View Full Version : SWCP half plate vs. full plate

07-02-2016, 09:04 AM
Am I better off in full plate (not padded), or in SWCP half plate with a SWCP greathelm?


07-02-2016, 09:28 AM
It's slightly worse CvA in the half plate, but otherwise it'd be the same as wearing SWCP full plate. So probably half plate and helm is better, unless warding spells are getting you a bunch.

07-02-2016, 12:58 PM
It's slightly worse CvA in the half plate, but otherwise it'd be the same as wearing SWCP full plate. So probably half plate and helm is better, unless warding spells are getting you a bunch.

I think i lucked out. I found 35 lb SWCP half plate for 100k in a player shop. Padding is perm.

07-02-2016, 03:29 PM
I got a SWCP full plate for 2M. I would agree that was a good find. Maybe look into a duskruin helm? the HCP and moderate <damage type> protection is a nice bit of protections around your key bits.

07-02-2016, 11:34 PM
thanks for the advice! where can i find a duskruin helm? HCP sounds good, and (and i'm guessing) would puncture resistance be best for a helm, given that i'm wearing half plate?


07-03-2016, 12:57 AM
thanks for the advice! where can i find a duskruin helm? HCP sounds good, and (and i'm guessing) would puncture resistance be best for a helm, given that i'm wearing half plate?


Some people may have some around, I personally picked up a crush and puncture and wear the crush 95% of the time. Puncture is worse but less common in my experience. Not sure when the next actual DuskRuin event is, but you could get one, or buy one fairly easily when the shops are available (need to find someone with the bloodscript, but thats usually not too tough).

I could part with my HCP puncture greathelm (the great being that is covers the neck too, unlike some helmets) but not at a good deal. Standard price at 1k/BS puts it at 3mil. As i do kinda use it, I would let it go at 3.5, which you could probably beat just by posting for one, 3M being the pretty set rate, plus I think most people would recommend one of the crush protection helms instead since the price is the same.

07-03-2016, 01:03 AM
What I did for mine was I got $20 in areana slips, then gave that to someone who could ace the arena always. They gave me full bloodscript, with the understanding should they pull a segment or pendant or whatever that is theirs to keep. So basically you are paying for them to gamble on the big prize, so you can consistantly get 250BS/run. Of course this would require waiting till the next round.

if 1k=1bs
and you get 250bs each run
then 1,000BS=4 runs=1M silvers=$4

So for buying BS you can get the helm for $12, buying silvers would be $24

EDIT* I had 1,000 BS from previous DR, so the 20$ got me 5k BS which got me 2 helms at 3k each

07-03-2016, 08:18 AM
Some people may have some around, I personally picked up a crush and puncture and wear the crush 95% of the time. Puncture is worse but less common in my experience. Not sure when the next actual DuskRuin event is, but you could get one, or buy one fairly easily when the shops are available (need to find someone with the bloodscript, but thats usually not too tough).

I could part with my HCP puncture greathelm (the great being that is covers the neck too, unlike some helmets) but not at a good deal. Standard price at 1k/BS puts it at 3mil. As i do kinda use it, I would let it go at 3.5, which you could probably beat just by posting for one, 3M being the pretty set rate, plus I think most people would recommend one of the crush protection helms instead since the price is the same.

I'm interested, and willing to pay 3.5m. Please let me know. Thanks.