View Full Version : Fixskills 3m

07-02-2016, 01:41 PM
I've got enough points for a fixskills and am willing to let it go for 3m. Hit me up if you want it.

AIM at GS4Menos

07-02-2016, 02:35 PM
sent PM

07-02-2016, 04:30 PM
I was coming here to buy your potion to sell it for 4m. full disclosure.

07-02-2016, 05:28 PM
I was coming here to buy your potion to sell it for 4m. full disclosure.

May I direct your attention to: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?102573-Fixskill-Potions

07-02-2016, 06:02 PM
Which is why I am selling for 3m. You're welcome to try and pedal it for a while at 4m and make a profit. I just want to sell now.

07-02-2016, 06:38 PM
A while? You would be surprised how quickly they would sell if you didn't undercut yourself in the first moment.

07-07-2016, 08:41 PM
Sold off one but got points for another. Hit me up if you are looking for a fixskills.

07-07-2016, 08:43 PM
A while? You would be surprised how quickly they would sell if you didn't undercut yourself in the first moment.

This might shock you, but I have a fairly decent idea on what they go for and what I want for one. I have managed to do this once or twice before.

Menos, your Adventurer's Guild information is as follows:

You currently have 113337 unspent bounty points.

You have accumulated a total of 4790117 lifetime bounty points.

Edit to add, I just realized how leet Menos is!

07-07-2016, 08:44 PM
Oh yeah, and the alt with the one to spare.

XXXX, your Adventurer's Guild information is as follows:

You currently have 250795 unspent bounty points.

You have accumulated a total of 2000795 lifetime bounty points.

07-07-2016, 08:55 PM
And sold, pending pickup. All out for now, see you in another 140 bounties.

07-08-2016, 12:42 AM
This worked out great. In addition to selling off my spare fixskills, I got to get a huge laugh at Ososis getting super pissy in PMs that I sold to someone not acting like a huge douche bag in my thread instead of him/her. Payment and a show.

07-08-2016, 12:59 AM
ahh, OK. I'll post up the messages soon

07-08-2016, 01:13 AM
Oh, I don't mind saving you the time. I can even annotate them!

Me to you after you posted in the thread that you wanted to buy them and resell for 4m.

07-02-2016, 06:03 PM
I've got points for two more if you want to try and turn them for a quick buck. 3m a pop and all profits to you.

You to me, 4 days later... I especially like where you offered less than you said was too little in the thread.

07-06-2016, 12:16 PM
Sorry for the delay. I'll take one at 3 if you still have it. I'll take two at 5 if you want to get crazy.

My answer:

07-07-2016, 08:40 PM
I sold off that one, but I have the points for another that I would not mind selling. 3m is already cheep so I see no reason to give you bulk discounts though.

You this time:

07-07-2016, 11:04 PM
Of course there is no reason to, but I have had people throw me better deals just for asking. I'm still down for the one. what is your normal play timeframe?

My answer back. At this point I had already seen you being a further douche in the thread and some non DB contacted me with coins in hand to buy it.

07-07-2016, 11:37 PM
Already sold off the second one.

Now you again. I think it is especially funny considering the 4 day delay you started with, but others may be more indifferent to the whole affair.

07-07-2016, 11:46 PM
Well thanks for wasting my time, I said I would take one yesterday. Guess that was your revenge for me telling you you could easily get more silver eh? Super classy

And last of all is my answer back before posting my enjoyment of the entire exchange in this thread.

07-08-2016, 12:40 AM
huge lol at you acting the way you do and thinking I should go out of my way to wait for you to maybe respond days later when someone else is waiting in the wings. If you act like a douche bag, you might want to start expecting to be treated like one.

I think that was all the PMs, but feel free to add in any I missed.

07-08-2016, 01:18 AM
Sorry, I meant I would post it without trying to throw in my personal slant every word. But ya know, yours is good too.


07-08-2016, 01:20 AM
I will admit that my devious scheme to paint you in the bad light went as far as using red for your messages. I really am sneaky that way.

07-08-2016, 01:37 AM
So you were holding those points for me? staving off other buyers for four days in hopes I would be your man? Come on now, this is why I apologized for the delay and inquired if you still had one. Cause you may have sold it. I personally was skeptical that you were offering a legit deal to me from the beginning, which is why I hesitated. Then I figured screw it, easy silver is easy silver, so reached out to you saying I wanted it. Perhaps your first message WAS legit. Perhaps it was the 4 day wait that made you decide to jerk me around? In any case, you decided to jerk me around, and I don't appreciate it. Sorry, sorry. Lost control again lol. Grow a pair.

07-08-2016, 01:57 AM
Never mind, edit to remove unnecessary response. Not worth continuing this thread and filling up everyone's What's new stream.

07-08-2016, 02:09 AM
Could of just not been a tool to begin with. But I appreciate your restraint on the matter. You are clearly the better man.

Lol to neg rep:
"Sorry, it was actually YOU who started it. I've examined all evidence. GUILTY as charged! DB!"
"Cry more"

Let the hate flow through you

07-08-2016, 10:52 AM
You might want to use the little feature thing someone made to check who sent you rep before you assume it was me.

Spoiler alert, it wasn't me.

Might be worth pointing out, if you check the posting times, I listed an additional potion in this thread 60 seconds after my second PM to you that I had one available. That is because I had just then earned enough points for one (the others sold like the first day of this thread). You can check the post two down from it in this thread when I listed the points of that character... exactly at 250k. That potion sold within 2 minutes of posting and hours before you responded to my second PM.

My evil plot to sell potions quickly has struck again, ruining your day!

Edit to add: feel less bad clogging up the post stream if I am only interrupting bad news from Texas.

07-08-2016, 11:09 AM
lol, Ososis made me laugh but so did Menos.

I can't decide who wins here!


07-08-2016, 11:11 AM
Just saying... East coast pride, screw the left coast.

:stan: :wendy: :) :D

07-08-2016, 11:39 AM
Southcoast > all you faggots.

07-09-2016, 06:25 AM
You might want to use the little feature thing someone made to check who sent you rep before you assume it was me.

Spoiler alert, it wasn't me.
Never assumed, implied, or cared if it was you or not. Just reppin the rep.

Might be worth pointing out, if you check the posting times, I listed an additional potion in this thread 60 seconds after my second PM to you that I had one available. That is because I had just then earned enough points for one (the others sold like the first day of this thread). You can check the post two down from it in this thread when I listed the points of that character... exactly at 250k. That potion sold within 2 minutes of posting and hours before you responded to my second PM.

My evil plot to sell potions quickly has struck again, ruining your day!

Edit to add: feel less bad clogging up the post stream if I am only interrupting bad news from Texas.

Again, the issue here being that I (stupidly) was trying to do business, and you were just jerkin it. How does someone claim an item beyond saying "I want to buy it"? You act like I should have been at your house with cash before I dared to send you a PM.

Sorry for the delay, today was spent icing my nuts after an unfortunate experiment with boner pills.

All meatcocking aside I don't care about people being an asshole, I play one regularly, what bothers me is poor business practice. My contention is when I sent you a PM saying "I'll buy one if you got one" and you responded saying "I got one", that constitutes a business agreement. You dissolved that agreement after having already sold the product, which is bad business on your part. This is the Merchant's Market, not GSIV Safe Space.

07-09-2016, 10:15 AM
You're the one that seems to need a safe space with all this whining. PS, creating a bitching thread isn't good business practice.

07-09-2016, 11:16 AM
Actually I can post whatever I want, on whatever topic I choose, drag my balls all over these threads, say racist shit in the political posts, and turn everything into hitler. But I don't dick around on deals, do you see the distinction? Sorry you feel I made a "bitch" thread that did not manage to live up to PC standards of all posts being relevant to all people at all time, but clearly it was entertaining enough for you to read it so how about you cut me a little slack? At least there was a joke or two in there! Rough crowd.

07-09-2016, 11:26 AM
Actually I can post whatever I want, on whatever topic I choose, drag my balls all over these threads, say racist shit in the political posts, and turn everything into hitler. But I don't dick around on deals, do you see the distinction? Sorry you feel I made a "bitch" thread that did not manage to live up to PC standards of all posts being relevant to all people at all time, but clearly it was entertaining enough for you to read it so how about you cut me a little slack? At least there was a joke or two in there! Rough crowd.

No one said you couldn't post whatever you want, just be aware you are coming across as a whiney cunt over a cheap ass potion.

07-09-2016, 11:52 AM
No one said you couldn't post whatever you want, just be aware you are coming across as a whiney cunt over a cheap ass potion.

Who cares about a potion? Maybe you didn't read it, sorry.