View Full Version : Max light fire flaring 4x Shock Lance w/ 2 fluff unlocks/1 Upgrade and 111 essences

07-13-2016, 11:31 AM
Selling off a Shock Lance/Shock Weapon. These were released by Farain/GM Retser at EG. Really neat concept with a lot of possible upgradeable choices. Disgustingly expensive off-the-shelf as it is, but definitely appealing. I switched to thrown weapons, so I've no real motivation to hold onto this and keep upgrading it. A good weapon to get before EG'16 to already have the basic upgrades/lightening done. Essentially, the script allows the weapon to be loaded with essences for the appropriate flare type and to discharge a flare at will, assuming you have charges loaded it. It can be upgraded to change many different aspects, such as cooldown and number of charges and how hard/easy it is to fix. GSwiki page on shock lances is minimal, but is here: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Shock_Lance

*This shock lance takes fire essence and will come with 6 jars of fire essences for a total of 111 fire essences

an enruned drakar-tipped lance

8lbs - max light
Fire Flaring
Shock Lance Zests - Fully Unlocked Fluff Zests/Once Unlocked Upgrades(8 more possible)

MB: 2.5m

ou analyze your drakar-tipped lance and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
* General Alterations are fine if you find an extremely skilled and rare merchant to work with this.
* It CAN have a long or a show description, if the merchant is comfortable adding one.
* The base material CANNOT change and must reference the associated flaring metal.
* Any merchant can lighten this.

Currently Unlocked Verbs:
Unlock Status: Tier 2 (3 of 3, fully unlocked)
Verbs Trapped: Point, Put (to load), Fix, Wave, Tap, Touch, Rub, Pull, Push, Lean, Shake.
Percent Damaged: 1%
Total Possible Charges: 10
Total Charges Remaining: 9


Current Stats:

Current Cooldown: 10 Minutes
This can be upgraded to have its cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.

Current Critical Strength.
The lance is currently set to default range.
This can be unlocked to have an increased minimum range.

Degredation chance
The lance currently has a 2%-5% chance to degrade.
This can be upgraded to have its degredation chance reduced to 1%-3%.

Feedback Chance
The lance currently has a 5% chance for feedback.
This can be upgraded to have its feedback chance reduced to 3%.

Total Charge Capacity
The lance currently can hold 10 charges.
This can be upgraded to have 25 charges.

Repair Difficulty
The lance is currently HARD to repair.
This can be upgraded to have a reduced repair difficulty to MEDIUM.

Charge Efficiency
The lance is currently a 1 essence to 1 charge ratio.
This can be upgraded to 1:2.

The lance currently has a 5 second roundtime.
This can be upgraded to be reduced to 3 seconds.

Total Upgrades: 1
This lance can be upgraded 8 more times

You can tell that the lance is as light as it can get.

**Upgrade aspect on this one is the cooldown period, which was the recommended upgrade from the NPC unlocking/upgrading them.

>rub lance
You take a moment to polish your drakar-tipped lance, it briefly glows a crimson hue.
>tap lance
You drum your fingers on your drakar-tipped lance and ready yourself in a guarded stance.
>touch lance
You place your hand against your drakar-tipped lance, and it feels warm to the touch.
>push lance
Holding your drakar-tipped lance by the shaft, you thrust it forward in a salute.
>pull lance
You pull your drakar-tipped lance against your side, readying yourself for your next attack.
>shake lance
You shake your drakar-tipped lance from side to side, a strange popping noise comes from within the lance.
>lean lance
You lower your drakar-tipped lance into the floor, leaning against it.
>wave lance
As you wave your drakar-tipped lance high overhead, a trail of burning embers follows closely behind.
>fix lance
You set about inspecting the construction of your lance...
You carefully clean the hollow tip of the drakar-tipped lance and tighten some loose pieces of the segmented tip.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
>point lance <- displayed below
>point lance (during cooldown)
Your drakar-tipped lance isn't ready to fire again yet.

Shock Lance Aspect:
>point lance (done in defensive, I don't know if the stance effects the damage delt)
You point your drakar-tipped lance directly at a hill troll and a blazing corona of flames surrounds its drakar tip. With a resounding crackle, a roaring bolt of fire leaps from your drakar-tipped lance and impacts the hill troll!
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right leg blackens kneecap.
The hill troll is stunned!
The hill troll howls in agony as the flames dance over his body!
... 30 points of damage!
Flames cook a hill troll's back. Looks about medium well.

Roundtime: 5 sec.

07-14-2016, 07:26 PM

08-09-2016, 10:51 AM