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View Full Version : New MHO: The Wyvern's Honor

08-07-2016, 11:41 AM
I'll keep this quick and easy: There's a new MHO, The Wyvern's Honor. It's a charity organization open only to characters in the Legion.

If you're in the Legion and wish the Legion did more "helping around town" stuff, well, here it is.

If drill doesn't appeal to you as a player but you want to be involved with Legion stuff, definitely join up.

There's no other requirements on membership. Just Legion membership and a 10k fee. Make sure you still have your jacket to wear to events.

The first official meeting is Tuesday, the 9th at 9pm at the Crimson Raven. (Same map square in the east side of town as the Cleric Guild, go building. I'll add in a lich room number when I can.)

If you're interested but can't attend, let me know and I'll throw you an invite to our Slack.

All Legion members are always welcome to contribute to events, regardless of membership.

08-07-2016, 11:44 AM
Oh yeah, I should add, this is completely on the up-and-up, and it's been approved both IC and OOC-ly: Legion officials gave it their blessing, as did the GMs.

The one thing I'm asked to remind everyone interested is that The Wyvern's Honor is not a militia and has no military goals.

edit: I'd especially love to hear comments from:

1) The dudes and dudettes who play Legion members but have no interest in drill: interested? Thoughts? Comments?

2) The dudes and dudettes who play Vaalor elves with military RP that haven't joined the Legion