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View Full Version : Gemstone IV Slack Channel

07-30-2016, 07:16 PM
This seemed like the best folder to post this in.

Ondreian and I put together a Slack channel for Gemstone IV. Hoping it'll be a good place to do some live chat and creating channels for other uses like Events (Got one going for Midsummer's Night Festival) etc. It should offer a stable and persistent place for people to catch up or however they want to make use of a chat room.

Ondreian was kind enough to get a page setup to invite people automatically that is located at: https://gemstone-iv-slackin.herokuapp.com/

Hope to see everyone around.

09-05-2016, 10:58 PM
Bumping this. Trying not to be a pest about it but want people to know its here.

10-12-2016, 12:13 AM
We've got EG coming up so going to bump again. If you're looking for a place to keep up to date on Merchant arrivals we've got a channel for that! Slight recommendation when joining is perhaps to use your main characters name. Its not required but a lot of folks have been using the Slack to get ahold of others so it could be helpful.