucking terrible. Even if it's "technically allowed" it's tacky and a great way to turn people off to their MHO! Donating an item only to buy a raffle ticket comes across as super disingenuous.

08-08-2016, 07:25 AM
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I pissed myself when I heard this! Seriously, twat though she is, bitch though she is, I didn't think she was THIS stupid.

Her MHO blows chunks, mostly that weird 'family' of hers. Speaking of, rumor says she didn't keep her own prize she suckered people into competing for, but donated it to dear hubbo. Who is, as you might guess, an officer in the MHO.

On a lighter note, Kezhia is a twatwaffle psycho slut trailer trash curb-sucker. And her RP is worse.

Bring on the neg comments! Slander me if you want, but you all know she makes catfish look sexy. BTW, I love the PC. Carry on folks.

Hey, any old-timers remember the wackjob 'ColoradoSkateMom' or some such? Has it been reborn into Kezhia?

08-08-2016, 08:05 AM
They should just refund anyone who wants their ticket price. I can't see anyone getting too bent out of shape over 10k, but you never know.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 08:23 AM
They should just refund anyone who wants their ticket price. I can't see anyone getting too bent out of shape over 10k, but you never know.

A lot of people were pretty pissed off, but that may also be because she was gloating about it right after the fact. I doubt they'll offer refunds to anyone, how would they prove they actually entered the raffle? It's kind of a logistics nightmare. It's pretty hilarious though.

08-08-2016, 08:27 AM
People have long memories. They should probably avoid raffles now.

08-08-2016, 08:28 AM
MHO endowment isn't like CHE accounts... you can't withdraw funds for anything, you can just spend them on services. So it would be coming out of officers' pickets to refund. Plus, I don't know if you can get an itemized list of raffle entries.

This item is pretty basic, it's not like she won herself the Reim 4x permablessed warsword tattoo raffle, it's a standard, altered off the shelf non-Whirlin-quality bow.

From an administrative standpoint, sometimes it's nice to enter a raffle just to confirm that everything is functioning properly, can't/can buy extra tickets and whatnots.

That reaction was shitty, and completely the wrong tone for an officer.

"Hey, I've heard your concerns, and I fucked up by entering, I did it to confirm the raffle table was functioning as expected. I took a list of all members in the room at the time of the drawing, used =RAND()*13 in Excel and handed the bow over to XXXX as the new winner, If anyone wants a refund, let me know, I'll be -HERE- for the next 30 minutes"

08-08-2016, 08:29 AM
MHO endowment isn't like CHE accounts... you can't withdraw funds for anything, you can just spend them on services. So it would be coming out of officers' pickets to refund. Plus, I don't know if you can get an itemized list of raffle entries.

This item is pretty basic, it's not like she won herself the Reim 4x permablessed warsword tattoo raffle, it's a standard, altered off the shelf non-Whirlin-quality bow.

From an administrative standpoint, sometimes it's nice to enter a raffle just to confirm that everything is functioning properly, can't/can buy extra tickets and whatnots.

That reaction was shitty, and completely the wrong tone for an officer.

"Hey, I've heard your concerns, and I fucked up by entering, I did it to confirm the raffle table was functioning as expected. I took a list of all members in the room at the time of the drawing, used =RAND()*13 in Excel and handed the bow over to XXXX as the new winner, If anyone wants a refund, let me know, I'll be -HERE- for the next 30 minutes"

That would've likely eliminated the issue.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 08:33 AM
Yup. As with most things it's not really the fuck up that is the problem, it's how she dealt with it.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 08:35 AM
MHO endowment isn't like CHE accounts... you can't withdraw funds for anything, you can just spend them on services. So it would be coming out of officers' pickets to refund. Plus, I don't know if you can get an itemized list of raffle entries.

This item is pretty basic, it's not like she won herself the Reim 4x permablessed warsword tattoo raffle, it's a standard, altered off the shelf non-Whirlin-quality bow.

From an administrative standpoint, sometimes it's nice to enter a raffle just to confirm that everything is functioning properly, can't/can buy extra tickets and whatnots.

That reaction was shitty, and completely the wrong tone for an officer.

"Hey, I've heard your concerns, and I fucked up by entering, I did it to confirm the raffle table was functioning as expected. I took a list of all members in the room at the time of the drawing, used =RAND()*13 in Excel and handed the bow over to XXXX as the new winner, If anyone wants a refund, let me know, I'll be -HERE- for the next 30 minutes"

Isn't there a way to pull your own ticket for a raffle after entering or did I just completely make that up/imagine it?

08-08-2016, 08:37 AM
Is this just a Gemstone thing that makes it unacceptable to enter your own raffles? Or do you guys apply this logic to real life as well? I don't think I have EVER entered a raffle put on by a civic organization or non-profit where members of the organization didn't enter the raffle as well. Maybe people are just more tacky and tactless down in my neck of the woods.

08-08-2016, 08:41 AM
Gotta know about Mama Kez and her reactions to get this hilarity out of this, in my opinion. For me, this isn't about raffle mechanics but the priceless reaction. I doubt a Red Cross worker would win the catamaran she donated and say 'Suck it!' to the contestants.

As Nikkisaurus and Whirlin mention above, it's not the thing, it's how she dealt with it. Go talk to Mama Kez if you'd like to learn more!

(Warning, she may try to 'adopt' you)

08-08-2016, 08:43 AM
Is this just a Gemstone thing that makes it unacceptable to enter your own raffles? Or do you guys apply this logic to real life as well? I don't think I have EVER entered a raffle put on by a civic organization or non-profit where members of the organization didn't enter the raffle as well. Maybe people are just more tacky and tactless down in my neck of the woods.

You'd get death glares around here at the least.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 08:47 AM
Is this just a Gemstone thing that makes it unacceptable to enter your own raffles? Or do you guys apply this logic to real life as well? I don't think I have EVER entered a raffle put on by a civic organization or non-profit where members of the organization didn't enter the raffle as well. Maybe people are just more tacky and tactless down in my neck of the woods.

Two months ago I went to a gala put on by our local museum. There were raffles as well as a silent auction. Despite the museum board of directors being in attendance, they did not participate and in the information we were given prior to the event about what we would be doing that night, it was clarified that family of people on the board and the board themselves were not allowed to participate.

I actually ended up winning a 3 hour rental of their children's theater, but yeah, I would have found it incredibly tacky and offputting if one of the board of directors won it because they were allowed to enter. I'd probably feel different from raffles at like, a benefit concert or spaghetti dinner or whatever to benefit an individual, but for an actual organization it's not good etiquette.

08-08-2016, 08:59 AM
Oh, and I watched her reaction unfold live last night when she said that. Pretty priceless. I suppose that I agree that her reaction was way worse than winning the raffle. It was definitely a "well, that escalated quickly" moment.

08-08-2016, 09:15 AM
who gets bent out of shape over a 10k raffle ticket for an off the shelf fusion composite bow? lol Get a life.

08-08-2016, 09:17 AM
Isn't there a way to pull your own ticket for a raffle after entering or did I just completely make that up/imagine it?
I believe there MAY be a way to do that with like... the auction block raffle tables? But not a conventional GM table? Or I'm just also making shit up.

Does anyone have logs of the gradual breakdown from last night? Sadly, I missed it, but it sounds amazing, and I would love to have it documented for the future.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 09:22 AM
Sadly I was in the Landing so I only got snippets from an AIM group chat.

08-08-2016, 09:28 AM
It really wasn't that gradual. The raffle happened. People started bitching and commenting on the results. And then she went all incredible hulk. I didn't log it, but the whole thing went down pretty fast. And people kept taking potshots for the rest of the night. Pretty funny all around.

08-08-2016, 10:09 AM
Well, I wasn't expecting more than a reply or two when I threw this thread up.

I wasn't there for any of this, but it was a GM raffle table.

08-08-2016, 10:48 AM
SkateMom plays in plat has been out of prime for years

08-08-2016, 11:25 AM
WTF are MHOs and CHEs?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-08-2016, 11:27 AM
Meeting Hall Organizations and Cooperative Houses of Elanthia

08-08-2016, 11:30 AM
Things like Drakes Vanguard and Northern Fury are MHOs. Helden Hall, Brigatta, etc. are CHEs. They just like their fancy acronyms.

08-08-2016, 11:39 AM
You can log out for the instant the raffle pulls, if you have a ticket but don't really want a chance to win it.

08-08-2016, 12:49 PM
MHO: Meeting Hall Organizations... SUPER easy to make (all things considered). Simply submit an app. If it becomes inactive, you're booted. You're bound to a particular town when you register. You can establish your own reason for existence, and are pretty much free to do whatever fits your vision. Joining requirements do not exist from a game mechanics perspective, and are open to whatever you wish to subject the requirements to. Inductions can be done unilaterally by a single officer and members expelled similarly. There is a tiering system behind the status of MHOs, and once you get to the third tier, you are effectively run like a light CHE, and see similar perks.

CHE: Cooperative Houses of Elanthia. Houses have Lockers, and their own free-standing structures. There are also a lot more requirements to CHE management when it comes to events, play hours, quarterly reports, etc. There's the level 5 and a silvers per induction rule, as well as inductions require multiple officers to conduct.

MHOs can become CHEs if they've been successfully run for multiple years.

From a Player's Perspective, a character can only be a part of a single CHE, while also being a member of multiple MHOs. To my knowledge, there is no cap on how many MHOs a character can join.

So everyone would be eligible to join the Hand of the Arkati MHO, whereas if it were a CHE, they'd need to leave Aspis, Brigatta, etc. to join. Ohh... and they'd need to be capped... Since the Hand of the Arkati is basically a MHO that's wholly founded on capped hunting expeditions.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 09:21 AM


She was incredibly embarrassed despite gloating about winning. INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED.

08-09-2016, 09:34 AM
Bleh. If you want to play in that grotesque MHO and their games expect this. Personally, I think Mama Kez digs this, gives her a chance to get in the spotlight more. Please, ref. to my earlier comments about Big Mama Kez (page 1). You know, fits in with her whole psychopathy shtick.

Thanks for the update Nikki!...love the comment on the officials a bird dropped about the bad idea to gloat LOL ROFL!

Frankly, I'm tempted to hack their next sad little raffle to let Mama Kez win again. Question: would she actually like that?

And yah folks, the reason I'm bitter is this MHO is making the roleplay in Vaalor sucky again, after it was actually getting good, again, mainly because Maz rocks. So I'ma gonna go-on grindin' my axe.

08-09-2016, 09:45 AM
Sucky as in racist, or sucky as in not racist?

08-09-2016, 09:46 AM


She was incredibly embarrassed despite gloating about winning. INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED.

LOL, this went from mildly amusing to popcorn.

08-09-2016, 09:57 AM
Sucky as in racist, or sucky as in not racist?

Sucky as in RP'ing phrases like "Shut up, dumb rude girl!" and "Shut up or there (sic) gonna ban your ass!". Yah, the seamless melding of OOC bitchiness coming from the in-character mouth of an Elven 'Queen'. Say what you want OOCly, in its place and time, act as you will ICly in any way and I can appreciate it, but I did enjoy the RP before Mama Kez brought in her unique blend of shit.

Tempted to bring out logs I use for giggle-fodder, but I value the eyes an sanity of the PC :).

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 09:59 AM
Sucky as in racist, or sucky as in not racist?

She warn interacted Issi for flirting quietly with Krienos, so not racist but just incredibly dumb?

08-09-2016, 10:18 AM
Tempted to bring out logs I use for giggle-fodder, but I value the eyes an sanity of the PC :).

You clearly don't know the PC.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 10:21 AM
You clearly don't know the PC.

*takes a stroll through the 7 dollars a gallon gas thread*

08-09-2016, 10:21 AM
If you don't post the logs...you have no idea what all these assholes are about to do to your reputation.

08-09-2016, 10:49 AM
If you don't post the logs...you have no idea what all these assholes are about to do to your reputation.

Fair enough dude! Now, I just want to state regarding the question of sucky RP, this constitutes sucky RP in my book, especially when I have to deal with this crapola day in and day out. This was also pre-raffle farce. Enjoy!

PS: I don't know how this turned into a Kezhia bashing thread...my fault I think...but I am sure the PC will accommodate me! Anyway, I'm not apologizing!

[Ta'Vaalor, King's Court]
A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see a bare-backed large bat, the translucent disk, a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it and a wooden barrel.
Also here: A bunch of other folks who are cool, I’ll denote bitch #2, and the one and only High Lady Kezhia (sitting),

Kezhia says, "They're so sensitive. leave 'em alone."

Speaking quietly to Kezhia, bitch #2says, "I cant, sorry."

Kezhia says, "I know."

Kezhia says, "But i want it on the record I shushed you."

Speaking quietly to Kezhia, bitch #2 says, "Some how youll hang with me."

bitch #2 gazes up into the heavens.

Kezhia says, "Of course."

Kezhia says, "That's why I shushed you."

Kezhia grins at bitch #2.

Kezhia says, "And not you. never you."

Kezhia says, "Huh."

Kezhia says, "Something is wrong."

bitch #2 adopts an agreeable expression.

Kezhia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Kezhia gestures.
Kezhia gets a frustrated look on her face.

Kezhia says, "Weird."
Kezhia turns to face bitch #2.

Kezhia says, "I can't whisper to anyone."

Kezhia says, "Or talk to anyone specifically."

Speaking quietly to Kezhia, Keilany says, "I can tell you all about weird if you wanna hear."

Kezhia laughs at bitch #2!

Kezhia says, "Well i can laugh at her."

Kezhia wipes the sweat from her brow.

Speaking to bitch #2, Kezhia says, "Doesns't matter what I say, you'll tell me about weird anyway."

Speaking to bitch #2, Kezhia says, "Oh we're having a new event. One where we all take off our insignia and throw it on the floor."

Speaking to bitch #2, Kezhia says, "Armband throwing day."

Kezhia nods at bitch #2.

Kezhia says, "It's happening."

bitch #2quietly says, "We need a catapult here so we can fling them."

bitch #2winks at Kezhia.

bitch #2 winks at Kezhia.

Kezhia says, "Me too."

bitch #2coughs.

Kezhia says, "You'll all miss me when I'm gone."

Kezhia nods.

Kezhia nods.

Some dude asks, "Where ya going?"

Kezhia says, "And when I'm dead you'll know who caused it."

Kezhia says, "Probably very far from here."

Kezhia says, "Too much stress."

Some dude asks, "Why?"

Kezhia says, "Becuase some people are doing everything they can to make me crazy."

Kezhia exclaims, "Just leave me alone!"

bitch #2 breaks out in a silly grin.

Kezhia says, "Stop it or there gonna ban your ass."

Kezhia says, "Just stop."

bitch #2 shrugs.

Kezhia says, "Please. we don't need this crap from children."

Speaking to Kezhia, some dude asks [[re bitch #2]], "Is she my sister?"

Some dude points at bitch #2.

bitch #2mutters under her breath.

Speaking to some dude, Kezhia says, "Thanks for all the concern."

Kezhia stands up.

High Lady Kezhia just went east.
High Lady Kezhia just arrived.

Kezhia says, "Noone come for me if I die."

Kezhia stands up.

bitch #2 joins Kezhia's group.


Kezhia says, " bitch #2is a very faithful friend."

Kezhia says, "I was hugging her hello."

Speaking in Elven, a cool dude softly says, "I see."

A cool dude nods at Kezhia.

Kezhia says, "No you don't, no one does. i'm sure it's just one more thing I've done wrong around here."

A cool dude peers quizzically at Kezhia.
Speaking in Elven, cool dude softly asks, "What?"

Speaking in Elven, cool dude softly says, "I was teasing dear."

cool dude frowns.
Kezhia says, "Ok."

* a cool chick Mama Kez tears into OOCly every day is going home on her shield!
cool dude gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

cool dude gestures into the air.
cool dude momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.

Kezhia says, "Let her rot."

Speaking softly in Elven to Kezhia, cool dude says, "I can't do that."

cool dude gestures into the air.
A silvery fog coalesces around cool dude, obscuring his form. When the fog dissipates, cool dude is gone.

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) yawns.

Kezhia says, "Your girl died."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) nods.

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "There's a cleric with her."

Kezhia says, "Yup."

Kezhia says, "She's got most of the legion against us now."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "Mmmm."

Kezhia says, "Well no."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "We need to have a camp out."

Kezhia says, "Against me."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) nods.

Kezhia says, "another MHO dude said he tried."

Kezhia says, "Others said he never said a word."

Kezhia shrugs.

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "I believe yet another Inner Sanctum MHO dude told him to eat his farts in part of that discussion."

Kezhia says, "Buncha liars, who knows what's what."

Kezhia says, "No yet another Inner Sanctum MHO dude wasn't there."

Kezhia says, "And said no such thing while I was around."

Kezhia says, "I give up on all of 'em."

Kezhia says, "Ready to leave."

Kezhia says, "This is no fun when someone goes so far out of their way to mess with you."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "Mmmm."

Kezhia says, "It's ok."

Kezhia nods.

Kezhia says, "I know she got in your ear about me too."

MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "She hasn't said a word about you."

Kezhia says, “Bull.”

Kezhia stands up.

High Lady Kezhia just went east.

08-09-2016, 11:11 AM
Needs more racism.

08-09-2016, 11:24 AM
All I got from that log is that I want a glamour crystal of "a cool dude".

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 11:29 AM

08-09-2016, 11:33 AM
She mainly just seems really dumb.

08-09-2016, 11:42 AM
That log really just said that people will get pissy over literally nothing.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 11:44 AM
Needs more racism.

A sprinkling of "filthy half blood" here and there, perhaps

08-09-2016, 11:48 AM
MHO dude (Inner Sanctum) says, "I believe yet another Inner Sanctum MHO dude told him to eat his farts in part of that discussion."

Wrathbringer character identified.

08-09-2016, 11:48 AM
That log really just said that people will get pissy over literally nothing.

Yah fair enough, and as Warriorbird says plain dumb, but when that dominates the place you RP every day it goes from annoying stupidity to blatant bitchiness. So I feel justified laughing at her for her stupidity, personally, I know on the scale on GS4 weirdos mama Kez hardly takes the cake, but she's an annoying bitch IMHO. Going back to the raffle, I'm glad she fucked it all up.

In any case, whatever she does is called, it can't be called RP. That was the point I was trying to get at. I have no idea why the hell I was trying to do so, but I was.

08-09-2016, 11:52 AM
Wrathbringer character identified.

That OOC though.

08-09-2016, 11:53 AM
Yah fair enough, and as Warriorbird says plain dumb, but when that dominates the place you RP every day it goes from annoying stupidity to blatant bitchiness. So I feel justified laughing at her for her stupidity, personally, I know on the scale on GS4 weirdos mama Kez hardly takes the cake, but she's an annoying bitch IMHO. Going back to the raffle, I'm glad she fucked it all up.

In any case, whatever she does is called, it can't be called RP. That was the point I was trying to get at. I have no idea why the hell I was trying to do so, but I was.

Part of why my F2P dude doesn't hang in Vaalor is I wanted to self immolate if I stayed too long.

That OOC though.

Compared to the people who used to discuss reality tv in game there...

08-09-2016, 11:56 AM
Compared to the people who used to discuss reality tv in game there...

I meant in general. I think it's why I've stopped hanging out in crowded rooms.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 12:02 PM
brb petitioning the GMs to make "Fart Eater" an official title option

08-09-2016, 12:04 PM
brb petitioning the GMs to make "Fart Eater" an official title option


08-09-2016, 12:12 PM
I meant in general. I think it's why I've stopped hanging out in crowded rooms.

Yeah. I don't think I'd have scripted avoiding crowded resting spots in the past.

08-09-2016, 12:21 PM
Sadly I was in the Landing so I only got snippets from an AIM group chat.

Don't tell me you're one of those "I don't use LNet" hipsters!!!! :(

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 12:24 PM
Don't tell me you're one of those "I don't use LNet" hipsters!!!! :(

I was on LNet giving her shit >.>

08-09-2016, 12:28 PM
She mainly just seems really dumb.

And stupid.

08-09-2016, 12:32 PM
I was on LNet giving her shit >.>

Your post that I quoted makes even less sense now!

08-09-2016, 12:52 PM
OOC really doesn't bother me... but in this context, where you're a MHO dedicated to strictly ARRPEE purposes... you damn well better always be in character, on your RP game, and not deviate from that. Especially at your damn meetings. You set those expectations yourself when you decided to lead an RP organization.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 03:32 PM
Your post that I quoted makes even less sense now!

How so?

08-09-2016, 05:44 PM
How so?

Because if you're on LNet then being in the Landing shouldn't matter since she seems to have had her meltdown on LNet.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
08-09-2016, 06:05 PM
Because if you're on LNet then being in the Landing shouldn't matter since she seems to have had her meltdown on LNet.

Nah she just bitched at everyone that what she did was TOTES OK and demanded we all shut up on Lnet, apparently there was more hilarity in the actual room where the raffle was drawn.

Unrelated but my husband was trying to tell me something about Pokemon Go just now and got completely distracted by your avatar gif, WELL DONE SIR

08-09-2016, 06:48 PM
Yes, I'm gonna need a link to that full video.

08-09-2016, 08:04 PM
Remind me when I'm less lazy and I'll go dig it up.

09-17-2016, 03:24 AM
Wow, this was an interesting read. here's some facts.....

I was there, Kezhia never gloated. Just some pissed off people said she did.
Yes, she screwed up, she admitted that. It was a horrible mistake and she even told the officers she was going to step down because of it. Her officers wouldn't let her. Making a stupid mistake doesn't make you stupid, just means you're human (in this case an elf.) Tell me no one has made a mistake before?
She apologized publicly, returned the crossbow to the person who donated it, endowed 2 million silvers to cover the raffle money that the GM's took back and then Inner Sanctum offered to pay every single raffle participant back out of her pocket, tracked down all the people who entered from the list that the GM provided them.
There's the facts. Her rp can be under fire, but personally I think her heart was in the right place. She really was very upset by what happened and it's too bad that some people have to be so hard on her.

09-17-2016, 01:12 PM
Wow, this was an interesting read. here's some facts.....

I was there, Kezhia never gloated. Just some pissed off people said she did.
Yes, she screwed up, she admitted that. It was a horrible mistake and she even told the officers she was going to step down because of it. Her officers wouldn't let her. Making a stupid mistake doesn't make you stupid, just means you're human (in this case an elf.) Tell me no one has made a mistake before?
She apologized publicly, returned the crossbow to the person who donated it, endowed 2 million silvers to cover the raffle money that the GM's took back and then Inner Sanctum offered to pay every single raffle participant back out of her pocket, tracked down all the people who entered from the list that the GM provided them.
There's the facts. Her rp can be under fire, but personally I think her heart was in the right place. She really was very upset by what happened and it's too bad that some people have to be so hard on her.

Where to start with this... Let's start here, I suppose:


move on to:


neaten it up with:


Now, are you trying to imply that you aren't Kezhia in your previous post about the raffle, or do you normally talk about yourself in the third person? Either way, you were there AS Kezhia, and ARE Kezhia.

09-17-2016, 03:00 PM
Where to start with this... Let's start here, I suppose:


move on to:


neaten it up with:


Now, are you trying to imply that you aren't Kezhia in your previous post about the raffle, or do you normally talk about yourself in the third person? Either way, you were there AS Kezhia, and ARE Kezhia.

Oh snap!

09-17-2016, 03:23 PM
Actually, on the officials it is quite common for people to talk about their characters as if they are separate from the player. Not sure if that's what's going on here, but it could be, I guess.

09-17-2016, 06:12 PM
Actually, on the officials it is quite common for people to talk about their characters as if they are separate from the player. Not sure if that's what's going on here, but it could be, I guess."Her rp can be under fire, but personally I think her heart was in the right place."

I generally give people the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn't look like it's the case here.

09-17-2016, 08:42 PM
Also, she didn't return the money herself. She had her IG husband and another officer do it. It's one thing to be apologetic when it happens. It's another to be indignant about it until enough people backlash, then you realize you're wrong.

09-17-2016, 09:31 PM
Wow, this was an interesting read. here's some facts.....

I was there, Kezhia never gloated. Just some pissed off people said she did.
Yes, she screwed up, she admitted that. It was a horrible mistake and she even told the officers she was going to step down because of it. Her officers wouldn't let her. Making a stupid mistake doesn't make you stupid, just means you're human (in this case an elf.) Tell me no one has made a mistake before?
She apologized publicly, returned the crossbow to the person who donated it, endowed 2 million silvers to cover the raffle money that the GM's took back and then Inner Sanctum offered to pay every single raffle participant back out of her pocket, tracked down all the people who entered from the list that the GM provided them.
There's the facts. Her rp can be under fire, but personally I think her heart was in the right place. She really was very upset by what happened and it's too bad that some people have to be so hard on her.
The outbreaks were on LNET... Do you have lich installed and are attuned to Lnet? Your post implies that all of your communications were through the filter of character to character interactions.

09-17-2016, 11:41 PM
<<Also, she didn't return the money herself. She had her IG husband and another officer do it. It's one thing to be apologetic when it happens. It's another to be indignant about it until enough people backlash, then you realize you're wrong

Returning the money was a group effort. Mufassa was an officer before he was Kezhia's husband. No one "makes" him do anything. However, the officers help me a lot since I recently had a stroke and typing and moving around are difficult for me. Most of my Gemstone world is scripted and I don't react well to sudden upsets. Believe it or not, I (the player) am really very upset by the whole thing and as a group we have tried our best to handle it in a way we thought appropriate.

New rules are in place (at my suggestion) for all MHO's, Kezhia was properly chastised by GM's and players alike, and I've tried very hard to accept that I totally fucked up. I really do people can forgive me for a very dumb mistake.

09-18-2016, 12:21 AM
<<Also, she didn't return the money herself. She had her IG husband and another officer do it. It's one thing to be apologetic when it happens. It's another to be indignant about it until enough people backlash, then you realize you're wrong

Returning the money was a group effort. Mufassa was an officer before he was Kezhia's husband. No one "makes" him do anything. However, the officers help me a lot since I recently had a stroke and typing and moving around are difficult for me. Most of my Gemstone world is scripted and I don't react well to sudden upsets. Believe it or not, I (the player) am really very upset by the whole thing and as a group we have tried our best to handle it in a way we thought appropriate.

New rules are in place (at my suggestion) for all MHO's, Kezhia was properly chastised by GM's and players alike, and I've tried very hard to accept that I totally fucked up. I really do people can forgive me for a very dumb mistake.

Glad you're taking ownership over it. Hopefully it spurs you on to not only behave appropriately, but roleplay appropriately for an officer of an MHO.

I'll just lol @ the fact that you think any changes came because of any supposed suggestions. Changes were made because of what you did and the way you behaved afterwards, not because of a suggestion you made after you realized you were wrong.

09-18-2016, 12:51 AM
I'll just lol @ the fact that you think any changes came because of any supposed suggestions. Changes were made because of what you did and the way you behaved afterwards, not because of a suggestion you made after you realized you were wrong.

I only know I suggested to Elysani that it be updated so that no one made this mistake in the future and she agreed in her response to me and updated the official MHO page. Whether she did or didn't, you'd have to ask her.