View Full Version : 3-Slot Fusion Aug Chain

07-23-2016, 11:05 PM
Selling a set of 3 Slot Fusion Aug chain from the last Duskruin.

+17 3 slots HCP

a four-in-one imflass chain jazerant

End price for this at Duskruin was...

a four-in-one imflass chain jazerant- 73,241 Bloodscrip

I had bought this hoping to do something with it by this November, but with no merchants on yet that could strip padding so I could enchant it, doesn't look like my project would be done in time. Hence, offering it for sale.

This may be the last chance to get a set of 3 slot fusion. One of the best Bard project armors you can have.

MB 40 Mill - CB -

BO 55 Mill

07-24-2016, 06:46 PM
they realy need to bring back the once a month removal service.

07-24-2016, 06:48 PM
they realy need to bring back the once a month removal service.

I think they should offer it once a month myself. But.... they likely feel it's a "rare" service.